Rules Character Cap

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Rules Character Cap

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The Narrator

Stay awhile and listen...
The One Who Narrates
Local time
Today 4:25 AM
"Special? Don't speak to me of how special you are. Out in the world there are mercenaries, and soldiers, and thieves, and paupers. I can find anyone that I need to meet my needs. If you think that you're alone, you best reconsider that view."

Why a Character Cap?

The Inner Sanctum staff always knew that if we were going to do justice to our ideas of what the Outer Sanctum would, that we would need to start small. Initially, that meant starting the plot by running a handful of stories with a few writers, filling out the NPCs, creating the bestiary, the cities, the maps, and more. There was a lot for us to do. And we knew also that there were going to be a lot of questions that would need to be answered. Testing the setting and keeping an eye on the Character Creation process, making sure that the settings worked, and that we knew how we would approach topics such as Sanctioned Stories and Establishments as means to provide "rewards" for different kinds of players, was always very important to us.

Over the last couple of months we've learned a lot and hopefully hammered out as many of the bugs as we could find. We will always be aiming to improve the setting, to make it more fun and enjoyable for players. And we've also done our best to listen to player feedback.

The Current Cap

With that in mind, we have decided that we will be changing the character cap, from ONE character, to THREE characters. That means that if you currently have a character in the setting, you can create up to two more if you are so inclined. If you have not yet joined, you can create up to three characters to play in the world of Outer Sanctum. Please note that all characters still do need to go through the approval stage.

As always, I am here to serve.
Go forth, and show the world who you are.

The Narrator
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