Character(s) Character Database

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Character(s) Character Database

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100 Likes! April Challenge Participant Welcome to the Sanctum Happy Birthday!!
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Tomorrow 4:21 AM
She / Her
Welcome to the Character Chronicles—a highly secure storybook prison where I've locked away all my characters, each meticulously cataloged in top-secret security dossiers. To uncover their weaknesses, you'll need to crack the right password—or possess truly exceptional scrolling skills.

Within these chronicles, you'll discover both active characters, currently wreaking havoc in ongoing RP's, and those lying in wait, biding their time until the perfect moment to break free.

If one of these characters piques your interest and you'd like to throw them into the fray with your own, let me know! I'd love nothing more than to unleash these prisoners into your world and watch as they either create chaos or form unexpected alliances.

Long-term confinement may have made them... unpredictable. Proceed with caution.
Status: Active
Creator of the RP: MagneticAnomaly​

Character name:
Yilin (means art forest)
Age: 19
Profession/Class: Thieve, mineworker, travel bodyguard.


Credits image to MagneticAnomaly

Height: 1,60m - 60 inch
Body Type: Willowy, athletic.
Skin color: light, but with a healthy sun color.
Skin details: sprouts on her nose and little bit on cheeks.
Eye color: Pale green
Hair: Long black, straight with sharp edges around her face. In the her hair looks a dark red
Bending: Earth bender
Tattoos/jewlery/beautymark: None

Character traits

Yilin is not very talkative. She is an introvert and likes to observe rather than join in conversation. She is not shy, she just doesn't like the spotlight and prefers the shadows. She is friendly and warm, and likes to be around people, even though her default expression is cold and distant.
Good traits:
Determined: Once Yilin has set her mind on something, it's impossible to stop halfway.
Observing: Yilin is great at observing people and surroundings. She is seldom the first to start a fight. She analyzes someone's fighting technique to copy it into her own. Unless the style has a lot of weaknesses, then she analyzes where the weak points are.
Patience: Yilin's patience can be mistaken for laziness. She's never in a hurry and always the latest person to get ready. She doesn't freak out quickly and has a calm aura, that most often infects people around her feel calmer and more unguarded.
Head first: Yilin tackles a problem, or any threat, head-on. She isn't scared quickly and likes to have problems solved ASAP.

Bad traits:
Lazy: Yilin's patience is often mistaken for laziness. and well, maybe that is because she is quite lazy. Even when she won't ever admit that.
A bit too direct: Yilin likes to attack problems, misunderstandings, and threats head-on. This means that she will be very direct to gain clarification. This can be quite uncomfortable for people, as it means she often lacks subtle tact.
Not good at comforting others: If you need a shoulder to cry on, Yilin is not the person for it. She will awkwardly pat you on the back. With her direct tongue, it will be hard for her to find the right, comfortable words to ease sorrows. She doesn't mean it bad and genuinely tries to help... But she usually stays silent to keep peace.

  • Swift hands for thieving
  • Sneaking
  • Observation and memorization skills.
  • Earth bending (Though needs improvement in hand-to-hand combat. Which is too laborious)
  • Disappearing, and reappearing into and from the earth. Like a badger mole.
  • Fire benders
  • Children
  • People in need
  • Anything cute
  • Too trusting
  • people who cry
  • Illiterate

Worked in a mine, until it collapsed. Then she traveled with other travelers for short periods without having clear goals. Somehow, these travels kept running into towns, and cities where different earth dynasties fought against each other. She knew she needed to learn to be stronger. Not only te defend herself, but also, that if she ever wanted to find a peaceful home, she would need to be strong enough to defend it. So, Yilin observed the earth benders, non-benders, and pretty much anyone who fought and picked up some skills along the way.
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Status: Inactive?
Creator of the RP: SynfulDesire​

: Narita Pash
Age: 22
: Dragon nanny.
Profession/Class: Pirate

With no memory of who she was before arriving at the Mystery Beach, she is having an identity crises. Most the time she's frustrated, sad, and scared, but all hides is under and charismatic, energetic personality. She's not afraid to tackle down a challenge.


1,65m - 65 inch
Body Type: Lean
Skin color: Caramel
Eye color: Black with golden speckles.
Hair: Long, thick, dark-brown curls. She has a LOT of hair. It's just above her navel.
Tattoos: Two golden dragons. Most of the time they are still on her skin. Sometimes, they like to move around and choose another place of skin to rest.

  • Head: Wears a red bandana to keep the wild hair from her eyes.
  • Hands: Leather gloves.
  • Torso: Lose, cotton top. Long sleeves
  • Legs: A loose, brown trousers with a heavy leather belt.
  • Feet: strong, leather sandals with an iron band.

Side note: With a higher level more dragon abilities are unlocked. This changes her appearance too.

A pirate lives on the sea. That life isn't all sunsets and free fish. It is hard work that requires sailor legs. You need to know how to tie a knot, sew a shredded sail or cloth, brave sea monsters and storms, have basic knowledge of healing, mob the deck, and be able to perform sailor tasks. You can do anything and everything, but nothing great.

  • Hear animal thoughts.
  • Pyrokinetic abilities
  • Good with a gun
  • Finding treasure (locate gold)
  • Impenetrable skin.
  • Cannot swim. Why, as a sailor, bother to learn to swim? When you fall overboard you'll drown anyway. A quick drowning seems more forgiving than a long and agonizing one.
  • Greed. Narita is always hungry for gold. She doesn't like to see something that is her's taken. This can cloud her judgment and rational thoughts.
  • Dragon tattoos. When the dragon tatoos grow, they give her agonizing pain. It is a process that takes away humanity in return for dragon power. Each change can last a few hours, or minutes, depending on the amount of gold she consumed. When eating too much gold at once, the pain will be lethal. When the dragons have turned all of Narita's skin gold, she hears the call that she needs to return to the eggs. She will place a hand on each egg, and the gold will leave her body to return to its origin. Raising dragons asks a lot from the body. Once all the gold has left Narita's skin, her soul will leave too. That's when the dragons can hatch. They will be born with the same experiences and knowledge that Narita had during her life. Her body will be the first meal the baby dragons eat.
  • Empty bag with limitless storage ability.
  • Gun with wet gunpowder.
  • Clothes she wears in the moment.

When one has been born on the Pirate Islands, there is one kind of person they will have to deal with. Pirates. Narita lived with her mother for 6 years, before she lost her to an unknown illness. Her mother was a prostitute. The father could've been anyone. When she was orphaned, she lived on the streets with other children like her. They stole, lied, and played pranks on adults to survive another day. Life was simple. You did what you could, the consequences were a problem for another day. Narita was lucky in those days. She didn't need to fight and beg as much as the other children. People seemed to like her. They gave her an extra apple, they let her sleep in a warm stall, and gave her old clothes. She liked to share her fortune with the other kids. Until one day, the people stopped being nice. She was old enough to work. And work she would. First, she worked in a tavern. She served customers their drinks and nicked coins from their pockets when they were too drunk to notice. It felt like she was meant for more.

The sea, treacherous as it was, called. Narita became a pirate. Sailors were always needed on any ship. The first year was the hardest. Overcoming sea sickness, being the ship's boy (girl), undergoing the teasing of the crew, messing up a lot of simple tasks... After 3 years she had become a good sailor. She was trained to fight with a blade and shoot with a gun. She had never learned to navigate. Narita's 18th birthday was a memorable day. During a night shift, she heard the call. She stared over the sea for hours, deaf to her captain's commands and crew's warnings. They told her that her eyes had been glazed over with a golden color. The captain knew what that meant. Narita looked towards a direction, and the caption steered the ship towards it. That led them to the hidden Dragon's Island. Narita walked off the deck into the water. Only, instead of sinking into the waves, she walked over the water toward the island. The crew rowed after her. She led them to the dragon's nest. Two beautiful golden eggs lay there. Waiting for a host. Narita placed a hand on each egg. Their golden color streamed from the egg to her skin and formed the dragon tattoos.

The pirates robbed the gold from the island and fled with Narita unconscious on the ship. Ever since that day, Narita could feel where the gold was. It made the crew successful. However, Narita also felt the need to eat gold. When she ate gold for the first time, an innocent golden ring, she was never the same person again. The pupils in her eyes became dragon slits. Some of her skin became scaly, and... She had abilities. The first ability she noticed was that she could hear the thoughts of animals if she wanted to. Then, as she ate more gold, there were others. Immunity to fire, enhanced senses in smell, sight, hearing, strength, speed, and stamina, impenetrable skin, and finally, creating fire. The more abilities she unlocked, the less human she became. The dragon tattoos on her body grew rapidly. She had become a mindless creature. She killed the captain who had raised her to take over the ship. Together with her crew, she became the most feared pirate in the world. Until one day... the sea called again. It was a different melody. She stared out over the sea. This time, without the golden haze to cover her eyes. This time, her eyes were blanched. Her blood was being called to another island. The crew didn't stop Narita when she jumped over the railing. They were glad to be rid of the monster. She didn't walk over the water. She disappeared into the waves.

Narita woke on a beach. She felt... different. She felt... Human. It was odd that she thought it was odd to feel human. She had always been a human. Yet, the feeling was... strange. Without her memories, but with the knowledge of the skills she had gained from her life, she had arrived at the island. And the dragon tattoos? They suited her like fine jewelry. Only deep within her, the hunger for gold remained.

First post preview
They had it. Gold. Lots of it. All the crew had to do was swing to the enemy's ship and take what was hers. "But captain, they have hostages, Emilio…" the first mate stopped speaking when the fire in his captain's eyes blazed. Narita felt that the mate had gold. Hidden in his jaw. Away from her sight. She swallowed to keep herself from claiming what was hers. The only reason she allowed him and the rest of the crew to stay on board, was so they could claim the gold for her. If he couldn't do that, then what was the purpose of having him around?

"I want gold. I want it fast." She ordered her first mate. Her golden, dragon eyes moved from the scene before them (enemy pirates holding knives to the throats of the hostages), to the man standing close to her. "I'll take yours if you give me one more "but". Actually..' she said. The pull of his hidden gold became more intense with the second. She wanted it now. Why would she not take what was hers now? "I will take yours now," she said. Before the first mate had time to look scared, Narita had ripped the man's jaw off his face. He made the most disgusting noise before he spasmed to the ground in a pool of blood. Narita licked her lips with a forked tongue as she stared at the gorgeous, glimmering gold of the fake tooth. It was still wet with salvia, standing out between the rotting molar next to it. With her index finger and thumb, it was easy to wriggle the precious treasure out. The dragons on Narita's skin approved when she touched this glorious gold. They sprinted over her skin like fat snakes, spurring her on to swallow the gold. That was what she did. She would always feed her babies. And more importantly, herself.

Narita bent her head back and lowered her hand to her mouth. She let go of the tooth. Her forked tongue snaked around the treasure before she swallowed it into the never-ending bottom of hunger. An explosion happened next to her. The body of the second mate was gone, replaced by a large gap in the ship. The ship tilted, fast. Water sloshed all around them. Her crew ran over the deck as panic claimed their mousy minds. Narita didn't feel panic. Nor fear. Certainly not when she was feeding. The explosions, gunfights, chaos, and sword fights came close to the passion she felt when it came to gold. But it wasn't enough, not nearly enough. Never enough. She only ever wanted. More.

Another explosion had the crew yelling. On the other pirate ship, they threw the hostages overboard. One by one, after their necks were soaked in red. Large sea serpents rose to the surface to claim the meat. "FEAST," they said joyously. Both sides screamed at the sight of those large creatures. They sometimes snagged the bodies before they hit the water, which created waves that made the ships sickeningly dance on the water. They were almost as hungry for meat as Narita was for gold. This fight had taken on long enough. Her ship, the Raven's Greed, was sinking, which left her with one option. "RATS!" Narita's voice boomed over the chaos. "TAKE ALL THE GOLD AND CLAIM THE SILVER DRAGON!" The man cheered, happy to have a plan. A plank was dropped. It served as a bridge from one ship to the other. Narita was the first to walk it. The serpents left her alone and instead focused on the meat. The Bloody Rodger fired at her with everything they had. Guns, bazookas, rocks… They even started to saw into the wood and tried to tilt the plank away. It was as if their lives depended on killing Narita. They were wise. Narita didn't so much as blink when a bullet hit in her eye, or when the bazooka's projectile reached her. She simply grabbed the slow thing in her hand and crushed it into ash. She walked purposefully forward. Once on the other side, swords were drawn. They were annoying. Pricking and slicing as if she could be made into soup. With a simple glare, the men turned into burning stakes. They ran to the edge to fling themselves into the treacherous sea. Narita felt the gold. This ship had so much. So much gold. It made her drool.

Her crew now dared to cross the bridge. They came with treasure, food, maps, and booze. All other things they could buy on the next island. She would give her crew the diamonds, rubies, and silver. But she, she would claim the gold. Once every enemy had been burned or had thrown themselves overboard, Narita went to stand on the head of the ship's figure. Very fittingly, the figure was a wooden carving of a female dragon. Only this one was painted in silver. It lost her attention. Instead, she watched the ship where she had grown up. It sank slowly like men would when their tiny bodies fought the waves to stay afloat. A small, human part stirred. But it faded as a fire that died out. No nostalgic feelings, no memories of a time that rose to her mind. No regret that all her good days disappeared into a black sea... The ship didn't have gold. What was there to mourn? But there was something else. Something deep inside. It was unfamiliar. Yet… so beautiful. It was unlike anything she had ever heard.

Narita turned to her crew. They all watched in silence as their home got swallowed into the greedy waves. Even water could be hungry it seemed. "Do you hear that?" She asked. The men looked at her puzzled. They cocked their heads and blinked at each other sheepishly. Some blinked away a tear. "Captain?" A man with a large black beard said hoarsely. Narita perked her ear up. Her eyes closed, and she began to hum what she heard. Was it a siren song? Did they have gold? The song told her that they had. Lots of it. If only she jumped into the sea. They had even more gold than she had on the ship. More gold than she could find in the world. So much gold that she would finally be satisfied. Satisfied. What a foreign word. It sounded tempting. So very irresistible. Like the shine of gold. Narita stood on the railing. She stared down at the black waves. A bottomless pit, that mirrored the feeling she refused to let resurface. Yes. It was true. The Sirens said. There was gold in abundance. Enough to make her feel full. Without another thought, she stepped over the railing. Into the awaiting maw of the serpent….

Calm waves rushed up, and down. Forward, backward. Forward, backward. It was in alignment with her breathing that went in, and out. In and out. Warm sand prickled her cheek, and a pleasant beam of sunlight warmed her back. Her feet were cooled by the waves, grounding her slowly into her body. She stretched her hands and feet, curling her toes and fingers with the rhythm of the sea. Then she rose to her knees. Sand fell off and around her like a gentle shower of rain. She stretched her arms, holding them high above her head, so that her back cracked. She yawed. What a strange dream. The more she tried to remember, the faster it ebbed away. When she tried to dig deeper, all she could remember was a black hole. An emptiness. And. The feeling of loss. How odd. How could she feel loss when she felt so complete? Complete as a human should. How odd. What else would she be? Narita shook her head. The long curls made more sand fall around her, and the red bandana fell before her in the sand. Long, cream-colored curls immediately fell before her face. They smelled like seaweed. With her hands, she ruffled them to shake off the sand. Immediately, she knew that would become an impossible task. She sighed in defeat. Instead of shaking her hair, she bound it behind her head with the bandana. Then she gently brushed the gold-colored spickles of her face, until it felt safe to open her eyes. A woman with stark blue hair waved at her enthusiastically. Narita blinked sheepishly before a grin spread on her face. The muscled she used for that smile, felt unused. Yet, it felt good to smile. She waved back cheerfully. "Heeey!" she yelled back. Her voice sounded melodious. New, yet, familiar. Her arm felt heavy and slow. Yet, perfectly normal.

It was then that she noticed the other people around her. Some were still asleep, while others were slowly stirring, gaining consciousness. All the while, the sun warmed her back pleasantly. It made Narita feel lazy and content. She climbed to her feet, feeling clumsy and heavy while doing it. The first steps she took made her sway. One foot in front of the other. One foot before the other. Each step felt slow and heavy. Like she was walking underwater, instead of air. The minimal wind and the feeling of air made her feel vulnerable. Like a fish above water. A wrong step, and nearly tumbled back to the sand. She moved as if she was drunk. Narita couldn't remember what it was like to be drunk, or if she had ever been drunk. Yet she knew that it would make her body sway like this. Her mind though, was sharp and clear. At peace. Content. Fulfilled. Slowly but surely, she regained control over her movements and walked up to the blue-haired woman. In the time it had taken Narita to walk to her, she had surrounded herself in company. A friendly-looking man with bronze skin, covered in white spots and beautiful inkings, stood next to her. He looked worried, while the blue-haired woman seemed relaxed and happy. Another beautiful woman, who had a curvaceous body, dressed in a white, scorched nightgown had joined the blue-haired one at the bar. Her expression was worried too, but a different kind of worry. And then there was the oddest of them all. A man, who was not a man. Who looked to have only 1 expression. He was shining as brightly as the sun. As brightly as... the sparkling of the sea. Narita blinked slowly. She ripped her gaze away from his distracting shiningness and gave the group a warm smile.

"Good morning everyone. It is morning, isn't it? Did you sleep well?" She took a seat at the bar, feeling comfortable. That's when she noticed the bar. It was unlike any bar she had ever seen. Not that that said much, as this was the first time she remembered seeing the bar. Her hand brushed the wood. It felt smooth and clean. Which was a rarity in any bar. "This is a beautiful, well-maintained bar," she complimented. Hmm. Nice. She even sounded drunk.
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Status: Inactive
Link to Astoria Enchanted
Creator of the RP: DancesInMoonlight​


Name: Realee Somara
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi
Deity: Solaris

  • Crocheting.
Powers & Abilities:
  • Vital Luminary Realee can create sentient, light-based beings that protect and heal others. These luminary entities can provide, offer guidance, heal, and ward off danger. How strong they are depends on the light source that surrounds them: strongest under bright sunlight, moderate under a clear full moon with stars, weakest under candlelight, and barely existent in the dark.
  • Cooldown/Limits: Depending on the light source, the beings can evaporate after a few hits. In bright sunlight, they will never break, and be as tall as and strong as they need to be. In sunlight, the beings can do large healing, and even regeneration (for example, growing back limbs). In candlelight, it will only soften a blow instead of deflecting, and heal a bruce or papercut. The being is better used as a floating candle that guides the way. Once evaporated, they can only be revived by Realee, though they will never come back the same.
    Side effects/cooldown: The luminary beings might develop their own personality and autonomy when they protect a being for longer than 2 days.
    - a light source is needed to create such a being, and the being needs to be constantly fed light to exist.

  • Lightforged bonds: Realee can create bonds of light that connect individuals, allowing them to share energy, emotions, and abilities.
    - Energy sharing:
    Realee can form bonds of light that allow connected individuals to share their energy and vitality.
    - Emotional Connection: The bonds of light can also transfer emotions, allowing connected individuals to feel each other's emotional states and provide support.
    - Ability Sharing:
    The character can allow connected individuals to share their abilities and skills temporarily, enhancing their effectiveness.
    - Healing Links:The bonds can facilitate healing, allowing the connected individuals to share their healing energy and accelerate recovery.
    • Side effects/cooldown
    • Emotional and Physical Strain: Maintaining the bonds and sharing energy, emotions, and abilities is physically and emotionally taxing.
    • Temporary Effects: The benefits provided by the bonds are temporary. There is a danger of taking too much from the other half who is bonded. Taking all they have, means death on both sides. One from loss of their life force, and one from having too much life force. Realee is the anchor in these bonds, making sure there is a balance and no overuse of another's power. Though, when she is unconscious, or let go of the bond, the bonded individuals need to maintain the balance. The bond will vanish when everyone on the bond no longer needs it, or when Realee removes it.
    • Dark Side Effect: Overuse of Lightforged Bonds can lead to the bonded characters becoming overly dependent on the connections, struggling to function independently. This could result in a compulsion to constantly form bonds, potentially leading to emotional exhaustion and a loss of personal boundaries
------------- From here things still need to be edited -------------

Personality: Realee is a shy but kind person, who always considers other people's feelings. She's very empathic and likes to make people around her feel happy and comfortable. She does not like confrontation, and is fearful of being disliked. This makes her a people pleaser. Whenever she meets people, she will likely compliment them in her head all the time and has therefore a hard time seeing people's faults or dark/evil sides. (Which makes her naive and easy to kill? And I guess also easy to love.)
Realee is afraid to die. Her room is therefore full of humanoid toys, all holding hands or crocheting dolls. In her free time, you'll see her crocheting more dolls, with new outfits. They also each have their name. Realee also wears a little crocheting doll on her at all times (and she tries to keep this a secret). She also wears earrings with humanoid features. Like snowman earrings, and has a ring on each finger with a humanoid appearance.
She wished she was more of use, and feels useless most of the time in battles. Therefore she has this impulsive outburst where she does something incredibly stupid or brave. She also feels guilty for taking the lives off the people in whom she can shape-shift. And that's why she never really believes she deserves to live in.

Written Appearance:
Realee's appearance before she died:
Blond hair with bright blue eyes and fair skin. She had a curvaceous body and a kind and round face. She was considered beautiful and had gotten many heroine roles because of it.

Background: (I'm open to make some relations with other characters! :D, but this is her story so far:)
Realee's day was one of the best of her life. Today she had just finished filming the final take, and all there was left to do was to celebrate with Keane. However, as they sat in the restaurant, one of Keane's 'friends' entered the restaurant. He shot in the in the air, and all people, except for Keane and a terrified Realee, stayed inside. Keane and the man argued about something Realee didn't understand. Something about money. When Keane refused to give it, and refused to do a job in return, the friend was mad and shot Keane. However, Realee saw it happen and jumped on Keane, taking the shot instead. She woke up as Keane, seeing her own dead body in his arms. Realee didn't know back then that she was dead. And that she wasn't Keane. So, she roared in pain and frustration, suddenly having full knowledge of their argument, and killed the friend.

After a week, Realee's memories returned. She realized that she wasn't Keane. Instead Realee had been reborn in Keane's body, and Keane was gone. All she had left of him were his memories, and the knowledge he had loved her. However, there came revenge for the death of Keane's friend. Another man came by. Throwing the doll in Keane's arms, explaining how the daughter of the friend had to live a life without a father. Realee looked at the doll. Feeling guilty and tried to apologize. Instead, she was shot again.

This time Realee woke up as a doll. The man who had killed Keane, picked up the doll and took it home, to give it to his spoiled son. The son was a real brat. He was extremely spoiled and annoying. Upon seeing the doll, he had wanted to throw it in the fire immediately. However, he had gotten one of his anger outburst, and teared the doll to shreds. Realee woke up as the young boy. Behaving like a real brat and bully. Until she had gotten her own memories back, and decided too safe this child's future. She behaved like the perfect little gentleman, and was quickly loved by anyone she met. However, getting so much attention, was making some people jealous.

Like Rosie, the wife of the boy's father, and the little boy's step-father. In a flare of anger outburst, she strangled the boy by accident. Realee woke up in Rosie's body. And, still thinking she was Rosie, got terrified of her own action and ran away from her husband and this dark world. After a week Realee got her memories back and decided to go the city of Astoria. She got into the academy, and learned there she could also shape shift into the people who's body she had taken over.

Writer: Meamae.
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Status: Inactive
Link to Astoria Enchanted​
Creator of the RP: DancesInMoonlight​

Name: Khione Shea
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi
Deity: Kai, the God of Fire
Romantic bonding with: Zephyr
(Next relation might be you! just sent a dm)

  • Knowledge about most weapons and how to use them- clarify most: swords, knifes, guns, bats, whip, spear, claw. Can also use mundane objects as weapons. Such as pencils and books, and other objects that lay close. No bow and arrow, as she uses her lightning, and she thinks gun is faster.
  • Martial arts
  • She's a gymnast, very flexible and athletic
  • Ambidextrous

Powers & Abilities:
1 : Supernatural strength:
Khione is stronger that any normal human. She can lift objects over 200 kg with ease and can literally punch an opponent to the moon. This is an ability that has to get 'turned on,' by an extreme emotion. Such as anger, contempt or disgust. Why? Because these emotions are associated with violence (according to google xD). After the usage of this power, she will physically be very weak. In extreme cases, immobile. This ability does not affect her Electrokineses powers. She will also feel emotionally numb, uncaring and tired. How long these effects last, will depend on the intensity and duration of the power. At Astoria Academy, she will train her body to make the duration of this power last longer, and have a faster recover speed.
2 Electrokinesis: The power to manipulate and create lightning, moving at lightning speed, striking a large group of people with lighting. It's a very destructive power.
Weakness - Electrokinesis are absolutely useless against rubber. That's why she has swords.
When using her ability a lot, she can overheat. When continuing using her powers, she can explode. She will need a cooldown, until her skin is not hot to touch anymore. You can speed up this process by throwing her into cool water, or rolling her trough snow. She will be able to use her powers once she is dry and had some sleep. Her eyes will light up if she uses a lot of her power. They will glow if the temperature in her body is rising.

Personality: Rarely gets consumed by panic, and is level headed in heated situations. She's very competitive, and sees everything as a game, has a calculating gaze, and always wants to win. She never backs down from a challenge. Khione has a little malicious streak, but is like a right hand to any of her friends. She is very confident in her abilities, yet, she is laid back and introvert outside of the battlefield.

Written Appearance: White thick hair, a round innocent face. With pale blue eyes and rosy lips.

A baby lay in the freezing snow. That was how Khione got her name. The baby was found by General Shea of Astoria along edge of the forest. He thought it was a miracle how a baby survived in such hazardous circumstances. He knew immediately that this baby was strong, so he adopted her, and trained her to later be part of army. When Khione turned 18 (the day she was found was her birthday), she was officially part of the army. She had learned about weapons and how to use them, learned tactics, and martial arts. It was incredible how quickly Khione managed to master each skill the general trained her in. He was therefore not surprised to see that Khione was chosen by Kai, the God of Fire, to attend Astoria Academy. He also noticed that she was supernaturally strong when angered. Therefore, he practice hypnotic techniques to keep Khione calm and safe from her fellow army brothers. When Khione was 21 when she first discovered her power of electrokinesis. Running outside in a storm is when she got hit by lightning. Somehow she could feel where the lightning was going to strike, so she pushed General Shea away to get struck by it instead. The blast should have killed her, but instead her eyes glowed blue with electricity that pulse through her veins. A wicked grin spread over her face as she sent the electricity back to the sky. It was not surprise then that she heard Kai, and said she was one of the Chosen.
Status: Inactive
Characters with only a story, and no profile​
Link to Trails of Richarat | Unfinished tales​
Creator of the RP: Roo​


In a land where humans were fantasy creatures, and insects had the same intelligence as men, Dornathar of Dusk was sitting on a tree. His black and white mothwings leisurely fluttered open, and close. He yawned, not bothering to cover his mouth with his humanoid hand. Unlike many other moths, Dornathar had only two hands and two feet. On each hand, he had 5 fingers. On each foot, he had 5 toes. His body was also different. Instead of hairy fur, he had skin, and needed clothes to stay warm or protected from the sun. There was a reason why Dornathar of Dusk looked like he did. Many insects created stories about creatures of his likeness. "Humans" did they call them. Fantasy creatures. But Dornathar was no human. He was the King of Chitintia, the world of Insects. And he was sitting on this tree because he was waiting for his beautiful Queen: Daronatha of Dawn. She was very much like him. Only her wings were that of a butterfly. Everywhere she flew, colors popped just a few shades brighter. She brought light to the realm, took care of agriculture, and gave energy to the land. Dornathar took care of the night. He let sleep fly into the eyes of any creatures that should not be awake and cooled the land so it could recover from the warm day. This is how they maintained peace and a healthy and happy realm. One could not function well without the other. If one went sick, the other would soon follow. If one of them died, the other would soon follow. They were partners for life, yet they could never conceive children. The realm believed a higher power chose who the next King and Queen would be. The next King and Queen would only be hatched once the current rulers had passed. The experiences of the current King and Queen would then transfer to the new King and Queen through a ritual in the flower fields. That only happened every 80 or so years. 25 years ago or so had been the last ritual. He was happy to have ruled the land so well with his Queen. But for the time, a buzzing stirring was threatening the peace.

The Bee Queen was rumored to be unsatisfied with her position as a council member. There were stories reporting from her camp that she was secretly making plans to take over the ruling hierarchy. Dornathar of Dusk was therefore waiting for his Queen Daronatha of Dawn to hear how the meeting with the Queen Bee had progressed. It worried him that she had not yet returned from her trip. Because his Queen was never late. The sun had already set more than halfway, and it would soon be time for his Queen to sleep, and for him to get to work. In the distance, a small butterfly made its way toward Dornathar. It was not his Queen, but one of her messengers. "The Queen asks if she can meet you at the lake. She is tired from her long trip and cannot make it to the arranged meet-up." That was very unlike his Queen. The butterfly did not seem fazed or scared, so Dornathar assumed that they did speak the truth. Still, he ought to be careful, in case he would fly into a trap. He followed the butterfly to the lake. Fireflies were already dancing above the lake, and crickets were heard in the bushes. "She will be here any moment, sire." The butterfly said. In the presence of Donathar, the butterfly's wings had turned to black and white. Everything in Donarthar's presence turned to black and white. He changed his size to that of a taller mammal; The mystical human shape. With that, his wings disappeared. He had a feeling his Queen had invited him here to speak so no other curious ears could hear them. Because in this form, other insects would not understand the language he and his Queen could speak. They called this way of speaking: Regal Voice. But something odd happened when changed into this form. The crickets went quiet. Eerily quiet. That could mean only two things.

Dornathar's senses went sharp immediately. "My Queen? Daronatha are you here?" A cold silence answered him. His Queen was not here. He changed back into his original form to fly around and scan the surroundings. Something was amiss. But what? There! A flickering light! What could that be? The hastened himself to the light. BANG. He had flown into something invisible! And it was not a spider's web. "What a curious little insect we have here! A shapeshifter in this land filled with bugs! Who would have thought? You think all insects are shapeshifters?" The words were spoken with Regal Voice. How did these voices know how to speak that? "If so, I'm sure the friend of this bug would've come and taken revenge on us." A dead mosquito dropped before the invisible container Dornathar was held captive. He didn't know the poor lad personally, but rage stirred in his body. It was against the rules to kill for only killing. Another insect was only allowed to kill if the victim's body would be used for food. These voices were murderers!

One of the voices picked up the invisible container with his hand and raised it to his face... It could not be... They could maintain the same shape as Dornathar and Daronatha! Who were they? They couldn't possibly be... But Dornathar already knew the answer. These men were the fantasy creatures the insects told so many stories about... these beings... were humans! True humans!

"You don't think this bug can break the glass if he decided to turn back into a human do you?" the man who held Dornathar asked his companion. "Probably not," The other man said. "I don't think he is that clever. He flew right into our trap. Now let's bring him home. To the trials of Richat! I wonder how long he will last, ha!" Dornathar had never heard of this realm. And what did the men mean, 'how long he will last?' He hoped one of the fireflies or crickets had seen this abduction! His Queen! He could not leave her side for long. Especially not with the troubles of the Bee Queen! Suddenly, the world spun around him. Colors and shapes became nothing but abstract figures. He became weightless. It almost felt like he was flying without wings. And the abstract shapes quickly changed to endless dark. Then, all colors and shapes popped back into place. They were in a forest, surrounded by sounds of creatures roaming around. Dornathar got goosebumps on his whole body. The men set him free, and Dornathar flew away from his captors as fast as he could. It took him less than a second before a new threat follow him. A bird! Birds in his land never dared to hunt Dornathar and Darnontha. But here, everything seemed to be out to kill him. He was fortunate enough to be small and hide in a tree. But the tree had snakes and bats that wanted to eat him too! He didn't know how long he was flying. It felt like hours. He was exhausted and needed rest.

In the distance, he saw a bright green light. It reminded him of Dornatha, although he really hoped she wasn't here, wherever here was. He flew towards the light. For once, fortunate enough to not encounter any threats. With his nightlight, he had no trouble of finding his way in the light. Not much later, another blue light brighter up the dark. It felt like... something nice. Something good in this wretched world. His flying went laboriously. Each wing flap, cause him pain because he had never needed to fly in his life. Let alone fly for this many hours! He could see two humans crouched down near a rock. They spoke in Reagal voice. But Dornathar was too tired to understand them. Besides, in this form, he could speak with them anyway. All he wanted to do was to sleep. His wings gave out, finally done with the endless flying. He circled down, like a leave falling from a tree, right in the lap of the female human. Her lap turned grey immediately. It was the thing that was normal to him. With no amount of effort could he move his wings. He could barely stand on his feet. In fact, even standing, or sitting, or being awake cost him too much energy... he just needed to close his eyes for a little bit... Just a little while.
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