Character(s) Character Logbook

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Character(s) Character Logbook

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This will be a collection of all my OCs for roleplays, though not all of them are finished yet. Characters will be linked as I have them posted, and more fandoms will be added. These are just the characters I have written out enough to put them on here properly.

Also, for many... Relationships will currently be left blank, as that is the field I take the longest to write and will often go back over at least a dozen times before I am finally satisfied. Feel free to ask me over private messages to describe the current image in my mind if needed!
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The following contains mentions of slavery, various war crimes, usurpation, an eating disorder, and PDD (persistent depressive disorder).
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  • ˚₊· NAME :
    ┊ ┊ Laodice Amyntas

    ˚₊· NAME MEANING :
    ┊ ┊ This name is the Latinized form of the Greek Λαοδίκη (Laodike), meaning "justice of the people," derived from the Greek λαός (laos), meaning "people" and δίκη (dike) meaning "justice, custom, order." Historically, the name was used by many women in Greek mythology, such as the daughter of King Priam of Troy, and was common among the royal family of the Seleucid Empire, first being borne by the mother of its founded, Seleucus, during the 4th century BC.
    ┊ ┊ Amyntas is derived from the Greek ἀμύντωρ (amyntor), meaning "defender," and was the name of several kings of Macedon.

    ┊ ┊ Lao — A childhood nickname given to her by Sinbad, though he is not alone in using it. The other members of the Sindria Trading Company picked it up as she grew closer to them. As such, Laodice is fond of this nickname... However, it does come with a slight pang in her chest when she hears it. Pronounced as "Lae-o"
    ┊ ┊ Auntie/Aunt — As an aunt, it is only natural that she would be called such. And it makes her heart melt whenever she does, as Laodice genuinely adores her nephew. Aladdin also calls her this, though it took her a few months to get used to it.
    ┊ ┊ Witch, demon, Keres — Some of the... Less than positive things, the people of Aegeae, Reim, and Parthevia call her. The name Keres is said to belong to a terrifying demon that fed off the blood of the dead and left devastation in her path. These nicknames all spawned from the vital role that Laodice played in an event known as the Fire of Delphi...
    ┊ ┊ Royal Secretary— Her official title within the nation of Aegeae was bestowed upon her nine years ago when her brother took the throne after ending almost twenty years of civil war.

    ┊ ┊ With lack of any other source... This is the best I can find for Laodice.
    ┊ ┊ A-muyn-tas

    ˚₊· AGE :
    ┊ ┊ At the start of the Magi series, Laodice is 31 years old. By the final arc, she has turned 36. Meanwhile, in the Adventure of Sinbad, she joins the Sindria Trading Company at the age of 16 and ends the series at the age of 19.

    ˚₊· BIRTHPLACE :
    ┊ ┊ Delphi, Aegeae. The capital of the nation settled in the middle of the territory.

    ˚₊· BIRTHDATE :
    ┊ ┊ 15th

    ˚₊· GENDER :
    ┊ ┊ Female | She/her

    ˚₊· OCCUPATION :
    ┊ ┊ Laodice serves as the Royal Secretary of the nation of Aegeae and its lead foreign diplomat when dealing with the nations of Parthevia and Kou. The role of the Royal Secretary is the third most powerful in the kingdom, following only behind the Basileus (king, emperor, monarch) and Basileia (queen, empress). However, as Aegeae lacks Basileus, his duties are divided equally between the Basileia and the Royal Secretary until the young prince comes of age to take the throne.


"A pleasure to meet you. What brings you to Aegeae?" . . .
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  • ˚₊· APPEARANCE :
    ┊ ┊ [

    ˚₊· FACE CLAIM :
    ┊ ┊ Medea from Fate/stay night and Fate/Grand Order.

    ┊ ┊ 163 cm / 5'4" ft | 49 kg / 108 lbs

    ┊ ┊ S.

    ˚₊· HAIR :
    ┊ ┊ D

    ˚₊· EYES :
    ┊ ┊ U

    ┊ ┊

    ┊ ┊ A


"You wanna know about myself? I would hardly call myself very interesting, but very well." . . .
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    ┊ ┊ Laodice is a woman who is a mystery to many, as she seems to bounce between two distinct yet similar identities.
    The Royal Secretary of Aegeae. An individual who was known for the hand they played in restoring the nation following nearly twenty years of civil war. For that, they are hailed as much of a hero as the deceased Basileus Adamantios. Though many also fear them, as they are also known for orchestrating the Fire of Delphi. It was a terrifying event that caused the deaths of hundreds, including the one claiming to be Basileus at the time, alongside his concubines and... children. As a result, opinions on the royal secretary are conflicting...
    On the reverse side of things, there is Laodice. A strict but kind woman who bears the weight of so many sins upon her back. Who forces herself to play whatever role is demanded of her to protect her loved ones. All while smiling and assuring them that she was fine. There was nothing to fear as long as she stood by their side... That she had everything under control. Never minding the whispers in the back of her mind telling her otherwise...

    Given her position in Aegeae, Laodice holds her people's and nation's welfare above all else. The only thing that she will put over them is her family... Interestingly though, despite Laodice not putting more importance on her condition, the one thing that she drills into anyone that she mentors/teaches/trains is that their life is worth more than any victory. In her mind, too many people have lost their lives trying to chase the slimmest chances of winning something, and those who manage to win often regret the sacrifices made to obtain it. She puts this belief into practice often, often throwing herself into danger to protect her subordinates or allies. These same subordinates or allies later get chewed out for not being more careful or attempting to escape when they realize that the situation is more than they can handle. Laodice has lost too many people and seen too many die in front of her... The last thing she needs is another face added to the ranks of her ghosts. But that is a matter to discuss later. Laodice is not the type of woman to mince her words, often speaking her mind and being matter-of-fact regardless of whether she's acting as a Royal Secretary. This has caused many to view her as heartless or cruel. Paired with her more reserved nature, many people choose to avoid her to avoid trouble or simply out of fear.
    Something interesting to note, however, is how Alibaba describes her to Aladdin and Morgiana when the three reunite. While Laodice does indeed seem unapproachable, and her glare could very easily rival anything seen within a Dungeon... Her heart is in the right place. Despite not knowing much of Alibaba as a person, aside from his identity and a vague idea of his plans as she traveled with him to Balbadd (as she was not going to let a seventeen-year-old journey from Qishan to Balbadd by himself!), she offered to help him once they arrived and learned of the predicament the nation was in. Even joining the Fog Troupe alongside them, taking on the role of their leading tactician. Laodice is extremely observant of her surroundings and the people in them, and as she was able to provide an outsider's perspective that was not swayed by guilt, like Alibaba was, or anger, like Cassim, she was able to keep a far more level head on certain matters that the two simply were unable to. The best example of this is the restructuring of the Fog Troupe, where certain brigades were created under her guidance per the abilities and skill sets of the members. However, she left it up to Alibaba and Cassim to implement the suggested changes and even take her advice. Despite this... In the six months she served as a tactician for Alibaba, she became as respected in the Troupe as much as the young man... Even if part of that was out of fear, as any protests against her orders were met with a harsh glare...

    And as anyone with the unfortunate honor of facing her wrath, Laodice is terrifying when angry. As she is typically calm and rational, it's not very often for her to express emotions like anger or sadness unless she's pushed to her limits. So... When something causes that calm image to break, such as someone threatening her loved ones or doing something so foolish/idiotic/reckless that she can't react with anything but anger... She snaps. Victims have compared her anger to being attacked by a lion or rabid wolf, whereas some of those who have faced a Dungeon would admit that they would challenge it once again in favor of never facing her anger again. Laodice is a vicious woman when angered, with her tongue becoming even sharper and her knowledge of her victim being turned into a weapon against them. While she will usually never use such knowledge against them under normal circumstances, largely out of respect towards the person in question, that goes completely out the window. Just to name a few examples... Sinbad has had her scream at him that his flirting was going to get him killed someday, Kouha has been called an incompetent fool who is going to get his entourage killed, and Judar has lost track of the very long list of insults she's hurled his way.

    Changing subjects, there is a rather... strange thing about Laodice's personality that needs to be noted. It can be inferred that to her, her loved ones are by far the most important people to her... And yet, she keeps them all at a distance. She uses her Magic to temporarily shapeshift to hide from them in places where she might encounter them, Sinbad especially. He and the Eight Generals are people that she holds dear to her heart due to the time she spent with them. Sinbad was a childhood friend and very dear, despite the frustration he caused her. Hinahoho was a source of comfort she once relied upon, as he reminded her so much of her mother. Ja'far was someone she could enjoy bantering with, and the two found comfort in having at least one sane person around. Masrur and Sharrkan were the closest things to sons she ever had, despite the frustration they would cause her some days. In the twelve years since she last saw them, she's longed to see them... To have Sharrkan show off how strong he'd become, see how Masrur's grown up, and share the pain of having to reign in outlandish rulers with Ja'far... To just hear their voices...
    But she can't bring herself to reach out. The version of her that they recall has been buried under a mountain of corpses, her arms stained red with blood. With her hesitance coming from the Fire of Delphi... She would not underestimate them forgiving her for anything else she may have done, as they had forgiven Ja'far. But... She had helped instigate a fire that allowed her brother to easily take the throne, ending twenty years of war in one fell swoop. Innocent children and infants, their nieces and nephews through their half brothers, were in that fire... Women whose only crime was the man they loved... Their half brothers and sisters... All dead by her hands. Their screams and cries still ring in her ears and haunt her nightmares to this day... How could Sinbad and the Eight Generals so much as look at her after learning of such crimes?
    As you would likely expect... Laodice suffers from persistent depressive disorder, causing her to also suffer insomnia and a severe loss of appetite. However, these symptoms are not just caused by her PDD and have other outside influences. Laodice has witnessed and caused a great deal of death in her lifetime and often has nightmares of these. There have been countless nights where she's woken up in a cold sweat or with a panicking servant trying to wake her up because of how loudly she had been screaming. The nature of these nightmares also changes... Some nights it's the Fire of Delphi, others are... worse. While still being of the fire, the people burning have changed. Instead, she's forced to watch as the friends she had from Sindria, the ones she had made in Kou, or everyone she's ever cared for, go through that suffering. Some nights... She returns to a small cell in Reim, forced to endure the same torture that she had undergone for a month. And even after she's woken up... The screaming does not stop for hours.
    As a consequence, she does everything to try and remain awake for as long as possible to prevent such dreams, as nothing seems to help her have a peaceful night. Her lack of appetite makes it difficult for her to achieve this, however. On a good day, I would say that she can stomach at least a half meal. Aside from that, she will usually lightly snack on whatever she can swallow. Should the little prince, or Aladdin, be around, she'll force herself to eat whatever she's offered to try and set a good example. This backfires on her just a tad as the two will often hand her foods they've found that they like to share...

    As a complete shift of topic to something more positive regarding romance... Laodice is a disaster. For starters, she doesn't consider it an option as she feels she has too much to do to entertain a relationship. Not only that but with tensions being high in Aegeae, she fears that any romantic partner she would take on would become neglected due to her focus being on Aegeae or that their safety would be put at risk due to some of her political rivals wishing to try and gain leverage against her. A casual fling here or there is fine, as she does visit brothels to relieve stress... But the nature of these visits is never sexual. Not only that... But she's scared of being in love, as she's seen how it can change a person and has already lost so many people that she's loved.
    The last thing she wants is another body added to the pile... So, once she realizes that she's fallen for someone, she begins to distance herself from them and try to maintain a healthy distance between them. As if doing so would cause her feelings to fade or die for the person in time. Bearing in mind the saying, absence makes the heart grow fonder, Laodice... is a victim. Her pages and sister-in-law will notice how her face softens when she receives a letter from her crush and the beginning of their normally focused secretary daydreaming. After a month of this... They push her to pursue her desires, as they genuinely want to see her happy. In their mind, she has long since deserved it, and the thought of her having someone to support her in ways they never would be able to is more than enough motivation. It will take a great deal of time before Laodice accepts that she can't deny her heart, no matter how hard she tries, and should her heart's desire share her affection... She dedicates herself completely to him. This individual takes top priority for her, outranking Aegeae and her remaining family members.
    Laodice is a woman who believes actions speak louder than words and, as such, does everything to express her love for others by taking care of them. Her lover will find that his life is made much easier through additional servants at his residence or tasks that he was meant to complete, having long since been dealt with by Laodice before he could even start them. Unfortunately, Laodice cannot be there for her lover when he may need it, as she is an extremely busy woman, but she tries to make it up to him as much as possible... The moment she hears word of him being sick or injured, however? Her schedule has been cleared for the next few days, and he'll find her glued to his side to aid in his recovery as much as she can... Even if she's brought her paperwork to complete while tending to him.

    ˚₊· LIKES :
    ┊ ┊ coffee —
    ┊ ┊ soft things —
    ┊ ┊ star gazing —
    ┊ ┊ horseback riding —
    ˚₊· DISLIKES :
    ┊ ┊ Idiots —
    ┊ ┊ dressing up —
    ┊ ┊ people nosing into her business —
    ┊ ┊ sleep —
    ┊ ┊ strategy games —
    ┊ ┊ training —
    ┊ ┊ writing —
    ┊ ┊ Her most common habit is drilling her fingers against her staff when bored or frustrated, though she will do this to her arm or a table if it is unavailable. Another slightly more embarrassing habit is for her to pull her braid over her shoulder and twirl the end in the air (think something akin to a lasso). Usually, when she realizes that she's doing it, she will immediately stop and pretend she had never even started.
    ┊ ┊ agoraphobia (fear of certain inescapable/unsafe situations) — additional explanation.
    ┊ ┊ hypnophobia (fear of sleep or nightmares) — additional explanation.
    ┊ ┊ pyrophobia (fear of fire) — additional explanation.
    ┊ ┊ Her primary goal is to ensure the safety of her nephew until he becomes old enough to take the throne of Aegeae. Aside from that, she also wishes to ensure that her and her brother's efforts to return peace to their homeland weren't in vain, especially not with everything they sacrificed and those who died during those twenty years of war. There is too much.


"I take pride in where I come from. Ageae is a lovely kingdom... Though it's current peace is a strained one." . . .
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    ┊ ┊ Alexandros — The 37th Basileus of Aegeae. A man recorded in history as having a large heart but a weak spine when it comes to politics. Officially, he had around thirty concubines and even more children. He took pride in each and every one of them, striving to be the best father he could be and showering them with gifts and a portion of land. But he refused to name one of them as his heir for reasons he refused to disclose to even his closest companions, even denying any of his concubines the status of his queen. As tensions rose between Parthevia and Reim, Alexandros tried to maintain neutrality and frequently sent letters to the ruling powers of Aegeae's neighboring nations to try and broker some sort of peace. For Aegeae, being settled between the two, they would be caught in the middle of the conflict. Unfortunately for him, an unknown group worked in the shadows to sow unrest among his children, promising that if they supported Reim or Parthevia, they would gain backing in the throne's struggle. As the heirs took sides against one another, so did the people... Before Alexandros knew how it had happened, the once peaceful nation was plunged into a civil war. The Basileus was murdered by his eldest son just a week after the war began, as such he and Laodice never had the opportunity to meet or get to know one another. Everything she knew about Alexandros came from documents and personal accounts from those who knew him. However... She feels no love towards him as her father, and a part of her blames him for the fate that befell her mother and for Aegeae falling into chaos.
    ┊ ┊ Europa — 10th concubine of Basileus Alexandros. Little information remains of her life in Aegeae, aside from having been the daughter of a nobleman and described as beautiful as a lily. Laodice recalls her being a meek but kind person... The sort that typically keeps to herself and won't speak unless spoken to, but still pleasant to be around. Europa adored both her children and strove to do whatever she could to ensure that they were safe. That... is why when she noticed the tensions rising in Aegeae, she fled the country with Adamantios while only a few months pregnant Laodice. She thought it would be safer for them, and she doubted anyone would come after the small family due to how low her son was in the line of succession. Europa eventually settled the small family in Tison Village, though she struggled to find work due to many being suspicious of her as a foreigner. But she found ways to make ends meet, entrusting Laodice to Adamantios to care for while she worked. Laodice adored her mother. Growing up, she said she wanted to be just as kind and beautiful as her... Unfortunately, Europa never got the chance to see either of her children reach adulthood, as the villagers of Tison murdered her, for they believed her to be a Reim spy...

    ┊ ┊ Adamantios Amyntas — The 16th son of Basileus Alexandros; 39th Basileus of Aegeae. These siblings were extremely close growing up, despite their five-year age difference. Much of this was because Adamantios had cared for Laodice while their mother was at work, keeping her entertained with stories of Aegeae and their half-siblings. Though he did tend to smother her with affection, even being viewed as overprotective at times as a consequence of her often having gotten sick easily when she was a child... But ultimately, he wanted nothing more than to see her happy. And there was very little that he would deny her. Such as when she asked him to allow her to join him in battle when they returned to Aegeae following the death of their mother. Of course! he was happy to add another to the ranks! He'd train her to defend herself and find the best Magician available to them, so she could keep them both safe. She wished to travel the world to gather foreign aid? Safe travels! When news reached him of her reuniting with Sinbad in Reim, Adamantios was even more enthusiastic to support her travels, as he trusted the young man to keep her safe!
    If there was one complaint that Laodice would have about her brother, though, as much as she adored and admired him... It would be his stubborn will. Once Adamantios has decided something, his mind cannot be changed. Such as when he met the woman that he would later marry after he and his group of rebels set free some slaves that were meant to be sold to the Mariadel Company in Reim, having been struck by her beauty from the moment he first saw her. He welcomed the former slaves to join the rebels, making it his top priority to help them all recover and to teach him to read and write. Thus allowing him to grow close to the woman he'd fallen for. It took months for anything to start, but once it had... Adamantios was completely dedicated to Zumurrud and ensured that everyone knew how much he adored her and expected her to be treated as his equal regardless of her origins. Something that continued after they became the rulers of Aegeae... Until he gave his life to protect her and their newborn son.

    ┊ ┊ Zumurrud Amyntas — [/B][/I]A reserved, modest woman. As a former slave, there was much about leading a nation that she did not know. So when she began courting Adamantios, and later became his wife and queen.. A small part of her was terrified of making a mistake and causing people to look down on him because of it. As she knows, many already consider her strange due to her height of 6'3 and the bizarre shape of her ears. When she had been a slave, these features had made it difficult for her owner to sell her... But despite this and her past... Adamantios took pride in having her by his side and spared no moment to sing her praises, and Laodice adores her sister-in-law. Following the death of Adamantios, the two women did everything to support each other. They were all that they had left of their families, and they had a child to raise. However, Zumurrud does wish that Laodice would take more time for herself, knowing how much blame she puts upon herself... She has already lost the love of her life, and she does not want to lose her sister on top of it.

    ┊ ┊ Elipidus Amyntas— The crown prince of Aegeae... Though at the start of the series, he is only two years old, ending the series at the age of 7.

    ┊ ┊ Hinahoho —
    ┊ ┊ Sharrkan Amun-Ra —
    ┊ ┊ Masrur —
    ┊ ┊ Alibaba Saluja —
    ┊ ┊ Aladdin —
    ┊ ┊ Yamraiha —
    ┊ ┊ Kougyoku Ren —
    ┊ ┊ Hakuei Ren —
    ┊ ┊ Muu Alexius —
    ˚₊· RIVALS :
    ┊ ┊ Cassim —
    ┊ ┊ Matal Mogamett —
    ┊ ┊ Mira Dianus Artemina —
    ┊ ┊ Kouha Ren —
    ┊ ┊ Koumei Ren —
    ˚₊· ENEMIES :
    ┊ ┊ Barbarossa (former) —
    ┊ ┊ Umm Madaura / Maader Umm Mariadel —
    ┊ ┊ Al-Thamen —
    ┊ ┊ David —


"Romance? I don't have time for that I'm afraid." . . .
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    ┊ ┊ Asexual - Demiromantic

    ┊ ┊ Single

    ┊ ┊ Kouen Ren — describe your OC's love interest, their relationship with them, how they met, if they're together, etc.

    ┊ ┊ Ja'far — describe your OC's love interest, their relationship with them, how they met, if they're together, etc.

    ┊ ┊ Sinbad — describe your OC's love interest, their relationship with them, how they met, if they're together, etc.


"There are few who can match my prowess in magic, though my abilities naturally pale in comparison to those of a Magi." . . .
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    ┊ ┊ As a Magician, Laodice uses a wand to focus her Magoi and magic attacks. However... Unlike others, who use large staffs or small rods, she stands out by using a ring on her index finger. Allowing her to carry it with her everywhere she goes and to cause her opponent to let their guard down by thinking she's disarmed. As a secondary wand, she carries a large thyrsus with grapes made of Alexandrite and vines made of gold at the top. However, she never goes without a dagger or a spatha for the rare case when her ring and thyrsus are taken from her.˚₊· ATHLETICISM AND ABILITIES :
    ┊ ┊ To the surprise of many, Laodice is more athletic than one would expect for a Magician. This is because her brother understood that there would be times when her Borg would fail, and she'd be left defenseless as a consequence. So, he took it upon himself to train her like any soldier. As a result, her magical power increased exponentially, putting her on par with those deemed Sorcerers, such as Matal Mogamett.
    ┊ ┊ Under the classification system used by the Magnostadt Academy, Laodice is a Type Seven Black Magician due to her specialization in Strength magic and its sub-type of Gravity magic. Though she has taught herself how to use all eight types, she struggles with using Heat magic after the Fire of Delphi... And her abilities with Light Magic leave much to be desired. But there is no doubt of her strength, as seen through her signature spell, 'Raqsat Alzuhur Alhaya,' or 'Dance of the Living Flowers.' A type of Composite Magic that combines Life and Strength magic to create semi-sentient creatures that she calls Golems. These Golems are created to do a single task and typically crumble once completed. Due to how frequently she uses this spell, Laodice has found the most effective way of casting it without requiring much Magoi, thus allowing her to create multiple Golems simultaneously. She believes that her current record is twenty Golems the size of a small child. However, the only flaw of this spell is that the longer the Golems remain active, the more of Laodice's Magoi is required to maintain their shape.˚₊· FIGHTING STYLE AND APPROACH TO COMBAT :
    ┊ ┊ When in combat, Laodice lives up to her title of Keres. Her movements were quick and with a great deal of strength behind them. As a Strength magic user, she can use spells to enhance her physical strength and speed, allowing her to rival that of the Fanalis, though only for short periods. Her preferred method of fighting is creating Golems to distract her opponent, while she fights using whatever weapon is available. This allows for various strategies depending on the weapon used and her opponent's skill. Often, she'll use other forms of Magic to try and disorient them, usually Sound or flashes of Light Magic.
    ˚₊· STATISTICS :
    ┊ ┊ Quantity of Magoi — 5/5
    ┊ ┊ Fighting Ability — 4/5
    ┊ ┊ Physical Strength — 3/5
    ┊ ┊ Technique — 5/5
    ┊ ┊ Leadership Ability — 4/5
    ┊ ┊ Wisdom — 5/5


"My past ain't pretty... Try to keep your stomach." . . .
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  • ˚₊· BIOGRAPHY :
    ┊ ┊ There... is so much to write... It is a separate response, as this is already so much! But below, I've put down at least a bullet point list of the major events that she went through by age.

    Year Zero: Civil wars in Aegeae began following Basileus Amyntas' death. Laodice and her family settled down in Tison Village when Phillipa was three months old.

    Year Two: A hurricane, meteor shower, and volcano eruption all occur at once, causing Laodice and her family to flee Tison Village with the other villagers. They manage to get to safety with the aid of a man named Badr, who takes pity on the single mother and allows her to stay with him and his family while Europa searches for a new home. This sparks a friendship between the two families, with Adamantios helping Badr's wife, Esra, with housework and caring for their newborn son, Sinbad. When he gets old enough, Adamantios begins an apprenticeship under Badr.

    Year Seven: Rumor spreads about a Reim spy being on the run, causing suspicion to be cast upon Europa due to her being a foreigner despite her giving just as much to the Parthevian government to support the war effort. The actual spy is found by a young Sinbad, whose family takes him in to recover. Laodice and Sindbad enjoy hearing stories from the spy, Darius, about the world outside Tison, making a promise to explore it together when they're older. Days later, soldiers come in search of the spy who holds Sinbad hostage to try and guarantee his escape. At this same time... Europa is stoned to death by some of the villagers who believe her to be the spy. Darius ends up captured by the Parthevian soldiers, who also arrest the villagers responsible for killing Europa. Later that day, when Esra and Sinbad try to check on Adamantios and Laodice, the siblings had already fled the village and made their way to Aegeae.

    Age Eight: Adamantios rallies the villagers from a small border village in Aegeae to start his campaign for the throne, promising to see justice done and their efforts repaid in full. Laodice begs him to let her fight with him, and her training begins after a month of begging.

    Age Sixteen: Laodice is sent to Reim to gain supporters. During this mission, she reunites with Sinbad when trying to meet with Rashid Saluja. The childhood friends immediately clicked once again and filled each other in on what had happened since they last saw each other... However, Laodice does not tell him about her brother's campaign. After sending a letter to Adamantios and obtaining his permission, Laodice became one of the first employees of the Sindria Trading Company. Her efforts to gain foreign support prove successful, however, as Rashid does agree to send a small amount of financial support to her brother.

    Age Seventeen: Events of the Sasan and Artemyra Arcs of Adventure of Sinbad. The only thing of serious note is Laodice getting arrested in Artemyra for attacking the queen in a fit of uncharacteristic anger after Sinbad, Mystras, and Ja'far are tossed into the pit. Where in a fit of uncharacteristic anger, she attempted to attack the queen, resulting in her being held in the dungeons until Sinbad later negotiates her release.

    Age Seventeen: Events of the Slave Arc of Adventure of Sinbad.
    Laodice learns of her brother having begun dating through a letter, which also warns her to be careful of the Mariadel Company... Upon the group's return to Reim, she learns of the debt the Sindria Trading Company had gained and leaves to take care of it herself, leaving a letter for the others to find... Which they only did after Sinbad had been enslaved. Laodice ended up in a similar position, though she was instead tricked into signing herself into slavery... The initial deal had been for Laodice to work for Maader as an employee for two months to repay the loss of money caused by Adamantios having freed some of Maader's slaves and give the Sindria Trading Company two more months to repay the debt owed. However, the contract was written to say that Laodice would be Maader's slave until she had earned enough money to pay for every single slave that had been taken... This begins Laodice's torment, with Maader carefully planning her time out of the "punishment room" to ensure that Laodice and Sinbad never cross paths. At the end of the arc, Sinbad learns of Laodice having been on Ria Venus Island after the Maader has been dealt with. Ja'far ultimately finds her when the two run to Maader's former base, passed out from starvation. It took a full week for her to finally wake up.

    Age Eighteen: Events of the Heliophant and Dark Continent Arcs of Adventure of Sinbad.
    At the end of the Dark Continent Arc, Laodice receives a letter from her brother requesting her return to Aegeae, as her skills are needed. She travels with Sinbad and Ja'far to Parthevia for the events of the Parthevia Arc, wishing him well in his efforts to build Sindria as she part ways with the pair a few days after their arrival. During this arc, Sinbad learns about the true state of things in Aegeae and Adamantios' efforts to end the civil war. Upon returning to Aegeae, Laodice throws herself into her work and winning the war.

    Age Nineteen:
    News reaches Aegeae of the First Sindria's fall and Sinbad's disappearance. Laodice throws herself further into her training and the war, driven by guilt for not being there.

    Age Twenty-two: Adamantios and Laodice send letters to their half-siblings, asking to meet in the city of Delphi to celebrate an Aegeaen holiday and put a hold on the war until afterward. Their invitations were accepted, and the ten that remained brought their wives and children to Delphi for this celebration, where they intended to mourn those that had passed and pray that their souls found safety in their next lives... However, when the ten families entered the temple, the doors were shut behind them, and a fire started. Laodice had used her Magic to ignite this fire and bind the families to their respective seats to ensure they couldn't escape. As a result... She was right outside the doors of the temple, forced to listen to the screams, cries, cursing, and begging for hours until silence fell. Afterward, Adamantios led a campaign to quickly decimate the remaining and demoralized troops of their now-deceased siblings... Finally, Aegeae's civil wars were ended a few months later. Word of the Fire of Delphi quickly spread, sparking fear of the Adamantios, who had used such a plot to his advantage, and Laodice, the woman who had enacted the plot.

    Age Twenty-Three: Adamantios is crowned as the Basileus of Aegeae, with his first orders being the following: Appointing Laodice as his Royal Vizer, announcing his intent to make his lover his queen, and a vow to restore Aegeae to its former glory and turn it to something far greater than it had been. During the coronation, Laodice has her first encounter with the royal family of Kou, who had been invited to the ceremony. Afterward, Laodice and Admantios begin working to fulfill his vow, taking inspiration from various countries and restarting diplomatic relations with Parthevia and Reim.

    Age Twenty-Six: Aegeae celebrates the marriage of Adamantios and Zumurrud.

    Age Twenty-Nine: Tragedy strikes as Aegeae prepares to celebrate the newborn crown prince. But during the ceremony... An assassin appears and attempts to kill the prince and Basileia. The two only survive through the sacrifice of the Basileus, who jumps before his new family to protect them. Laodice can only watch in horror as her brother is killed, and she's helpless to stop it. The assassin is captured but refuses to give any information regarding his employer and kills himself. As Aegeae mourns... Laodice swears to find the ones responsible and make them pay.

    Age Thirty-One: A lead on the one who orchestrated her brother's murder leads Laodice to Qishan, where she encounters Alibaba and Aladdin for the very first time.


"A bit more about myself? You are a rather curious person." . . .
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  • ˚₊· VOICE CLAIM :
    ┊ ┊ ENG: Stephanie Young
    ┊ ┊ JP: Ami Koshizumi

    ┊ ┊ list your OC's theme songs. normal, battle, romance, the works!

    ˚₊· TRIVIA :
    ┊ ┊ Laodice and Adamantios were not born with their surname, as Aegeae did not use surnames until the pair took the throne and worked to rebuild the nation following the civil war. Adamantios decided to use Amyntas, as he wanted to set a new standard for the men and women who lead the kingdom after him, while also paying homage to their father... Despite the state that he led Aegeae into.
    ┊ ┊ If you were to ask her to pick her favorite of the Djinn Equips based on appearances alone... She would genuinely struggle between Valefor and Crocell. Not because of her childhood friendship with Sinbad, but rather because she'd be torn on which has the softer fur. Excluding the two, her choice would be Vinea.
    ┊ ┊ During the events of the Adventure of Sinbad, it was common to see Laodice passed out somewhere with either Masrur or Sharrkan next to her or both.
    ┊ ┊ Following the events of the Aegean Civil War, attempts were made to arrange for Laodice to marry one of the former nobles of the kingdom or from either Reim or Parthevia to start new relations with either nation. It's unsure who had the more negative reaction to such attempts... Laodice, who sent a novel length letter explaining why such would be a bad idea, or Adamantios, who broke numerous chairs or tables at the thought. As such, these attempts ceased.
    ┊ ┊ Despite appearances... When drunk, Laodice becomes extremely emotional and clingy. Which is why she doesn't usually drink, or at least she doesn't drink more than a single cup. The last thing she wants is to reveal some of the darker thoughts in her mind in a moment of weakness.

"So this is where we part ways... I hope to meet you once again in the future. Assuming of course we are not on opposing sides." . . .
credit — remove this and I come for your knees.
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The following contains mentions of xenophobia, child neglect/abandonment, and near death experiences.
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  • ˚₊· NAME :
    ┊ ┊ Domhildr Florence Blaiddyd

    ˚₊· NAME MEANING :
    ┊ ┊ Her given name, Domhildr, is Old Norse in origin. The name is formed using the Germanic elements dom, which can mean 'fate, doom, or judgment', and hild, meaning 'battle, fight'. She was given this name by her grandfather, who believed that she would face much difficulty in life due to her mixed blood and he wished to give her a name that would inspire her to be strong.
    ┊ ┊ The name Florence can trace its origins to the Latin name Florentius and its feminine form Florentia, derived from the word florens, meaning 'prosperous, flourishing'. Domhildr was not born with any middle name, as the people of Sreng do not use them. Instead, it was given to her by her uncle when she was added to the Blaiddyd family registry to reflect his wish to see her aid in changing relations between Faerghus and Sreng.
    ┊ ┊ Blaiddyd was the moniker of a legendary Brittonic king who encouraged the practice of necromancy, which translates to "Wolf-lord" in Welsh. Domhildr gained it as her last name when added to the Blaiddyd family registry. Before this, she used the Patronym of Rufusdóttir.

    ┊ ┊ Feilan — A childhood nickname that she was given by her grandfather and mother, with both calling her such. Though while her grandfather said it out of a genuine affection for her, her mother would usually spit it like a vile poison. The reason for this is because this byname translates to mean 'wolf-cub'. Depending on her mood, she'll either explain that this byname was given to her due to her parentage or how she was as wild as a wolf as a child. When she came to Fodlan, her uncle and Dimitri both called her this on occassion upon learning of the nickname, with the latter doing so only on a rare occassion nowindays. It's a... nostalgic nickname as a result, and brings about mixed feelings. Though she has taken to calling Dimitri this depending on her mood.
    ┊ ┊ Domi — Another childhood nickname, but one that came from a young Dimitri. The reason for this being that he struggled to pronounce her name at that age. Thus, the nickname of Domi was created. As Dimitri got older however, he ended up dropping the nickname... But Sylvain still calls her Domi, and shared the nickname with Mercedes and Annette. Now the three all use it, spreading it to others around the Monastary. Domhildr doesn't really mind it, as she figures that it makes sense for people to use some form of nickname... Though she prefers that only those she's close to use any.
    ┊ ┊ Far too many to list — As one would expect of bitter rivals/enemies, Balthus and Domhildr have a very long list of things to call one another. Of which there are too many to put down as they manage to get rather creative with these insults. Each one immetiately souring her mood, to the point that she will often get violent with the former heir of House Albrect. The most frequent ones that Balthus uses are the following: dollface, princess, and fleabag.
    ┊ ┊ Immortal Fenrir — A title given to her as a Knight of Seiros after a particular battle where she managed to survive an Agnea's Arrow to her back and continue fighting for the rest of the fight. The savagery in which she fought with brought to mind a savage wolf. And thus, Domhildr gained her title. One that she dones with pride actually, as it and the event that gained it was enough to inform everyone that she was not someone to be taken lightly or dare to piss off.

    ┊ ┊ dom-hil-dr flo-rence bl-eye-th-d

    ˚₊· AGE :
    ┊ ┊ At the start of Three Houses, Domhildr is 24-25 years old. Thus making her 26 during Three Hopes, and 30-31 during the War Phase of Three Houses.

    ˚₊· BIRTHPLACE :
    ┊ ┊ Domhildr was born in a village called Esarg in Sreng, located near the border between the peninsula and Faerghus. As such, it has an especially strained relationship with the Holy Kingdom, enough so that they regularly send spies within the closest territories. Which... had a large hand in how Domhildr was brought into the world. However, this village was thrown into chaos not long after Domhildr's mother abandoned her to die in the deserts, as Domhildr's grandfather had named her as his successor as the Jarl of their clan before his passing just days beforehand.

    ˚₊· BIRTHDATE :
    ┊ ┊ 15th day of the Verdant Rain Moon in the Imperial Year 1155.

    ˚₊· GENDER :
    ┊ ┊ Female | She/her

    ˚₊· OCCUPATION :
    ┊ ┊ Domhildr serves as a Knight of Seiros, though it is only a temporary position until Dimitri ascends the throne as the king of Faerghus. Once he takes his rightful place, she plans to retire as a knight and take her own place as the Grand Duchess of the Itha Plains. Steps are already being taken to make the transition easier, with the men currently in charge of Itha while Domhildr's father acts as regent and she is at Garreg Mach sending her frequent reports on the state of affairs within the territory. Domhildr also takes at least one trip a month to Itha in order to see for herself how things fare, as well as take care of a small amount of paperwork that the advisors can't for one reason or another.


"I'm not anything special. So don't try digging your nose in my bussiness, alright?" . . .
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  • ˚₊· APPEARANCE :
    ┊ ┊ links links links links everyyybodyyyy / Being first introduced to Domhildr, it is only natural that one would find themselves intimiated. She is one of the taller individuals present at the Officer's Academy, with only a small handful of men being taller than her. This is not helped by the scars she bears, or the face her gaze is usually fixed into a glare. As if she's always trying to size someone up, see what their worth is or to try and notice any weaknesses. Her appearance leans heavily into her Sreng background, despite her having spent the past twelve years within Fodlan. This is something she takes great pride in as well, though she doesn't speak much of her time there.

    ˚₊· FACE CLAIM :
    ┊ ┊ H'aanit from Octopath Traveler

    ┊ ┊ 184 cm (6'0") | 70.6 kg (156 lbs).

    ┊ ┊ She has a fair complextion, though her skin has a slight tan to it due to how much time she spends in the sun and training. However, her body is covered by an array of scars and her hands especially are covered in callouses and small cuts.

    ˚₊· HAIR :
    ┊ ┊ Domhildr has long, wild hair that is tied into a messy braid. It's color is a dirty blonde, though it oddly enough appears to take on a pinkish hue in certain lighting.

    ˚₊· EYES :
    ┊ ┊ Unlike the others of House Blaiddyd, Domhildr has dark green eyes.

    ┊ ┊ outfit — Her primary outfit, and the one used for most of her Infantry and Mounted classes. It consists of a grey tunic with a thick animal pelt around her neck, similar to a scarf. She also wears black pants, grey boot warmers, and a pair of brown gloves. According to her, it resembles the garments worn by warriors of Sreng.
    ┊ ┊ outfit — The garments of a Jarl of Sreng, those said to be the leaders of one of the many clans in the peninsula. Having returned to her land of birth, Domhildr claimed the position left to her by her grandfather and brought her people to Itha. This outfit, and the associated Class with it, does not become available to her until her Paralogue during the War Phase of Three Houses.
    ┊ ┊ outfit — The act alone of getting Domhildr into a formal dress is a miracle in and of itself. One needs to at least try and start convincing her a month in advance if they have any hope of doing so, unless your name is Dimitri and it takes a week at best. The lovely garment listed is the closest that anyone has gotten her into a dress, as well as is the only real piece of formal wear she owns... Despite her being a nobility and the second in line for the throne of Faerghus.

    ┊ ┊ As mentioned before, Domhildr's skin has a wide array of scars on her body. Their sources ranging from Demonic Beasts to enemy soldiers. Though as serious as some of these appear... Aside from the stab to her chest that was far too close to her heart for her liking, the worse would actually have to be the burn upon her back. This scar comes from the battle that earned her the title of the Immortal Grimmr. An enemy mage managed to hit her with an Agnea's Arrow, the most powerful black magic spell, but she somehow managed to survive. Although once the adreneline wore out... She did spent a month recovering, and still finds difficulty with performing certain tasks for long periods of time before the scar starts to ache.


"You wanna know about me? I guess I can tell you a little bit." . . .
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    ┊ ┊ When many first meet Domhildr, they are initially faced with a tempermental, blunt woman. Many across Fodlan know her as a savage monster, a disgrace upon the royal household of Blaiddyd and Faerghus as a whole. A woman that cause many to question the sanity of the former king and current Archbishop for allowing such a beast into their circles. Domhildr does little to change this opinion, as many on the battlefield have seen her openly taunting her opponent. Either through calling them cowards, or criticizing their fighting capabilities. And yet... She appears to take her job as a Knight of Seiros seriously, as Rhea has entrusted the role of safeguarding the students of the Officer's Academy. Not only that, but both Rhea and Alois, a fellow Knight of Seiros and one of Domhildr's few friends, will both attest that they have seen her display a great deal of restrain and that she is a good person at heart. Something that is true, as once someone gets to know her, they'll be surprised to find that she isn't completely unreasonable. Not only that, but she shows a great deal of awareness of her duties, a maturity one would expect of one in her position... And an amazing degree of self management. Domhildr is the future Grand Duchess of the Itha Plains, though she currently serves as a Knight of Seiros and takes up the role as a combat instructor at the Officer's Academy following Jeritza's betrayal. One would imagine her to be overwhelmed by these roles, and yet she manages to give her all to each without compromising the other. With permission from Rhea, Domhildr takes a week long trip to Itha to see for herself how the territory is faring. When not in Itha, as I mentioned earlier, the men left in charge of the plains in the absence of her and her father regularly stay in contact to ensure that she can make calls on how her people far. Though when at Garreg Mach, Domhildr's attention is soly focused on ensuring the safety of the students and staff.

    To the surprise of outsiders... Many within the walls of Garreg Mach consider her to be an embodiment of one of the school's founding principles. No matter where you come from, you deserve to be treated the same as anyone else. This is something that Domhildr has displayed time and time again. For she doesn't care where you are from or who your family is. She was raised under the belief that a person, regardless of where they come from, has every right to live as you do. That a group can not survive when bickering over something as pointless as status or by discriminating because of what someone lacks. In her land of birth, it was a constant fight for survival where resources were limited... So for her to see one student trying to order another around, just because they're of different social statuses, she won't stand for it. Or as she'd put it, "If you are being an idiot or an asshole, don't expect me to hesitate in calling you out on it." But if your behavior puts one of her charges at risk... Then one would be wise to try and hide for as long as possible, for there is nothing more terrifying, and absolutely no one is spared from her wrath. Something Byleth sees for themselves in their first interaction with her, where they overheard Domhildr chewing Alois out for not ensuring that the camping trip the students were on hadn't been properly guarded. Considering as well that the house leaders were all on this trip, and one of them is her cousin... Then her anger was more than deserved. And speaking of said cousin... Do not believe for a moment that he can avoid her anger. Blood may bind them, but Domhildr won't hesitate to smack Dimitri upside the head.
    And a large part of this is due to her upbringing. As a child in Sreng with the blood of a man of Faerghus, she faced relentless bullying from those her own age and had been isolated by her grandfather for the first few years of her life to try and keep her safe. Domhildr is well aware of the fact that she was lucky to have been born the granddaughter of the Jarl of Esarg and that the village's greatest warrior adored her as his step-daughter, which prevented the adults from getting physical with her out of fear of invoking their anger. But children were a different matter. They pick up on things no matter how well the adults might try to hide it, and will act on them. And in Sreng, where so many children have lost their parents due to the fighting with Faerghus... But Domhildr doesn't hate her old bullies despite this. Because she gets it, as in their position, she doesn't have any doubt that she would have acted the same way. But by that same token... Domhildr is very easily provoked when it comes to certain subjects. If you insult her, she's fine. If you insult her parents, she'll let you off with a warning. Insult those she genuinely loves or either of her homelands? Prepare to have her lunging at you with the fury you'd expect of someone with her reputation. Though more than anyone, there's one person who manages to annoy her just by opening his mouth...

    But setting that topic aside for now, Domhildr holds a strong sense of justice and compassion that one wouldn't expect from her given her reputation. Though... As she tends to jump into situations when she sees a misdeed or injustice occuring, as she just can't seem to ignore them despite her attempts to do so, they do have a side effect on her reputation. You maybe wondering then why it is that she has the horrible reputation she does when she's aiding people. The answer for this is both simple and complicated in her reasoning for it. When she saves or aids someone, Domhildr will ask or pay them not to speak of what she'd done to anyone. Regardless of what they may hear about her and how they may want to counter the rumors. The reason for this is because Domhildr does not want to draw positive attention to herself at the moment. Within Faerghus, things are tense to say the least. Her father is driving the country into ruin, unrest is welling among the nobility, and tensions with Sreng and Duscur grow stronger and stronger with each passing day. When her uncle, the late King Lambert, first brough her to Fodlan twelve years ago, some members of the nobility had wished for her to take Dimitri's place as the heir to the throne. This suggestion was made in spite of the fact that she's a bastard daughter, born out of wedlock, and had Srengi blood in her veins. Faerghus and Sreng having been in conflict for a little over two centuries, the two nations absolutely despising each other as a result. Despite that... The nobility was willing to overlook that, and her being a woman, because of her bearing the Major Crest of Blaiddyd, despite her father not possessing it. Not only that, but her father had initially been in line for the throne before Lambert until it was discovered that he lacked a Crest. By their arguments, she had a stronger claim to the throne. Though Domhildr believed this to all be bullshit, as she knows exactly what would be expected of her had she decided to accept... So instead, as the nobility seemed to be unable to release this idea, she unintentionally caused an incident with the eldest son of House Gautier, severely scarring his face in the process, and fled the Kingdom. In the eyes of the public, she had avoided facing punishment for her actions by seeking shelter with the Church. Though no on is aware of what actually had gone on between them, as Domhildr doesn't like to talk about that incident... But it did help keep anyone from raising the idea of her taking the throne, especially with Dimitri being so close to finally seizing it... And thus began her habit of tainting her reputation as much as possible, wanting her to seem as undesirable for a potential ruler as possible.

    However... Staining her reputation has had a side effect on her ability to get along with others. It's not impossible, as she is close friends with Alois and is capable of forming friendships with some of the students, but it is difficult for her... Though a large part of this is also due to her mother's abandonment of her when she was only eight years old. As her grandfather, upon his death bed, had decided to name Domhildr as the next leader of their clan rather than her mother. Completely disregarding his daughter... And causing her to decide to eliminate the thing standing in the way of their rule. To this day, she can still recall the pain in her throat from screaming for hours, the pain of her heart shattering, and the confusion on why her mother of all people had abandoned her to die... Had she not been discovered by her uncle moments away from death, she would have died back then. Up until that point, Domhildr had been a relatively cheerful child, always willing to help and wearing her heart on her sleeve. She had absolutely adored her mother, step-father, and grandfather, wishing nothing more than to make them proud of her... That cheerful child died that day in the desert, coming out of it with a crippling fear of letting anyone close. For she had nearly been killed once by someone she loved and trusted completely... Who's to say that it won't happen again?
    A particularly stubborn individual is capable of worming past her walls however, as seen with Alois, however. It's a herculean effor of course, but not impossible. And once you have gotten past her barriers, you'll find her to be a far more down to earth person than you would initially belief. While she is still as blunt as always, she gives off an air more akin to an older sister rather than the imposing general she usually does. To the surprise of many, she'll make lighthearted jokes to tease her loved ones. Many will actually see her smile at them. But as a consequence... Her concern for them grows, and she's far more vocal on her thoughts and feelings... Especially if your name is Dimitri. Her beloved cousin, who she will do anything for. But that aside, Domhildr is the type of person to jump on anyone she sees neglecting their needs in order to resovle the issue. You're skinner than the last time she saw you? Expect to find her dragging you to the dining hall three times a day to ensure you eat properly. You're cornered on the battlefield? Guess who's the first to run to your aid and take care of most of your opponents. If you're sick, expect to find old Sreng remedies and medicines at your door, with a small note explaining how to use them. Domhildr will stop at nothing to ensure that those she cares for are taken care of, even if it means sacrificing something that she needs.

    But shifting to another subject... When it comes to romance, Domhildr is strange. She is still as protective as she is will any of her loved ones, but she will try to hide the reason she's become more protective over this particular individual. For a small part of her will whisper in her ear that they'll just stab her in the back, that they'd abandon her the moment she makes a critical mistake like her mother had. That she can't trust them to get that close to her... This is not helped by the fact that she doesn't have the best role models or people to go to for matters such as this. Hell, her father is known for his womanizing ways and spending time at brothels! Her mother was a spy that used her body to lure men into lowering their guard and spilling their secrets! Her uncle, as much as she had adored him and she thanks him for bringing her to Fodlan, was hopeless when it came to the relationship between himself and his wife. A matter that Domhildr did find suspicious, but never commented on. So she is largely flying bind when it comes to what to do with romance and will mostly go with what feels right in the moment. The fact that she was raised primarily around men doesn't help things, as she doesn't quite know how to be a woman. Nor can she wrap her head around things that are normally expected of women. So one might happen to catch her reading romance novels for some sort of guidance... As she has her pride, and like hell she's going to openly ask anyone what to do.
    But that last detail aside, the greatest sign that she has given her trust to someone and has decided to open her heart to them is when she begins to forge them a weapon. In Sreng, there was an old tradition for a woman to bestow the man she intends to marry with a weapon passed down in her family, as a way to symbolize athe transference of her father's duty to protect her to her husband. Domhildr puts a spin on this tradition, instead crafting a weapon catered to the preference and abilities of the intended recipient. To her... It's a symbol of her putting her faint and trust in them to stand by her side, without the fear of them turning against her, that they accept her for her flaws and scars, both physical and emotional.

    ˚₊· LIKES :
    ┊ ┊ Training — As a warrior, it's only natural that Domhildr would train often, and she genuinely enjoys it. It's a nice way to relax, while also allowing her to maintain her skills.
    ┊ ┊ Horse riding — Another form of relaxation, but in a way that instead gives her a chance to get away from the stress of her responsibilities. Though she also finds that you can learn a lot about a person due to the way they treat their mount.
    ┊ ┊ Coffee — Ah... Her lifeblood, given how often she has to stay awake late into the night to complete as much paperwork as possible whenever she is within the Itha Plains. Though she will also drink certain teas that are meant to help ward off exhaustion if she needs to.
    ┊ ┊ High-quality weapons — As a Srengi and a warrior in general, Domhildr has a sharp eye for weapons. Especially since your weapon is vital in ensuring your survival when in battle. In using a poorly made weapon, you'll find it breaking far too easily and risk dying as a consequence.
    ┊ ┊ Medicinal herbs — Domhildr actually holds the belief that the sheer versitility of herbs is better than healing spells. Especially since these same herbs are capable of doing things that a spell would never be able to, no matter how well crafted it is. Plus... Herbs can be used by anyone, regardless of if the person is capable of using magic or not.

    ˚₊· DISLIKES :
    ┊ ┊ Fragile objects — Similar to Dimitri, Domhildr possesses an immense amount of strength as a side effect of their Crest. This... makes dealing with fragile or delicate objects difficult, though she has learned to control it a bit better than him.
    ┊ ┊ Sand — Given her horrid memories about having been abandoned in a desert to die... It comes to no surprise that she dislikes sand. This is not helped by the fact that it gets everywhere! Just when you think you've gotten it all out of your clothes, you find more.
    ┊ ┊ Traitors — Anyone... willing to abandon those that they swore to trust, care for, or serve... Domhildr holds absolutely no sympathy or mercy for them.
    ┊ ┊ Being compared to her cousin — In her opinion, it's completely stupid to even try and compare her and Dimitri. It causes nothing but problems, especially in regards to the politics of the Kingdom, so she is always quick to shut down anyone trying to do so.

    ┊ ┊ Blacksmithing — In Sreng, the weapon that one wields is of great importance to them. Given that the nation is constantly in a state of conflict between it's many clans, if you didn't know how to maintain or repair your weapons properly... You were as good as dead. So it is only natrual then that Domhildr would pick smithing up as both a hobby, and a neccessary skill in her mind. Though she also does it to repair the training equipment that she and Dimitri break when they spar... But that aside, due to the amount of time that she's spent honing her skills as a blacksmith, she is a master smith. So long as she has the materials and enough time to prepare, she actually is capable of recreating a wide number of legendary weapons. Though not even she'd attept to recreate anything like the Hero's Relics or the Sacred Weapons, due to their significance... Even if she gets this uneasy feeling in her whenever she sees the Hero's Relics.
    ┊ ┊ Woodcarving — A hobby taught to her by her grandfather when she was a child, and one she continues to do as a way to unwind. The ease, yet complexity of it gives her something to enjoy just about anywhere. All she'd need is a knife, a piece of wood, and a bit of water. Her woodcarvings themselves range from simple to complex, and largely depend on the purpose of them. The ones she creates for the sake of entertaining herself or to get her mind off a subject are rougher, with little done to finish them, and tend to be rather simple. If the carving is meant to be a gift however, then she creates far smoother, more complicated pieces.
    ┊ ┊ Strategy/war games — Much to the surprise of everyone, Domhildr enjoys games like these. She'll almost always be down for a game of chess, and never underestimate her when it comes to battle theoretics. A part of her love for these types of games is due to the fond memories she has regarding the male members of her family, from her grandfather and step-father to her father and uncle. Playing them reminds her of better days, while also keeping her on her toes and lets her challenge herself when she finds a good opponent.

    ┊ ┊ Grinding her teeth is by far her worst habit, as she'll do it when bored, annoyed, or focused. Which can cause people to be uneasy, as they don't know why she's doing it at a given time.

    ┊ ┊ Being betrayed by someone close to her — I don't believe I need to go in depth regarding this...
    ┊ ┊ Being chained down/restrained — Due to her nearly having died as a child due to her mother chaining her to a tree in the middle of one of Srengs deserts... It is only natural that being in that situation would terrify Domhildr. So much so that she will immediately become on edge if she so much as hears the rattling of a chain.
    ┊ ┊ Failure/weakness — Spurred on by the battle where she gained the scar upon her back and the title of the 'Immortal Grimmr', as well as the maniplations of her mother. She had been completely blinded by her emotions that day, and it had almost cost her life as a consequence. Domhildr can not allow anything like that to happen again... Lest she give the reaper a chance to claim his missed mark.
    ┊ ┊ Death — Despite her title as the 'Immortal Fenrir'... The fact that she has come so close to death twice in her life scares Domhildr more than she will ever let on. This fear only becomes worse in certain routes of the game.


"What about Sreng? God, I miss that place... Wasn't the best place, but it's still home, ya know?" . . .

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    ┊ ┊ As mentioned before, Domhildr is a member of the Royal Family of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, and the future Grand Duchess of the Itha Plains. Within Sreng, she is the next in line to take leadership of the village of Esrag, though it's fallen into disrepair and their members have been reduced to a mere fifteen under the leadership of her mother.

    ┊ ┊ The Holy Kingdom of Faerghus | Her loyalty primarily lies with the land she's come to call home for the past twelve years. She takes great pride in who she is, and her heritage. Hell, even if you were to remove her from noble society but keep her family within Faerghus, her loyalties would remain the same. Do not however think this means that she favors the Blue Lions. Quite the opposite... She holds them to a higher standard than the other classes, as she knows they're capable of great thing. And she feels as though something is coming... Domhildr wants them to be prepared.
    ┊ ┊ The Church of Seiros | As expected of a Knight of Seiros, she holds a great deal of loyalty to the church. She was surprised at how accepting some of their members were. However, as she made very clear to Rhea when she joined their ranks, that the Church is her third priority in life. Before it, comes the Kingdom and before the Kingdom, comes Dimitri. If the Church needs her, she will give her all to defend it and serve as a loyal knight. But the moment that her services are needed in the Kingdom, or Dimitri calls upon her, it's clear as day where she would go.

    ˚₊· FAMILY :
    ┊ ┊ Aglaia Erling — A woman blinded by greed and her hatred for Fódlan. In her mind, she deserves nothing but the best and will never accept anything less. Which is what led her to travelling constantly into Fódlan as a spy, demanding high prices of the Jarl that would hire her, and using her beauty to trick the noblemen along the border to let slip valuable information she could take with her back to Sreng. With one of these travels leading to Aglaia crossing paths with the Grand Duke of the Itha Plains, a man she took great pleasure in wrapping around her finger. Knowing that she had successfully made royalty fall for her? There was no greater boost to her ego... If only her great success hadn't saddled her with a child. One that she couldn't get rid of without gaining the ire of her countrymen, regardless of the child's sire. But Aglaia supposed that she could use the child she had to extort more information from Rufus... Except she never returned to Fódlan after giving birth to Domhildr. The reasoning behind this decision being that her father was growing old, which she took as the perfect opportunity to claim leadership of their village. Aglaia married Ruaidhrí, the strongest warrior of their village in order to make her seem as a more favorable potential leader. Though the marriage was mutually beneficial, as Ruaidhrí had no desire to lead and just saw it as a way to allow him to more freely launch attacks against Fodlan using Esarg's forces.
    As a child, Domhildr absolutely adored her mother and strived to make her proud. Though this was difficult to do as Aglaia... primarily ignored Domhildr, leaving care for the child to her grandfather and step-father. The only times she really paid her much mind was when the young girl's Crest manifested. From then on, Aglaia pushed Domhildr to be the best warrior as possible. Instilling in her the idea that she would be the key to destroying Faerghus, to reclaiming everything that the kingdom had stollen from Sreng. And Domhildr was all too eager to follow her wishes... Until the death of her grandfather. The fact that Aglaia had been skipped over in the line of succession and left with nothing in favor of her child, despite everything she had done for Esarag and Sreng... Aglaia was not going to stand for this. With little care for what it would do to her reputation, Aglaia left her in a desert to die and never looked back. As a result, the two's relationship was completely shattered. Domhildr despises her mother for abandoning her, choosing power over her own child... But most of all, she hates Aglaia most of all for destroying the town she called home. Reducing their people to a mere fifteen due to her own incomptence in leading.

    ┊ ┊ Ruaidhrí Erling— Domhildr's step father, the second husband of Aglaia. Ruaidhrí is an... interesting character. A man that thrives when best on the battlefield, he was the leader of Esarg's military power. Which often put him in conflict with the Jarl of Esarg, who wished to put an end to the conflicts with Fodlan. As such, when Aglaia approached him with a marriage proposal that would benefit them both, Ruaidhrí was all to eager to accept it. She gained the support of the soldiers that he led, and he in turn got free reign to lead Esarg in raids against Fodlan. Well... Plus one other thing.
    Despite being a man considered the pride of Sreng for his skills as a warrior, Ruaidhrí had one fatal flaw. He was unable to have children, which was part of why he had agreed to marry Aglaia. As while he knew that she had a child born from a Faerghan nobleman, it being public knowledge in Esarg... He wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to be a father. To the surprise of many, especially Goibniu, he treated her as though she were his own. When Aglaia decided to push for Domhildr to be a warrior, he leapt at the opportunity to teach her himself. Ruaidhrí passed some of her tutilage down to one of his subordinants when it was discovered that she had a natural affinity for magic. But everything else was split between himself and her grandfather. And Domhildr loved him almost as much as she had her mother despite there being no blood between them. As far as she cared, Ruaidhrí was her father and there was nothing that would change that...
    Until she was abandoned by her mother. Ruaidhrí, like the rest of Esarg, was lead to believe that Domhildr had been killed during an attack from Faerghan soldiers. This news absolutely crushed him and caused him to take out the majority of his grief out on the battlefield, turning a blind eye to the way that Aglaia was slowly destroying Esarg until their numbers dwindled to such a degree that he had no choice but to step in. This action in the Imperial Year of 1185... Finally being what allowed him to learn the truth and for the step-father and step-daughter to reunite.

    ┊ ┊ Goibniu Birgisson— A man that was once a skilled blacksmith and who was the former Jarl of the village of Esarg, famed throughout the land of Sreng and regarded to be equal to the great Zoltan. From the moment he laid eyes upon his granddaughter, he was smitten. The circumstances surrounding her brith hardly matttered to him, despite her father being descended from those that pushed Sreng to the furthest corner of the continent. In his eyes, she was his precious grandchild and he would ensure that she remained safe. Though raising the young girl was difficult as Aglaia had placed the responsibility soley upon his shoulders once she had been weaned, as Goibniu was getting on in years and knew his time was coming. The young girl's temper and quickness to leap to the defense of those that needed it, even at a young age certainly didn't help. Of course, Aglaia's marriage to Ruaidhrí did provide him with some much needed help, though he was reluctant to let him near Domhildr at first.
    But regardless, to her, there was no one more important in her life than her grandfather. Goibniu taught her everything he knew. She was his grandchild and apprentice blacksmith for much of her early life, and she had loved it. While she did adore her step-father and his lessons on hunting and combat, she prefered spending the day with her grandfather in his workshop and hearing his stories. He wanted to see her grow up into a woman that was better than her mother or he could ever be, one that could lead Esarg towards potential peace. And it's his confidence that she would do just that, that she would make him proud and manage to do what he never could in convincing the clans of Sreng to stop the endless fighting amongst themselves and Faerghus, which lead to him naming her as his heir and the next Jarl of Esarg when he died.
    To this day, Domhildr wonders what he would think of the life she had lived until now. If he would be proud of her, or be saddened by the hand dealt to her. Or if he'd be ashamed of her willingness to play the monster...

    ┊ ┊ Rufus Theirry Blaiddyd— Despite what many would think... Rufus and Domhildr once got along surprisingly well. Their relationship started out very rocky, as her arrival in Faerghus made him aware that he had been used by her mother and Domhildr was unsure of what to think of her biological father. Not only that, but the ache of her mother's abandonment still hung over Domhildr's head and the discovery of Domhildr possessing the Major Crest of Blaiddyd only heightened Rufus' initial dislike for her. The fact that his daughter, a child he had never known about and honestly hadn't wanted, possessed something he had once dreamed of having... It filled him with resentment, so much so that he tried to get rid of her as soon as possible by marrying her off. Anything to get her out of Itha so he wouldn't have to look at her. Ironically though... It is this very action that caused their relationship to shift, as complicated or conflicting as that statement might be. The reason for the shift though being that the two realized that they shared one key trait: Both had been abandoned by those they loved for something out of their control.
    In the years since, the two had slowly worked on becoming close. Domhildr learning of her father's few positive traits despite the glaring negatives and Rufus took a personal interest in ensuring that Domhildr would take over the Grand Duchy after him. He began to take pride in her as his daughter and spared no praise for her. Dahlia never would outright say that she was proud of him, as she found his frequent trips to brothels and his trail of mistresses to be disgusting for someone of his position, but she did still care deeply for him. That much was seen through the countless arguments she would get into with the nobility of Faerghus regarding him, especially with Miklan of House Gautier.
    And yet... Things changed after the Tragedy of Duscur. Domhildr couldn't understand why her father was treating Dimitri as he was after what the boy had gone through, and she was even more baffled by his negligence of his duties as the acting regent. Despite being a womanizer, Rufus had taken his duties as Grand Duke seriously. He had shown care for his people and territory. But now... Anything she had to say to him seemed to go in one ear and right out the other.
    After his death... She was left with a hollow feeling. A part of her had known that he would be killed eventually, as it was under his leadership that Faerghus has been reduced to a shell of itself and was on the brink of civil war. It was foolish to think that there weren't hundreds of people plotting his assassination... But to learn that he was involved in the Tragedy, that he had a hand in killing his own brother, and his murder was being pinned on Dimitri... It was the first time her loyalty to Faerghus had ever been shaken.

    ┊ ┊ Lambert Egitte Blaiddyd— As the one that saved Domhildr from dying in the desert after her mother abandoned her, she and Lambert had a good relationship. .
    ┊ ┊ Patricia Blaiddyd— describe your OC's relative and their relationship with each other.
    ┊ ┊ Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd— describe your OC's relative and their relationship with each other.

    ┊ ┊ Rhiannon — Her loyal steed, who has been with Domhildr since her fourteen birthday as a gift from her father. Since then, Rhiannon has been by her side through everything, coming with her to Garreg Mach when Domhildr was a student at the Officer's Academy and returning to the monastery when her owner became a Knight of Seiros. Unfortunately... Rhiannon passed due to illness during the Blue Sea Moon during the Imperial Year 1180. Domhildr was devastated by this loss, and refuses to replace her.
    ┊ ┊ Geri and Freki — A pair of Blaiddyd Rex who work with Domhildr at Garreg Mach, who were both gifts from Alois. Geri is often seen roaming the grounds, watching the comings and goings of the visitors and merchants. She has been trained to recognize particular Knights so that she can bring suspicious items to them or Domhildr, or bring them to confront suspicious individuals. This steadfast guard dog was most commonly seen in the market or near the classrooms. In comparison, Freki, was put in charge of monitoring the students and serves as a sort of emotional support companion. As such, he is most commonly seen outside Bernadette's door, whimpering to be let in, or curled up around Ashe's feet after the death of Lonato. Unfortunately... When Imperial forces launched their attack upon the monastery, Geri was killed while trying to protect some of the fleeing students. Freki managed to survive by fleeing below ground to Abyss, though he did suffer a critical injury to his leg that left him crippled. The once bouncing ball of energy remained in Abyss for the next five years, his gaze fixed on the door while waiting for his mistress to return.

    ┊ ┊ Dedue Arnault — describe your OC's friend and their relationship with each other.
    ┊ ┊ Felix Hugo Fraldarius — describe your OC's friend and their relationship with each other.
    ┊ ┊ Mercedes von Martritz — describe your OC's friend and their relationship with each other.
    ┊ ┊ Annette Fantine Dominic — describe your OC's friend and their relationship with each other.

    ┊ ┊ Raphael Kirsten — describe your OC's friend and their relationship with each other.
    ┊ ┊ Hilda Valentine Goneril — describe your OC's friend and their relationship with each other.

    ┊ ┊ Petra Arnault — describe your OC's friend and their relationship with each other.

    ┊ ┊ Hapi — describe your OC's friend and their relationship with each other.
    ┊ ┊ Yuri Leclerc— describe your OC's friend and their relationship with each other.

    ┊ ┊ Manuela Casagranda — describe your OC's friend and their relationship with each other.
    ┊ ┊ Flayn — describe your OC's friend and their relationship with each other.
    ┊ ┊ Alois Rangeld — describe your OC's friend and their relationship with each other.
    ┊ ┊ Cyril — describe your OC's friend and their relationship with each other.

    ┊ ┊ Holst Sigiswald Goneril— describe your OC's friend and their relationship with each other.
    ┊ ┊ Rodrique Achille Fraldarius— describe your OC's friend and their relationship with each other.

    ˚₊· RIVALS :
    ┊ ┊ Catherine — describe your OC's rival and their relationship with each other.
    ┊ ┊ Sylvain Jose Gautier— describe your OC's rival and their relationship with each other.
    ┊ ┊ Ingrid Brandi Galatea — describe your OC's rival and their relationship with each other.
    ┊ ┊ Gilbert Pronislav — describe your OC's rival and their relationship with each other.
    ˚₊· ENEMIES :
    ┊ ┊ Edelgard von Hresvelg— describe your OC's enemy and their relationship with each other.
    ┊ ┊ Hubert von Vestra— describe your OC's enemy and their relationship with each other.
    ┊ ┊ Cornelia Arnim— describe your OC's enemy and their relationship with each other.
    ┊ ┊ Those Who Slither In The Dark — describe your OC's enemy and their relationship with each other.


"Romance? I don't have time for that!" . . .
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    ┊ ┊ Bisexual - Demiromantic

    ┊ ┊ Single

    ┊ ┊ Balthus von Albrecht — describe your OC's love interest, their relationship with them, how they met, if they're together, etc.

    ┊ ┊ Claude von Riegan — describe your OC's love interest, their relationship with them, how they met, if they're together, etc.

    ┊ ┊ Seteth — describe your OC's love interest, their relationship with them, how they met, if they're together, etc.

    ┊ ┊ Lorenz Hellman Glouchester — describe your OC's love interest, their relationship with them, how they met, if they're together, etc.

    ┊ ┊ Byleth (M/F) — describe your OC's love interest, their relationship with them, how they met, if they're together, etc.


"I've been trained since I was a kid to fight. There aren't many that can surpass me." . . .
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  • ˚₊· HOUSE :
    ┊ ┊ Knights of Seiros

    ┊ ┊ "Domhildr is my cousin, and the future Grand Duchess of the Itha Plains in Faerghus. She can come across as a cruel individual... But I can assure you that she has nothing but the best intentions at heart." - Dimitri

    ˚₊· CLASS LINE :
    ┊ ┊ starting class — Mercenary
    ┊ ┊ intermediate class — Mercenary, Cavalier, Mage
    ┊ ┊ advanced class — Paladin, Warrior, Warlock
    ┊ ┊ master class — Mortal Savant, Dark Knight
    ┊ ┊ unique class — Jarl

    ˚₊· STRENGTHS :
    ┊ ┊ Sword
    ┊ ┊ Axe
    ┊ ┊ Reason
    ┊ ┊ Riding

    ˚₊· WEAKNESSES :
    ┊ ┊ Faith
    ┊ ┊ Flying
    ┊ ┊ Riding

    ┊ ┊ E — None -
    ┊ ┊ D — Wind - Blizzard (D+) - Nosferatu
    ┊ ┊ C — Cutting Gale (C+) - Seraphim
    ┊ ┊ B — Fimbulvetr - Aura
    ┊ ┊ A — None - None

    ┊ ┊ None

    ┊ ┊ Immortal Beast - Chance to survive lethal damage with 1 HP, if HP is > 1. Trigger % = Lck stat.

    ˚₊· CREST :
    ┊ ┊ Major Crest of Blaiddyd - The Faerghus royal family's Crest, inherited from Blaiddyd of the 10 Elites. Occasionally doubles Atk and weapon uses for combat arts.

    ˚₊· BASE STATS :
    ┊ ┊ hp — 28
    ┊ ┊ strength — 12
    ┊ ┊ magic — 7
    ┊ ┊ skill — 6
    ┊ ┊ speed — 6
    ┊ ┊ luck — 8
    ┊ ┊ defense — 6
    ┊ ┊ resistance — 8
    ┊ ┊ charm — 1

    ˚₊· GROWTHS :
    ┊ ┊ hp — 50%
    ┊ ┊ strength — 60%
    ┊ ┊ magic — 35%
    ┊ ┊ skill — 45%
    ┊ ┊ speed — 35%
    ┊ ┊ luck — 55%
    ┊ ┊ defense — 40%
    ┊ ┊ resistance — 40%
    ┊ ┊ charm — 15%

    ˚₊· JARL CLASS :
    ┊ ┊ proficiency — Sword, Axe, Reason, Authority
    ┊ ┊ certification requirement — Complete Paralouge "Reclamation"
    ┊ ┊ abilities — Swordfaire, Axefaire, Armsthrift - (Luck)% Chance of preserving durability of unit's weapon during combat.
    ┊ ┊ mastery — Wrath - If foe initiates combat while unit's HP <50%, grants Crit+50.
    ┊ ┊ notes — Domhilr only. Can use magic at half uses.

    ┊ ┊ Domhildr is automatically recruited during the second chapter of White Clouds, Familiar Scenery, as she is the Knight of Seiros assigned to ensure the safety of the students on their mission. From there, she remains in your class unless you are playing the Black Eagles route, where she will leave if you choose to side with Edelgard.
    ┊ ┊ In the Azure Moon route, Domhildr appears alongside Gilbert and the Blue Lions to join Dimitri in Byleth in fighting the bandits.
    ┊ ┊ In the Verdant Wind route, Domhildr rejoins the Golden Deer after the seventeenth chapter, Blood of the Eagle and Lion.
    ┊ ┊ In the Silver Snow route, Domhildr rejoins the Knights of Seiros if she's spoken to during the seventeenth chapter, The Impregnable Fortress, by either Byleth, Seteth, or Flayn. If not, she is killed at the end of the chapter.
    ┊ ┊ In Cindered Shadows, she appears as an allied unit during the third chapter, The Rite of Rising, where she joins Byleth's forces afterwards if she survived the battle and was spoken to.


"My past ain't pretty... Try to keep your stomach." . . .
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  • ˚₊· BIOGRAPHY :
    ┊ ┊ Imperial Year 1155: Domhildr was born in the village of Esarg in Sreng. A few months after her birth, her mother, Aglaia, passed off the responsibility of raising her onto her grandfather, Goibniu.

    ┊ ┊ Imperial Year 1160: Aglaia and a Sreng warrior named Euaidhrí entered a political marriage, though it was a one-sided affair. Ruaidhrí first meets Domhildr (Aged 5) at this time and takes on the role of her secondary caretaker and father figure.
Imperial Year 1163: Domhildr (Aged 7) activates her Crest for the first time when fighting some of the local boys of Esarg that were bullying her, after they insulted her grandfather. Upon this discovery, her mother pushed for her to start training to become a weapon to use against Faerghus.

    ┊ ┊ Imperial Year 1169 - Verdant Rain Moon: Goibniu dies in the summer, naming Domhildr as his choice to be the next Jarl of Esarg, despite her only being 13 at the time. Blinded by anger at having been passed over, in the dead of night just three days afterwards, Aglaia took Domhildr to the nearby desert and chained her to a tree in hopes that she would die there. For hours, Domhildr was left to scream and cry until the harsh environment nearly killed her. By some miracle, rather than dying that day, she was instead discovered and saved by King Lambert and Lord Rodrigue of the Kingdom during a military campaign in Sreng. Despite the protests of the Margrave Gautier. It took two weeks for her to awaken from the experience.

    ┊ ┊ Imperial Year 1169 - Horsebow Moon: Upon awakening, Domhildr was weary of the Faerghus forces, despite owing them her life. But much to their surprise, she asked for them to take her to Faerghus with them and revealed her to be the bastard child of a Faerghus noble. With what little knowledge she knew of the Kingdom due to her mother's lessons, she also revealed that she had the same "Poached Valor" that Fodlan takes such pride in. Something that the three leaders of the group found suspect, especially with how she referred to the Crests, but ultimately decided to take the young girl with them and see if her claims were true. After reaching Faerghus, she was quickly examined and the nature of her Crest revealed. As Lambert hadn't slept with a woman aside from his wife… It was only natural that they came to the conclusion as to who her father was. Although this revelation set in motion a plan in Lambert's mind… And by the end of the week, Domhildr was introduced to her father and cousin. As well as added to the official Blaiddyd family registry. Domhildr and Dimitri, who was seven years old at the time, actually manage to quickly get along, much to the relief of Lambert.

    ┊ ┊ 
Imperial Year 1170: A year after coming to Faerghus, Rufus attempts to get rid of Domhildr (Aged 14) by marrying her off to a noble family from the Alliance, with the only family to have accepted the proposal being House Albrect despite Domhildr's Sreng blood. The lady of the house saw it as the perfect way to get rid of her step-son, thinking that once married the teenagers would go to Itha and rule, which would leave her own child to become the head of their family. While also saddling her step-son with "a wife with just as unsavory blood as him". Upon learning of this engagement two months later, when told that she was to meet her fiancé… Domhildr ran away, realizing that she was being abandoned and thus feared that this engagement would end up resulting in her death like the last time she was abandoned. Rufus ordered the soldiers of Itha to chase after her, but ended up joining them after Lambert learned of the events and ordered him to do so. It is Rufus that ultimately found her, curled up under a tree and crying. Reluctantly, he approached her and the two ended up revealing much of their thoughts and feelings on one another. Rufus… finding himself surprised by how similar the two actually were, leading to him promising that while he won't be perfect, he'll attempt to try and be a better parent than Aglaia. Thus, with some reluctance, Domhildr returned with him to Itha and a letter was sent to House Albrect cancelling the engagement.

    ┊ ┊ Imperial Year 1171: The Insurrection of the Seven occurs in the Adrestian Empire, granting Domhildr (Aged 15) and Dimitri (Aged 9) the chance to meet Edelgard for the first time. With Domhildr being suspicious of Edelgard's identity, though she didn't speak up about it as there was a lack of evidence supporting her theory.

    ┊ ┊ Imperial Year 1172: Domhildr enrolls at, and graduates from, in the Officer's Academy at Garreg Mach at the age of 15-16. Where she was made the house leader of the Blue Lions for that year, and met Holst and Balthus. With her becoming somewhat close friends with Holst, while she and Balthus start an intense rivalry with one another, though they respected each other's strength… Domhildr found his cocky bravado more frustrating than anything else, and Balthus was initially just a tad bitter about her having run away to avoid meeting him back when they had been engaged… Well, and the fact that she didn't recognize him or his name.

    ┊ ┊ Imperial Year 1175: Domhildr (Aged 19) leaves Faerghus after an incident between her and Miklan, the eldest son of Margrave Matthias, in which he is left with severe scars across his face. This incident in question involved him insulting her father for not having a Crest… While also attempting to assault her. Though this detail isn't public knowledge, and Domhildr doesn't enjoy speaking of it. But after leaving Faerghus, she joins the Knights of Seiros, quickly rising in the ranks due to her prior training in Sreng, Faerghus, and the Officer's Academy. 

    ┊ ┊ Imperial Year 1176: The Tragedy of Duscur occurs… With permission from Rhea, Domhildr (Aged 20) races back to the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus to support her uncle and Dimitri. She is glued to her cousin's side during this time, as she wanted to make sure that he was truly safe. It is during this time that she meets Dedue, who she is initially suspicious of… But eventually warms up to after challenging him and seeing for herself that his decision to serve Dimitri was genuine. Domhildr asking Dedue to protect Dimitri when she can't before she returns to Garreg Mach Monastery months later… Guilt clawing at her mind for not having been in Duscur to protect her uncle or cousin.

    ┊ ┊ Imperial Year 1178: Domhildr (Aged 23) is critically injured in battle when on the job, as she was struck with an Agnea's Arrow spell to her back. Upon her recovery four months later, Rhea removed her from active duty and instead appointed the young woman as the head of security at the Officer's Academy. A new job that Domhildr was a bit reluctant to take… But eventually found herself enjoying more than she would have expected. Around this time, she was given Geri and Freki by Alois as a way to celebrate her new assignment.

    ┊ ┊ Imperial Year 1180: The start of Fire Emblem Three Houses.

    ˚₊· IN-GAME STORY :
    ┊ ┊ what events involves your OC? WHITE CLOUDS
    ┊ ┊ what events involves your OC? AZURE MOON
    ┊ ┊ what events involves your OC? VERDANT WIND
    ┊ ┊ what events involves your OC? SILVER SNOW
    ┊ ┊ what events involves your OC? CRIMSON FLOWER
    ┊ ┊ what events involves your OC? CINDERED SHADOW

    ┊ ┊ Solo — Immortal Fenrir — Following the war, the territories of the Itha Plains and Blaiddyd were combined under the protection of Domhildr. She strove to ensure the safety of the newly formed United Kingdom and lead the efforts to open Fódlan's borders to foreign nations. Though many questioned her methods of convincing the people to accept these changes, historians note that she remained a well-respected figure throughout the continent.
    ┊ ┊ Solo (Azure Moon) — Immortal Fenrir — Following the war, Domhildr gave up her title and mysteriously vanished. No one knew where exactly she had gone for months until rumors began to spread of a young woman of mixed blood trying to end the conflict between the clans of Sreng. Months turned into years, but her efforts bore fruit in time, and a newly united Sreng sent a letter to the leaders of Fódlan to negotiate a potential peace, which was delivered by a familiar face said to have been relieved to come home.

    ┊ ┊ Guardian of Order & Immortal Fenrir — describe your OC's ending.
    ┊ ┊ Savior King & Immotal Fenrir — describe your OC's ending.
    ┊ ┊ Taciturn Devotee & Immortal Fenrir — describe your OC's ending.
    ┊ ┊ Sincerest of Knights & Immortal Fenrir — describe your OC's ending.
    ┊ ┊ Ally of the Archbishop & Immortal Fenrir — describe your OC's ending.

    ┊ ┊ Ruler of Dawn & Immortal Fenrir — describe your OC's ending.
    ┊ ┊ King of Unification & Immortal Fenrir — describe your OC's ending.
    ┊ ┊ Noble of the Red Rose & Immortal Fenrir — describe your OC's ending.

    ┊ ┊ Heir of Purpose & Immortal Fenrir — describe your OC's ending.
    ┊ ┊ Sun of the Knights & Immortal Fenrir — describe your OC's ending.
    ┊ ┊ Limitless Potential & Immortal Fenrir — describe your OC's ending.

    ┊ ┊ King of Grappling & Immortal Fenrir — describe your OC's ending.


"Heh? Yeah, I might have said that. What about it?" . . .
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    ┊ ┊ ❝ Me? Singing? You've got to have lost your mind. . . . ❞
    ˚₊· COOKING :
    ┊ ┊ ❝ Can't say I'll be any good at this, but if you're sure you want my help. . . . ❞
    ˚₊· DINING HALL :
    ┊ ┊ ❝ Better eat as much as you can, Professor. You never know when you'll have to skip a meal or two. . . . ❞
    ┊ ┊ ❝ Ah, this almost tastes like home. Not quite how my old man would make it though. . . . ❞ (Favorite dish)
    ┊ ┊ ❝ I... legitimately can't eat this. Not unless you want to run me to the infirmary. . . . ❞ (Disliked dish)
    ┊ ┊ ❝ It's been a while since we've been able to eat like this, Domhildr. . . . ❞
    ┊ ┊ ❝ Way too long. We'll have to make this a new habit. . . . ❞
    Domhildr Disliked Dish
    ┊ ┊ ❝ Domhildr? What are you thinking?! You know you can't- . . . ❞
    ┊ ┊ ❝ I know. And the staff gave me something different to eat. Don't worry about me, Dima. . . . ❞
    C Support
    ┊ ┊ ❝ Hey, pal, you think we could move tables? Something smells like a wet dog around here. . . . ❞
    ┊ ┊ ❝ Albrecht. How ironic for you to call me a dog when you sound and eat like a pig. . . . ❞
    A Support
    ┊ ┊ ❝ Hey, Doll- I mean, Domhildr. Think we can talk later? . . . ❞
    ┊ ┊ ❝ I'm busy. Too busy to stick around actually. Goodbye Professor... Albrecht. . . . ❞

    ˚₊· GIFTS :
    ┊ ┊ ❝ Hm? Oh hey, thanks. I'll put this to good use. . . . ❞ (Liked)
    ┊ ┊ ❝ Eh, I can give this to someone else that'll actually like it. . . . ❞ (Disliked)
    ┊ ┊ ❝ Is this for me? Damn, I haven't had one of these in a while. . . . ❞ (Favorite)
    ˚₊· LOST ITEMS :
    ┊ ┊ ❝ I was wondering where this had gone! Thanks for finding it for me. . . . ❞ (accepting a Lost Item)
    ┊ ┊ ❝ Can't say this belongs to me. I can try and have Geri or Freki smell it to track down the actual owner if you'd like. . . . ❞ (rejecting a Lost Item)

    ˚₊· LEVEL UP :
    ┊ ┊ ❝ Son of a... Guess I've got more work to do. . . . ❞ (0 to 2 stats up)
    ┊ ┊ ❝ Not my best work, but hey. It's just one step forward for me. . . . ❞ (3 stats up)
    ┊ ┊ ❝ Well, well, well. Looks like I'm getting stronger than you'd think. . . . ❞ (4+ stats up)
 ┊ ┊ ❝ To think I've reached my limits. It... feels strange knowing that, you know? . . . ❞ (up to level 99)


    ┊ ┊ ❝ Let me at 'em! . . . ❞ (high hp)

    ┊ ┊ ❝ Now things are getting fun. . . . ❞ (mid-hp)
 ┊ ┊ ❝ I'm not out for the count yet. . . . ❞ (low hp)

    ┊ ┊ ❝ Ha! Was that supposed to be a fight? . . . ❞
 ┊ ┊ ❝ The rest of you better get out of the way! . . . ❞

    ┊ ┊ ❝ One down! Who's next on the chopping block? . . . ❞

    ┊ ┊ ❝ Alright, let's get a move on! I'm not done yet. . . . ❞


    ┊ ┊ ❝ Out of my way! . . . ❞
 ┊ ┊ ❝ Oh, I'm gonna enjoy this! . . . ❞
 ┊ ┊ ❝ I'm taking your head! . . . ❞
 ┊ ┊ ❝ Don't you dare try to run! . . . ❞

    ┊ ┊ ❝ Thanks, I needed that. . . . ❞
 ┊ ┊ ❝ Oi! Don't waste your time worrying about me, ya hear? . . . ❞

    ┊ ┊ ❝ Thanks for watching my back. . . . ❞
 ┊ ┊ ❝ Damn, you're getting better than I thought. . . . ❞


    ┊ ┊ ❝ Damn it! I'm turning back for now. . . . ❞ (classic mode)
 ┊ ┊ ❝ Feilan... I failed to take her head like you wanted. . . . ❞ (casual mode)
    ┊ ┊ ❝ Damn it! I've gotta turn back for now. Someone keep an eye on Dimitri for me, got it? . . . ❞ (post-timeskip [Azure Moon], classic mode)
 ┊ ┊ ❝ Dimitri, don't you dare die here! Or so help me... . . . ❞ (post-timeskip [Azure Moon], casual mode)


"Heading out? Guess I'll be seeing you later then." . . .
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  • ˚₊· VOICE CLAIM :
    ┊ ┊ ENG: Lake Bell
    ┊ ┊ JP: Ami Koshimizu

    ┊ ┊ list your OC's theme songs. normal, battle, romance, the works!

    ˚₊· TRIVIA :
    ┊ ┊ A tea party for Domhildr's birthday can not be held during the final month of the Azure Moon route, despite it taking place during the Verdant Rain Moon. The reason for this is because it is impossible to return to the Monastary between the 21st and 22nd chapters.
    ┊ ┊ In Sreng, different villages/clans use different types of last names. Balar, the village Ruadhrí originally was from, for example uses surnames, while Esarg uses patronyms. The tradition of wives taking their husband's surname remains, which is why Aglaia has a different name from her daugther and father. If Balar were to use patronyms however, then she would have instead taken the feminine version of Ruadhrí's patronym.
    ┊ ┊ Domhildr is the only character other than Dimitri to have two death quotes, though her second quote is Azure Moon exclusive.
    ┊ ┊ All of Domhildr's disliked dishes are those that include turnips, as she is allergic to them. These dishes include: Grilled Herring, Spicy Fish and Turnip Stew, Country-Style Red Turnip Plate, and Pickled Seafood and Vegetables.
    ┊ ┊ Throughout the game, Domhildr will sometimes refer to the people of Fodlan as Valrvans, and Crests as 'Poached Valor'. This is due to her Sreng background, though she doesn't quite know why Sreng uses these terms.


"Hey, if you see Dimitri, send him my way, okay?" . . .
credit — remove this and I come for your knees.
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