Closed Claim The Shadow

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Closed Claim The Shadow


Speak beautiful things
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Today 9:08 AM
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"As bright as the northern star. An oddity, naive and held captive for man's whim. Upon this treasure's back, a guide, scarred and ever changing. Find the key. Unlock unimaginable wealth."

All children grew up hearing about The Shadow, the pirate galleon with no captain, no crew, belly full of unforetold riches. Many a greedy man pursued this floating bounty. None have returned with an immense fortune. Of all the crews that have set out, only one member lived to return to port and continue the myth that is The Shadow.

A young, cruel, devilish man set out to create a name for himself. He craved affluence and infamy. Hearing whisper that a woman whose hair was that of a pearl, eyes the color of the clearest ocean, he set out to see if her existence was true.

In a village with no name, in a brothel with no patrons, was a woman one could only describe as bright as the northern star. This young man's heart seized in his chest. It wasn't caused by love at first sight, he had no time for that nor believed in love's existence. No, what caused the momentary pause in his heartbeat was the realization that the key to fame was sitting in front him, avarice grasped him, lust pulled him in. He had a craving for corruption and an appetite for abundance.

How could he secure her for his own? Was she the key that the riddle of myth alluded to? Would he be able to take captive The Shadow, and with it, fame and fortune?

This plot is loosely based on the included song that I'm obsessed with right now. I'm hoping to achieve an epic pirate tale with adventure, chaos, deception, betrayal, and SMUT!

I'm looking for someone to fill the male role. Ideally, someone who is okay being dark, twisted, manipulative, and deceitful. I want a partner who is able to help create a grand adventure. I'm picturing krakens, sirens, and whatever else would make sense for an oceanic trek. I'm big on plotting and like having someone to brainstorm rather thoroughly with. So, someone into communication is a must. I do expect paragraphs and someone who will also aid in pushing the story forward. This will be written in third person and past tense.

As far as themes/limits/candies, I don't feel as if I have very hard or many limits. I am good with non-con, humiliation, degrading, dehumanizing.. etc. My limits tend to be with bodily fluids/functions such as scat, urine, blood.

If you're interested, send me a PM!
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