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Captain Headass
Local time
Today 9:23 PM
He, him, his
Hey, JrB here. I'm back with another req thread update. First, for the ones who don't know who I am, let me introduce myself.
  • 90s kid
  • US Central Time
  • Southern boy
I've written online for over 10 years here and there. I started out on a loose forum-based website that no longer exists. Looking back, I cringe because that's not how I write anymore. Self-insertion, 1st person POV, actions defined with stars/dashes/parentheses/etc. It was a start to RP but I'll never go back to that writing style. With that said, here's how I do write:
  • 3rd person POV
  • At least 2-3 paragraphs
  • English is my only language but I can understand if it isn't your first
  • Not absolutely perfect with grammar but makes an attempt to appear competent in writing
I do kind of prefer those from my partners as well. 3rd person is a must, and while I strongly prefer multiple paragraphs, if we get comfortable enough, I may be okay with a single long paragraph. I also routinely check in on the site at least once a day and try to get responses out as quickly as possible, with a goal of at least 1-2 responses/week, if not more, depending on how fast my partner replies.

That does lead to another thing: I primarily do my RPs on threads, not in messages. I've tried message RPs but they just get mixed up with other messages for OOC content and I just prefer to keep their mediums separated. I understand if this is a deal breaker.

As far as adult content, I do write smut. As far as the amount, I don't have a set number because it could vary based on how the story itself goes. I would like it to make sense with the story though, not just sex scenes for the sake of sex scenes. Even if it's mostly smut, I would like there to be at least a little story to set it up. I don't have a set kink list, but two things will cause me to discontinue any further discussions: I do not write incest, and I do not write rape.

As far as what I do RP, this is probably where I'll lose some people. I find that slice of life/modern/realistic RPs tend to be my strongest. I've tried RPs outside of that realm, and I've even tried a couple of fandoms. And it's not the story, or my partner, it's definitely me. So, if you're still interested beyond this point, I do have a few ideas we could discuss.

Now, before I go further with this, despite it being set with our characters in college, that part will fall back further into the background as the story goes on. After all, it will become more focused on our characters' relationship with one another.

MC will be a student-athlete in this RP. I'm thinking this will take place during the final stretch of the spring term (March-May) and MC will either be a football or basketball player (he won't have sports to really worry about so it'll free up more time for him to spend with YC).

Some ways we could start this RP:
  • Classmates
  • Somewhere on campus
  • Anywhere within the city
  • Barhopping
  • Frat party
  • Social media
At this moment, I don't have a real preference for who you decide to play as. I will say, however, that I'm a little hesitant on doing one with a nerd, not because I wouldn't want to do that one, but because of how much I've been flooded with people wanting to do that one. I kind of got burnt out on it for a while, but I still kind of want to hold off on that one for the time being.
Here is where a few other stories will go as they become available.

This one doesn't have to be set at a college, but for all intents and purposes, I'll write this pairing as if they are. So MC is a young man attending the local university and living the life. YC is around the same age (note: she can be the same age, but doesn't absolutely have to be) and does her own thing, whether it's actively flaunting it or doing it by word of mouth. By "her own thing", that means she's an OnlyFans model. Their paths could cross either by having class together, meeting up elsewhere on campus, at a party, on the strip frequented by students on the weekend, or anywhere that's not her page.
In this day and age, someone can have food or a ride within minutes. One character is a contract driver (for Lyft/Uber (Eats)/DoorDash/GrubHub) and the other is the client putting in the request. This sounds like a total short-term story but it does have long-term potential.

I'm glad you made it this far. If you did, shoot me a DM and we can get something going.
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