MxF *Closed* Woman seeking... companions?

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MxF *Closed* Woman seeking... companions?

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Today 9:54 AM
Well, technically, I guess.

It isn't exactly my first post like this, but it is on this site. Haven't exactly done this in a while, and so I might be a little rusty, but after a while of lacking an outlet to get my thoughts out through, I feel like it's time. I missed this kind of thing.

A little about me? I'm a person. I enjoy human things. I don't enjoy real life drama, but I do have kind of a real life. I have a job, but work odd hours and inconsistent days (freelance, I think you'd call it) but I promise I still have plenty of free time.

I am also one of those people who doesn't have a penis. But I can play one who does, if you're into that. I can also play one who doesn't. I can play both, too, if we get technical. Also, I do single and double roleplays, so if you're the kind of person who does that let me know ;)

A little about my characters?... Nah, I'll let you figure it out during the roleplay.

A little about my ideas? Personally, I tend to lean toward more realistic things, but definitely welcome a twist here and there. A crime den of werewolves? Sure. Highschool crush who suddenly became a vampire and can't get his crap together? Great. Ever powerful demons duking it out over the fate of the world except they can only roam the earth when they're five inches tall? Coolio.

Or, you know, a more mature setting. I'm good with those, too.

(I also do smut, and I'm good with smut-heavy roleplays too, as long as there's plot involved somewhere in there.)

What I'm basically saying is shoot me an idea and we'll work something out together.
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