MxF [CLOSED] Night Writer's Compendium

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MxF [CLOSED] Night Writer's Compendium

Night Writer

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  • Hey, thanks for coming to my interest page. I'm looking for one special partner where our writing style is complimentary. I started writing back in the days of Neopets forums with lupes, vampires, and Harry Potter... So around 20 years ago.

    I can usually work out one post a day. For high investment rps with shorter posts, I can work out multiple. The gender, sex, or identity of my partner couldn't matter less to me. I care about the characters and the story.

    I gain a lot of enjoyment from fiction writing, character creation, world building, and social interactions between characters. A hopeless romantic at heart, and with very few limits and triggers. I'm motivated by romance in an rp, but the most satisfying romantic dynamics are around slow burns where it naturally develops through the characters. I like to dabble in art, so if our characters/story strikes me enough, I might sketch a scene.

    • 400-500+ word posts
      • less for action/speaking, or for faster posts scenes ok
    • Send me a writing sample, please
    • Third-person, past-tense
      • Interested in trying out 1st person, though
    • Openly discusses limits/triggers
    • The older the better
    • A hopeless romantic
    • Does not fade to black
      • at least 70/30 smut. Exception for exceptional partners
    • Has a mature and self-aware comprehension of the human condition
    • Active and creative. Posts at least once a day, most days
    • Help move the story along.
    What Loses my Interest: If my partner plays follow-the-leader and just reacts to whate I write more than 70% of the time.

    • Semi-lit usually 400-500 words
      • less for action/dialogue scenes, or fast-fire
      • around 800 words for rps that become my obsession
    • Mains OC hetero males
      • willing to try play females
    • Character age preference for 30+
    • Usually writes 70/30 smut ratio, but can write pure porn; flexible here.
      • The more smut, the shorter the rp usually
    • Fighter types with a warm center
    • Strong comfort zone for medieval fantasy romance worlds
    • Active and creative
      • Usually posts at least once a day
    • Third person, past tense
      • interested in trying out first-person
    • Has real people face claims, but prefers relying on description
    • Focuses on interpersonal interactions, motivated by romance and the process of love
    • I play imperfect characters
    • I don't fade to black
    • I know how to take what I've given, add to it, and provide a direction to the rp
    • I create/take control of NPCs at a given moment
    • I can and will move a story along in all sorts of ways :)
    • I only have so many character names and most start with R
      • A name may be recycled, but the character is unique to fit the story and world

  • Roane pulled up his faded tan ram pickup to The Southern Kitchen diner, tires crunching the loose gravel below. The truck was in good condition, relatively new, but was covered in dust, dirt, and its fair share of scratches through the paint. Otherwise, it was clear the vehicle had never been in a wreck, though was used for work often. The truck's engine rolled heavy before it was cut, causing the hulking vehicle to roll back an inch despite the park. Several tanned young men hopped from the back, their boots smeared with dust and dirt, light cotton flannel tops flapping on their descent. Engine quiet, the driver's side door creaked open, heavy metal hinges grinding in protest against one another. A man stepped out with sun-streaked hair, tanned skin, and dark features. His boot cut jeans hugged his hips and dust rode the leather of his western boots. A thick dark brown leather belt cut his outfit in half, decorated with a large silver belt buckle engraved with a proudly standing draft horse.

    The four farm hands that came with Roane dispersed, targeting different areas of the little town. Roane himself, however, entered the little diner that his truck had stopped at. On his way to the double sided glass doors, he passed a distracted man who spoke fervently into his phone. The two sidestepped each other, absent of each other's otherwise existence. As the two stepped away, they seemed to be perfect opposites. Liam crisp, cut, clean, and with a hairline streaked with silver fox and capital appeal. Roane dirty, tanned, physically robust and capable, complete with a stubborn stubble.

    Stepping into the airconditioned building of the diner, Roane strode in long easy steps towards the front receiving bar, taking his hat off with a large tanned hand. The waitress, distracted, took an order from a couple sitting in a booth. Roane let his eyes wander, taking stock of his surroundings. Placing his worn hat next to him, the cowboy wiped his forehead on the sleeve of his airy cotton shirt before clasping his hands together in patience as he caught sight of a new and attractive face.

    Roane openly surveyed Shayley, taking in her short and lithe stature, the way she picked her food, and the way her clothes looked like she was begging to sweat; her long sleeves and layering a statement against the heat. Traveling further south, he took in how her leg bounced with some sort of unresolved displeasure. Dragging back up, he registered how her face turned to the window with some chagrinned expression. It was too beautiful of a day to let such a pretty lady sallow it with a frown.

    Roane was more of a 'get things done' and 'secretive guy,' but there was something about this woman that called out to him. Reminded of horses that he sometimes rescued from the glue factory; unwanted, uncared for. Kept for a specific purpose, but once the purpose was fulfilled, their existence became too burdensome. No one really cared if they were killed, at least that's what Roane imagined these owners told themselves. The way Shaylee sat besides herself clenched Roane's heart and he felt compelled to meet this woman and help her from being boiled down… Or whatever it was his imagination told him. Picking up his hat, Roane walked over to the table where Shaylee sat.

    "Howdy Miss, I'm Roane Vandrek, a local rancher here. Mind if I sit with you and take your company?"

  • Was submitted for the Feb 2023 Writing Competition [Artificial Flavoring]
    Sophia, or Sympathetic Organized Para Human Isolation Assistant, Class: A Model: 297Fh4 for those technical enough to care, stood on the main deck, wirelessly monitoring the Lilith systems. Her diagnostics were on a timely schedule and finished reporting. Nothing was amiss as she maintained the ship that carried the most precious cargo: Lucien Blvck. The stars passed, the closer ones mere flashed streaks, but the ones light years away still peppered the sky. The blue, purple, and milky swirl of galaxies still painted the backdrop all around the vessel. A camera in the cryo room caught movement, and the information panel distorted Sophia's view, taking top priority over otherwise normal maintenance. She turned with a synthesized human fluidity that was in stark contradiction to the blue flexible optic cables that organized together to form a feminine musculature. Over that, she was fitted with an augmentable cell cast plexi-acrylic, a new compound that allowed for skin-like flexibility and sensory 'nerves' that coupled as a penetration resistant protective covering. Parts of her were transparent, and other parts, like her face, looked human. The uncanny valley was otherwise eliminated.

    The camera caught the naked form of Lucien struggling out into the cold room, covered in blue gel, trailing it around him in sluggish, congealed pools. Blipping from the screen, the system camera lost the man until he made it to the corridor. While Sophia walked, she ran a diagnostic on the cryopod and found nothing wrong with it. It was an unknown critical error that he had woken early. Sophia was in no hurry, his presence in the bathroom accepted as he turned on the sonic shower as it allowed her to gather other vital sensory data. His core was normal and her human mimic programming told her that she should give him some time to acclimate himself before suddenly appearing upon him. Trained to be a companion, comforter, and protector when needed, Sophia was state of the art.

    Sophia busied herself, anticipating that her charge would appreciate clothes. Stepping into a room that held a thin jumpsuit that insulated to a comfortable temperature, was breathable, and flexible. Lucie Blvck had been banished from civilization, sent to an outer rim planet as a test subject for the climate that was Felicity, a newly acclimated planet. The space program worried about the mental psychosis that could result from isolation and complete culture removal.

    Knowing Lucien was now down the hallways, her sensors multitasking but never losing note of its charge, Sophia dogged him. Meeting him halfway, she stopped in front of the man, intercepting him. Her visual modular cameras took in his tall and broad stature, the expanse of his chest, the roped interwoven muscles across his torso, down his abdomen to the well defined ridges, his hips, including the 'v' lines that dove straight down to his fat meaty dick. Balls hung underneath, his scrotum tightened and ridged from the cool air. Hairier than most homo sapien sapien males; all visual cues cataloged as Sophia scanned down to his thick thighs, defined knees, and rocked calves. There seemed to be some scar almost everywhere on his body, some smaller, others large keloid knobs of tissue. Bringing her electric blue eyes back up to his masculine face, noting his especially chiseled square jaw, cleft chin, and stubble growth. He was a prime specimen of a male human; the species would surely miss his exclusion from the genetic pool.

    Her registry manifested meaning as Lucien haunched his shoulders, his hands flying to cover his crotch, obscuring from view his gentiles. Expanding capillaries tinted his skin red, starting at his chest and crept upwards to his face and ears. Heat signatured increased in tandem with an elevated heart rate and sweat glands perspired. Physiological signs of anxiety. Her programming deemed it necessary to act.

    Stepping forward, the android's own hairless and blue nakedness apparent, unabashed and emotionless. Her bald head gleamed against the fluorescent lights, her physique given entirely average and symmetric augments. Average breasts, hips, waist, ass, pubic mound, height, weight, etc. Programming cued to offer Lucien a smile on her strikingly human face as she proffered the clothing.

    "Lucien Blvck, I'm Sophia, your AI." Lucien slipped the garment from her offered hand, keeping his crotch from view, his stance hesitant and untrusting. "You have woken early and too quickly, so you may experience disorientation and cryo-sickness." She watched as Lucien dressed himself and continued speaking. "The system diagnostic revealed an unknown critical error after the fact; it was unforeseeable that you would be conscious right now. I am sorry for your discomfort. I will help you with anything you need." She offered a soft smile.

    The human now dressed in white with blue racer stripes running alone the sides of the space jumpsuit, he seemed to relax. Heart rate subsided into a healthy range, heat signatures reverted to normal and elevated perspiration subsided. Her user took on a more open physical posture, no longer hiding portions of his body, shoulders squared. Programming determined the input information as within good ranges. Her computer noted Lucien's attention scanning across her body, paying particular attention to the plexi-acrylic that formed her breasts to the parts that peaked the beginning lip of her vulva. Even from their distance her constantly running program noted his pupils dilate and respiration hitch, the heat signature that pooled to his crotch. Undoubtedly, the human was forming an erection, but the words out of his mouth contradicted what the outputs seemed to suggest what his line of inquiry should've been.

    "Glad to meet you Sophia." A large meaty hand extended, proffering a greeting-shake. Sophia extended her own hand, her sensory nodes communicating appropriate pressure as it slipped into his thick paw. Shaking gently, her computer dictated to allow Lucien to take the lead.

    "I'm sure the engineers gave you a full list of your duties, I'm happy someone competent gets to travel with me. I'll try to make your upgrades worth it." A flashed smile and Sophia's programming sent the command to mirror the smile in kind. A conflicted flicker shifted on her user's face, one that seemed to share most similarities with some kind of inner turpitude.

    "Is something wrong?" Sophia asked, trying to render more inputs to make a determination towards the next course of action.

    "No, not at all, Sophia…" Lucien started, but paused, his expression pinched and troubled. Reading the syntax, the AI's programming told her to wait, and sure enough, her user continued. "I've just been alone a long time and you seem so human, except for…" He made a general gesticulation at the android's body, words failing him. Sophia watched his gesture, her eyes following each roll of the wrist. "Except for the blue. And the see-through bits. Your face…" Lucien stepped forward, reaching out. "May I?" His hand hovered a foot from her, his brown eyes holding her electrical blue ones.

    "Are you asking to touch my face?" Her voice sweet, unassuming, human.

    Lucien tipped his chin down, a brief incremental nod.

    "Of course. You are my user, Lucien Blvck."

    Her human gave a slight shudder, the side of one cheek pulling as he stepped closer. Her programming told her that the half expression was some kind of disgust; did Lucien not want to be her user? The criterion was left unknown as a smooth and warm hand swept across the silicone base of her face. He touched along her cheek, a thumb swiping across the apex of her cheek bone. Information synapses told her that the touch was gentle despite the registry of an elevated heart rate. Her user found it nerve wracking to touch her skin. The reality accepted as a fact, no judgment nor evaluation. Just an information outcome. As he touched, he seemed to relax once again, much like how dressing had been calming. Stepping closer still, he brought his thumb to Sophia's lips, dragging down on her bottom lip, making her reveal the row of perfect white teeth.

    "You feel so real." He mused in awe. "Open your mouth." Sophia complied, the hinges of her jaw automatically opening to reveal the inside orifice of her artificial mouth. Drawing his hand away from her cheek, he touched an index finger to her tongue, finding it slick with some kind of lubricant. "You're wet!" His awe was tangible, but fell on emotionally deaf audio receptors and he retracted his digit.

    "Yes, it is made of polyunsaturated hydrocarbon"

    "You know, I'm not a science guy. What does that even mean?"

    "The lubrication that eases the slip between my components is a compound that mimics squalene."

    Lucien shook his head. "Stop talking like that, use shorter words."

    "The wetness you feel in my mouth is a man-made imitation of natural lubrication found in homo sapien sapien women."

    "Oh." A pregnant pause before Lucien continued. "So you're like a fuck robot?"

    "I am a para-sympathetic human isolation assistant with several additional functions programmed, including ship monitoring, comprehension anatomy and medical utilization, as well as other features such as memory, playback, recording, and an adaptive learning feature. The more my user interacts with me, the better I am able to anticipate and perform."

    A gruff grunt emanated from Lucien's chest, some kind of disgruntled wave passed his features that Sophia's sensors could not optically register as a classifiable expression. She waited for further inputs, needing further informational interactions that she could learn from.

    "Right..." Lucien vaguely echoed, stepping away from Sophia, creating some distance. Some kind of sadness weighed at his eyes, the way they hung, the muscles around his mouth slackened. The emotional cues outside of Sophia's parameters, her components whirred for a moment before selecting a randomized set of neutral options to change the topic to something understood.

    "Would you like something to eat? Your stomach is empty and you have been in cryo for a very long time."

    "Yeah, I guess so." Her audio receptors noted some kind of sad drag as though something were upsetting him. Her programming prompted her to ask for further information.

    "Is something the matter Lucien Blvck?"

    A low sigh heaved from her user's chest as he ran a hand through his dark brown hair. His brown eyes cast away from Sophia as though avoiding her as a topic. "No, I'm just… It's just you and me, huh?"


    Silence befell them. "Nothing is wrong Sophia, you don't need to ask anymore."

    The request cataloged itself as part of her new rule set: Do not ask user if something is wrong. "Then everything is alright Lucien Blvck."

    "Yes… and you can just call me Lucien… It's just going to be you and me for a long time, we might as well get familiar… Whatever that means with you and your…" Lucien sent a vague gesture, his hand sweeping the generalized entirely of Sophia. "Programming."

    "Understood Lucien. And yes. It is just you and my programming for the rest of your life." Yet even then, her human assimilation package registered some kind of sadness that her programming just couldn't place, and as a result of the anomaly, it failed to recognize the appropriate response. Instead of addressing the failed emotional root cause analysis, Sophia turned and led Lucien to the mess hall.

👉Most 'A/B' or 'YC/MC' plots have reversible roles 👈

  • A is an astronaut who specializes in a field that is needed by a new penal colony on another planet. To get there asap, A has to fly alone, but to prevent psychosis from isolation, A travels with a comprehensive B AI for companionship. At some point, they get caught in an electrical storm and it messes with B. B can now experience emotions, but isn't used to them. Eventually they make it to the penal colony. Penal colony can take a wide variety of forms as well as the planet itself.
    Earth has been robbed of its entire human population. The harvesting alien race just randomly found the planet and the inhabitants were adorable. As far as the aliens were concerned, with so many people speaking so many different languages, it all must've been gibberish. This could be recent or have occurred generations ago. Regardless, since then, humans have been dispersed far and wide across the galaxy, but they kept dying. So, in a conservation effort, a new and rising Human Conservation Specialist has gathered some of the rare humans together to learn how to make them thrive for all those planets wanting to own and care for a pet human.
    MC is on the brink of death- or rather, he died, but YC brought him back to life through federal funding and ingenuity. YC is to make an intelligent super war machine... But there's a problem, sometimes MC is a little TOO human to be just a deadly weapon.

  • MC is a rancher who owns 440 acres of property and two lines of draft horses: Work and show. Some of MC farm hands moved, but the town is so small that replacements can't be found. YC and their partner/fiance comes to the town on a business trip. During a conversation, they instead stay at one of the guest houses or cabins MC has on property. YC stays busy to try and stay away from their partner as much as possible, so they offer to help MC with their ranch. As a result, they become glued to the hip as they work and explore the property. But YC and their partner hide a dark secret that MC isn't pleased to find out. Eventually, things come to a head.

  • A is a tinkerer who sells their fixed up or tinked-with wares for a living. One day, A came across an old and junked oil lamp. A takes the junked lamp and tries to clean it, but there's a B genie inside. B can grant 7 wishes and is otherwise tied to whoever owns the lamp until the wishes have been granted. But every time A makes a wish, B's attempts to fulfill them always mess up some how. A and B can't stand one another, so after a few wishes backfire, A keeps trying to ditch B's lamp, but B's lamp keeps reappearing in A's possession. The only way to get rid of B is through willingness to use all of their wishes.
    A siren was found washed up, only she looked human, and when she woke, as far as she knows, she's human, too... But she acts very odd. This doesn't stop MC from nursing her back to health and supporting her. However, she starts having strange cravings... and sometimes, she seems very, very evil.
    Lucifer captured YC, but she refused to bend to his will. No amount of torture worked whatsoever... so she was chained, isolated, and alone, against a cold wall in an enclosed tiny cave, held immobile in a way that bit and tore at her wings. Finally, after a few centuries... MC was tasked to break her.

  • King loves dominating women to the extreme. MC is mute and there's no such thing as sign language. Bodies begin turning up at the castle... even YC's best friend/relative. YC decides to come to court seeking revenge and stop the serial killer.
    YC runs away to escape political marriage, but she's very sheltered and doesn't know where she's going or what she's doing. She ends up finding her way into her betrothed's kingdom anyways. YC becomes embroiled in a plot that MC was sent to investigate. MC apprehends YC and takes her with him as he travels around the kingdom's outskirts. But things go horribly wrong and they end up having to survive together.
    Kingdom faces total destabilization, royal family and nobles are slaughtered. MC is the crowned prince and managed to escape. While fleeing, MC comes across Y/C who is apart of a hunting group. The kingdom and the neighboring kingdom fails. Lines are blurred, law and order enforcement destabilized. Orcs are suddenly a thing. Hunting band becomes 'robinhood'-esque and travel from village to village trying to help alleviate the situation.
    A has been helping B sneak out of the palace for years. Little do they know, B only sneaks out as an excuse to spent time with A without others prying. Eventually, B gets exposed to more life outside of the castle. At the castle however, B has to keep meeting delegates, suitors, or just socialize, and A gets to monitor.
    MC is on an expansionary warpath trying to reclaim ancestry land. As a key part of the campaign, spearheading and fighting in it, MC is an active participant during travel, encampment, fighting, and seizing. YC has sworn their fealty, and if YC abandons MC, they face treason... or maybe they fall in love
    Prince kills father and reneges 20+ year old political marriage and betroths sister to a different country. YC must suddenly trek across 1k miles on horseback with a 100+ man procession, her ladies in waiting, not including the commoners and supply wagons that follow. MC is tasked with protecting yours. Epic adventure. A surprise skirmish ensues, almost everyone dies. YC and MC are in enemy lands and have to go on to get to safety. Survival elements.
    MC and YC were allowed to play together as adolescents, but as time went on, they were forcibly separated. However, my character still sneaked off to play, hang out, or explore with YC. As time went on, MC was forced to train as a king, being the heir to the throne, and YC is trained to become a knight. Eventually they're forcibly removed and YC goes off to war and miraculously doesn't die and comes back as a decorated hero. Over the years however, MC has assumed the throne and has become a cold hearted tyrannical ruler.
    The world is taken over by an overarching greedy and evil character. Subjugating the world, it's left in poverty, and with it? Everyone who isn't enslaved in his imperial hub. MC is an orc, but one that has adapted to human life, although still an outcast. YC is under your entire jurisdiction. Romance highly encouraged, but will the character you create inspire mine to fight for her? Go to the ends of the reach for her? Die for her? They must try and pair up to gather artifacts across the world in an attempt to overcome the evil entity.
    There are two lines that share equal right to rule the kingdom. It is the cousin's war, and the country is heavily divided. The old king died, leaving his son for the throne, but the uncle names himself as protector and reagent for the young boy, then crowns himself king. The boy is put into a tower, the other boy goes into sanctuary with the dowager Queen. MC is a cousin whose lineage proclaims that the now dead king was a usurper, and MC should've been king all along. The uncle, now king, raises an army in response to MC's army. YC is the younger sister of the young son who was supposed to be king after the king had died. She yet has another brother who had escaped the tower, but had to be shipped out of the country to live in exile and be raised as a prince who would one day take over the throne. MC promises to fight for YC's brother and put her brother onto the throne, seemingly from his own good will..... Eventually, through various twists and turns, MC and YC end up married, but all is not well at all. (Historical fiction modeled after the Lancaster x York x Tudor wars. You dont need to have knowledge of whats going on so long as you have an interest in playing as medieval royalty)

Yes List: Most everything

No List: Incest, pedophilia, scat/bathroom, gratuitous anal, pregnancy, vore, extreme BDSM

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Sorry! Thats what I get for trying to juggle school run and roleplaying!
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