Unspecified Collide. (Werewolf roleplay.)

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Unspecified Collide. (Werewolf roleplay.)


A girl who's in love with space.
Local time
Today 9:00 AM
Maddie is a strong, smart and beautiful, young lady, who has been rejected by her previous pack.
But now she is the leader of the Abdicare Pack - the pack of the rejected. A pack full of werewolves which were unwanted, for whatever reason...
But there is also another thing special about Maddie, the leader hasn't found her mate yet...
So what is going to happen when their ways collide?

Hey! As stated, I am looking for a werewolf roleplay with my good girl Maddie here, and it can go pretty much anywhere.
Either Maddie meets your character as the Alpha of a different pack, or as a rogue deep inside the forest. But your character can also be human!

Some information in case someone is interested:
•This can be MxF and FxF, I'm up to do both!
•Smut is appreciated, but not necessary.
•Decent punctuation and grammar are quite important to me, so please be careful. (No worries, I won't grade your replies nor will I slit your throat because of mistakes, but well written replies make it more enjoyable.)
•If you don't want the roleplay anymore, end it. A quick shot of a message and it is over and I won't wait for your messages anymore. If you want a break it would be great if you could tell me, too!

That would be it for now! Hit me up if interested!
Interested! Sounds like a story line we could do a lot with! :)
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