MxF Committed (I should be)

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MxF Committed (I should be)


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Today 3:35 AM
So, I could write all about myself here, but I am only a partially committed narcissist, so I will stick to the basics. I am a male (since conception) who is looking for a female partner, unless we can get a group story going on, that's fun too. I have been writing/rp-ing for years…decades…a century or two ( have a bad habit of losing track of time). I usually provide quality multiple paragraph responses, but I do what is necessary for a good story which sometimes means more or less. As far as content, we set the stage, throw a couple characters in there with a scattering of NPC's as needed and see where life takes them.

And here are a couple of stages I am playing with. My palette is broad though so toss an idea at me if you want to be my partner. I am more than willing to work with a worthy adversary. Muhwahahaha!

Wild West Wizardry - Western outlaws where magic is common. MC would be a "Billy the Kid" type of rambunctious robber. Just looking for the next thrill and to make a name for himself. Want to ride the trail?

Double "0" Werewolf - A cursed killer for hire who has a tendency to lose control. I was thinking modern or cyberpunk setting (werewolves hate chewing on augments, it's like nylabones for a dog).

Ain't So Super - American Hero versus cattle mutilating, backside probing, brain eating little green men. Ready to make a mess?

As far as YC is concerned, play the part that makes you happy and bring your dancing shoes! And like to be stared at…especially if you are walking away.

I am waiting for you. Yes, you. No, the one with the smear of guacamole on her chin. Perfect.
Well, you sound like a 'lil bit of fun. I mean, of the 'lil bit you offered up, that is. My curiosity hath been piqued! I have a girl I'm wonderin' if you might be interested in workin' with. She's not strictly a fantasy character but it isn't unlike her to stumble into scenes and places she oughtn't. Consider her a regular sexy, southern Lucille Ball in that regard.

Genre: Modern (or, ya know…whatever 🤷‍♀️)


"I swar I really do use my head for somethin' other than just a knot to keep my backbone from unravelin'…I just got alot on my mind is all."

Full Name:
Sue Ellen Gretchen Thatcher
Face Claim: Megan Fox
Species: Human (or, ya know…whatever 🤷‍♀️)
Occupation: Currently looking for employment

Distinctive Features: First and foremost, her accent, plus her sweet (to a fault) disposition, followed by an appendectomy scar and a couple of snake bite marks she got as a kid back in 'Bama, one on her left ankle and another on her right forearm. Also, a small tattoo of an acorn on her left, inner wrist.

Age: 30
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brunette
Height: 5'4

Likes: Nice people / Animals / Meat and Potatoes / Skinny dipping / Rainstorms / Fishing / Cooking and Baking / Eating / Country music / Game shows / Smart People / Blue jeans / Laughing / Thrill Seeking
Dislikes: Mean people / Chrysanthemums / Guns / Being made to feel dumb / Having too many things she doesn't like
Strengths:Humility / Forgiveness / Cooking and Baking / Gregarious / Clever
Weaknesses: Gullible / Too Nice / Alcoholic (Recovering) / slut (Recovering)

Personality: While her mama always liked to tell everybody who'd listen that her "baby girl" was sweeter than pecan pie and as innocent as a "naked-chubby-cherub", Swell had always found herself in stark but silent disagreement with her. She never wanted to disappoint her mama but truth was the girl had a devilish side to her that started kickin' up right around her teenage years. Her mama, despite being wrong about the "innocent" part was one hundred percent correct with the "sweet" part because sweet seemed to be a trait impressed upon Swells very soul and it's been a part of her personality that she's carried with her practically since birth. Though definitely not innocent she is honest and extremely easy going. Her brother once noticed rather rudely that "you could use her back as a bridge and she'd barely protest." So yeah, she's got some flaws, who doesn't? Along with having the tendency of being a doormat in relationships she can be gullible, not in a stupid way but more in a 'it's hard for her to detect sarcasm and she thinks everybody's her friend' kinda way. Other qualities that describe her would be generous, loving, affectionate, optimistic, adaptable (extremely), thankful, insecure (mainly about her intelligence), shy at times but mostly gregarious and endearing. She'd do anything for a friend or to make one and if she hurts your feelings she's quick to apologize on account of she's quite susceptible to feeling guilt which she carries around like a handbag permanently stitched to her arm. She hates when people are mad at her or don't like her or when people don't get along in general so she tries to be super nice to everyone.

History: Born in Birmingham, Alabama, the "Magic City", like Swell herself has had its moments of controversy over the years. Home life was lovely and made up of a big brother, a mama and a daddy, big family suppers, lots of laughter and lots of hugs. The trailer park she grew up in wasn't all that bad, there was actually a nice feeling of community and a bit of a 'we're all in this together' kind of silent bond even with the tweakers, though never with the wife beaters or child abusers that would occasionally move in (but would not-so-oddly never stay long). Outside the trailer park, in town and particularly in school is where the world was different on account of people could be real mean to those they views as "trailer trash" so friends and people liking her became very important. She started hanging out with a girl named Kristen Claxton but who everyone called Kit in high school and they quickly became best friends. Now, this is where the pinch comes in…

Kit had this brother everyone called Kubby and Kubby was a senior who took a quick shine to Swell almost immediately. He made her feel pretty. He used to compliment her all the time and pick flowers for her to catch her attention and make her feel special. But once he had her to the point of kissin' and huggin' and feelin' comfortable is when he started planting seeds in her mind that he watered every chance he could get until one day, like magic, he made her believe it was her idea to sell herself for some money they could use to leave Birmingham and start a new life together far away. Well, Kubby agreed whole heartedly to "her" plan and "surprisingly" already had in mind who her first customer should be, an old man who went be the name Big Easy who lived in an actual house near the river. So money exchanged hands and the thing was set up, but on the day of, Swell had a vicious panic attack and refused to go through with the thing which sent Kubby into a rage. When her daddy inevitably saw the scrapes and bruises and found out who had hurt her so bad that's when he went a Kubby-huntin', found him and likewise hurt him too, but even worse than he'd done to his baby girl. Kubby never told anyone who beat him up and sent him to the ER that night and Swell kept that secret too along with "the Big Easy" one she was already keeping and vowed to take to her grave. She also stopped going over to Kits place from that day forward. Everything got back to normal eventually but for Kubby it was just time spent fixating and festering until one day he snapped.

It was Swell's sixteenth birthday, the whole family and all the neighbors were outside having a big barbecue when Kubby come up around the side of the trailer with his double barrel and shot Swell's daddy in the face. That day and it's not something she likes to think about.

So, you think about it…mull it over… and get in touch if Swell inspires you or if you would like to hear about my other girls. Byeee for now! ❤️🙏
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