Creativity Reigns Supreme

Currently reading:
Creativity Reigns Supreme


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Today 3:20 AM
Good morning, day, afternoon, night,

I've been role playing for a good few years and have changed my style a lot. At this time I mostly role play in a third person para/multipara format. I've been out of the loop for the past few years. It makes it hard to go back.

I've mostly done text based role play with some RPG role playing in the form of World of Warcraft.

Either way, I'm looking forward to trying to RP more and create amazing stories.
Welcome to the Inner Sanctum!! LOVE your profile pic, Kingdom Hearts is one of my all time favorite games! I hope you come to love it here and find some amazing partners!!
Welcome to the Inner Sanctum!! LOVE your profile pic, Kingdom Hearts is one of my all time favorite games! I hope you come to love it here and find some amazing partners!!

Thanks! He's my favorite character in the series. I will be looking for more rp when I get off work today. So watch out world lol
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend! I absolutely LOVE Kingdom Hearts. I got KH3 release day and was satisfied. I love the series and Roxas is my favourite character. I've always favoured the nobodies over the heartless anyway *insert shrugging shoulder emoji here* I actually have a the nobody emblem keychain on my keys haha. Represent!
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