Character(s) Critter Collection

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Character(s) Critter Collection


Monster Addict
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Today 6:58 AM
Edit: changed the title bc I wanna add more characters to this over time!

Name: Xoriel (Everyone calls him Tux)
Species: Tuxedo Brute Demon
Age: 125
Height: 16'1" (Can alter this to become around 6'7" with a spell, but he can not remain this small for very long.)
Weight: 1,100 lbs-ish
Sexuality: ???
Pronouns: He/Him

Occupation & Personality

Tux is a bit of an energetic fellow. He does mean well usually, but sometimes he struggles with temperament and can become extremely territorial over certain spaces/individuals. Brute Demons are known to have a violent streak in them and Tux is no exception, for he can become spontaneously violent depending on stress levels even if he seemed calm just moments before.
Though nice enough (usually) Tux is a bit old fashioned and has some questionable viewpoints that he will ignorantly verbalize on occasion. He is a single father of two infants and has no idea of what he's doing since the mother ditched and he never learned a thing about childcare, but he is trying to become better for the sake of his children. He is decently friendly to strangers and very sociable granted you don't stumble on him while his kiddos are in tow. Fortunately he does receive help with that from a nanny from time to time.
Tux is very adventurous despite knowing full and well how dangerous the humans are, and he will sometimes poke his nose into the business of others. You will most likely stumble upon this big guy out in nature or lurking just beyond the perimeters of towns/villages.

I do not have an outfit drawn for him quite yet, but he can usually be seen wearing plaid shirts and heavily worn jeans. His shirt is usually buttoned down enough to flaunt his pectorals.


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Name: Tarnish
Species: (Mutated) Brute Demon
Age: 195
Height: 18'0" (Can shorten himself to around 6'4" as well as hide within a human disguise of a similar height)
Weight: 2,500lbs
Sexuality: ???
Pronouns: He/Him They/Them

Occupation & Personality

Tarnish's real name is unknown to everyone but himself, and he prefers to keep it that way. His family unit lived as outcasts somewhat, rarely ever socializing with the other Brute Demons in the village unless they had to. While creating conversation hasn't been an issue for Tarnish despite being cooped up quite a bit he is very repulsive and generally others try to avoid him if they can, which he is more than fine with. When it comes to manipulation and getting what he wants out of others he is a master of it.
A large portion of his life was spent studying black magic and spells, so he is very magically inclined in spite of Brute Demons being known to lack in that area of expertise. This combined with being above average height among his species makes him very imposing to most.

Again, another boy I failed to draw an outfit for. This will be a recurring theme… Anyway, Tarnish usually wears a decent dress shirt and some nice slacks, though if he is feeling rather uninspired he will go for just the average T-shirt and loosely fitted comfy pants look.


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Name: Persici
Species: Demon
Age: 45
Height: 12'10"
Weight: ???
Sexuality: ???
Pronouns: All

Occupation & Personality

Persi is a very timid, gentle natured creature with no desire whatsoever to stir up trouble. He isn't the best at socializing due to his inability to speak that well, but he can communicate telepathically to anyone who allows physical contact. While he may look rather intimidating, Persi is incredibly slow moving and isn't known to do anything unexpected.

He usually ambles around aimlessly, free of any concerns save for his own well-being and survival. He is much more active during the warmer months such as spring and summer, so that is most likely when he will be encountered.


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Name: Nox Venator, God of Decay, Bringer of death, etc
Species: Corrupted God
Age: Ever since the existence of life, so…old.
Height: 8′10″
Weight: ???
Sexuality: ???
Pronouns: All

Occupation & Personality

A heavily corrupted God of death, decay, and the natural cycle of life. He roams the world wreaking havoc upon those who have brought harm to nature and pollute the world with their filth, seeking to eradicate practically all of humanity in order to restore balance to the dying world. Only then will he be able to finally rest.

To those who are inhuman and do not partake in their atrocities against the planet and Mother Nature, he is nothing but an ominous depiction of reality. He will bring them no harm, but he makes it clear that he is always watching, waiting, and undoubtedly ready to sink his teeth into them the second they slip up under his watchful eyes.

He is capable of existing anywhere on the planet, having the ability to vanish and without a trace other than patches of dying plants wherever he walked, and then reappear only moments later. Until he feels he has done his part in restoring the world he can not be destroyed or killed, and the short list of weaknesses he has makes him an incredibly challenging force to try and deal with.


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Name: Wrax
Species: Lesser Imp
Age: 33
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 100lbs
Sexuality: Homosexual
Pronouns: He/Him

Occupation & Personality

A rather anxious father of two toddlers who follow him around like ducklings. He is extremely paranoid and prefers to distance himself from other people as a result of that, however in order to put food on the table for his kiddos he has to take up odd or unsavory jobs every now and then.

While a bit fearful of others, he can have a conversation if the situation calls for one, and he certainly isn't one to turn away help when it is offered. Despite being pretty flighty Wrax will raise hell if any harm is brought to his two beloved children.


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Name: Voladea
Species: Wrath Demon
Age: 3,500ish
Height: 7'9"
Weight: 550-ishlbs
Sexuality: Pansexual… extremely so.
Pronouns: She/Her

Occupation & Personality

Vola is one rowdy sonuvabitch to say the very least. From the moment she set foot on the surface her life has been overflowing with chaos typically wrought by her own hand. She can't seem to sit still, always has to be doing something and getting into things she most certainly doesn't need to be. From theft to assault and murder, this gal is hardly afraid to get into tussles should she see it a necessity.

Women usually get to see her softer side, for she has a preference for them. Often times Vola can be found in bars and taverns flirting with anyone who will give her the time of day. When she isn't trying to get into the pants of others she is probably stealing something from them.

When befriended, she is incredibly loving and protective. Her brain may be small, but her heart sure is big.


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Name: Solomon (Sol for short)
Species: Toyger Brute Demon
Age: 152
Height: 15'3"
Weight: 950-ishlbs
Sexuality: Bisexual, heavy preference to just be left alone.
Pronouns: He/Him

Occupation & Personality

Sol is an extremely grouchy, generally unapproachable character who is very much repulsed by social interaction. He is beyond unfriendly and will go as far as trying to run off those who aggravate him continuously, but if he can't run them off physically then being around his godawful attitude will probably do it.

Should someone actually manage to befriend this beast, he… Isn't much better. He has an extremely difficult time forming lasting relationships and he does distance himself frequently.


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Name: Ornethis
Species: Firefly Demon (Lightning Element)
Age: 67
Height: 14'5"
Weight: 1,000-ishlbs
Sexuality: Homosexual(?)
Pronouns: He/Him They/Them

Occupation & Personality

Ornethis spends the bulk of his time soaring high above the ground at night, searching for any potential prey that could serve as his next meal. Most encounters happen when some poor unfortunate soul ambled too far out into the open and he managed to spot them.

Even when he is not on the hunt he is still rather unpleasant. He finds tormenting people and small creatures a great deal of fun, and he likes to even hold some hostage just to spook them into thinking that their death is near.


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Name: Boris
Species: Snow Leopard
Age: 56
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 230lbs
Sexuality: Bisexual, preference for women
Pronouns: He/Him

Occupation & Personality

Boris is a very quiet and ominous individual who actually spends the bulk of his time in the form of an average snow leopard. He can be found higher up in the mountain forests existing casually and freely, trying his best not to bother with the grim realities of the world he lives in. Occasionally he does run into issues with traps, so the guy has some pretty nasty scars on his wrists (or paws in leopard form).

Boris isn't friendly, but he isn't exactly unfriendly either. He isn't much for words so a verbal response from him is moderately rare. Should someone stick around long enough to get to know him he can be pleasant, albeit rather quiet, company.


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Due to the animalistic nature of the character he will not be used in erotica.

: ???
Alias: Hex
Species: Harpy
Age: 132
Height: 12'6"
Weight: 780lbs
Sexuality: Bisexual, female preference
Pronouns: He/Him

Occupation & Personality

Hex is an extremely territorial sky-dwelling creature who spends most of his time either in the air or basking on warm rocks near shorelines. He does not interact with people much, and when he does it usually doesn't go terribly well for either party. He is typically pretty defensive when it comes to other masculine people and men, but women and effeminate people are more exposed to his "friendlier" side.

Pollution severely affects his health as his primary diet consists of seafood, so he migrates to lesser populated parts of the world until humans end up eventually occupying that space. On extremely rare occasions he will stop and rest his wings in densely populated cities/town, but he does his best to avoid these situations at all costs.


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Name: Toriel (known as Cookie)
Species: Snowshoe Brute Demon
Age: 137
Height: 14'1"
Weight: 1,005lbs
Sexuality: Lesbian
Pronouns: He/Him She/Her

Occupation & Personality

Cookie decided to ditch her village as a youngster and went to live among the humans, where she was taken in by a lovely family who didn't mind having a kid that looked slightly different from her siblings. She stands out quite a bit in the area, sure, but the community has grown accustomed to her presence, so she hasn't really faced much hardship with it. She is a bit short tempered but is generally pretty harmless, and she flusters easily around women.

She enjoys going to the gym, on long hikes/camping trips in secluded areas, and is generally a pretty outdoorsy person. The most likely place to stumble upon her is either a gym or struggling to start a campfire out in the wilderness somewhere.


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Name: Jacob
Alias: Socks
Species: Imp
Age: 29
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 120lbs
Sexuality: ???
Pronouns: He/Him

Occupation & Personality

Socks has lived most of his life aimlessly wandering the streets of large cities as a thief, pickpocketing whatever small valuables and food he can get his grubby little hands on. Large scores are few and far between, so he will usually sell whatever small items he can to a fence in order to keep himself alive long enough until the next ring someone leaves behind or the wrinkled $10 bill flittering along the pavement.

He is not exactly friendly, but he isn't outright mean either. Granted one needs a tough hide to survive in his situation. He has accidentally stumbled into a plethora of sketchy situations and prefers to avoid them unless he is in some serious shit, so he won't resort to getting his hands dirty unless he feels that he absolutely has to.

On rare occasions he trails after a person he finds interesting or sparks a romantic/sexual interest within him. The guy is severely touch starved and can accidentally come off as a creep because he has a hard time taking hints or deciphering boundary lines, but he will not forcibly pursue anyone.


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