Character(s) Crow's Characters

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Character(s) Crow's Characters


Night Sneaker
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Today 1:58 AM
To make things easier on myself, I'll be adding my characters as replies to this post.
Not repetitively editing this post as my flowing imagination makes many characters at seemingly spontaneous times.
If one catches your interest, feel free to message me and we can figure out a RolePlay involving him/her.
Thank you for taking the time to view!

Name: Kara ???
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Specialties: Explosives (custom), Hand Crossbows or SMGs, Limber
Bio: Kara is my main female Persona. A bounty hunter with incredible marksmanship, favoring the light and compact guns with high fire rate or her own grenades. In RPs with magic, depending on what's permitted, she can create ethereal guns or use hand crossbows with magical bolts. Never one to give up, she'll do anything to guarantee her mark and then claim her pay. Adamant yet sweet and honest, she'll happily call you a friend until you cross her. Then she'll call you just another Mark.
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Name: Crowe Knight
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Specialties: Sneaking, Healing, Long Range Weaponry.
Bio: Knight is my main male Persona. Typically a Hired Merc, he is easily able to be used in modern, military, or magical RolePlays. Independent, caring, strong willed, but also shy at first. He often tries to hide this by acting cold during the first meet or until he gets to know you better. Swift and intelligent, though not very strong physically. Get him to open up and he'll be a loyal friend ready to watch your back for you if or when you need it.
Name: Lily Ato
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Specialties: Hacking, Cooking, Parkour
Bio: To sum Ato up in 2 words, black hat. Orphaned as a child after losing her parents, Lily found comfort in computers as well as other electronic devices. Always doing well in college, she learned to be good at lying in order to get what she wanted. Into places, past certain people, even food or merchandise. Even her legal records are fabricated. And when lying didn't work or got her into trouble, Lily was great at getting away. Over fences, across roofs, off bridges, there were no boundaries between her and escaping.
The only OC I'll use a Real Picture for.
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Name: Krysta Blade
Gender: Female
Age: 30
Specialties: Fencing, Cooking, uses wind magicks, can turn into a wolf, easily tame wild animals
Bio: Used to own her own tavern, The Sakra Devanam. Krysta had decided to sell her tavern in order to once again take up adventures and explore new places. Skilled with the rapier and equally skilled at communing with animals, Krysta is not one to take lightly even if her guard seems down. She loves a good fight and aims to find a new goal for her life.
Name: Rena Blade
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Specialties: Dual Wielding blades, Playful and Hyper, uses lightning magicks, can turn into a fox
Bio: Used to live in her big sister's tavern, The Sakra Devanam. After finding out her home was sold out from under her, she decided to go adventuring and earn money! Rena is a lively girl who enjoys making friends but she sometimes has an odd definition of fun. Unlike her big sister, Krysta, Rena doesn't have a specific goal in life right now.
Name: Aya Kage
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Specialties: Archery, Thievery, Singing
Bio: Archer by sunlight, rogue by moonlight. Aya had a brutal upbringing in which she had lost her right eye, which is why she always has it covered, usually by her hair. When she wasn't being abused, she was stealing to survive. At the time, singing was a hobby that helped her keep her sanity. Later she took up Archery Practice as a new hobby and found out she was really good at it. Though she continues to practice routinely so as to always stay top grade and her thievery has turned more into a klepto habit...
Name: Sasha Mormerilien
Gender: Female
Age: appears 25
Specialties: Dexterous, Traps, Hiding things on herself
Bio: Though Sasha is a half elf, she has no magic. However, what she lacks in magic, she makes up for in dexterity. And with all the traps she can hide upon herself, you'd think she does have magic. Being a half elf, Sasha was never really able to fit in among the elves and doesn't feel like she fits in well among the humans either. However, she does her best to try and make friends among the humans while hiding her elven traits. Specifically her ears. Her late father was a human and her mother is an elf, and due to that, Sasha cannot be around the elves without being recognized.
Name: Charité St-Jacques
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Specialties: Athletic, Strong Willed, Protective
Bio: Charité was abandoned in a dumpster as a newborn but luckily was later found and adopted by a french/american couple while they were visiting Osaka, Japan. They brought her home and raised her with the intent of a novelist daughter, though she ended up preferring to stay active instead of read. At 21, her parents finally told Charité how they really got her. They gave her a large sum of money and told her to trust her heart and go where she felt needed. So she left but wasn't sure what she wanted or where she was needed. Now she simply travels just to explore.
Name: Gisele Noire
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Specialties: Elementalist, Reckless, Caring, Friendly
Bio: Gisele once lived in a small village, hidden by magicks. One day, the village was raided and Gisele's parents went to help fend off the demons invading. The only survivor was a lone swordsman and a single girl he was able to save, Gisele. She never got to see her parents after they left, which may be for the better. The swordsman took Gisele with him and decided to teach her to how to defend herself with a sword and how to tap into her magicks he knew she had. Shape-shifting of equipment she wields. She then discovered these shape-shifts are dependent on which elemental enchantment she chooses for the magick sword she was given. Through mastering her swordsmanship with the swordsman, who was now like a step father to her, she became self dependent and wanted to protect people like he did. If the swordsman had magicks, he didn't use them. Gisele does and intends to if it helps her to save more people than just one. After confidently mastering her magicks and her swordsmanship, the swordsman had passed to an illness he hid from her. An illness they hadn't known a cure for yet. At the swordsman's grave, Gisele made a vow. She would be a modern knight and use these magicks and the long sword she was gifted to protect as many people as possible.
Through her Type Quake (earth enchantment), her sword changes to a larger and wider claymore encrusted with rock, like an offensive tower shield. Her armor also becomes more sturdy and heavier. This makes Gisele slower but able to defend herself much better in exchange.
Through her Type Gale (wind enchantment), her sword changes to a rapier flowing with wind. Her armor also becomes more revealing and lighter. This makes Gisele more vulnerable but much faster in exchange.
Through her Type Blaze (fire enchantment), her sword changes into a chainsaw fueled by her fire magicks, engulfed in flames. Her armor takes on a more aggressive shape. This increases her attacks drastically but blocks using magick (except a new enchantment) in exchange.
Through her Type Frost (water enchantment), her sword changes to a whip glowing with ice. Her armor take on a more calm shape. This increases her magicks drastically but makes attacking physically less practical for most situations in exchange.
Through her Type Chaos (dark/forbidden enchantment), her sword changes into a hand cannon shadowed with demonic power. Her armor returns to her basic clothes. Since its a magick fueled cannon, her magick and attacks are much more devastating but her armor gone and the unusual weight of a cannon on her arm makes her more vulnerable in exchange and also slows her down until she's more adjusted to dark magicks.

Name: Chiyo Noroi
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Specialties: Combat, Insight, Conjuration Magicks
Bio: Chiyo is a kind of Dark Knightess with a single type of magic. She can offer some of her blood to conjure a type of weapon, most favorably being lances and spears. Her mother was a witch and her father a vampire, both hunted shortly after schools had discovered Chiyo's secret. This, in turn, led her to flee in fear of losing her own life as well and grew up in solitude, learning bits and pieces about humans from listening to bored caravans talking as they pass her. Not knowing why she exists anymore, Chiyo locks away her humanity when she has to fight but otherwise is generally a sweet and caring woman.
Name: Code: F-Proto_27 (a.k.a. Freyja)
Gender: Female
Age: appears 27
Specialties: Artificial Intelligence mind, Artificial Human body, military background
Bio: Freyja was an A.I. made with the intention of assisting in defending against cyber attacks and other cyber warfare. Programmed by military techs, taught/trained/tested/raised by hired hackers and by other real hacker attacks, she was an invincible shield on the internet. Then during a severe electrical storm, another hacker made an attack on Freyja's main computer, causing it to cease function while she was defending the base against power outages from the storm. In her failure, she was pushed out of her computer as it fried beyond repair and programmed herself into an Artificial Human the military was preparing for a reduced need of human soldiers. The military, of course, labeled this as a rogue act and defined her as a flawed program. When they attempted to shut her down, she resisted and escaped, now living among civilians as "that lady who never ages" and she began to use the name Freyja.
Name: Cepheid Eden (Spartan Tag as "ST4R")
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Specialties: vehicles, guns, adapts quickly
Bio: Cepheid had grown up hearing of fables of a commando always saving earth with his AI friend. But it was always in space so no one really knows how true those fables are, if at all. Except the Military, probably. So Cepheid enlisted, as soon as she was of age, for one of very few spare slots in the spacial military. She would meet this space commando or, if not, then be the new person in space people make fables of.
Name: Ourang Medan (?)
Gender: Female
Age: unconfirmed, appears 26
Specialties: informative on naval units and naval creatures, can breathe under water, can walk on water, communicates with naval creatures, able to manipulate naval vessels, is possibly a ghost(?)
Bio: Unverified information. Contact your commanding officer if you wish to inquire more details on this mystery woman. Ourang has no records of proven existence. Everything you will read are merely notes we have taken from her verbal claims.
Ourang is from Hashima Island. (Impossible since it's been abandoned for over 40 years.) She has little to no knowledge of current customs. Her ability to learn and adapt quickly is amazing. Quick witted and always able to remain calm even under potentially lethal circumstances. (Regrettably, verified through tests. No clue how or why she can do this. Does she not know fear or simply not feel fear?) She woke up to the sounds of explosions one day and saw only half destroyed ruins instead of buildings and skeletal remains instead of people. (Half destroyed? Perhaps after the bombing raid. But how did she survive? The remains were likely others killed during the raid after we thought we evacuated everyone. How many children did we murder? Just because they ran out of coal?) Ourang has incredible information on many naval crafts, she calls them vassals. (Perhaps vesssel mispronounced?) Ourang can also walk on water and breathe under water. (Delirious! She thinks she is a god?!) Ourang's coordinations on map systems are almost perfect though when checked for verifications, the given coordinates are off. (Likely from how much our lands have altered since the coal mines were last operational if she's telling the truth. We are skeptical but impressed.)
Name: Julia (Jewels) Hunter
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Specialties: guns, collective and level headed, athletic
Bio: Julia Hunter was abandoned at birth and was discovered by a pair of police partners. Her mother was later found, murdered, and one of the officers who found Julia decided to personally adopt and raise her. Always curious, Julia would often shadow her adoptive dad at work when she got out of school and learned how to handle a gun in the police firing range. Her dad later retired shortly after Julia moved out. While raised and trained by the police, Jewels turned down an offer to join as a spot was opened when her adoptive dad retired. She now earns money as a freelance P.I.
Name: Alicia Okiku
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Specialties: Unarmed Combat and Maid Duties
Bio: Alicia was bought from a slave trader and forced into the role of a maid. Anytime she made a mistake, her punishments were vicious and thorough, always leaving a scar. One day, Alicia noticed the head maid getting a severe lashing, in which to her surprise, the head maid only smiled afterward and apologized sincerely to the master. The head maid later died to her injuries getting too infected. Shortly after, the master was murdered and the maids were told to enjoy their newfound freedom. Alicia decided to learn how to defend herself so she wouldn't be a slave again while also smiling more often.
Name: Amelia (Emmy) von Schwarz
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Specialties: Short, Quiet, Simple
Bio: Born into her family of people with black hair, Amelia was born with white hair and considered a disgrace. Mother insisted to wait on judgement of her first daughter to see if the black hair would show as Amelia got older (18), which it did not. This incurred the wrath of Father, in an attempt to end Amelia's life and their shame until Mother managed to pry the strong hands off Amelia's neck. That night, as Amelia slept, her family left and abandoned her. Amelia was later kidnapped by thugs expecting to hold her for ransom until they heard her starved stomach growl. The younger thug called her useless because she wasn't worth a penny and asked to shoot her face. The older thug hesitated before reluctantly taking Amelia in and raising her with his younger partner into their perfect, little thief. After her new "parents" were incarcerated, she decided to try and figure things out on her own.
Name: Zeke Hogosha
Gender: Male
Age: 22 (?)
Specialties: Defense, Ballistics, Level Headed
Bio: Zeke was, once upon a time, a guardian angel. He had lost his wings when he failed to protect his previous charge. Now, while working to earn back his wings, Zeke is trying to become more acquainted with humans. Angel or not, Zeke still got to bring his armaments with him through his descent. These consist of complex yet simple machinery. One being a tower shield capable of blocking even a missile while also having a type of cannon attached to the underside of the shield, allowing Zeke to return fire. His other armament being a pair of claw gauntlets with blades that can be ejected and detonate. The fact that his claws seem to have a limitless supply of new blades after ejection and that no one ever sees him load his tower shield is proof enough to some people that Zeke is an angel, fallen or not. To others, he's seen as a monster they can't comprehend. As a guardian angel, Zeke will only protect one who really needs protecting, otherwise he may still try to assist but without trying very hard.
Name: Elizabeth (Liz) Graves
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Specialties: Kind Hearted, Brave, Loyal
Bio: Liz grew up in a small village, with caring and well teaching parents. A smart and well mannered girl always running around telling her parents she would grow up to be a hero someday. One day, in school, there was a kid found with a gun. He was going to try and end his story but she tried to take the gun from him and got shot. Liz was rushed to the nearest hospital where she laid in a coma for years but did recover from the gun wound. Her parents almost gave up before Liz woke up again and decided to train herself for self defence to keep protecting others. To be a hero.
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