MxF Damsel in Distress? Not really...(Fantasy, Long-term, Multi-para)

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MxF Damsel in Distress? Not really...(Fantasy, Long-term, Multi-para)


Inner Sanctum Nobility
Local time
Today 6:39 PM


I've been writing for over ten years. I won't bore you with fluff, I'll just lay out who I am as a writer and what I'm looking for in a partner.

People often say quality over quantity, but I'm quite greedy, so why not both? I go for quantity and quality. I write 3-10 paragraphs per post depending on the scene(500-1500+ words). I go heavy on detail, I love character development, and definitely moving the plot forward. I will only write with people who have a similar writing style to myself, I don't intend to start countless stories. I am looking for one solid partner to write with and thats all, so if we don't seem to work well together it's a no go. I respect people that give me the same effort I give them, so if you're unable to write multiple paragraphs with heavy detail don't contact me. I don't want to put pressure on anyone to write out of their comfort zone, so if you're not experienced writing in this way we probably won't work out. Also, I will move the story forward but I won't carry it, it's our story once we start, not mine alone. So let's get creative.

I work full time in a very taxing job so I am only able to post 1-2 times a week(Sometimes more). It's not frequent but I will be sure to make it worth the wait.

What is a story without indulging in some carnal desires? Sex is guaranteed in all the stories, even if it's a slow burn.
I write all 18+ themes, sex, drugs, violence, blood, ect... You've been warned.
I find F-lists... cringy. My stories don't go into heavy kinks. Many of my stories are character/relationship development based. I don't expect things to hop up to levels that require an f-list. If they do, we can talk like adults.

Please when you message me send me an intro about yourself and what you think of the story idea. I often get one liner messages from people with zero substance. I can't agree to write with you if I don't know you, or if you haven't sent me a writing sample. If you message me without this part I'll know you didn't actually read my info section and just read the story idea. And that doesn't fly with me.



My writing sample
Vibrant oranges and pinks swirled together on the horizon, the cloudless sky made for a beautiful sunset. In the nearby town though, no one admired its beauty. Sunset gave warning to them to get inside, board their windows, and pray to whatever gods would listen. A winding dirt road led from the nearby town into a dark forest. According to locals a specific demon had claimed the area as its territory and snatched up a human every night. The stories of the creature were told in the local tavern, spoken in hushed voices as if just speaking of the demon would cause it to appear. The tavern was where he'd heard of the monster, and now he was set out to kill it. The dirt path tilted and shifted, the loose earth under his feet causing him to stumble slightly. Perhaps he'd had one to many pints of ale. A smile pulled across Cyrus' lips as he pressed forward towards the menacing forest. Could it be that tonight was the night he would see Valhalla? He wasn't much of a warrior anymore but he had fought plenty of times in his life, so perhaps he would still be welcome there when he died.

Cyrus had very little regard for his life, some said it seemed like he wanted to die, but that wasn't exactly the case. He would welcome death if it came, but he would not die a coward. He would fight and if he won he would live, if he lost he would die, he resigned himself to that. Sure, he wasn't doing himself any favours by leaving to hunt a demon right at nightfall, with four pints of ale in his stomach and nothing else. Maybe he truly did have a death wish... Even he wasn't sure anymore.

Cyrus approached the tree line. He was clad in all black, black breeches tucked into dark leather boots. He had on a white tunic that tucked into his waistband. Covering that was a black overcoat that was fastened closed with leather straps. Thick, brown leather armour made up the outermost layer, covering his chest, abdomen, back, and shoulders. Each piece was studded with iron bolts for reinforcement. He wore dark leather gloves that were tucked into the leather bracers that covered his forearms. He looked less like a hunter and more like a mercenary, a transition that had happened naturally over time. His longsword was strapped to his back, peeking over his right shoulder where he could easily draw it, carrying it unlike a regular solider. Around his waistband were different pouches and tools. Tucked into the side of one of his boots was a dagger, used in emergencies. His dark hair was pushed back out of his face, tied into a tight knot so it was out of the way.

He didn't hesitate to follow the road into the forest, the canopy of branches blocking out what little light the sunset provided. He was told the demon had a lure, it looked like a woman, and when men would approach her the demon would strike, dragging the victim away somewhere in the forest. If it had no luck catching prey in the forest it would move on to the town and take someone. The shadows engulfed his form as he pressed farther into the trees, eyes tracing over the edges of the path, searching for signs of the demon. Other than the lure, he had no description. He didn't know if it could fly, if it burrowed, if it was large, or small. He wasn't sure what to expect, but learning on his feet was something he'd mastered long ago. As he moved he noticed some spots where the dirt was disturbed, the grass was flattened, and the nearby bushes had some broken branches. It looked like something was dragged off the path, in more than a few places... he was getting close.

As that thought crossed his mind a noise caught his ears. Cyrus' head turned quickly, eyes finding a pale figure in the darkened forest. A couple meters into the bushes stood a woman, face buried in her hands as if she was crying. She was fully nude, from what he could see, her fair skin almost seeming to glow in the shadows. Her dark hair fell over her shoulders like water flowing over stone. His head stayed facing the woman but his eyes were moving over the trees. The demon was hiding somewhere, though he couldn't see where. Soft sobbing met his ears and his eyes once again found the woman. "Not bad" He commented in a low voice. She looked like a real woman, it was no wonder men were being swept away so easily. A thought crossed his mind and a smirk pulled at the edge of his lips, causing a dimple to crease his left cheek. If the demon wouldn't show itself, then he'd just have to go find it. With that, he turned, moving towards the woman. He only made it about five steps before something wrapped around his ankle like a snare. It tightened before abruptly pulling. A grunt left his lips as he fell back, hitting the ground with force. He didn't have a second to think though, as fast as he was pulled off his feet he was being dragged through the forest. He lifted his arms to protect his face from the branches as he was dragged. The trees flew past him rapidly, he could feel branches and rocks scrapping at the parts of his body not protected by armour. Maybe this wasn't his best idea… but he was committed now, whether he wanted to be or not.

The sight of forest flying past him abruptly changed to dirt as he was dragged into a large den, a dirt tunnel the demon had burrowed into the earth. He'd barely seen the entrance before everything around him was pitch black. "Ah, shit" He cursed as his leg was released, the thing disappearing into the dark where he couldn't see. He inhaled through his teeth, a slight hiss sound forming as he took inventory of what hurt. His clothes were ripped in places, he definitely had a couple scrapes but nothing serious. He sat up, pushing off the ground with his hand to stand in the dark cavern. He couldn't see a thing, but he could feel it. The air was shifting around him, it was in there with him and it was getting closer. He lifted a hand, reaching over his shoulder for the hilt of his sword but his hand only found air. Shit-

A force struck him, knocking him off his feet once more. He slid across the dirt floor for a couple meters before slowing to a stop. His sword must have come loose when he was being dragged, just great. He coughed, trying to regain the air that had been knocked out of him. "Oh man, it really is a shame I can't see your ugly face-" He began to speak as he got to his feet once more. The air was moving around him again. "-If you're as foul looking as you smell I'm sure I'd die just from seeing you" The air shifted, Cyrus ducked down, reaching for his boot as something whipped over his head. He drew his dagger, feeling the shape coming close once more. He angled his blade and without hesitation he sunk it into the heavy shape that had knocked him off his feet moments ago. A blood curdling screech erupted from the demon as warm blood rushed over his blade and over his gloved hands. It pulled back and the cavern trembled, the creature thrashing about. All his blades were laced with poison, a simple dagger could inflict excruciating pain to any creature it pierced. Cyrus reached into one of the pouches tied to his belt, wrapping his fingers around two small orbs. He pulled them free before flinging them forward, watching as they exploded against the ground. Bright red light burned from the orbs, giving him his first look at the creature he was fighting. It was massive, larger than a two story building and shaped like a centipede of sorts. Its body was covered in scales, two long trails of spiked legs lined either side of its elongated torso. It's face consisted of black eyes and a mouth full of fanged teeth. From its forehead swung a long, thin tentacle type extremity. That was likely what had dragged him from the road. Countless human and animal bones were scattered throughout the cavern, revealing just how much killing the creature had already done.

Despite seeing the horror he was facing, a smile pulled across Cyrus' lips. "There you are beautiful" His eyes were focused, pupils dilated, smirk never leaving his lips as the flares began to fade. There wasn't anything that made him feel more alive than fighting a demon, the rush was something he constantly chased. The light dulled, the demon moved, lunging towards him. Cyrus side stepped just as the light disappeared, allowing his blade to find the creature's flesh once more.

The blade made contact, sliding through the creatures flesh like butter as it moved. The noise it released would be enough to make any man's blood run cold but all Cyrus could hear was his own pounding heart. Maybe fighting in the dark wasn't the best strategy, neither was hunting while horribly drunk, but there he was. The creature twisted and his blade jerked free. Before he had time to sense it coming he was struck, harder this time. A peircing pain shot through his stomach as he was thrown back, colliding with the side of the cavern. Small flickering lights danced in front of his eyes as he fell to the ground, catching himself on his hands and knees. He coughed, tasting that familiar iron taste filling his mouth. Searing pain was burning through his entire right side, it was too dark to see where exactly he was hurt but he could feel warmth soaking through the linen tunic he wore under his armour. Something had pierced through the leather, probably one of its spiked legs. A wave of nausea washed over him. He'd been hurt before, but with nothing in him but days worth of ale he wasn't at his strongest. He lifted a hand from the ground, bracing it against his bleeding abdomen, feeling the warm fluid flowing between his fingers. "Shit" He coughed. He could feel how much blood he was losing, and he could hear the demon coming towards him again. He clenched his teeth and forced himself to his feet, swaying as he clutched his side in one hand and his dagger in the other. If he was going to die he was taking this thing down with him. He'd stabbed it twice already, Veturia poison was strong, even for something so large it wouldn't last much longer. With a groan he managed to move, barely side stepping out of the path of its attack. He stumbled but the short blade managed to sink into the beast once more. A grunt left his lips as he pushed it deeper, knowing this was his last chance to kill the damn thing. It screeched out and pulled away, disappearing into the darkness but he could still hear its horrid noises. It thrashed it's massive body back, causing the den to tremble around them. It was trying to fight the effects of the poison, but it was too late. The thrashing began to slow before stopping completely. Cyrus breathed heavily, still clutching his side.

Blood dripped from between his fingers as he fought off the waves of dizziness that washed over him. He didn't dare try bending down to return his dagger to the sheath inside his boot. If he fell over now he wasn't getting back up, he knew that… so instead he turned, forcing his feet to move. "I'm not dying in this shit hole" He muttered as he moved towards the faint glow of the entrance. The walk to the entrance might as well have been a mountain climb with how heavily he was breathing. It was like walking through mud, his feet felt heavier with every step. Slowly, he emerged from the den, the faint moonlight illuminating the grassy field between the entrance and the nearby tree line. A shine caught his eye and he looked down, seeing his sword laying in the grass. "Oh, there you are" He breathed out as he swayed, the dagger falling from his hand. Cyrus dropped to his knees, feeling the earth collide with body as he fell forward, laying on the ground next to his sword.

He was a bloody mess. The leather armour that had protected the front right of his abdomen had been sliced open. The tunic under that was also torn, as was his skin. The wound was substantial, reaching from just above his hip diagonally up to his mid abdomen, just below where his ribcage started. Cyrus' eyes stared blankly at the hilt of his sword, the image of that same hilt sticking out of his hunting partner's chest flashing through his mind. A bitter smile pulled at his now bloodied lips, what a thing to remember right before dying. Darkness began to creep into his vision, the lull of unconsciousness tempting him, and for the first time in his life he allowed himself give in to its temptation. He was tired… Darkness completely filled his vision as his eyes fell shut, the pain fading as the rhythmic pounding of his heart left his ears, leaving him numb, and silent.

Okay, the fun part! Here we go!

Every man dreams of becoming a knight in shining armour, rescuing damsels and being rewarded heavily with golden coins! Or at least, as children they dream those ridiculous dreams. A damsel in a tower guarded by a dragon, a kiss that seals true love, ending the plot with a Royal wedding and a "Happily ever after". It's all fantasy, written in books for kids and love sick maidens. The real world isn't so pure, isn't so clear cut and kind. Reality strikes young for many, the moment a sword is thrust into your hand and you're sent out to either live or die. Shining armour doesn't exist in muddy, blood filled battle fields. Damsels are often already half eaten by Orcs by the time anyones able to reach them. Truly, fairy tales weave a beautiful story, but that is all they are... fairy tales.

In a world so empty of dreamers, and so full of complacent soldiers, true heros have gone extinct. People work for coin, not glory, and that fact is even more true for mercenaries. Motivated by money and living each day like it may be their last, they are often feared by people for their brutish mannerisms and poor attitudes. Most mercenaries were born into poverty and turned to physical labour and monster slaying out of necessity. But one man turned to it for freedom.

Born into a noble family, raised with an abundance of food and belongings, fenced in by strict rules and expectations, he always felt out of place. He was a wild child that constantly abandoned his studies to sneak outside, only to return covered in mud and scrapes. His parents were at a loss of what to do with him, and when he got his hands on a sword his path was sealed. The moment he was of age he left home to roam the country as a sword for hire, drifting from place to place. Over the years he grew into a skilled swordsman. He rarely returned home, knowing his disapproving parents would only chastise him.

As a child and teen he had one friend, a girl from a neighbouring family that was also well off. She would often see him sneaking out and eventually began to join him. They would adventure through the surrounding forests and play games. They grew close over the years but once her family discovered where she was going they were both punished, though he took the brunt of the blame. He was known to be a disobedient child so he was blamed for dragging her along with him. It wasn't the truth though, she craved freedom just as much as he did, but he never exposed the secrets she had told him. They remained friends, though they kept their distance and met in secret. He would bring her 'treasure' he found in the forest. Mostly shiny rocks and strange looking plants, but as a kid they all seemed so unique and interesting. This went on for years, and into their teens he would bring her flowers and gems, or show her the strange creatures he had found. They were always friends though, and his rambunctious attitude always had him playing pranks on her as well. He always told her he would leave once he was old enough, but she never thought he actually would.

Years have passed since he was last at home, but recently a letter found him on his travels. It was from his mother asking him to return because something had happened. He assumed it was nothing, just a ploy to get him back home, but when he did return he learned the devastating truth. The neighbour's home was attacked by a group of bandits, and that girl he was friends with was taken. The demands were money, of course. Her parents handed over the money they requested but were never given their daughter. Desperate, they ask him to go after the group and get her back. Despite her parents' fears though, he wasn't as concerned because he had seen a side of her no one else had. She posed as a noble, with manners and an almost regal attitude, but under that veil was a burning fire. A fierce attitude and a sharp tongue, he'd earned hisself a few of her punches over the years though he never knew how she learned to hit so hard. She wasn't the timid, weak, damsel people made her out to be. Despite that though, he knew she couldn't free herself from a gang of bandits, so he takes on the task and goes after them.


So, childhood friends that have been seperated for years. Their friendship was forbidden by their parents but now they are asking him to save her. She puts on a good mask for her parents, posing as a perfect daughter. She is polite, beautiful, and poise, but under that well trained exterior is a personality as wild as his own. She puts on the act for her parents, knowing as their only child she is expected to marry a noble man and carry on their blood line. As a noble she may even have the chance to marry the Crown Prince. She has been trained her entire life to be an educated lady that will make a suitable wife, and she plays that role perfectly. She puts her duty before her own desires, unlike him. Under it all, she has a strong personality that goes against the timid maiden she has been told to be. She is fierce and sharp tongued, unafraid to speak her mind and bite out at people. She knows how to throw a punch and isn't one to go down without a fight. I feel like by the time he reaches the bandit camp they will almost be wanting to get rid of her haha but they know they can make more money if they take her across the country and sell her off. So that is their plan despite the trouble she causes.

I'm aiming for this to be an action/adventure/fantasy plot. I'm imagining they have taken her a fair distance away so once he saves her it's quite the journey back. They go on this adventure together, perhaps with the bandits coming after them. There will be magical creatures and other threats along the way. She gets a taste of life on the road and realizes how fun/exciting it is despite all the dangers. We can plot more in PM but I have ideas for further along in the story too.

If this sounds like your jam, shoot me a message!
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