MxM Dancing Around Death (MxM, Assassin/Assassin, Open

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MxM Dancing Around Death (MxM, Assassin/Assassin, Open


10+ Year RPer
Local time
Today 7:25 AM
Middle-Earth (USA/CA)
I have been RPing for a long time now and I can write between 300 and 1000 words or more; depending on muse, plot, and my partner's response. {So please be advanced or at least be able to write no less than 300 words} I do prefer writing in the third person. This is MxM, so MalexMale.

Our characters are top assassins, they are feared by everyone and they deeply respect each other. For many years now they've danced around each other, their feelings expressed through their taunting of each other. However, not once have they actually admitted or acted on their feelings. But now a common enemy has attacked both of them multiple times; during one of these attacks, my guy vanished. Now a year later your guy has tracked down mine. Upon finding my guy, yours finds out that my guy now lives life as a College teacher. Why? How will he react to the answers he receives?

Here is what the first post will be~ (Giving it as an example of the RP setting and my writing sample

The day was like any other. Well, aside from the deserted hallways and full but eerily silent classrooms. Oh, and of course the teacher's looking like death warmed over. Plus there are the tiny notable piles of paperwork scattered across every desk- teacher and student… And the fact that ninety-nine percent of the student population with puffy eyes and their quiet whimpering. Yes, other than those minuscule details everything was normal.

Briiiiiiing! The school's bell rang through the air, cutting it like a knife through butter. Students and teachers jumped and looks of utter relief filtered across their exhausted expressions. The tests were finally, finally over with. Classrooms all over campus could be heard cheering, while teachers sagged in their sits on the verge of tears. Well, all except for one special classroom…

At the farthest end of the school, a single classroom was completely silent. This classroom was a certain teacher's domain and the man in charge was known as Mr. Johnson. The man was a strange being, dressed baggy shirts and faded blue jeans much of the time, and one big thing about him was his kindness. You see, this classroom out of all of them was special. Why? Because this class was a mix of the most intelligent students in the entire school, it was a mix of 'popular' and 'reject' students. At the beginning of the semester this class while the smartest was the class where every single student loathed each other- not just because of social standing but simply because they are all very narcissistic in nature. For three long years, they fought for dominance and then, Mr. Johnson. No one knew how he did it, but by the end of the first day he was at the school every student in that room was getting along- no, they were the best of friends! To this day, they all worked well together and help one another in any way possible.

Anyway, here they sat, pencils laid on their desks next to the test papers all eyes upon the tall man in the front of the room. His head was lower and soft dark hair fell in front of his face, but then he raised his head. Those dark locks fell from his face, revealing stern green eyes that seem to dimly glow. Not a single sound could be heard.

"Well, I certainly look forward to seeing what progress you've all made this past year. I am very proud already, actually. Go on now, have a great rest of your day and I'll give you your test results tomorrow!" the man spoke cheerfully, the exact opposite of how his eyes could be described as. Then those forest-green eyes danced around the room and taking in every students' gaze for half a second. As it fell upon the head of the classroom he grinned and nodded once.

Silence. Then the head student- Crystal Mavis grinned from ear to ear and quickly stood. "Alright, let's get out of here!" She cheered, turning her baby-blue gaze to the rest of her classmates. That was all it took, the class erupted into cheers and began to head out, each one taking their time to thank their teacher before leaving.

At long last, Sebastian Johnson was alone. Breathing out audibly the man shook his head and began his slow trek around the room, gathering each of his students' papers. As he moved he noticed that his limp was heavier and more painful today, then it usually was. "And here I thought it was actually getting better," he mumbled in mild annoyance. All of a sudden, what felt like an electric shock suddenly shot through him and he paused, fingers inches from the paper lying upon the desk. Ah. A smirk touched his soft lips and Sebastian straightened, raising his darkening green gaze towards the classroom doorway.

"Well… You are a face I didn't expect to appear here," John commented, voice low and rich. With those words alone, the temperature in the room seemed to dip into the negatives. What an undeniable surprise, for none other than his former fellow assassin and… almost lover, stood there.
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