MxF Dark and Debauched

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MxF Dark and Debauched


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Today 3:25 PM

Welcome to my Request thread! Before I get too far into it, I want to make it clear that this thread if solely MxF (with myself playing the Male) and focusing on stories with power dynamics (bdsm and the like). If that's not your thing, I'm still very willing to talk and listen to any ideas you have, but don't expect anything different in here. Anyways with that out of the way, let's get into it!

Me, My Requirements, and You
As my introduction thread stated, I've been roleplaying for quite a while. I'm not sure exactly how long, but it's been at least a decade. Much of it has been in languages other than English, but despite that, I still consider myself experienced and literate. As such, I expect my partners to be at least close to that. Mistakes are fine, and we all have different writing styles, but I will stop a roleplay if the other writer is not able to use English properly. I generally like to post 3-5 paragraphs, but it depends on the situation in the story. As an example, I like to shorten posts when characters are having quick back and forth actions or conversation. So long as you give me something to work with and it's written well, it'll be fine. Finally, my schedule is a bit eclectic - I will usually post daily (or even multiple times in a day, I quite enjoy when I get a bit of quick back and forth posting), but I occasionally may be delayed. Please be patient and understanding of this towards me, and I will extend the same to you.

Kinks and Limits
My limits are far easier to list than my kinks; watersports and bathroom play in general, vomit, and being cuckholded are all off the table. Most everything else can be discussed.
Favorite kinks of mine, in short are: BDSM, Master/Slave relationships, Whipping, Foot/Footgear Worship, Bondage, Humiliation, Degradation, and Spitting. Obviously you can see the sort of bent I angle towards. That being said, I have no problems with more vanilla, or simply different, things. Loving romance can be fun sometimes too! Please note, that while I would prefer to play the sub, I am perfectly fine being a switch or dom.

(Will add more over time)

Character A is a demure and happy housewife to a very successful businessman. She lives a nice, upper-middle/lower-upper class life, and enjoys it. Unfortunately, it all comes crashing down the moment character B comes to the door, with a squad of muscle accompanying him. As it turns out, A's husband is not as successful as she had thought - and had, in fact, taken millions in loans out from some less than reputable sources. Namely, B. When those loans failed to be paid back, B decided to come resolve the issue by claiming as much from A's husband as he can. Their house, cars, and most everything in them go to him, as detailed in their contract. Even after that seizure though, there's still a few million in outstanding balance. B is going to take the company, but, eyeing A, gives an offer. He'll leave A's husband the company, and let him work off his debt via it. In the meantime, A becomes one of B's workers - she'll be his plaything, but can help her husband earn his money back by shooting porn. A's husband immediately protests, but accepts quickly after having a gun levelled towards his temple. The last he gets to see of his beloved wife is B brutally taking her on what is now, B's master bed, in his house. B kicks him out after making sure the man sees his wife creampied, and then sets to work with A.

A finds that B is a bit different than she expected. He claims her pussy and mouth for himself alone - and only lets others use her ass as favors or to punish her. He fucks her often - both on video and not. But when he isn't buried in her, he treats her like a wife more than a slave. Sure she has to cook and clean, and sometimes he ties her up for fun, but she also gets taken out to nice dinners and sleeps in his bed, where he doesn't fuck her - he makes love to her. Of course, when she disobeys, he's quick with a whip, but A can't help but start to see a different side to B.

Alternatively, A could be the daughter of the businessman.

Warning - this involves gore and torture. It can be turned up or down, but it will have some. I have no real limit for it - if you want YC to have her arms nailed to a table before being raped over it, this is the plot for you.

A is a resistance member from an occupied country during a war. Having been an operative for years, she is somewhat well known in the capitol among enemy and populace alike, and fearing her notoriety will prevent her from being effective, she moves to a smaller city. Unfortunately, she is quickly captured by the understaffed, but zealous, local unit. After seeing who they have, the unit's interrogator makes it his mission to break her. For her information, yes. But what could be more demoralizing to an occupied populace than seeing a national hero kneel at the feet of the occupier, and submissively service his cock?

Character A is a college professor who has just about had it with character B. B is a spoiled, disruptive, terrible student that A just cannot stand. It would be fine if B only had one of her classes, maybe she could ignore him. But the dumb, broad shouldered dick just had to take so many of her classes. Twice, three days a week, A has to deal with B's stupid comments, seeing his strong arms, having him interrupt the class, watching him jokingly flex to hit on the girls in the class.... A begins to realize she may have a bad mental image of B forming. The correct response would be to simply ignore it. The incorrect response would be for her to use B's awful grades and behavior as blackmail. A chooses the incorrect response. It fails. Horribly. Less than five minutes after inviting him into her office to try and blackmail him into being her plaything, A's muffled moans and cries can be heard along the heavy slapping of flesh.

With a bruised pussy, a face painted with cum, and a picture of it all on B's phone, A has no choice. She kneels, kisses the tip of B's cock, and swears to be his obedient cocksleeve as long as he is in college.

Playing off of an idea similar to Dragon Age's relationship between Templars and Mages. Character A is a Templar, with orders to transport character B, a formerly free mage, to a prison. Unfortunately for A, her charge is no apprentice. When she mistakenly lets her guard down for a moment, B takes the opportunity to hit her with an enthralling spell. Her body becomes his to order as he sees fit - though she retains the control of her mind, for now. With his captor now captured, B decides a knight trained to fight against magic is the perfect partner to have for dungeon delving in search of ancient and dangerous artefacts. He aims to plunder dungeons, and her body, both.

Character A is a high class woman in an ancient and civilized society. At least she is, until Character B shows up, with an entire tribe of marauders at his back. A's town is put to fire, it's men to the sword, and its women are rounded up. A herself is captured by B. A large bear of a man, first son of the chief, and well respected raid leader. Any hope A has of being ransomed or receiving decent treatment is crushed on her first night in captivity. The first night B takes her. She resists, of course. For her troubles, she is whipped until she bounces on his cock like a well trained brothel whore. For the trip back, the event repeats. He takes her - if she resists at all, she is beaten until she practically throws herself at him to get it to stop. She hopes, against hope, that maybe arriving at the village might lessen her pains.

Characters A and B are siblings. A is B's older brother, by a few years, and has always been a supportive but protective older brother. While he can sometimes be a bit overbearing with the latter aspect, B loves him and looks up to him immensely. She is more heartbroken than their parents or younger siblings when he moves away for college. Without his influence though, B gets into some bad habits and bad company. Despite this, she manages to get into the same college her brother is a senior at. With him living right next to campus, and not having seen each other much over the intervening years, they agree that B can move into A's apartment. There are immediately issues however, when A sees how B dresses, the alcohol she brings, and especially when he catches her trying to sneak out at night. An argument breaks out, frustration boils over. It ends with A's cock buried deep in B's ass as she cries and promises she'll be a good girl from now on. A's only response is to wrap a hand around her neck possessively. He's secretly harbored a non-sibling love for B most of his life, and now that this has happened, he has no intention of letting go.

Well, that's all for now! Feel free to message me if you like any of these plots, or have any you think I'd like!
I'm very much interested in roleplaying with you! If you have the time to reply, I'd love to hear from you. 😊
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