MxF Dark Fairytale Retellings

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MxF Dark Fairytale Retellings


Valkyrie in training
Local time
Today 6:21 AM
Some small town in the middle of nowhere
Hello, if you've come to this thread then my simple title has caught your attention and you too are also seeking a partner for a fairytale retelling. I can't lie, The Never King got me started but there have been quite a few sense that made me fall in love with the idea of fairytale retellings. Peter Pan happens to be my favorite, although I'm more than interested in others as well. I have a few plots written up, but for this search I am more than willing to work out a plot together.

I consider myself an advanced writer and I enjoy writing lengthy posts. It intimidates some people, but I promise I'm not bothered if my partner doesn't match me. My posts usually range from between 50-1000+ words, depending on how much I'm given to work with and how conversation heavy things are.

All of my roleplays are plot heavy. Don't get me wrong, I'm a sucker for a good spicy scene like everyone else, but if there is nothing more to it than that I will be bored to tears. I absolutely have to have some kind of romance in my plots, that much I don't really negotiate on. I keep my stories about 60/40 at the most for the plot/smut ratio but the majority are 70/30. As for the hot and heavy stuff, I prefer that it be natural, so slow burns work well for me.

I lean more toward realistic face claims and realistic art. There are rare occasions where I don't mind anime, but it has to be a fandom.

I play multiple character, but I prefer my main character be a female in a MxF pairing. All of my characters are over 18 and are usually different genders, orientations, and races.

There's probably more I should include, but I had a long day at work and I'm trying to get this up before I go to bed.

Anyway, onto the plots and pairing.
Peter Pan Retelling
Wendy's Granddaughter x Hook
Wendy always believed that Captain Hook was a villain, determined to destroy Peter Pan and the Lost boys. When she shared her tale, she always painted the pirate as a vile, ugly man with a hook for a hand and a thirst for blood. James Hook became a fearful figure in the lives of her children and the children of her children, all except one.

Katrina Darling never truly believed that Peter Pan was as good as the stories portrayed him. Not only did he kidnap children he claimed were unwanted and unloved by their families, but she knew first hand that if something seemed too good to be true it probably was. She never fully trusted the story of Neverland where children were free to do what they wanted without consequences. Everything had a consequence, but Wendy had been far too enchanted by Peter Pan to give it any thought. Of course, it was just a story. Trina knew that it didn't matter who was the hero and who was the villain of the fairy tale. She had her own life to worry about. That is until her life is changed when one of her neighbor's children is kidnapped by a man bearing a striking resemblance to the boy in her grandmother's stories.

While the police are on the search, Katrina does a little sleuthing of her own. Finding a chest filled with Wendy Darling's belongings, she discovers a satchel filled with glitter. Could it be pixie dust? Would it really give her the ability to fly? With only one way to find out, she sprinkles some on herself and thinks happy thoughts. Trina never expected to lift off from the ground, and she certainly didn't believe that flying into the sky she would find her way to Neverland and she certainly didn't plan to land in the middle of a fight between the notorious Captain Hook and Peter Pan himself.

Too stunned to move out of the fray, she is shocked when she is scooped up by Captain Hook, who is well aware of who Katrina is. After all, the most important thing in Neverland is believing. How could he not know that the woman he carries off to the Jolly Roger is the only person to ever believe he might actually be the hero of the story?

The Boy Who Grew UP:
Adult Wendy x Adult Peter
(No Lost Boys)

Wendy Darling, oldest of the Darling children. Once upon a time she had been taken to a place of imagination, a world where little boys roamed free to do as they wanted under the watch of a boy only a few years older than themselves. She'd flown through the skies of Neverland fueled by happy thoughts and a sprinkling of Pixie dust. She'd been captured by pirates and even walked the plank into the darkness of a sea filled with mermaids and monsters. She never quite made it to the sea thanks to Peter Pan's rescue, but she knew what lurked beneath those murky depths would have torn her to pieces in seconds.

For that glorious week she had been more than just Wendy Darling, sister to John and Michael. She had been a mother to the little boys who'd flocked to the sound of Peter Pan's magical flute. She'd tucked them into bed, telling them stories of princes and knights saving damsels in distress. She'd wiped their tears when they'd fallen down and scraped their knees. She had given them what she thought all mothers gave their children. But in the end, her brothers desire to come home had sent her venturing back into the world she knew, leaving behind the Lost Boys and the one boy who had stolen her heart.

When she returned, she thought John and Michael would share their story with their parents, but it was her tale all along. The two boys claimed that she'd been imagining the whole thing, that she'd dreamed up the pirates and the boy who could fly. At first her parents humored her, believing the burst of imagination was cute. But as time passed and she began to grow listless with her life and longed to return to a world where she felt important and cherished, her parents' patience wore thin.

Wendy vividly recalled the first institution they placed her in. The walls were painted in colorful shades of blue and green, hiding the terrifying atmosphere. She remembered curling up in a ball in her bunk as the other teens on the unit screamed and banged on the doors and orderlies charged into rooms doing whatever they wanted to the kids they thought no one would listen to. She could list every medication her parents put her on, how they made her stomach and head ache for weeks at a time. They made her mind numb, and all color seemed to drain out of her life. In those moments she forgot about the green of the forest she traveled through with Peter. She couldn't remember the laughter of the Lost Boys as they circled around her to share their accomplishments. She felt hollow, more like a shell than a person.

She'd tolerated it for two years before she ran. Without an education or any way to support herself, she'd lived on the streets for a full year. She'd managed to survive on low wage jobs and the charity of others until one day she decided enough was enough. She couldn't live her life bouncing from shelter to shelter. She couldn't simply survive at the ripe old age of 18. She wanted to live but with no way of standing on her two feet on her own, she had only one asset to use to her advantage; her body.

It wasn't an accident that Wendy became a stripper. No, she'd watched plenty of dancers stalk into the diner she worked at in the dead of the night, flashing wads of cash after a full night of working the poles. She'd listened to them talk about their 'clients' and realized easy money could be had if she could ignore her own modesty. Her first night as a stripper had been a disaster. She'd stumbled on stage, moving stiffly to the music while shyly removing what little clothing she had on. Lessons had been learned from that night on until she soon became the hottest dancer at the club she started at. But Wendy wanted more. She didn't fit in with the girls who danced for men with boring, average fantasies. The women in the skimpy nurses uniforms and the schoolgirl skirts were cliche and boring in her eyes.

Wendy was the exotic one. The girl who came out with fluttering, shimmery wings on her back and glitter covering her skin. She waved her little golden wand and granted each and every one her clients' wishes for the night. In her company, men got to fulfill their desires outside of the world of pencil pushing and hard labor. She gave them more than just a moment of heated tension as she writhed erotically on their laps asking about their lives. She let them live out their dreams of lives hidden inside their own minds and they loved her for it.

And so it began. Wendy moved from club to club, searching for the place where she could fit in, a place where the ordinary didn't exist and only the stuff of stories belonged. From town to town she moved. Even across the great ocean until she found herself in the one place in the world filled with diversity, where the tastes of the clientele went beyond the norm. She found her home in New York City, in a high class and exclusive club known as Everworld. The club catered to those with eccentric tastes. From elves to witches, all the way to trolls and ogres should the client be so inclined. There Wendy became the star as she roleplayed her time in Neverland while making a pretty penny each night.

What Wendy couldn't have predicted in a million years was that the boy who had captured her heart at the tender age of fourteen was no longer the boy who wouldn't grow up. She never would have guessed that the feelings that developed between the two of them during her brief excursion into Neverland would have caused Peter to grow up. His desire to have Wendy in his life as something more than a mother figure matured him, but eventually led to his banishment. He fled Neverland in hopes of finding Wendy, but when he returned to Earth to find her, all he discovered were rumors of her whereabouts.

And so he searched for the woman, hoping to find her and finally sate his desires. What he discovers when he does finally locate her is that Wendy is wrapped up with a man out to get not only him, but the one place that where his heart remains. Can he save Wendy and keep Neverland safe while still getting what his heart wants?

Peter Pan
Wendy's Granddaughter x Peter Pan

She grew up with the stories of Peter Pan and Neverland. The legend passed down from generation to generation spoke of the boy who wouldn't grow up and his band of Lost Boys who roamed through the enchanted land fighting pirates. The boys longed for a mother and for a time Wendy Darling fulfilled that role. The story passed down changed as time went on, and it wasn't just a mother that Peter Pan sought but love. By the time the tale reached Everly Darling Peter Pan had become a romantic figure. He had fallen madly in love with Wendy, only to send her back to her own world to save her from Captain Hook's evil plans for her. Most families would laugh off the idea of Peter Pan and Neverland, and perhaps Everly would have as well had it not been for the tales of the man flying outside of the windows of the Darling women. At some point in their lives, every woman in the Darling family caught a glimpse of the legendary Peter Pan and they all had stories to tell about him.

For Everly, her first encounter with the flying man came during her first heartbreak her heart was completely broken. Experiencing her first break up, she'd fallen to the bed to cry her heart out when she looked up to find him at her window. From the feathered cap he wore, the auburn locks that spilled over his brow, to the fluttering little ball of light that she assumed was Tinkerbell, Everly knew exactly who he was. Just as she moved to call for her mother, the man was gone leaving her questioning her own sanity.

But that wouldn't be the last time she saw Peter Pan. He never dared to come close again, but she caught glimpses of him outside her bedroom window, always staring at her with an unreadable expression and always disappearing the moment she'd almost convinced himself he was really there.

For the next four years she was visited by Peter. He never said a word, but didn't make any effort to hide himself from her either. It was the night of her twenty second birthday, a night she barely had any memory of that the game changed for both of them.

Stumbling into her apartment, Everly wasn't shocked to find Peter Pan flying outside her window again. What surprised her was the look of determination on his face and just how close he was to her window. Drunk and thinking irrationally, Everly dared to do the one thing she never considered doing once before; she opened the window for him. What happened next was a blur. One moment she was standing in her room, demanding to know what the man wanted from her, the next she was waking up in a pile of dead leaves to the sound of fighting. Her blurry vision could barely make out the shape of the monsters that lunged from every direction. What she could see clearly was the shadowy form of Peter as he fended each fiend off. The desolate clearing eventually became the graveyard for dozens of monsters and it was in that moment that Everly realized that she wasn't in Kansas anymore

After dispatching his foes, Peter decided it was time to share his reasoning with the dazed woman who stared up at him in bewilderment and fear from the littered ground. Neverland was in trouble and had been for nearly a century, ever since he made the fool hearted decision to send Wendy back to her family. The story she told wasn't too far from the mark, nor were all of the romantic spin offs added on by the family. Peter Pan had grown to care for Wendy and could have easily fallen in love with her if he'd allowed her to stay. He realized his feeling too late, and by the time he accepted them, Wendy had grown up and started a family of her own.

Peter became depressed with the loss of what could have been. Because of his downward spiral, the magic of Neverland began to change. With the hero of the world too lost in despair, darkness and evil began to conquer the world, leaving nothing but death and destruction in its wake. It is Peter's only hope that by trying to right the wrong of the past by bringing back one of Wendy's descendants, that he can find his way out of the rut he has fallen into, and with Everly's help, return Neverland to the enchanted beauty it once was.

Alice in Wonderland
Alice's Granddaughter x Mad Hatter
Once upon a time, a girl named Alice fell into a rabbit hole and entered a whole new world of magic and chaos. What she didn't know was that her departure and return home came with a price, forever marking her and her offspring. Alice grew up and had a family of her own, passing down the story of Wonderland as little more than a fever dream. Meanwhile in Wonderland, the Queen of Hearts begins to lose her power and control over the citizens of Wonderland, growing weaker and weaker as Alice ages. When Alice eventually passes away, so does the Queen of Hearts, leaving Wonderland in complete and utter chaos. On the other side, Alice's granddaughter begins to notice a figure staring back at her from behind the mirrors in the house she inherited from her grandmother. A man with an odd hat and intense gaze peers back at her every single time she glimpses at her own reflection. Out of curiosity, the young woman touches the glass, expecting the image behind her reflection to disappear. What she doesn't anticipate is being pulled through to the other side.

Alice in Wonderland
Alice x OOC
The story begins with Alice Lawson, a 20 year old college student out for a night with her friends at the hottest club in town. When she arrives, her friends are nowhere to be found, but she's hardly alone. Within the first few minutes she is approached by a man dressed in white who offers her a drink. From there everything is blank until the moment she wakes up in a large room beside a man covered in blood that isn't his own.

As the two try to piece together what happened, they quickly discover that they are no longer in the club where they started, but a dark and sinister world where evil reigns supreme and nothing is what it seems. To find out what happened to them, they must cross through realms, each one ruled by one of the sins. To reach the next realm, they must defeat or outsmart the sin all while trying to survive their minions and save the few good souls trapped in the world along with them. From there the two venture through a chaotic world that mirrors their own, ruled by the Red Queen.

The world itself is divided into territories, ruled by one of the 'Sins' (The White Rabbit runs a large red light district. The Mad Hatters runs a arena where people fight to the death, etc) Alice and her companion not only need to survive each territory, but must confront the sin to regain pieces of their memories and find their way back home.

If you're interested in any of these, feel free to send me a PM!
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