MxF Dark Fantasy, Horror, Romance & Mystery.

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MxF Dark Fantasy, Horror, Romance & Mystery.


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Hello lovely people, thank you for your time and I hope you are all well. My name is Kima and I am in my 30's living in Australia. I have been writing for many years and am looking to jump back into it. That being said, let me get to my point.

I am seeking a roleplay partner to play a preferably male character and be willing to explore adult themes and rich storylines.

About me:

I have been writing for more than two decades and have been roleplaying on and off for many many years. It's been a while since I have done this so your patience is appreciated.

I write in the third person, as it sets a clear separation from character and author. I like a good characterisation which I can fall into and feel the characters as real as people. I like to involve romance and a decent connection between characters (love at first sight is very fun, but I also like to build a connection).

I have a lot going on in my real life so some days I might be able to post a few times a day and other times only a post every few days. I'd love to talk OOC and have a good communication of boundaries and desires etc.

I prefer 1x1 RP though I can play multiple characters (and pairings outside the main). I also enjoy world building and using magic of some sort in my stories.

My Partner:

As stated, I would like someone to play a male character, whether that be human or non-human. Someone that respects me and my time etc.

I would like to develop a story together that feels like a shared experience and some good communication in OOC as well. I am willing to discuss plot, story, if you want something to happen with your character, have a cool moment planned or improvise things.
If you have a specific kink or setting etc then I am willing to explore it, I ask for the same in return and clear communications on boundaries.


Length:- I can write anywhere from novella length to a single paragraph. Sometimes I have to get a shorter post out rather than nothing as my ADHD can kick in and make the task difficult. Shorter posts are obviously more frequent, whereas longer posts will take more time.

Story vs Smut:- Both are equally important as I enjoy both a bit of fun and immersion. I also prefer some romance over plain smut.

Likes:- I like non-human characters and have a weakness for villains, anti-heroes and dark/gothic themes. If he's obsessed with her, brilliant. I like the sleek powerful characters as well as the big brutish types (whether a himbo or grumpy) so it's an interesting mix. I love competence and I like to play strong, competent women as well.

Limits:- I am not a fan of gore when it comes to intimacy, but gore and violence in other scenes can be very fun. I also do not enjoy heavy degradation or being 'used' or abused. I do love villains, but I like to feel respected and I like to write characters that are respected by the love interest. I don't do anything under age or illegal in that sense.

Boundaries:- As mentioned I need respect above all and a need to communicate. I do not tolerate disrespect or a sense of entitlement from anyone.

If there is anything you are unsure of, wanting to explore, ask questions about, please feel free to ask me.


I am interested in creating a story all our own but I do have some basic plot ideas and potential pairings to inspire something.

The Devil's Assistant.
Lucifer himself works as both the King of Hell and negotiating deals and wishes to tempt the souls of humankind. He does have a bit of an administration issue. One day, a young woman comes to him, and he expects the usual, asking for fame, or beauty or glory or money.
What she does however is hand him a fantastic resume, and asks for a job. She tells him she will expand and streamline his office and be an innovative personal assistant. She has only three conditions. One; he cannot make physical contact with her without express permission. Two; she is allowed one day a week to do as she pleases and not be contacted. And Three; he cannot follow her home, ask about her personal life nor ask anyone to do it for him and respect her personal life completely.

The Contract
A naive adventurer comes across a tavern in his youth, and witnesses a woman being abused, and in a moment of rashness accidentally kills the man that was harming her. By the Rite of Passage, the bracelet he wore magically binds to the man and before he knows what's happening, the woman he saved is magically bound to him! Will he keep her for himself or find a way to free her?

Wandering Bard
A woman finds her way into an Elven woodland kingdom, she appears by all accounts a gentle and bright bard, with a skill for sketching. She tells stories and seems to charm even the darkest soul. She is not meant to be in these lands and is taken to the Elven King. He is surly and sorrowful after the betrayal of his love many centuries ago. Will the bard be able to bring light to the kingdom once again? And why does she look so sad when she thinks no one is watching?

Villain's Guardian
On the morning of her 18th birthday, a noble woman awakens from a terrible prophetic dream. She gathers her things and heads to the lands of a man known to be nothing more than a monster. A duke of some power, but an outcast. She heads to his lands, training and growing her skills to serve as his knight/guard/mage and prevent the horrible future from coming to pass and getting revenge upon those that harmed them both.
(This one is tropey… but fun lol)

Lights twinkled over the little trading hub town, silver eyes flicked over the shape of the horizon, in the years she had been there, she had seen it grow, and change. Some built huts out over the water, others built up. All of the buildings seemed to be from a different world, different plane and with totally different styles.

In truth she rather liked the melting pot of people, there was a lot to learn of other places, though she would much rather have been to those worlds… instead of stuck here. She watched as the constantly dim sky was dotted with what many called 'fireflies', such a cute name, she found it very amusing.

The silver gaze returned to the page, reading over one of the new books she had been able to procure, one of the simple pleasures she had been able to hold on to while in this place.

"General!" Came a sharp voice from the doorway as it loudly clattered open. The female sighed, her large eyes narrowed as her head turned. Black silky hair woven in braids around the large curved horns that followed the curve of her head, flicking up dangerously at the end, elegant, but dangerous. Silver thread and bands decorated the horns, woven like a crown atop her head. Some connecting to the earrings on her pointed ears, or woven into her hair, others hung loose. As she stood, graceful, but with the slow menace of a snake, the being at her door now frozen, realising his mistake. His dark eyes glanced at the swirling inky marks on her alabaster skin, a slight tint of lilac to it, on her shoulders, feathers of silver as pauldrons, glinting in the low light, same as her eyes, flawless and pure. The cloak like the deep night around her shoulders, hanging around her form, yet beneath it she was clad in dark, loose clothing. A top little more than a wrap around her bountiful chest, her arms and midriff bare, trousers hugging her hips and loose until the mid calf, where the fabric wove around her legs tightly. Feet that looked as soft and clean as a Princesses yet always bare, padded across the wooden floor toward the intruder. Though he could not see her tail, he knew it's threat, barbed and the ability to poison anyone she struck with it.

"Have I not stated, many times…" She began, a smooth and musical voice, an accent of the nobility falling from the full pink lips, "that I do not like to be disturbed in such a rude manner…?" She hissed, reaching up a delicate hand, perfect clean nails, slightly pointed, the silver cuff around her wrist, covering her hand and linked to her middle finger by a ring. Similar in design to the pauldrons, yet with completely different significance, her hand, while looking gentle, gripped his face with a strength that seemed impossible for her size and appearance.

"I-" he began, and she raised a perfectly sculpted dark brow. "Forgive me, General! I meant no disrespect…!" he choked out. "Th-the boss… he needs you,... urgently…!" The thug managed.

With a sigh and the slight gesture, she sent him to the floor heavily. "Very well… but next time, remember you manners, I might not be in as good a mood then." With that, she stepped over him, cloak swirling dramatically as she swept from the room and down the spiral stairs to the lower level.

She found her master in his office, with a few of his thugs around him. "If you don't start instructing your goons to use their manners, I will do it for them. Next one shall be thrown from the window." She spoke with a flat tone.

"Now, now, my general, that is not very lady-like of you…" chuckled the rugged fellow in the centre. Korviius, her master. He was of the Sierda people, thief, a scoundrel and quite frankly a fool. He always had a plan he wanted to enact, some scheme that would apparently bring them gold, and riches, and of course the talisman they needed to get off the Island. He had tried for years, though the demon suspected he was beginning to like it here, running his 'army' of cutthroats. He called himself the Admiral, and many feared him here, though of course it was mostly due to her and her power. She folded her arms and looked at him with an equally flat look.

"I am no 'Lady'" She retorted bluntly. The Sierda just smirked, his greenish skin seeming yellowed in the lantern light.

"Oh no… and we will have a use for you on the more ruthless side tonight." He hissed with a yellowed grin. He gestured to her to follow, "You know your tasks. Get to it." He snapped to the rest of his fellows, leading her with a wave of his webbed hand as he headed further down in their den of thieves, to the main level, to the road.
"Who are you shaking down now?" She asked boredly, not interested in his stupid politics.

"Oh there's always someone that owes me…" he chuckled darkly, that laugh never boded well for anyone.
After walking some distance, the people around them parting quickly as they passed by, they found the one Korviius was after. A Poridae, of all creatures, his long floppy ears and big eyes, twitchy little nose, poor thing dropped his cup of carrot juice as Korviius stepped over.

"Lopan…" He cooed, blocking the little fluffy fellow in. "I need a word."

He dragged the Poridae by the long ear until finding a rather deserted little alley, the poor little fellow, the top of his head reaching the demoness' waist. "Really?" she asked with the shake of her head. "You're gonna pick on the cottontail?" She didn't like it when Koriivus got like this. There was a lot of messy business when he got overly excited.

"Oh Lopan here owes me a shipment… don't you friend?" The Admiral grinned wickedly. Lopan's eyes widened even more.

"Oh-oh! Yes! Well, Admiral, you see there was a bit of a delay with the delivery… but-but not to worry! We have another shipment coming from Cyracan! It will arrive within the month!" Lopan managed in a panicked and breathy voice. The Demoness' brow twitched, something wasn't right here…

Pairings, themes & fandoms (oh my!)

Demons, aliens, angels, elves, tieflings, orcs, werewolves, vampires, cryptids, monsters, villains, vigilantes, soldiers, men in masks, magic & mystery, horror stories, strong women, flawed characters, any gendered side characters, gothic architecture, nobility, gods, enemies to lovers, childhood friends to lovers, slow burn, prophecies, fated loves, reincarnation, "i could fix him" "I could make him worse", metaphors, poetic language, love at first sight, romance, obsession, craving, drama, fantasy, sci-fi, dark carnival, jester, dark powers, powerful women, protecting each other, "I would die for you", "I would burn the world for you", sacrifice, angst, happy endings, Star Wars, Arcane, LOTR, Dragon Age, COD(a little), Mass Effect, D&D and Skyrim/Elder Scrolls.


I have a few Characters I have had around for a while, each are different and some newer than others, I can use any of these or create a new character for our own story ideas.
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