MxF Dark Waters. [Adult] High/Low Fantasy, Cyberpunk, Story-focused.

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MxF Dark Waters. [Adult] High/Low Fantasy, Cyberpunk, Story-focused.

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Inner Sanctum Nobility
♔ Champion ♔
Local time
Tomorrow 1:17 AM

I'm interested in writing hard-wrought, difficult role-plays involving high stakes and seriously complex male leads. For this reason, my preferred styles are Grimdark, Cyberpunk, Cosy Romance and Low Fantasy. That said, I am also able to write Sci-Fi and Twisted Fairytales (Wolf Amongst Us/Charmed.) If these are your genres, we'll probably get along.


I am a detail-orientated role-player. I rarely use image references (save for first glances), and I will usually describe the scene, setting, atmosphere, and my character's motivations at length. For this reason, I will only role-play with people who show signs of being of a similar literary nature. If you are not someone who uses sensory language to describe the appearance of their character, from how they move to how they interact with the setting, then it is very likely I will politely refuse your offer to role-play. Descriptions are what hook me. Inner monologue does nothing to drive my inspiration. Show me that your character can be active within the setting, and I will gladly take you on.

I almost want to apologise for that take, but honestly, I'm a little burnt out on passive role-plays.


Erotica is fade to black unless stated otherwise. I'm more interested in crafting a good story than anything else.

Plot Listings


I See Red

A cowgirl's rotten ex-boyfriend kills her new fiancé in a shootout. She goes hunting for revenge, but when she discovers him in a neighboring town surrounded by ruthless killers, she realises he hasn't lost a day's worth of charm. Torn between wanting revenge and falling in love again, can she bring him to justice, or will she fall for him once again?

Katara x [Any Member of the Avatar Male Cast]

Standard ATLA call. Happy to play any of the Last Airbender cast in exchange for my favourite water bender. Also willing to do Game of Thrones//Any. All characters will be aged up to 18+

What's Rightfully Mine

A newly coronated English Prince is advised to gain an heir, but with no potential women in sight he decides to go to war with his French vassal and simply take one.

Language Barrier

A barbarian fights his way through a tempest keep, only to find a lovely barbarian Princess has been taken captive by an evil sorcerer. She can't understand him, and he can't understand her. So for a time he keeps her captive; until they eventually become the unstoppable fighting couple they were always meant to be.

Lost at Sea:

A girl shipwrecks and winds up in the hands of her father's first mate. Only, he is completely and infallibly obsessed with her; and being quite naïve due to her upbringing, has no idea of the extent of his desires. Will he remain patient and let true love blossom? Or will he fall to temptation, as the idea of sharing a bed with her becomes too much for him?


[Word Bank/Cravings:]

[Princes/nobility, capture, sorcerers, men-in-mail, hidden histories, hidden pasts, partners with disabilities (limps, blood diseases, general weaknesses so one character can shine physically and the other can be emotionally/nurturing; naturally, the characters take turns at this. It isn't gender specific), gothic landscapes, pastoral landscapes, surrealism, writing-for-the-sake-of-art, true love, unconditional love, beautiful, romantic sex; craving, lust, flirtation. Caves, crystals, alien artefacts, doomy temples and esoteric inscriptions that're not meant to be understood. Heavy use of metaphors, hellscapes, dark and weird dreams; characters being mind controlled and made to do bad deeds by the sorcerer. Bandits, monsters, one-off sexual encounters; low trauma/high capacity to withstand doom-and-gloom-type-characters.]

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