Character(s) Data Data Data - A Character List [M/M]

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Character(s) Data Data Data - A Character List [M/M]


Draenai "Drae" Toramael
Appears mid-twenties.

Hex'ras; a spider-demon. Younger half-brother to K'thak Toramael.


Like the rest of his kind, Drae was born and raised within a reclusive, cave-dwelling Hex'ras colony. Largely isolated from the rest of the world, he sought knowledge where he could from scholars and mages within his settlement. From them, he learned bits of magic from various specialties, though he proved naturally skilled in the arts of illusion, phantasm manipulation, and necromancy. Less and less content with the quality of a life spent hidden beneath the surface, Drae followed in his elder half-brother's footsteps and ventured out into the world above, an act that sent him into exile. A sacrifice he deemed worthwhile when he was able to more effectively study and perfect his skills.

Above ground, Drae built a life first as a nomadic purveyor of supernatural antiquities, before at last beginning to offer his skills as an expert trapper and remover of lost, troublesome, and downright evil spirits. It was during an attempt to settle in the chilly north that he made his first real personal connection, falling hard for a temperamental forest fae who shattered his heart and drove him as far south as he could manage.

Though he still entertains his wanderlust from time to time, Drae has put down his roots in the center of New Orleans, where he runs an antique and oddities shop as a front for his real business dealing with pesky spirits. As they had been close in their youth, he maintains a rocky relationship with K'thak, who left their colony when Drae was in his adolescence, though he secretly holds out for a reconciliation.

Drae does his best to keep himself guarded, owing to his earlier heartbreak. He can count on one hand the people he trusts, and he refuses to rely on anyone but himself. He doesn't have much of a sense of humor, and has on more than one occasion been accused of not understanding jokes. As he has little need for sleep, Drae spends much of his free time reading. Going out doesn't appeal to him very much, but when he does venture outside of his shop, it's usually to indulge his taste for authentic Creole and Cajun cuisine - the more unhealthy, the better.
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Dr. Mikkel Ostergaard


Bisexual with a slight preference for younger men.

Brought up in the port town of Aarhus, Denmark, Mikkel was raised with the best of everything. Educated at the finest schools and given every opportunity, he developed extremely refined tastes which led to a lifelong interest in the arts. He has an eye for beauty, and at a young age he began to equate the serenity of death with a unique and almost ethereal appeal. Eventually, such led him to indulge his eye for macabre aesthetics - he claimed his first murder victim at seventeen.

Gifted academically, he went on to study medicine at the University of Cambridge, eventually emerging from his studies with a specialty in cardiothoracic surgery, which plays nicely into his penchant - and his talent - for mutilating his victims. Paired with family money and a successful surgical career, he built a comfortable life, one that allowed him to travel at will, seeking indulgences in every corner of the world.

Mikkel is currently on a prolonged sabbatical, taking up residence at his summer home in Windham, Maine. He finds New England living suitable to his sensibilities, offering him a quiet, secluded place to focus on his hobbies.

Mikkel has a profoundly outgoing personality. This he developed out of necessity, both to advance in his field and to veil his darker proclivities behind a smokescreen of normalcy. Due to possessing something of a god complex, he fancies himself a master, rather than a slave of his impulses. Insightful and deliberate, nothing he says or does is by accident.

He's well-spoken, charming, and generally a delight. Though beneath the gentlemanly veneer lies an exceedingly violent side, and when provoked, he's perfectly capable of beating the object of his anger to a bloody pulp. This is something he hides very well, however, and it's hard to anger him in the first place.

Quinlan Marlowe

32 (appears)


Bisexual with a strong preference for men.

Quinlan Marlowe was born into a family of cultists, religious zealots who believed in the existence of unfathomable gods. Deities demanding worship and tribute in return for their blessings. In the beginning, blessings came in the form of bountiful crops and protection from disease. As humanity advanced, so too did the offerings of the gods, whose rewards escalated to include glittering minerals, priceless gems, and other items of unimaginable value. The exchanges continued decade after decade, until the zealots knew not whether they worshiped the unearthly deities or the riches they provided.

The Marlowe estate served as the center of the cult for nine generations, and though Quinlan did not possess the same level of devotion as his forefathers, this did not stop him from taking part in their rituals, as this was the only life he knew. But as time passed and the faith faded, the cult's numbers dwindled. Inevitably, the gods moved on to build another that would sustain them, and their departure drove the surviving members of his family to take their lives. Alone and aimless, it wasn't long before Quinlan attempted the same, only to discover that their gods had left him with a parting gift - as punishment for his lack of devotion, they removed his ability to die.

Decades have passed since the departure of his family's gods, leaving Quinlan with a fortune he can never hope to spend and a rotting estate he loathes. When the weather warms, he travels as far away from the estate as he can manage, each time hoping to return and find it in ruins, to no avail. Years pass, but he doesn't age, leaving him with little recourse but to wait each year for spring, that he might find some semblance of normalcy until winter returns and calls him back to his ancestral home.

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Once the loyal servant and companion of Lord Shiva, Vasuki carried the title of Naga King, Ruler of Serpents, a position which earned him the loyalty and adoration of humans in the southern and eastern regions of Asia. His participation in extracting the Nectar of Immortality from the sea resulted in the creation of new life, which combined with his closeness to Shiva catapulted him to the pinnacle of power among the gods of his time.

But as humans are wont to do, their affections waned over time, resulting in Vasuki's slow but steady fall from grace. As decades passed, the memory of his contribution to the universe began to warp, until humans remembered him only as a symbol of Shiva's power, one worn around his neck not as a companion but as a mere subject, a token of his strength and dominion over serpents. Disillusioned by the image of himself he had once held so dear, as well as humiliated by his decline, Vasuki went into a self-imposed exile from his homeland, embarking on a journey to rebuild a cult in his name. Much to his chagrin, building a new network of followers was no small task, owing largely to the rapid development of new civilizations with their own series of gods and idols.

With no worshipers to supply adoration, Vasuki began to fade. Day by day, he grew weaker, though he found a temporary reprieve in his ability to spin illusions, a gift he used to impersonate other gods on the Asian continent in the event of their absence or demise. Subsiding on secondhand worship, Vasuki made his way to the well-established Mesoamerica, where he forged a strong, passionate bond with Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent god who reinvigorated his zeal for life - but when he too perished, the former Naga King at last resigned himself to his fate, unwilling to subside on life energy drawn from mimicry and lies.

Following the Spanish Conquest that rendered Mesoamerica a less inhabitable paradise, Vasuki traveled to the rapidly developing regions of North America, where he laid low for some years, finding new ways to cope with his impending demise. Music soothed him the most, and it was when he finally became proficient with the guitar that he learned he could find sustenance in a new kind of worship, one gifted by an audience eager to bear witness to the melodies he could create. With his zest for life restored, Vasuki set out not to form a permanent cult of followers, but to take his existence day by day, comforted in the knowledge that though his time as a god was over, it was not yet his time to die.

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Confident, extroverted, a touch brash, but never blindly arrogant. Vasuki has flirted with death often enough to know that life is fleeting, potentially extinguishable at any moment. As such, he isn't burdened by shame or modesty and takes great pleasure in living for the moment. Though he's experienced heartbreak and loss, he accepts both as inevitable facets of anyone's existence, and he is a strong believer in the lack of true coincidence. When he loves, he loves hard and doesn't let go.

That being said, he finds it very difficult to have faith in humankind owing to their tendency to forget their loyalties. His fall from grace has left him more than a little jaded and though he is quite even-tempered, he can and will fly into a blind rage if reminded of the humiliation he suffered from impersonating other gods to survive.


Riordan McGowan



Born and raised in Killarney, Riordan long aspired to enter an English university to study clinical psychology. With a bright mind and plenty of drive, it came as a surprise to no one when he received his letter of acceptance from the University of Southampton, where he received his undergraduate degree. Next on the list came graduate studies, for which he secured acceptance to Oxford. With a clear trajectory in mind and armed with a bullet-pointed list of goals, the young Irishman had every confidence in his career path, all but counting down the days to his doctoral program.

Everything changed only weeks before his first day at Oxford when he suffered a stroke. Having never shown any indications of poor health, the event blindsided Riordan, who woke in a post-op ward to discover he could no longer hear or speak. Doctors assured him that with the appropriate therapies, he would regain the faculties he lost, but after six months of no improvement, he was forced to cope with the reality that at twenty-three, his world was forever changed.

No longer able to comprehend the world around him, Riordan was forced to drop out of his long-desired graduate program and, after a period of grief that lasted a solid year, start all over again.

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Riordan is a stubborn, willful individual with a perfectionist streak a mile wide. He holds himself to sometimes impossibly high standards, not to make up for his disabilities but to overcome them. Though he works tirelessly to function at full capacity, he occasionally grows frustrated with his limitations, and as such has inadvertently distanced himself from friends and family. He is, however, a fairly gentle man with an old soul, and is slowly working at reentering a world he thought he lost.

K'thak Toramael;
aka Wyatt Collins

27 (appears)

Hex'ras; a spider demon. Older half-brother to Draenai Toramael.


A vein of magical abilities ran deeply through the Toramael family tree, and K'thak was no exception. Much like his half-brother and their father before them, he displayed a strong capability for the skill of illusion, though he had greater interest in potion-making and general alchemy. With the former he assisted his kind in matters pertaining to health, and with the latter he fortified their tools and technology, making him a prominent member in their isolated society.

Wanderlust often took him beyond the borders of their colony and up to the surface world, where glamour magic allowed him human form. His frequent excursions brought him to his first love, a human shopkeeper. Though their romance didn't last, it instilled in K'thak a desire to build a life for himself above ground, to which end he left the Hex'ras colony, never to return.

Now called Wyatt Collins, he's made a home for himself in a flourishing New England city, where he makes a tidy living as a tailor of men's suits. When absent from his shop, he can be found in the center of lavish house parties, indulging to excess and encouraging others to do the same. He and his brother speak infrequently, due to Drae's lingering resentment for him.

After spending much of his life in a quiet, cloistered society with only the emotionally reserved members of his own kind for company, Wyatt has developed a far more carefree, hedonistic lifestyle. With a wardrobe as flashy and boisterous as he is, he has a penchant for the finer things in life, and he's not above being a bit of a showoff, particularly in front of those he dislikes.

He keeps a close circle of friends who he'll meet for drinks or parties, but he is rarely seen with them otherwise. While he enjoys socializing and the luxury of the life he has built for himself, he is deeply ashamed of his origins and will never willingly divulge his true nature, even to other non-humans. The shame spills over into other aspects of his life, to the point where his propensities for flashy clothes and bold decisions are mere smokescreens for his many insecurities, including the guilt he harbors for leaving his younger brother behind in their colony.
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