MxF DDLG kidnapping?

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MxF DDLG kidnapping?


Red's Property
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Today 10:22 PM
Hello there!

So I'm obsessed with kidnapping stories and after being away from rping and writing in general, I'm back and craving a ddlg based kidnapping story. DDLG for anyone that doesn't know is a form of BDSM dynamic that stands for Daddy Dom Little Girl(Google for more info if yah want). It's definitely not everyone's cup of me... unfortunately it gets a lot of bad rep =/ anyway the story will be involving ADULTS NOT MINORS. DDLG is between consenting adults normally, but of course in this case I'd like it for the kidnap victim (MC) to be forced into it >: 3 I'd like yc to be a deranged kidnapper that takes mc and forces them into the the dynamic right off the bat treating them like a little making mc highly disturbed... more detailed can be discussed in pm and as the story develops :3

IMPORTANT NOTE: this roleplay will be in no way a representation of a healthy ddlg relationship and should not be used as a reference for one. I in no way mean to offend or poke fun at the community. This is pure fiction and I myself am a member of the DDLG community and in no way mean any harm to it!

I have some experience with rping and do quite a bit of solo writing but I'm not amazing at taking the lead in rps. due to my submissive nature I'm happy for my partner to take control.

What I want from a partner:
- a confident writer who is happy to take my ideas and lead the story. Although I feel like I'm decent at writing I'm not great at distinguishing everything in a story.
- ideally I'd like a minimum of 2 paragrphs. In some cases this may not be achievable but for the most part I prefer long replies.
-someone who isn't shy to get rough and dirty. This story will almost definitely contain rape and violence and therefore go in the torture chamber forum. (Details and limits can be discussed in pm )
-replies don't have to be daily as I can't guarantee that I'd be able to do that but whenever you can would be great.

Let me know if you're interested ^^
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