MxF Demons Comfy Lair

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MxF Demons Comfy Lair

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The Wish Granter
Local time
Today 6:25 AM
The Brightest Shooting Star

Roleplay Openings: 1-2
Current Overall Cravings: Plots 1 & 4 - Omegaverse/Triads
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★ * ° 🛰 °· 🪐
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Roleplay Information

  • Well hello there, you've come a long way, haven't you? It must've been a difficult journey what with the hellhounds outside and what not. You must be parched, I have tea, coffee, hot chocolate, maybe some wine if that's your taste.
    My name is DemonsWish. You may call me Demon or Wish or any other variant, and if you're especially creative I'll accept most off handed nicknames.
    I've been roleplaying for a very long time. How long? At least 9-10 years for those that like to know time estimates.
    I am uncomfortable giving out my actual age but just know I am above twenty years old.
    In my off time I like to read, play videogames (Stardew Valley, Cult Of The Lamb, Hades, Baldurs Gate 3 are some of my favorites), write (obviously), occasionally attempt to sew, and collect stuffed animals.
    I am very passionate about creating stories with others, and because of that I can come off as a bit picky. But I simply know what will keep my muse and what will not.
  • This tab has my likely-hood to participate in some common things people are looking for
    If you are looking for anything marked no then I'm sorry but we're not compatible

    Rapid-Fire Responses
    No[‎ ] Maybe [ X ] Yes [ ]
    Daily Replies
    No[‎ ] Maybe [ X ] Yes [ ]
    Stories with Dark or Triggering Themes
    No[‎ ] Maybe [ ] Yes [ X ]
    No[‎ X ] Maybe [ ] Yes [ ]
    Having Multiple Side Characters (any gender)
    No[‎ ] Maybe [ ] Yes [ X ]
    Play One Male & One Female Main Character (aka Doubling)
    No[‎ ] Maybe [ X ] Yes [ ]
    One-shot or Short Length Roleplays
    No[‎ X ] Maybe [ ] Yes [ ]
  • I'd like replies to have a minimum of 3-4 well-written paragraphs.
    Please be ready to help bounce ideas off of each other during discussion. I don't want the roleplay to solely come from one persons ideas
    If you like what the other person pitches that's completely fine. But just try to give the roleplay some of your own flair! This also applies to in roleplay world building not just plotting. It takes both of us to make it fun after all.
    Grammar and punctuation is very important! Don't get me wrong, I'm going to have errors occasionally as I am but a human. But consistent and lengthy errors is really off putting to any writer or reader.
    If you do not wish to continue discussing a roleplay with me, or continue doing a roleplay, please tell me immediately! (I will extend the same to you)
    Please try to talk to me OOC at least a little. I like to talk about my roleplays and discuss events.
  • For shorter replies I average 500-700 words and for longer replies I can achieve 5k+.
    I usually stay within 1k-2k on average though
    Third person is my best friend and First person is my enemy
    I aim to give all my partners at least 1-3 replies a week minimum (based on my partners own reply frequency). Generally I aim for every other day especially for fast replying partners.
    I will inform you if i don't think i can make a reply within my normal week time frame.
    Character sheets are a must for me. (I'll give you a skeleton if you need one!)
    Awkward attempts at OOC chatter - Partner comfort-level permitting
    It's come to my realization that I really like plotting and making headcannons about characters in OOC. To the point that if I have a really quiet partner I tend to get a little bored, or worried about how to rp is shaping up. That said I'm not going tell you no just because your quiet, but my enthusiasm for the rp may wane.

Story Information

  • Fantasy/Supernatural roleplays are my absolute favorite
    Gore/Violence is great, I love writing it
    Dark and gritty roleplays are always welcome and I often crave them
    I really love some good friction/tension between characters. I suppose the "Enemies to Lovers" tag would be fitting here.
    I don't tend to play typical "damsel in distress" characters. My characters are usually hard headed, independent, sometimes a bit hot tempered.
    ☼ That being said, it's not like I can't play a "weaker" character, it's just not my go to.
    Story comes first before anything else.
  • All stories I will take part in I expect to have Romance and Conflict (Drama, Angst, etc) imbedded within the story naturally so those are automatically excluded from this list
    This tab is to help if you don't see a pairing in my list that you like or maybe have a plot you want to pitch to me know my likelihood of accepting
    Just reiterating this for the type of story I will write, not if you're looking for specific kinks

    [ ] Never [ ] Unlikely [ ] Neutral [ ] Likely [ X ] Absolutely
    [ ] Never [ ] Unlikely [ ] Neutral [ X ] Likely [ ] Absolutely
    [ ] Never [ ] Unlikely [ ] Neutral [ X ] Likely [ ] Absolutely
    Slice of Life
    [ ] Never [ X ] Unlikely [ ] Neutral [ ] Likely [ ] Absolutely
    [ ] Never [ X ] Unlikely [ ] Neutral [ ] Likely [ ] Absolutely
    [ ] Never [ ] Unlikely [ ] Neutral [ X ] Likely [ ] Absolutely
    [ ] Never [ ] Unlikely [ X ] Neutral [ ] Likely [ ] Absolutely
    [ ] Never [ ] Unlikely [ X ] Neutral [ ] Likely [ ] Absolutely
    [ ] Never [ ] Unlikely [ ] Neutral [ ] Likely [ X ] Absolutely​
  • My plot to smut ratio normally stays around 70:30 - 80:20
    ☼ As of right now I could probably be talked into 60:40 or even 50:50 for the right plot
    When smut does happen my characters tend to be switches with a lean towards submission
    I will give a compiled list of my yes/maybe/no's for my preferences upon request in Pm's
    ☼ Note: I am far from vanilla so if that's what your looking for I am not your best match
    If you are looking for a rp with anything from the list below, I'm sorry but it just won't work out
    Gang Bangs
    Water Sports
    Direct Incest (Aka: DadxDaughter, UnclexNiece, etc. CousinxCousin however is fine)
    Older Female/Young Male (I'm talking like 10+ years gap)
  • I will only do CanonxOC (with me playing the OC)
    I've not really done fandom roleplays in the past so you'll have to be patient with me.
    I know this list is small but since I am inexperienced I only want to make stories against character I am familiar enough with
    Marvel: Steve Rogers, Thor, Loki, Bucky Barnes, Tony Stark, Dr. Strange
    The Witcher(Season1 of the show or the 3rd game): Geralt, Jaskier
    Harry Potter: Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter (Any plots here I would like to be a few years post-war so everyone is aged 18+ maybe even well into their twenties)​
  • These are just cravings I've had that I have some kind of vague idea for. I am open to other ideas/pairings
    Bold is my most interested and Underlined means I have a preference to that role

    Demon x Demon
    Demon x DemonHunter
    Angel x Demon
    Vampire x Human
    Bored CEO x Bartender
    Apocalypse Setting (preferably not zombies)
    Experienced Dom x Inexperienced Submissive
    Serial Killer x Detective
    Dragon Shifter x Human
    Dragon Shifter x Dragon Hunter
    Alpha Werewolf x Loner Werewolf
    Tribal/Native Settings
    King x Princess
    Pirate Captain x Siren
    Model x Photographer
    Pure Blood Vampire x Fledgling Vampire
    Vampire x Fae
    Prince/King x Princess
    Brother Princes x Assassin/Thief
    Arranged Marriages
    Prince/King x Knight/Servant
    Triad - Polyamory
    Dark Fantasy setting
    Gloomy x Sunshine
    Master/Pet Dynamics
    Sci-fi setting - Humanoid Alien x Human
  • All plots in here are not set in stone. If you are interested in a plot but want to change something around with it, please feel free to tell me so and I will do my best to work with you to make something for the both of us!

    Setting: Mediaeval, Fantasy

    Pairings: Dragon Shifter x Dragon Hunter, Prince x Princess

    Tags: True Mates, War Times, Power Dynamics, Kidnapping, Hoard Life, Forbidden Love

    Notes: One of my other plots that I think would be fun with some Dubcon but, as always, that isn't required

    Humans used to be soul companions to Dragons years ago. Their bonds often went farther than the surface and the two species would often find themselves bound by unknown magic. Humans would ride their Dragons into battle and Dragons would offer their human Master's their magic to aid them. Harmony was always achieved between Master and Beast. Yet it didn't last for long when Humans found out the Dragons they'd spent so long bonding with could shift into human form.

    It was betrayal of the highest form to the Humans. Beasts that could turn into humans but had failed to mention that even after the generations they'd spent intertwining their lives. The Dragons thought it would strengthen their ties with the Humans but were hit with their Master's true nature of greed. The Master's they'd loved so reverently turned against them, swords drawn, and drew their magical blood to gorge upon themselves and steal their magic as they stole their companionship. Enraged the Dragons slaughtered their Masters, forever severing the bond between human and beast.

    Millenia later humans and dragons bordered each other tensely as the two species tried to ignore the others existence. However there were those within each species that wanted to see the other side wiped off the face of the Earth. However humans had their own defenses against the Dragon Hoards that wanted to kill them off. Specific families still held the magic of Dragons within them, and those lines were bestowed the title Dragon Hunters. Often they were given land and a kingdom to rule with the promise that they'd be at the head of any Dragon assault.

    It seemed neither Humans nor Dragons were going to make a move on the other, simply content to sit in a never ending cold war. Until the first hoard of Dragons leveled a neighboring kingdom in a night. From there all out war was declared between Humans and Dragons - neither side caring anymore about the formalities of war. Dragon Hoards came together to fight against the stronger kingdoms housing Dragon hunters - and that's where MC and YC meet.

    MC is the princess to one of the more prominent Dragon hunter kingdoms and when her kingdom is threatened by two nearby Hoards she is the first on the field. While men traditionally inherit the Dragon blood of their ancestors MC was lucky in that she showed the affinity not long after her fourth birthday. Untraditional as it was MC was trained along side her older brother to hone their skills and now she was one of the best hunters to be found.

    Being the leader of the charge MC lead her troops head first into the first invading hoard. The battle was bloody and the dragons fire set much of their land ablaze. While those of her bloodline could handle the dragons magic and use it as their own her normal troops fell before her one by one. As the Dragons triumphed MC found herself cornered by a Dragon, she was tired and weary from fighting for so long that her magic was weakening with each use. Soon she'd be useless in the fight. Still she fought on, meeting the Dragon head on. Until she heard heavy fire filled breath behind her.

    It should've been a painful death that left her screaming in agony, instead as the fire wrapped around her she felt nothing more than the gentle warmth of a campfire. Bewildered MC turned to look the largest Royal Dragon (YC) she'd ever seen in the eyes. Two sets of surprised eyes settled on each other until the Dragon behind her attempted to lunge and kill her off. YC, however, intercepted his own kin and tucked MC closer to him. A Dragon's fire was meant to kill and torture - the only things that would survive were other Dragon's and that Dragon's true mate. An inseparable bond that both strengthened each parties magic and gave them a new weaknesses - each other. But how were a Royal Dragon and a, now, fallen Dragon Hunter princess meant to be?

    Setting: Modern, NYC

    Pairing: Vampire x Human

    Tags: Drama, Territory Claiming, Hurt/Comfort, Night Life, Dark, Master/Pet Dynamics

    Notes: So in this Vampires have an ability that seduces/attract humans to them for easier feeding. That's about the only concrete Vampire lore in here, other wise we can use whatever else you'd like!
    I'll be honest, I'd really like this to be more of at least a dub-con kinda story. However it can work with a soft consensual romance as well if that's a preference.

    Vampires. They are fairytale creatures meant to be imprisoned within the pages of a book. Deadly predators that are used to scare little children into behaving or give adults some imagination in the bedroom. At least that's what they used to be a few millennia ago. Now their an integral part of society.

    After an all out war between humans and Vampires a millennia ago, or so, humans accepted Vampires into their midst. Instead of letting the predators kill humans laws were created in order to protect humans and keep Vampires happy. Only willing humans can be fed off of, feeding must be done in government registered businesses, and if a Vampire kills a human they must accept the consequences, to name a few. The laws were simple but effective, paired with the fact humans found ways to exploit Vampire's weaknesses if they misbehaved, society leveled out and found equilibrium.

    Today there were more killings done at the hands of humans than there were by Vampires, which for some was a scary thought. Due to Vampires more secretive nature not many of the modern day populace acknowledged their existence. Why would they if they were following the laws?

    MC is one such lucky human who gets to experience Vampires at their most raw. Blood Drinking bars were scattered around every large city to ensure Vampires had enough places to feed from. Normally humans who work in the bars were willing blood donors who let Vampires hypnotize and drink from them. MC, however, is a lone bartender in one of the more prestigious luxury bars for Vampires. Along with making alcohol for the greedy Vampires, the undead creatures seeming to love alcohol just as much as blood, MC is tasked with taking care of the blood donors between feedings.

    Work is easy, well as easy as a human can make it in a feeding den for Vampires. MC has it a bit easier than the average person due to her peculiar affinity - she is immune to the Vampires alure. While it is a useful skill for her it also brings its own set of issues. Like Vampires flooding to the bar to see the off limits human girl who wears a face mask all the time and can't be compelled. She was apparently a bit of a legend in their society. Though one phone call to the police and those Vampires find out quickly what off limits really means.

    Life seemed to be pretty easy going everything considered for MC, until a new patron strolled into her bar one night and threw her life for a loop. The only Vampire who could effectively compel her sat at a bar stool directly in front of her studying her like a piece of prey. He'd been the one to give her the ugly claiming scars that marred her face on that fateful night so long ago. The only thing was MC thought she'd out ran him, having even changed her legal name to keep herself safe since the law could no longer get involved in their relationship. It was one of the few laws that favored Vampires instead of humans - a claimed human could not invoke laws against their Vampire Master. Yet there he sat comfortably in front of her like he owned the place, how as she going to survive this?

    Setting: Modern, Supernatural

    Pairing: Demon x Angel

    Tags: Soulmates, Adventure, Forced Proximity, Power Battles, Uneasy Allies


    Balance. The most important element in the universe to keep one side from overwhelming the other. For all the light there should always be darkness to follow. Fire needs water. Earth needs air. It keeps the careful equilibrium of Earth on its axis - until the day the scales were shattered by the ones their meant to protect.

    Angels and Demons have been fighting a battle of balance and dominance since the creation of humanity. The years Angels pull ahead the humans see prosperity and wealthy. While the years the Demons pull ahead disaster and death take its toll. However neither side took control for longer than a few years for each side always lost power throughout their reign. Balance was paramount to ensure that not only did each side, light and dark, stay in line but also to keep the humans, one side protected and the other side preyed upon, safe. The eternal push and pull from the godly beings wasn't something the humans could ever hope to influence. At least so they thought.

    It was a day like any other, Angels and Demons working away in their respective domains while the humans mingled below and above them. So when the clouds below the Angels feet suddenly gave way and the ceiling above the Demons heads collapsed on top of them it was quite the shock. The barrier keeping Heave and Hell from merging with Earth had been inexplicable destroyed. Every angel breed found themselves crashing to the surface of Earth while Demons found themselves being forced up through its dirt. There was no grace to be found as the Angels landed and there was no sin to be had as the Demons rose. As both sides emerged they were promptly slaughtered by the humans they coveted so much.

    Magic laced weapons neither side had ever seen were held in their humans hands as they lunged, stabbed, and swung the various forms. Once it came into contact with either Angel or Demon the creature crumbled to dust and with it the Demon, or Angel's, pair fell as well. For every soul of light or dark that was created a mirror was made to make sure the scales could never be tipped. Now though, the soul bond that kept balance was their undoing as pair after pair fell to the humans weapons.

    Those who survived fled as fast and far as they could, but with the destruction of their home domains came the weakening of their strength. Being the last creatures of balance left Angels and Demons coalesced to discuss a plan to fight back against their humans and neutralize who ever had created the blasphemous weapons. The issue was with their diminishing strength they were weak alone, which lead to a surviving Dominion suggesting that every Angel find their soul pair. Being near their soul pair would keep each side strong without needing their domain due to constant need to balance between the two.

    The plan was met with little rebuttal as Angels and Demons compared markings to find their match. Everyone slowly paired off until one particular Archangel (MC) and Demon (YC) held up their marks to compare only for the same marks to flash with a holy white light. The Dominion that suggest the pairing lit up with delight before ushering the pair before them. They were to be Gods warriors in the fight to reclaim balance to humanity but what exactly did that entail?

    Setting: Medievel, Roman Empire

    Pairings: Emperor x Assassin --> Emperor x Concubine

    Tags: Non-con, Palace Life, Coups, Blood and gore, Power Imbalance, Blackmail

    Notes: If you'd like this to be fantasy with Elves, Vampires, Fairies, etc that can be worked in.
    Just as a small warning this is meant to be dark, cruel, and overall not so nice rp.

    The Cerulean Empire, aptly named for the clear blue ocean that bordered half the Empire, spanned over hundreds of miles of land. Most other Empires had fallen in battle against their unyielding militia and unapologetic ability to shed blood. Despite its pension for blood it was known to be a prosperous Empire, but within its walls, its high life expectancy stood on shaky grounds.

    At the helm of the Empire stood a ruler whose family had bred its cruelty for generations. The Empire's prosperity and longevity wavered depending on how obedient the civilians were. Some months it seemed every day there was a new beheading or hanging, depending on how their Emperor (YC) felt. Anyone who dared to show even the smallest bit of opposition to his demands was thrown into the gallows for treason.

    Coups came and went over the years, the Emperor inviting anyone wishing to try to come to kill him as every time there was a new usurper they failed and paid with their life. The civilians of the Empires he'd taken by force periodically took up arms and caused a ruckus for his stationed military. But no matter who tried no one could successfully draw his blood until MC comes into the picture.

    MC is the daughter of a war general from an imposing Empire that the Ceruleans took over violently. She watched her father die in front of her and vowed to take vengeance at the cost of her life. It took a few years but she found her way into being hired as a maid for the palace and learned the pathways for discretion. Within weeks MC was ready to take her chance.

    Cerulean wasn't a progressive Empire, women were meant to be pretty, quiet, and unimposing so it was easy for her to slink through the hallways under the premise of work as she neared the Emperor's quarters. Hours went by as she hid, waiting for the Emporer to come back after the party he'd thrown with a knife clutched to her chest. The door creaked and she heard footsteps walk past the wardrobe she hid in taking the moment she lept out, danger brandished.

    Blood oozed from the deep slash she'd managed to create on his shoulder, but she had completely missed her mark for his neck, and what's more, it seemed he was far more sober than she'd expected. The Emporer rounded on her and a scuffle ensued, his receiving room a mess of thrown vases and broken furniture. Finally, a victor emerged as the Emporer pinned her by the throat with the very knife she'd harmed him with, but to her surprise, he did not kill her immediately.

    Instead, the Emporer was far more intrigued with the fact a woman had gotten that far into the palace and managed to do what no man could, draw his royal blood. Instead of killing her, he wanted to keep her alive and soak in what all he could have done to her and what he was going to make her do for him. Many of his soldiers were upset with the amount of internal killings of their people, so he would use her as his executioner by night and while the sun was high in the sky she'd be his concubine.

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Thank you so much for giving over your time to read through my thread. If I have made something unclear, or you simply have some questions about things I didn't cover, please feel free to message me! Take a cup of tea or hot chocolate for the road back up to the surface, and I hope you have a positively disastrously good day!
Please PM me instead of posting on here. There is a very low chance of me actually seeing your message on this post!
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I'd be interested in giving a shot at a Demon/Demon-Slayer roleplay. If you are still looking hit me up and we can discuss what sort of lore and power systems we can have in place for the story and work out some characters
Lol somthing to do with Fae and elves Over here!
Iam interesting in doing vampire X human. Iam new to roleplay so I couldn't write alot but I will do my best xD
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