Who are you, how long have you been writing and what kind of things do you like to write?
Hello Weary Traveler! Name is Denanstus. I've been RPing via all sorts of formats for the last 13 to 14 years, such as forums, D&D, Discord, and other places. I love to dive into fantasy realms of Roleplay, really building up and fleshing out detailed and complex characters. I love doing very deep lore based games, ones that involve world building and cooperation between individuals involved. My personal favorite is setting up a game that is a sort of Player X GM relationship, where someone helps to create and run this world. I am down to help developing some small side characters here and there, but I would prefer to mainly handle one character.
Usually I try to get a paragraph to two of them at least when I post, though I do sometimes do a bit larger posts if the scene needs it. I have no limits on the areas of gore and violence. While I don't have issue with sexual content occuring within the world itself, I prefer to not actually do any kind of major smut moments. I am perfectly fine with fade to black, though, and anything/everything leading up to it.
Currently, I have two plots in mind I'm looking to play out, with both having world building opportunities within them and some general prompts as well.
The other idea is a bit more fleshed out, but still has a ton of room for people to create within.
If either prompt is of interest to you, feel free to reach out and let me know! If you have something similar you are wishing to play, just let me know and I'll take a look at them!
Hello Weary Traveler! Name is Denanstus. I've been RPing via all sorts of formats for the last 13 to 14 years, such as forums, D&D, Discord, and other places. I love to dive into fantasy realms of Roleplay, really building up and fleshing out detailed and complex characters. I love doing very deep lore based games, ones that involve world building and cooperation between individuals involved. My personal favorite is setting up a game that is a sort of Player X GM relationship, where someone helps to create and run this world. I am down to help developing some small side characters here and there, but I would prefer to mainly handle one character.
Usually I try to get a paragraph to two of them at least when I post, though I do sometimes do a bit larger posts if the scene needs it. I have no limits on the areas of gore and violence. While I don't have issue with sexual content occuring within the world itself, I prefer to not actually do any kind of major smut moments. I am perfectly fine with fade to black, though, and anything/everything leading up to it.
Currently, I have two plots in mind I'm looking to play out, with both having world building opportunities within them and some general prompts as well.
- Prompt 1, Cult based, High Magic
- The first premise involves a bit of a cult starting plot. In it, the M/C is on death's door, the verge of losing all hope in life and everything. That is when something reaches out to him. Something from beyond the mortal planes, offering him a chance to live but only if he does 1 thing for them: They need to escape whatever plane they are trapped in, and they are looking to M/C to aid them by establishing a cult in which they can gain power and freedom. In return, they ensure M/C that any need he has will be satisfied and he will be loved by all in the cult. How that translates, M/C doesn't know. He simply, in a state of desperation, accepts the deal but not fully aware of what is to come. There are some other elements I'd be up for mixing into this idea, but I'd rather wait on going over those until we're discussing the RP in private.
The other idea is a bit more fleshed out, but still has a ton of room for people to create within.
- Prompt 2, Magic + Roman + Dystopia based
The story takes place in a world filled with magic. So much, that it is almost overwhelming for one to consider it. It has reached such a mass that those who live in the society have nearly no needs that they are not able to have met by magic. It exists in everything, from the food and drink people consume, the clothes they wear, and even the ground under their feet. Even with this, however, the world still has its own fair share of issues. Those of the lower classes are those who cannot tap into the magic, treated almost like cattle as they happily go about their day, doing whatever job or task has been given to them to ensure the cities continue to function and run. Meanwhile, the upper class has at least some magical talent, and their world is one of luxury and ease. They spend most of their time and days pursuing their passions and hedonistic lifestyles, trying to host the best party, appear the best dressed, and overall impress the most people to ensure they are at the highest of noble status.
A foreign noble travels to this city from a far distant land. The city is enamored by this noble's arrival, elevating them due to their unique and almost otherworldly nature. As this noble arrives, they come to fall in love with a commoner of the city. The noble eventually weds the commoner, elevating her status within the city. The two have a child together, which they both deeply love. After some time has passed, the foreign noble suddenly leaves/vanishes, leaving behind the new noble and PC child. The new noble is devastated, fearing they will return to their old life. They begin seeking out ways of retaining their noble status, cutting ties to their old ways of life, starting to do anything/everything they must to maintain this status. Driven to a point of desperation, they seek out things beyond their control, hoping to find something or someone that would aid them. They somehow end up finding some being through time and study, going through dark and unspoken magics to form a pact with this being. This being never spoke of what the payment would be, but promised it would provide the parent with power to ensure their position never failed or faded. The parent agreed to the deal without a second thought. The payment, though, was something they would never understand, as it was their satisfaction. The parent no longer felt satisfied by anything in life, slowly leading them to become more and more twisted and hedonistic, dragging all of those around them along with them. However, the child was spared, somehow. The child seemed aware of these things, and they desire nothing more but to try and restore their parent to who they once were, as well as discover what happened to the parent that vanished. While, of course, also trying to navigate a world they don't fit in. Or who knows? Maybe they'll just change the world while they're at it.
If either prompt is of interest to you, feel free to reach out and let me know! If you have something similar you are wishing to play, just let me know and I'll take a look at them!
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