All Dez's Request Thread [FxM, MxF, FxF, FutaxF]

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All Dez's Request Thread [FxM, MxF, FxF, FutaxF]

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I always prefer long-term over short-term stories with characters that have depth and can evolve over time. I prefer the smut to be part of the story, but not so much that that's all it is. Please do not PM if all you want is smut. There are plenty others out there looking for it.

Story driven is a must.

My partners that I play with need a solid grasp of style, grammar, spelling and form when writing. I like people who are good at (and enjoy) creating conflict and are capable of playing additional characters when needed (I will do the same). If you scroll down on this post, you can find current stories I am involved in for reference of my style and ability. I suggest checking them out to see if our methods line up. If you message me and I find you often post one-liners/first person, I will likely not respond. And yes, I do check the activity of my potential partners to avoid us both feeling let down. *Please do not feel intimidated by these requests - I am not a perfect writer and understand mistakes happen. I do not expect you to be a novelist, but I do expect you to put effort into what you post. It is obvious when someone cares about the RP and when someone doesn't. I promise to put my best into our RP if you do the same.

OOC chat is a must for planning (Discord preferred for this). I love developing plots with my partners and checking in to make sure they are enjoying the RP. I want us to be each other's biggest fans and get all giddy with excitement over our little story. I like partners who I can feel a sense of camaraderie with when writing. I am friendly and like to please, so don't be shy about reaching out.

I do not care what your real gender is, but please be old enough to RP adult content and have the maturity to make it believable.


Hello, nice to formally meet you. My name is Dez and I have been RPing since AOL Chat Rooms were the meeting place of all. I am a genderfluid person, my pronouns are She/They and I am an adult who refuses to entirely grow up. Outside of RPing, I enjoy playing video games and creating art. I hope we can become friends!

Adores: Long-term stories, world building, dark themes, posts dripping with detail and style, creative partners, nerding out over our story together.

Peeves: First person, low effort posts, lack of communication, vanilla partners, one dimensional characters.

That evening, just after dusk, the steam engines burst to life in the lift house – causing a few nightingales to evacuate their perches in a nearby tree. Down below the cliffside, the large metal pad begins to rise housing a large black carriage drawn by four tired stallions. Within this carriage sits Cameron Ward, deep in thought, her hand to her chin as she watches the ground below sink away.

It had been six long months on the front with little to no reprieve save to train the occasional new recruits in the nearest city. As a weapons specialist and Sergeant First Class, she had constant responsibility to shoulder and was, frankly, exhausted. In her mind she nearly cursed Theo for leaving her with more than she could bear – what with his entire estate and, she sighed, a wife. Why did he choose to leave it all to her? Cameron was sure she'd never understand, but it was her duty now and she intended to make things right by her departed friend.

Now halfway up the cliffside, Cameron could see the twinkling city of Rooksport in the distance and the blanket of stars above it both shining like tiny beacons. She recalled how once upon a time those city lights dazzled her, now seeming insignificant in her weary eyes. Cameron leaned back in her seat and closed the carriage window, letting out another frustrated sigh. It was likely this time away from the front would be good for her sanity, but she couldn't get over this ache in her chest every time she thought of Eliza. It didn't help her guilt that she hadn't written a single letter to Eliza while she had been away. Would she hold it against her? Did she even care?

There was a whistle and the carriage bounced lightly as the lift came to a stop at the top of the track. The distinct hissing of the locks moving into place snapped Cameron out of her thoughts, and she leaned forward to open the driver's window. The chauffer, Daniel Prescott, turned around and smiled down through the window at Cameron saying, "Nearly there, my Lady."

Daniel shook out the reigns and reared the horses forward, their hooves clapping rhythmically against the pavement. The grand metal gate had already been opened for their arrival and the lamps flickered brightly in the dark. As the carriage made its approach to the Covenant Crossings Estate, the few remaining staff could be seen lining up to greet them at the entrance. Cameron straightened her shirt, rebuttoning the few she had undone around her neck.

In time, the carriage made it's final stop and Daniel hopped down spritely from his seat to open the door for Cameron who, in turn, stepped heavily out of the transport. Standing at 6'1", she wore her Sergeant's uniform, a dark double-breasted coat with gold buttons and several rank badges sewn to the chest and shoulders. Her pants were white with high black boots that stopped just short of her knees. Behind her trailed a black overcoat made of wool and a decorative sword hung from her belt. Her pitch dark hair had been recently cut in the city before departing and was cropped tightly above the ears, wavy locks resting against her forehead. She appeared perhaps paler than the last time they had seen her, more gaunt, but her emerald eyes still shined with a certain ferocity that was hard to pin down. It was difficult, upon looking at her, to tell that she was a woman at all – and this was her preference.

"Welcome home, Sergeant Ward." Came the voices of the staff, several of them smiling politely as they bowed and curtseyed.

Cameron nodded, a curt smile on her face. She was still not used to having the house staff address her so formally – being that she was one of them not long ago. It almost seemed cruel to have them treat her any differently than before, but these were the rules of their society and she'd have to get used to it.

Absently, she looked around for Eliza, a lump in her throat. It had been six months and she wondered if Eliza had changed so much that she wouldn't be recognizable. Though, Cameron could of perhaps said the same of herself. 'Damn this feeling.' She cursed in her mind. The two of them had much to discuss and absolutely none of it was something Cameron was looking forward too.








YES and NO

Please check out my On/Offs:

Dirty Talk (Don't be coy, give me all the nasty details!)

Brats (YC - female, that likes punishment)

Cute girls (YC - lithe, small breasted)

Playing as a Dom (to a woman)

Playing as a Sub (to a man)


Fingering (giving and receiving)

Masculine Men (large, barrel chested)

Sexual Frustration

Stomach Bulging

Strap-Ons (in FxF scenario, MC being the wearer)

Lima Syndrome Scenarios[/li]

Tomboys/Androgynous Women (MC)

Futas (MC)

Size Differences

Original Characters


Stockholm Syndrome Scenarios



Face Slapping

Discipline (giving and receiving)



Large Cocks (realistic)


Hair pulling


(nothing against, just not personally interested)







Overpowered Chracters

Overly Emo Characters





These are just my random thoughts and they are not the only thing I am open to writing. If you are inspired and want to share your concepts with me, please send me a message! I love when others bring ideas to the table!

NEW The Potioneer: I have been craving playing a character who is akin to Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde. Brilliant, tormented and all the while addicted to his or her newest concoction: A brew that transforms them into a monster. It is dangerous, yet oh so invigorating - your character can be the Master's assistant or someone else who gets tangled up with MC and their experiments. This concept will play heavily into non-con/dub-con and you should have an interest in monstrosities and sex. We can discuss how the transformed version of MC looks, perhaps less ugly and more beefed up human? I am open to discussion on this as well as other parts of this idea.

Zombie Apocalypse: I'm going to be very picky about this one due to experiencing several duds. Please don't ask me to play this unless you are ready to write gore, horror, non-con/dub-con and psychological distress. I am keenly interested in playing against a male character who is complex, maybe even just not a good person. Would love to play a Lima Syndrome type story here (where the kidnapper slowly develops kinder feelings toward their victim).

Magic Victorian Era: As you might of guessed - Victorian Era technology/aesthetic with magical elements. I don't necessarily mean full magic but more a world where there are magical things like a Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde potioneer, a world with dangerous mythical creatures, the occasional rare magic user and dark cults. I have some story ideas floating around for this concept and am interested in collaborating. My main paring I am curious to play is a bodyguard (you) and a high ranking woman in society (me). This can also be flipped where I play the female bodyguard against a fair maiden (you).

80s Vampire Movie: Queue "I still believe" by Tim Cappello... yes I'm thinking something like The Lost Boys, but instead the sexy vampire and the victim are lesbians. This story can be as simple as a near 'slice of life' between a vampire and a girl or a dark horror romance.


The Potioneer

My character:

(FxM) - In this scenario, I would like YOU to play the brilliant scientist. You can make him however you want.
(F/FutaxF) - A bright but tormented woman, MC is often so caught up in their experiments that they fail to notice those around them. Reserved but somehow charming, MC could be a crush of YC for a long time and she has been too aloof to notice. Things change once she starts taking the transformation potion: She becomes bold, deviant and aggressive - acting on long ignored urges and pushing YC to her limits.
(MxF) - Same as above but MC is male.

Your character:
(MxF)- Open to ideas!
(F/FutaxF) - Open to ideas!
(MxF) - Open to ideas!

Setting: This concept can fit easily into the magical Victorian setting or we can discuss other possibilities.

Plot Idea: YC is a doting longtime assistant to a brilliant Potioneer. Or they could be newly hired or some other relation entirely. I want you to have fun coming up with who your character is, so bring ideas! MC is well known and deep pocketed, coming from a long line of highly adept potions masters. The story can be centered around MCs addiction to their newest experiment - a concoction that transforms them into a monster who is uninhibited and frightening. We can also add external factors that would push MC to continue using despite the feelings of YC. MC could use the potion to protect YC during times of danger, but is it worth the mental toll? I have a lot of random scenes in my head for this and would love someone to help me string them together.

Zombie Apocalypse

My character:

(FxM) - My character is a med student who survived ground zero of the outbreak.
(F/FutaxF) - My character in this scenario is a marine who defected from her post once her base was lost to a mob.
(MxF) - Same as above except male form.

Your character:
(MxF)- I'd really love to play against a character who is not a good person and is initially horrible to MC. Maybe kidnapping her for her medical knowledge and sex - holding her hostage as they travel across the broken world. I am interested in a Lima Syndrome scenario where the captor slowly falls for the victim.
(F/FutaxF) - This is totally open for negotiating!
(MxF) - Same as above.

Setting: Anywhere - but I am most familiar with North America.

Plot Idea: Really open to discussion on this, but I'd like us to be able to play multiple characters to keep the story moving. This RP sort of requires it or else things can get stale fast. I am open to fast zombies, slow zombies, Last of Us mushroom infected or something else entirely!

Victorian Era Magic

My character:

(FxM) - A Duchess of scandalous standing, Avery was born in a cursed body. She has bouts of explosive power that can harm those around her and was essentially locked away in her youth. Despite this, Avery is independent and headstrong – rarely taking no for an answer and often finding trouble. She is pretty despite the scars flicked across her pale face, a prominent one on her upper lip. A tall and strong young woman, she turns heads with or without her title proceeding her and is often the subject of gossip across the town.
(F/FutaxF) - This role is flexible, and she can be something of a hired hand or sworn bodyguard. She is older – probably 35-40, battle worn with a visible burn on her shoulder/arm. We can have her knowing YC since she was young or be an entire stranger. MC is a knowledgeable monster killer who has lead several groups of people between cities and is a capable survivalist. Serious and moody, she doesn't take lip from YC and is probably the only person who can really keep her in line.
(MxF) - Similar to the above role, this character is also a veteran in battle and capable bodyguard.

Your character:
(MxF) - Ideally, you play the role of protector here. This could mean a hired hand or someone who has been part of the estate for a long time.
(F/FutaxF) - In this situation I'd like to play against a lady of high standing - she could be a spoiled brat or angelic duchess/queen/princess. I am flexible with ideas here.
(MxF) - Same as above.

Setting: In this world there is magic and monsters, but not the way you might think. Magic in people is a curse – something uncontrollable and deadly. It slowly rots you from the inside out and drives you mad. Monsters are formidable – roaming the majority of the lands free from opposition. People live in scattered towns where travel between requires a troop of skilled arms to protect from the creatures of the night. Society has found a way to live in careful balance by avoiding deadly conflict. This is the world of our story.

Plot Idea: Loosely based on the Monster Blood Tattoo Trilogy, this story is about a person with magic and their protector. The roles are switchable between us, but essentially leads them on a journey to find a cure. I have a lot of ideas for how the systems of this world works, the magic and the monsters, but I am open to collaborating with my partner on this. The overall aesthetic is based on the Victorian Era.

80s Vampire Flick

My character:

(F/FutaxF) - An ancient vampire- she could be a queen or just a wild badass. I imagine her driving a motorcycle, having teased out air and dressing like a rebel a la Lost Boys.

Your character:
(F/FutaxF) - Sweet, maybe a little naïve, and aching for friendship. This character is really up to you!

Setting: 1980s nowhere town or a big city. This is easily changeable.

Plot Idea: Similar to Lost Boys, MC is on the hunt for a thrall to cast a spell on and make her servant OR she could be searching for a companion to turn into a vampire like her. She won't do it to someone unwilling, perhaps this is a mindset from the old ways, so she must seduce YC into spending eternity with her. I imagine a lot of drama and horror - maybe threats from other vampires and creatures. YC could start off curious but afraid and slowly the two develop mutual feelings. I am up to brainstorming on this!

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