Any Dreams of Koriban (Sith RP)

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Any Dreams of Koriban (Sith RP)


I remain the man I was. Rajivari.
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Today 2:27 AM
I am looking for one or maybe two people interested in a starwars RP. (More would be welcome under strict posting rules)

We will start out as Sith acolytes and go through the trials and training of the Sith, learn the sith code, and forge powerful alliances.

Timeline will be set during the timeline of The Old Republic.

In the Sith only the steong survive... Or the cleaver... Or a little of both. My character and my RP partner will be the undersogs of the accademy. We team up to survive and eventually stumble upon a sith holocron in the tombs on Koriban that gives immense power.

Here is the catch. Only one of our characters can have this power. At this point the other character will become a sabordinate as is the sith way. The relationship between the two characters is entirely up to the development of the players through the RP. No set peramitera there. And my character does NOT have to be the one that finds the holocron.

After finding the holocron the due/team (if we have more than two players) will go on to graduate from the Sith academy on the top of their class and soon begin a mission to revive the ancient Sith empire, endlessly hunting down and kidnaping sith purebloods for the accademy. (As well as other missions towards the same goal)


What I expect:

I am looking for a few main things somone(s) that love starwars. (Most important)

I would love it if you could post at least a few posts per day. (If I have more than 1-2 people interested in this it will be a requirement to post 1 per day and no turn based rotations will be used. In my experience turned based rotations tend to kill RPs through a single member who barely posts once every week or two and everyone else looses interest. )

Romance: If my character is involved I will use FtB at my own discretion. Too much tends to take over the story and that's not what I Want this RP to be about.

Violence: There will be lots. Typically my RPs are moderate ciolence... But this is the Sith accademy... There will be blood.

Starwars Lore: Keep ot realistic, please. That being said, you do NOT have to have a book or movie reference for every idea you have. Be creative just make sure your creation fots in the starwars universe.
This sounds like an interesting idea, actually had my head rolling around about it a bit. a few character ideas and flaws, that and ive generally sided with the sith for reasons of their creed. and I'm a big star wars nut, used to use a MUD game to roleplay star wars actually and they went through the three eras everything was left to players to mold and shape but the general line. was quite fun. it sparks my interest at least, do tell me if you'd need any reference and i can give one. if you'd like me to be involved that is.
That sounds like a lot of fun! :)

So long as you are game I certainly am. To me, the funnest RPs are always Starwars. So you got the main thig down. ;)

What are your RP preferences and would you like another member or two or do you prefer a two man RP?
usually i prefer it two person, im a multi para sort, ive stalked you a bit i can see you do long and short so im good for that. generally i play male characters so you can take the romance or leave it wont bother me, i can play the opposites just not very well usually use them as sub chars. i have a pretty good knowledge base and its on an open world kind of thing so really allows flexibility plus i can flavor my own character i noticed some put more constraints when they do star wars type so really im pretty good. violence, gore, mayhem? no problems there ^_^
Works for me either way. I can do the long posts. The only times I have trouble doing longer posts is sometimes if exstensive dialogue begins I feel like it's counter productive to go too far until gettig a response from the other character. As a general rule, however, I can match (or closely to it) that of the other RPer.

I've always stuck to male characters. I could probably pull off a female S a support role, like you say, but Romance is really not a neccesity for me, so that's no big deal.

I used to have a lot more Starwars knowledge than I do have, for sure. Lol Grew up and got a full time job etc... And a lot of what I knew went away. Still love it, though.
mind like a steel trap for details so ill probably unload alot of it lol. and yeah i get it when it comes to dialogue you have where its appropriate and where its just a pain to pull off longer ones. also ooc communication is a big thing, if theres ever an issue or something needs batted around for ideas i encourage it to be used.
I'm all for details. I probably won't add as many as you mainly because you probably have a more complete knowledge of Starwars but I enjoy reading details.

Agreed, ooc chat is always good. Generally I do most of that theough PM but there is no problem doing that with the OOC: (add dialogue here) format either. Whatever you are used to go for it. ;)
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