Character(s) Edevane Bythesea {Seeking Partner}

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Character(s) Edevane Bythesea {Seeking Partner}


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Today 9:42 PM
Name: Edevane Bythesea
Nickname: The Manticore
House: Cholmondeley
Race: Human
Age: Mid-Twenties
Marital Status: Betrothed
Alignment: Lawful Good
Occupation: Military
Rank: Knight-Lieutenant

Character Description
Handsome to a fault with sculpted features, many would easily mistake this man for one of the Gods. His body has reached its peak conditioning from years of rigorous training. Blessed with his mother's facial features, and hardened by his father's body. Long, wavy Ivory hair blends well against his creamy skin and deep amber eyes.

Character Background
Originally born under the name Edevane Cholmondeley, our Champion was given a new surname after he was knighted a year ago by the Queen. The seventh son of a seventh son, Edevane was born to Menothras Cholomdeley and his fourth wife, Lucetta. Edevane became a Squire in his early teens for Sir Athelstan Ravencroft, often accompanying the Master Commander on various military campaigns.

Now almost in his thirties, Edevane has risen fast within the ranks of the Templar Order. Building quite the reputation of an honest, dependable man along the way. Chivalrous, righteous and high-minded, these are but a few words his closest friends would use to describe the Paladin. However, to his enemies, Edevane is ruthless and unforgiving to those who dishonor his family's name.

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