Elder Scrolls / Morrowind RP

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Elder Scrolls / Morrowind RP

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Today 1:16 PM
Hi! I'm looking for someone who would like to set up an Elder Scrolls story with original characters. I like 1x1 roleplay.

My partner must be 18+ (I am 27.)

I like action, realistic combat, drama, character growth, and I am comfortable with dark themes and gore as long as it's not pointless. Romance is ok if it happens naturally, but I'm not interested in setting up an RP with romance as the goal. Not interested in smut, will probably fade to black if it happens, but it depends on my partner. If pairings do happen I prefer m/f or m/m but I'm really open to anything if it works with the story. I play characters of either gender and have no preferences for what you play.

I write in third person, past tense, and about 2-5 paragraphs at a time depending on what the story calls for. It takes me about 30-40 minutes to finish a post, longer if its a long post establishing a scene or something.

I am available from noon-4pm and 10pm-1am EST. Maybe 1 or 2 days a week I'll be busy, but the rest of the time I like to RP live for several hours straight. So I'd prefer a partner who has some free time to devote to RP.

I really hate TESO with a passion so I hope to find a partner who is okay ignoring it and any lore it introduces for our RP.

Some writing samples from previous RPs:

Writing Sample - Pastebin.com

Writing Sample 2 - Pastebin.com

Writing Sample 3 - Pastebin.com

If you are interested you can either reply to me here, or add me on Skype: (Removed by Admin)
Hey there! :D I would really like to RP with you, I love the Elder Scrolls and maybe we could do something with Skyrim? I like the idea of our original characters in that world without it needing to be a love story! So wanna try to plot something out together?
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