Any Ellie's kitchen, cooking up some new ideas - hot out of the oven!!!

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Any Ellie's kitchen, cooking up some new ideas - hot out of the oven!!!


Adorable Goddess of fire, vengeance and warm hugs.
♔ Champion ♔
Local time
Today 6:16 AM
A rain-soaked, castle-dotted, part of the UK


Welcome to my kitchen! I'm Ellie; I've been writing for a long time but only forum roleplaying since March this year; yes, this is my first PBF site. I've never got around to doing a request thread as I look at other people's writing first and then PM them usually; as you can see, I've been busy... But, well, I have a few itches I'd like to scratch myself. I'm on GMT if that's an issue; I've found it rarely is.

I'm pretty quick with my responses as I have the opportunity to message at work. Big posts have to wait until the evening, but I find people are usually happy to wait. You'll get out of me what you usually put in, so effort from me requires effort from you - if I like a story and your level of commitment, then my writing will reflect this.

Ghosting/drifting apart - I've never ghosted anyone, and if a thread starts to become dreary or doesn't suit me, then I am open and honest about it; I'm still friends with everyone I have stopped writing with. I expect the same behaviour from my partners; I don't think that's a big ask. If you're a fair-weather writer, please don't contact me - I find it heartbreaking to put a lot of work into building a world for it to fall flat on its face because you're bored, or have started a hot new shiny thread that is currently more exciting because it's shiny and new. I do ask for commitment.

Genre - I'm not too fussy with genre generally and have written pretty much everything I think, from Slice of Life to fantasy, sci-fi and action and adventure. I'm currently craving fantasy or a real slice of life, see my ideas below.

Reply length - I'm usually looking for 3-4 paragraphs, cutting down to 1-2 for intense dialogue, combat or, ahem, other things. I post pretty much every day, and I'll let you know if I can't do that. My schedule is busy, but I enjoy writing so I can always usually squeeze you in.

Gore/Violence - I can do gore and violence, there are certain things I find distasteful and others that would set me off, so I have to avoid certain situations - but I can discuss that in the highly unlikely event it ever comes to that.

Sexual content/Smut - I prefer romance and intimacy, with erotica often being a necessary step along the romance chain. I'm not going to write pure smut as I find it gets dull quickly I like a good solid mix of story to smut 60/40 minimum. I'm not going to write out a list of my kinks, as I find it a little distasteful but I'm open-minded, certainly something I can discuss OOC 🤭

Fandom - I prefer my original characters and settings. I find emulating someone else's characters a little boring, but I could play a new OC in an established Fandom.

Pairings - I'm open; love is love and I will happily pair with any other gender identity, obviously 18+ and following WS' rules.

Settings - I like to world-build as I go; I have constructed everything with partners from Towns to Islands to whole Galaxies; just give me the basics, and we can plot together.

Plots - I have a few ideas that I'd be interested in.


A low fantasy setting based in Teneria, a country at war with its neighbour, Illustria. We are losing. In a desperate bid to turn the tide of war, the King of Teneria has sanctioned a team of learned alchemists to develop new aggressive weapons of war. YC is one of these experienced war-smiths, along with his cute, but frankly useless apprentice (MC), to try and turn the tide of war.

The concept: We get to test amazing new weapons of war that have some amazing, horrific and sometimes comedic effects; imagine turning the whole enemy army blue, for instance. It'll be horrible, it'll be deep, and it'll be funny at times, as MC is a bubble-brained idiot who gets pretty much everything wrong

A top reporter for the Alalem News Network (ANN), Penny Weston is a determined, creative and adaptive journalist who will stop at nothing to get a scoop.

Penny has worked as a war correspondent in Afghanistan with the UK Parachute Regiment and some clean-up work in Iraq. More recently she has been covering personal interest pieces on dangerous characters such as the armed gangs in Karachi and drug runners in Manchester.

She is currently working on a big scoop in a dangerous part of the world, and she needs a close-protection guy in comes YC

The concept: MC Penny is driven and committed to getting scoops for Alalem. She's one of their best, but this time, she is getting in over her head. The network has insisted on YC as a bodyguard, and we can get into all sorts of trouble together. Will romance bloom under adversity?


Annie has recently inherited a Diner in a busy part of "a city" Annie is a hard worker but has got in over her head. She has very little collateral, the place needs fixing up, she needs to keep the regulars, and she needs to fight off a property developer who wants to take it away from her with increasingly enticing offers.

The concept: I'd like to play Annie in this one with seasoned partners who are used to playing more than one character. The other writer will have several core characters, people who can help Annie out, or be a love interest etc and the greedy developer. There will also be an absolute mass of interesting, deep and sometimes funny NPCs who drift in and out. I guess I'll need a cook too...

1000003723.jpg In a near future, perhaps dystopian society two women meet and gradually fall in love. Despite pressure and strains that drive them apart two young women fall madly in love and overcome adversity.

The concept: Looking for a person to play another lady here with me. Think Cyberpunk, but mord the day to day, OCs are nothing special, maybe light cyber modifications, this is more about exploring how the sci-fi angle could and would effect a blossoming romance.

It's a love story, not looking for messy descriptive porn references on this, if it gets messy will fade to black. So think subtle, a sidelong look, a touch of the hand. Sensitivity.

1000003819.png After a bad trip MC wakes up in the weirdest of places. It's her first time taking psyhotropics and she thinks she's still tripping. She isn't...

The concept - MC is whipped away from her normal college/university life after taking hallucinogens for the first time. She wakes up in a very strange place that we can build together.

YC can be as weird, or normal as you want, maybe you got high at the same time? Maybe you're a creature from this strange and surreal place? We explore together, cue fun, drama, comedy, high jinx and maybe some romance?

Characters: I also have some pre-defines that are right here, always open if you'd like to meet any of them:

That's pretty much it, post here, or DM me if you'd like to chat about any of my ideas or OC's

Thanks for reading!

Ellie x 😘
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