MxM Embark On an Adventure / Fantasy

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MxM Embark On an Adventure / Fantasy

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Rules Check
  1. Confirmed
  1. MxM
  2. MxF
  3. FxF
Content Warning
  1. Gore
  2. Graphic Violence
  3. Self Harm
  4. Substance Abuse
  5. Narrative Bigotry
  6. Sensitive Topics
Preferred Genres
  1. Romance
  2. High Fantasy
  3. Low Fantasy
  4. Sci-fi
  5. Dystopian
  6. Medieval
  7. Horror
  8. X-Punk (cyber, steam, aether, etc)
  9. Space
  10. Supernatural
  11. Modern
  12. Other


six sticky skeletons
250 Likes! 100 Posts! 100 Likes! Happy Birthday!!
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Today 9:55 PM

  • They/them, 30 years old, pet parent, 15+ years of RP experience.
  • 300-1000+ words per post but I generally just want something exciting to work with.
  • Daily or weekly posts from me. Will happily wait up to a few months with notice.
  • I don't really experience writer's block. Bad posts happen, it's okay to move on.
  • Frequent OOC communication is encouraged but not necessary!
  • I primarily enjoy writing MxM pairings (NB and Transgender characters included), and MxF / FxF occasionally.
  • I want to write people with depth. I want story and plot. Conflict and resolution. Substance.
  • I do prefer writing switches but will write any position as long as I like the character.
  • I don't fully commit to the top = dom / bottom = sub idea!
  • Age-wise, 20+ to around 40 max.
  • I love everything FANTASY (medieval, high/low) and am obsessed with world-building.
  • But I also enjoy sci-fi, dystopian, steampunk, post-apocalyptic, horror, and supernatural themes as well.
  • Dark romance, drama, angst, suspense, enemies to lovers, reunions, morally ambiguous characters, etc.
  • DnD, Dragon Age, BG3, GoT - inspired settings, please.
  • I can do without smut, but I cannot do without a carefully thought out plot.
  • Sexual tension, foreplay, and aftercare are always a lot more interesting to write than penetration, to me at least.
  • I don't have any triggers or limits, I write bad stuff for the sake of writing. My IRL preferences have no bearing on anything.
  • If you want a detailed list of how flexible I am, check out my F-List.
  • Communication. If you have a problem, tell me. Don't beat around the bush or wait for me to notice.
  • Love for worldbuilding. It just makes the story better, regardless of how big the setting is.
  • Imagination but also a lot of patience to see the story through. It is also okay to sometimes want to take a break.
  • Sure, grammar matters, but it's not the end of the world if it's not perfect.
  • Have fun! That's what RP is all about!
If you have ideas of your own and would like to write with me, feel free to message me!
*Some of my ideas are already fleshed out, but they are not set in stone. Changes are possible.
Everything the inhabitants of Ark Valley do ━ every decision they make, every resource they allocate, every step they calculate ━ everything is about staying alive. Life underground is not easy and it shows on every face, young and old, florid and pale. It is even more difficult on the surface where the world appears drastically changed in the daylight from what it once was, and at night... at night, it is ripe with despair and it oozes evil ━ plagued by something that ought to be left undisturbed.

For the survivors, there is only the Valley, but for A, there is more.

There has to be more.

In a world strewn with chaos, there are several fallout shelters scattered in the vicinity of Scarston Peak, housing the last of humanity. Few roads are travel-safe and fewer men brave enough to venture out in search of answers, for there are none.

It has been thirty years since a nuclear catastrophe ravaged the earth and nature turned against every living thing. In the wake of such a cataclysmic event, the surface world was rendered uninhabitable ━ electrical storms raged in the sky, acid-rain poisoned arable land, the seas and oceans swallowed whole continents, and ice covered half the southern hemisphere. Radiation levels subsided quickly enough, but when the first of the survivors ventured outside, they discovered they weren't alone.

Inter-dimensional barriers were broken, and through silken rifts in time and space, creatures that defied all sense stepped forth, akin to shadows, beings that existed, and to this day remain on the edge of mankind's perception, seeking to destroy everything that radiated life.

A grew up in Ark Valley, having never known anything outside the shelter.

Optional: A is a mechanical engineer, an EMR fields & electrical engineering specialist who takes care of the shelter's fragile electrical complexities, the heating & cooling systems, as well as the A-Valley's most important means of defence against the monsters ━ the EMR field regulators that emit a powerful DHF / direct high-frequency.

There aren't many things he is incapable of fixing. Except for the entire world.

One day, while he is manning the radio, he starts talking to a guy ━ B ━ from another shelter, a few clicks away from A-Valley, and over time, they grow closer. Close enough that A is willing to step outside and risk it all just to meet him. B tries to dissuade him from it, but when nothing works, he decides to meet him halfway.

On the way to the meeting point, A is attacked by one of the monsters but he wakes up to find himself still alive, with B by his side. They return to A-Valley together, none the wiser one of them might be possessed, for it is not largely known that these monsters in their gaseous form, are capable of possession.

Optional: B suffers from memory loss and often experiences gaps in memory, unsure of how he's ended up in the shelters he's lived in thus far.
Aetherfell is a city at the heart of Avreth, a country that has seen much war and turmoil over centuries, destabilised at every corner. Aetherfell is the seathold of Avreth's academics and benefactors, the cream of the crop, and home to the Core, a mystical force that powers the entire city and inspires all technological and scientific progress.

Before the Core, Avreth had been constantly ravaged by what the people called demons. Terrifying, sadistic creatures that did as they pleased, until one day, a group of powerful mages gathered to banish them to another realm, and in doing so, they lost their magic, vanishing themselves, leaving behind only the Core around which Aetherfell was built. The Core was left as a tool to rebuild from the ashes of their funeral pyre, and a reminder of what history had come to witness.

Today, the Core is protected by an organisation called the Blackstar– the descendants of the Mages and the peoples who first settled Aetherfell. It is kept in a place called the Hollow where it is, presumably, out of everyone's reach but those meant to research it.

In the early days of Aetherfell, the city was overwhelmed by refugees from all over who settled around it, driven to its borders, creating what it today known as the Grime. The Grime is home to all manner of crime and misery, torn apart by quarrelling gangs, and at the mercy of the Blackstar who keep stifling their economy.

While the Blackstar answer to the Core and retell the stories of the Mages' Sacrifice, the Grime is under the influence of the Church of the One-eyed God. Over the years, the religion has gained quite the following as it offers hope where there is none. It is shelter to those who need it, and it keeps the bellies of the most vulnerable fed but in exchange, it asks for unquestionable devotion. The Church believes that the Core's wonders need to be shared with everyone and that the Blackstar use it only to hoard wealth for themselves. The Church and its followers are often targeted by the Garde, Aetherfell's elite police unit.

The Church fights back through the loyalty of the Risen, a group of rebels who aim to expose the Blackstar and lift the Grime out of poverty.

One day, against all odds, the Risen manage to steal the Core but through a series of unfortunate events, they lose it. The Blackstar cannot afford to publicly admit that the Core is lost to them, so they strive to cover up the truth while they desperately search for it.

The Core finds its way to A, but not by pure coincidence. He is meant to have it.

B is a Blackstar scholar who is told about the cover up by his mentor, one of the Blackstar researchers, who was found mysteriously dead right after. Eager to solve the case and find his mentor's killer, he goes after the Risen and finds himself at the mercy of the Grime, partnering up with A who is looking for the Risen too, unaware the Core is in his possession.
A runaway Prince falls in with a group of ragtag do-gooders who steal from the rich and give to the poor. He falls for the leader but is too afraid to admit to who he truly is because he believes someone in the Royal Court is trying to kill him.

Lo and behold, he is right. What shall he do when he starts seeing enemies everywhere? Including his new-found family.
A Priest – Muse A – is assigned to a parish in a small town in the middle of nowhere, following the disappearance of the previous minister. Muse B is the town's Mayor who claims no foul play has occurred in the case.

The town is full of 'monsters', however.
Muse A is a talented sculptor who tries to immortalise the memory of his departed lover in stone.

Muse B is a demon who possesses the statue and brings it back to life, claiming to be the soul of A's lover.
A man possessed by a demon starts murdering people in his town, unaware of his actions. His bf/husband is the town's chief of police, desperate to solve the murders all the while trying to ignore the nagging feeling of dread turning his stomach whenever he looks at his beloved.

PAIRINGS (currently craving)
  • Dragon x Phoenix
  • Dragon x Fey
  • King x General
  • General x War Prisoner

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