Character(s) Enter the new guy

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Character(s) Enter the new guy


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Today 5:18 AM
Name: Hati Managarm-First son of Fenrir (goes by Eli)

Age: Unknown (looks 30)

Species: Werewolf

eyes: blood red

Hair: Salt and pepper

height: 5'10

weight: 180

Body type: Slim but muscular

Powers: Control of shadows and master of Chaos Magic(only with his instruments)

Personality: Tease, he's a tease in every sense of the word. Fighting, flirting, anything and everything. He enjoys the challenges of getting under someones skin. He's a wild card type who really doesn't care about anyone or anything that doesn't pertain to him on some level.He also has a rare disease called "skin walkers disease" it's a rare disease among lycans where and adrenaline surges can force you to change uncontrollably so typically when these rare cases pop up the offspring are killed to avoid future detection. The symptoms include permanent blood reds and elongated canines in human form.

History: Hati and his brother Skoll where born into a world of chaos, filled with battles between gods and men. Their father Fenrir, was shackled by the gods out fear that he would one day kill the all father and break the world. Only he and his brother defended their father, chained as he was, against the gods and would be heroes of the era and the eras to come. Eventually they finally managed to break their fathers chains and brought about the final war between gods and man, which lead to Ragnarok and the destruction of the planet. Near the end of the war His brother Skoll betrayed both he and their father in favor of the Gods which ended in Fenrir's death at the hands one of the sons of Odin.

The world breaking, his brothers treachery, and the fresh corpse of his father at his feet Eli broke. With his final (or so he thought) act in honor of his father, he summoned his violin Black Dawn and played. The sorrow and disdain for this world of Gods and cruelty reverberating with every pull of the bow. The sorrow at the loss of his father and betrayal of his brother. The Planet cracked and splintered as the pace increased, Oceans draining into the planet's crust, Lava shooting from every breach. Cities crumbled and disappeared as the earth shook with every new note...then silence....the world broken and imploding on itself, the Sonata "widows twilight" complete, Eli sat there waiting for the end….but there wasn't one at least not the one he expected.

Drifting the great expanse of nothing, dark, numb, silent. Is this what death is? Am I dead? This is fucked! Eli thought as he drifted half conscience, fading in and out. The memories from the great battle of Ragnorok still fresh in his head. The chaos, the fighting, the slaying of hundreds of Odin's Valkyies. Him and his father breaking the world, his army of werewolves wreaking havoc through the human armies; Smiling as he drifted into the nothing.

A light burning though his eye lids brought him back to his new sad reality. Opening them to a beautiful woman he had ever seen was hovering above him. The blazing white light behind her almost completely hiding her from view, but her face was clear as day.

"Of course, death is a woman," he laughed, she had to be death. Woman have been killing men since humanity started he thought still laughing to himself.
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