Character(s) Esu's Characters

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Character(s) Esu's Characters


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This will be updated as I start new stories and create new characters. Each set of characters will be found under the category of specific stories/rps they will be used in or under their genres.

Tales of Makkados

The world that Makkados is set in is very much sword&sorcery, ancient world based. Think Conan the Barbarian.

Makkados itself is one of the most well established and thriving kingdoms of the world and is located in a range of mountains known as the 'Starstone' due to the peculiar atmosphere. For reasons unknown, there is never true daylight with the sky appearing as dark blue and black or the occasional pink and purple of late sunset. The celestial bodies are most visible in the mountain range and is a popular destination for spiritual groups. Many cults may be found in the ranges as a result, along with the fact of the ruling body's leniency on faith.

The infrastructure of Makkados greatly resembles that of Arabic architecture with buildings carved from the mountains themselves, along with marble mined from within them. One of their better known features are the grand, colorful windows with intricate patterns and bridges that connect from village to village all the way up to the palace at the top of the highest summit.

The people typically wear clothing that flows and drapes, with vivid colors, embroidery and jewelry that is easily found in the mountains. They are an artistic and peaceful people that give off the impression that they feel superior to the rest of the world. That they have a full and established writing system and large percentage of literacy has also placed them 'ahead' of other people from other lands. Their reputation for arrogance has made them unpopular.

Makkadosians are polytheistic.
◦ King Anbar - The king of Makkados. He is a tall and imposing man like his fathers before him. His hair is still black with only a few traces of gray at his temples despite his age (57), with a dark olive complexion and gray eyes. His features are strong and masculine but his eyes were always remarked upon for being exceptionally beautiful in shape and color. A fair king, the majority of the population has a good opinion of him and his relations with other kingdoms have been better than those of his predecessors.

◦ Queen Saaz'ra - Queen of Makkados. Her marriage to King Anbar was political, to force an alliance between the dangerous, shamanistic Unsu people of the desert lands. Her beauty is known the world over. Essuru and his sister favor her more than any of the other children the queen bore. She is mute and is not expressive, yet she is thought to be wise.

Essuru's beauty was whispered of through the halls of the palace. The gods themselves, people claimed, must have carved 'her' from the finest marble in the heavens. 'Her' physique was delicate and petite, while the lustrous spill of golden hair fell to her hips in waves. 'She' had a face that was curiously androgynous. A straight nose and noble, high cheekbones were balanced by large, sapphire eyes bearing an upward tilt at the corners. Lips that were full and soft never smiled, however...But there could be no surprise in that, could there? The poor child, and 'her' fate to be given off to that demon...

Name: Essuru of Makkados
Nickname: Little Bird, Esu
Sex: Male
Race: Human

Hair: Golden; It is long and silky after a life time of constant maintenance. The tresses are straight and end in waves.
Eyes: Sapphire; May lighten or darken depending on his mood.
Complexion: Porcelain; Unblemished. His skin is smooth and soft.
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 115 lbs

Physique: Slender, but toned from secret training.
Scars: None
Piercings: Both ears have multiple piercings.
Tattoos: An intricate, geometric tattoo of diamonds within squares surrounded by two concentric circles in blue ink. A tattoo representing a 'married woman' to the public.

Clothing: Flowing, delicate silk and sheer fabrics that drape and wrap around his body. Most are embroidered or bear fringe in places. Often times he is weighed down by precious jewels and gold. When he is in disguise, he hides his hair in a wrap and wears men's clothing, such as long tunics and pants with robes to further conceal him.

Personality: Deceptive. Essuru was taught to be subservient and gentle with a regal bearing befitting a princess. He presents himself in this way not only to avoid suspicion from his father and his caretakers, but to have the advantage against those that would underestimate him. Beneath the surface, he is calculating and determined to see that he succeeds in his goal. He is intelligent, cunning, and full of resentment towards his lot in life with no qualms about cutting down anyone that discovers him or gets in his way. His resentment is the source for a cruel and sadistic streak that occasionally rears its head.

Skills: He was trained in the art of etiquette, dancing, pleasure, and obedience. However, in secrecy, he has learned how to use a sword, how to make poisons that leave no trace, stealth and subterfuge.

◦ Name: Te'Zaa of the Unsu
◦ Nickname: Zaa, The Starbled, Whore of Unsuta
◦ Sex: Female
◦ Race: Human

◦ Hair: Black; Sleek knee length. She wears it in braids with beads made of bone.
◦ Eyes: Unnaturally Violet
◦ Complexion: Pale
◦ Height: 5'9"
◦ Weight: 135 lbs

◦ Physique: Willowy yet curvaceous
◦ Scars: None
◦ Piercings: Both ears have multiple piercings.
◦ Tattoos: Her body is covered in many tattoos made in black ink to depict the various gods she serves, the spirits she communes with, and her status as a high priestess and sorceress.

◦ Clothing: Thin gowns of silk in somber, dark colors. She strictly wears silver and dark stones or bones from all manner of creatures...even human.

◦ Personality: Solemn and dark, the priestess is a forbidding woman. Her reputation as a powerful and dangerous force is known among her people and rumored of elsewhere. She is commanding and harsh with no indications that she possesses any softness at her core.

◦Skills: Dark sorcery, Divination, Summoning, Curses, and Blessings.
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