MxM Ever head of it ??

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MxM Ever head of it ??


Your worst nightmare.
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Today 10:42 AM
she / they
All For The Game trilogy by Nora Sakavic; if you know you know, and if you don't let me elaborate !! I'm not usually a big fandom person, so I'm not looking to roleplay as the characters in these books but I am wanting to take the themes, and the general relationships in said books to use them in a unique way. I'm looking for someone who is interested in the themes I'll list below ( included are images to give you an idea of the vibe ) so if that's you please feel free to private message me!


  • The plot will revolve around a rag tag sports team [ preferably hockey as its the sport I know most about ] that play for a university. They're known as a gruff, violent team who are always at the bottom of the totem pole and most of the players are from rough beginnings or looking for a second chance. A few might be in active addiction, others are running away from the horrible things they once did etc . . .
  • Homophobia is a theme I want to explore, whether it be internalized or some of the team members are homophobic; which leaves our characters having to hide their relationship, that they don't even want to admit exists.
  • A bloody, bridging on illegal rivalry with another mens university hockey team is a must. Maybe our characters could even be on the opposing teams?
  • Rough, inexperienced, toxic sex.
  • Both our characters have to be switches, I am not interested in the sub/dom dynamic.
  • The more problems everyone has, the better. Juvie? Active addiction? Violent tendencies? Personality disorders? I want to explore it all, let the taboo topics run rampant.
  • I will also be wanting moments of softness, tender love, a crack in hard exteriors.

    The plot is up in the air, but I already have my character figured out so if this piques your interest we can talk and organize it so it fits you and your needs just as much as it fits mine! The X's are links to images [ lots of fanart from the series i'm basing this off of ] to give you a visual of what themes I'm aiming for!

    X X X X X X X X X
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