MxF Every Rose Has A Thorn

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MxF Every Rose Has A Thorn

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Rose for the Hunter

The Forsaken Guardian
Staff member
Inner Sanctum Nobility
♔ Champion ♔
Local time
Today 4:23 PM

Well then, welcome to my new request thread, thought about time I give it a refresh and renew, rules are the same but added and removed ideas, still have to put up my own Original ideas as none are quite developed enough for me to be happy but I thought I'd at least throw what I've got out and see if I intrigue anyone. I have a few spots open at the minute.

I am a full time student so patience is needed although I am pretty active in my replying. Also, I would appreciate if my partners don't just ghost me all of a sudden, if you've lost interest in an RP just tell me and we can either work it out or decide to drop it, we both need to enjoy it after all.

Now then, onto the nitty gritty what I like, the rules and all that jazz.

I do like smut in my stories but not to be the main reason from them, I love romance in a story as well. But my story/smut ratio is about 70:30 sometimes as low as 50:50 depending a lot on the idea but a good juicy story is more tempting to me than anything. I enjoy watching how the relationships between characters changes and evolves to a point where the characters come alive in the stories.

I would also prefer a partner who can write a good sized reply, I tend to write around 300 words on average, sometimes more sometimes a little less but depends on what I am given to work with. I have a couple of established characters which you will find linked in my signature below, if one of them tickles your fancy then just let me know. But you must be willing to plot and plan with me, OOC communication is key to an RP that is enjoyable for us both.

A Few Things:

  • All characters in Rps to be 18+
  • I do like to have a good story in my Rps and like to plan with my partners over PM
  • If you are not interested please let me know, don't leave me hanging
  • Please refrain from borrowing my characters, some of them I have spent years refining.
  • I do sex in my Rps but like I previously mentioned I do like a good story
  • PM me if interested, I will not respond to messages here
  • I love to plan and plot and chat randomly so please expect it from me :)
  • I do NOT do FxF so please stop asking, I also do not play male main characters.
  • My characters are mostly switchs, no subs here. But these can be Doms too depending on if the right character comes along. However, if you're a sub looking then I'm extremely picky here.
  • If you ghost me expect to be put on my RP blacklist, yes I have one, and it takes a lot to get someone off of it.
  • I am a full-time student, I will have days where I can't respond every day either due to college workload or just exhaustion.
  • To check you have read my RT there will be a secret word~

As mentioned before all characters will be 18 +

Lucifer Morningstar x OC(My Character Rosalin Ashwood, I have an idea for this)
Hellsing Ultimate (Alucard x OC)
The Witcher (Geradlt x OC, OC x OC)
Brand New Animal (BNA) (OC x OC)

Original Ideas:

True Monsters

Character: Seclusion Ash Alma
Looking For: Non-Human Male (Ideallly vampire)
Notes: Hellsing Inspired
Nightmares, Creatures, Monsters. That is what we are called, forgotten beings yet there is still a food chain. The prey and those that hunt them down. But some break the laws and thirst for chaos, those that must be hunted to keep things in order and that is where Hellsing come in. They use monsters against monsters, bloodsuckers are the main pain and yet there is more to it than just that, now there is a bigger problem that must be dealt with. A new hunter is brought in, only her race should've died many centuries ago, a creature that normally would not have survived. Yet now she'll hunt those that once hunted her own kind. Add in the newly discovered chaos and it seems the quiet work of the original hunter has gone.

Important Note:
If you have idea you have an idea that you wish to share with me please PM me.
Secret Word/Phrase: Merlin is the Cutest
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