Both Needed Experiment Endowed - Are You Ready To Be Watched?

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Both Needed Experiment Endowed - Are You Ready To Be Watched?

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Are You Ready To Be Watched?
A formal, crisp envelope has been slipped into your mailbox. The logo and name of the company is written in words that are foreign to you, but somehow they've gotten your name and address right. So, it can't be a mistake. Opening it, you discover a folded letter, which reads:

"Dear __________,

Congratulations! You've have been chosen out of the millions of humans on this planet to take part in a highly classified experiment, called Experiment Endowed. This research will carry on till we discover the results needed to continue with our theory.

At this moment you might be wondering why you've been selected for this role, the answer is simply because it is in your DNA, your blood, your heritage. You are the product of an Endowed Species that, we believe, have since evolved to the point of leaving this Earth completely to create their race on another world.

Still skeptical? Surely, you've noticed that you are different from other people in one way or another. Perhaps a heightened sense or an ability that is undefined in our society? And if you have been hiding, this is the chance we're offering for you to be free.

Since we are unsure of what it exactly means to be of an Endowed Species or if this is even true, we wish to study your behavior, preferences, abilities and sexual orientation as closely as possible.

Therefore, if you are willing to take part in this experiment. Please call this number...

And we will begin.

Asha Arieli
~Arphaen Internation Research and Education

Our story will begin when we've all established the fact that we're staying in this Research Base together and begin to realize that we've never actually been alone all these years. But, that doesn't make it easy to integrate into the new environment, especially when these crazy scientists put all of you into...awkward situations.

Your characters will be confused and feel like they're wasting their time. They will be extremely skeptical and will be entirely new to this experience. They will have no control over their power at first and will learn the hard way to control it. Eventually they'll be able to use it like another limb and become stronger than ever.

Although, some might use it for less than righteous reasons. . .

My role:

I will be playing two characters:
  • Asha Arieli, the Head Scientist of the Research Base. She's the one who's pushing this whole thing towards the final goal - a breaking-point where the full potential of the character is realised by everyone including themselves. This is will be either a negative or positive experience.
  • And my own character that will be just as clueless and new to this as yours in order to set an example and to help internally move things along.
Character Requirements:

I will need exactly 9 Players For This Game:

Females - x4
Males -x5

And here's the Character Sheet:

  • Name:
  • Place of birth:
  • Date of birth:
  • Language:
  • Religion:
  • Occupation:
  • "Endowment":
  • Appearance:
  • Personality:
  • History:
SO! If you're interested. . Fill that up and call the number (coughmessagebelowcoughcough)~! :D I'm waiting for you at the Research Base.
  • Name: Damian Kingston
  • Place of birth: Eden, Texas
  • Date of birth: January 7th, 1982
  • Language: English, French
  • Religion: Agnostic Theist
  • Occupation: Transamerican Truck Driver
  • "Endowment": Kinetokinesis - the ability to transfer kinetic energy between objects.
  • Appearance: Tall, with a fair mocha complexion. Flat nose, thin lips, thick shoulder-length hairdo of straight platinum-dyed hair (natural hair color: dark brown). Thin build in general. Brown eyes.
  • Personality: Quiet, only speaks when necessary. Generally very firm in decisions, and challenging when these decisions are questioned. Stubborn.
  • History: Born of a Texan mother and a Marseilles father who met in Dallas before deciding to move to a small backwater town named Eden, Texas in order to make a family, Damian was the second child of three. Living in a town with just barely over 1000 willing residents, and with the looming reminder of people who misbehave as he lived within a stone throw's distance from the Eden Detention Center (a low-security federal prison), his life was mostly uneventful - having finished high school with just barely passing grades. A normal kid. Though, due to the town's size, jobs were hard to find - and so he ended up moving out of town to the Dallas suburbs before his 20th birthday. He worked odd jobs here and there, mostly unsatisfied - until one of his employments involved getting paid to be trained to drive 18-wheelers and get a license, to make a delivery. Enamored by the large vehicles, he officially started his career at that point - and managed to be able to afford his own truck at 24. He's been living in his truck since, driving across the US for deliveries, never really settling down.
  • Name: Corsic Akioharu
  • Place of birth: Atlanta Georgia
  • Date of birth: 3/5/1990
  • Language: English, unknowingly demonic
  • Religion: Agnostic
  • Occupation: Bartender (Originally a sniper for the US Army, and then a highered assassin for German Intellegence, then Russian Intellegence.
  • "Endowment": Heightened Senses of sight, smell, and hearing, along with large amounts of Charisma and charm. Further buried ability to control shadow (basically an incubus without knowing it, but I can cut that if you so wish. He is only aware of his heightened senses.)
  • Appearance: Average height for a male, standing at 5'9" but close to 6 feet. His skin ranges from pale to peach color, eyes being a deep sapphire blue, fairly angular features with a sharp but not noticable nose, and average sized lips, seeming far more soft than most would. His hair is straight cut, slightly spiked up in the middle, jet black locks that were died crimson, some of the locks of hair still holding their natural color. Athletic build, toned muscular chest arms and legs, but nothing that showed he worked to hard for the body he has.
  • Personality: A mixed bag, sometimes cocky, sometimes quiet. His overall personality seems to be a charmer, calm cool and collected, able to challenge other people's decisions and really dig into shallow reasoning's, but otherwise he is not much of a leader. He really is skeptical as for why he would even be in the facility.
  • History: Corsic Akioharu, a japenese american born in the US and left for dead on the streets. He spent his early years jumping from orphanage to orphanage to foster home to foster home, on and on, until he was just about 18 years old, and was dropped off at a military recruitment office. They took him, but he was a hard nut to break, being stubborn and insubordinate due to never following the laws as a kid. In the end, he broke, and he worked back up, opening himself to his band of brothers, and learning how to work as a team, and what it really meant to fight for something. That was until he was all of about 20 years old, and 90% of his squad died in front of his eyes...well through the scope on his sniper rifle. Shortly after, he was honorably discharged, and upon picking himself up from the hole he had slipped into, shortly after his 21st birthday, he took ownership of a bar, and worked that job for 5 years...All through these 26 years he knew something was weird with him, he could hear, see, and smell better than any human. His sense of smell was so good he could smell the enemy coming even before he saw or heard them. His squad mates had made jokes about it, his girlfriends always poked fun at the thought, and he thought it was all in his head. Now this envelope tells him something different...and he needed to understand just how deep this went...
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