Any F4A Romance, adventure/fantasy RP! Character sheet below and a little about me as well!

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Any F4A Romance, adventure/fantasy RP! Character sheet below and a little about me as well!

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Today 6:27 AM
I'm Kazz, I'm 23 and I specialize in Slice of life- fantasy/adventure RP. I'm willing to try a horror RP but it would be my first time trying that out. if you like my character Throw your ideas my way and I'd love to talk about them! I write around 10-20 paragraphs an entry, but will match if you're lower! No one liners please, bare minimum 3 paragraphs. 3rd person but willing to try 1st if I like the idea! Right now I'm really into magic, elves, and cottage core lifestyle/aesthetic but I'd love to give other things a try. Preferably our characters go from friends/enemies to partners in these RP, but willing to try out platonic RP too!


Characters: Amilia
Characters Age: she's 21
Characters looks: A blonde haired young adult woman. Usually she wears dresses that stop at her knees. She loves wearing checkered print designs. She has blue eyes that meet with a light brown at her pupils that are pitch black. She is tall and lanky. She is quite dainty, wears earrings that are small emerald stones with not much that pops out. She has a belly button piercing, but it isn't shown much.

Likes: She likes dressing up, is enthusiastic about instrumental music, fashion, and sitcom shows. She loves jewelry and has a collection that is vast and varies from necklaces to rings to other piercing jewelry that she no longer has, or has never had. She is a collector, she collects a lot of things but mostly small garden gnomes, jewelry as mentioned, and small trinkets from her travels. She is fascinated by animal bones.

Who is she inside?: She is a firecracker, she is loud, funny, and unequivocally herself. She will throw herself in traffic for a dog, would jump off a building to save a friend, and does her best to keep her friends and family safe. She has a tendency to make people uncomfortable due to her inability to see that she is being loud in public and never knows when NOT to joke. She says what's on her mind but stays nice and sweet. She'd go out of her way to save a stranger, give money to the homeless, and take in strays, but she knows her own limits when it comes to what she can give and what other people can take from her.

Dislikes: She hates cucumbers, spending too much time alone, and rudeness. While quite weak she would cause havoc for those she feels compassion for, which shows she hates when people are mean to those who are less fortunate than herself. She hates being made to feel small, or stupid, or less than. She dislikes writing essays, hates the texture of meat, and is completely against unnecessary violence.

Her background: She grew up on a small farm in a barren county that was nothing but farmland and tractors. She'd spend countless hours taking care of the crops and the farm animals. Growing up with 3 brothers and 2 sisters, being the oldest, caused her to grow up fast. She had to take care of them from the ripe age of 7, which was when her twin brothers were born. Her dad was a workaholic and spent most of his life out in the farmland. Her mother was a drunken homemaker, spending more time sleeping on the couch than standing up. When she was 17 she realized that she'd have to suffer this life and marry off, or she'd have to leave. So she applied for college and was accepted into a prestigious school in the west, over 1000 miles away from her home. She left home at 17, leaving her 10 year old twin brothers, her 7 year old twin sisters, and her youngest brother who had just turned 1. After 3 years at school she graduated with a degree in early childhood education. From there, she was left on her own to find housing and employment. (Willing to slightly change for plot reasons)

What is her life like now?: She lives in a small cottage in a tiny village. There are no schools, one local doctor, and a few general stores. While she doesn't currently have a steady job, she sells crops from her small garden and does music and English lessons with kids in the neighborhood. She also makes jams and cans food which she also sells. Having a hard time marking up her prices, she charges very little. Mostly just enough to make the items and buy more stock so she can keep selling. (Willing to change all of this to fit plot)

Downfalls: She is a mess, can't be bothered to organize. She is short tempered with those who don't share the same compassion as her. She bites her nails, has insomnia, and can't spell very well even with her vast knowledge of the English language. She sings badly, doesn't shut up when appropriate, makes jokes at bad times, and isn't aware of her surroundings sometimes. She has been known to crack a dark joke or 2.

What type of RP I'm interested in: I specialize in world building and character progression, I'd prefer it if you had the same passion. (I'd love to make real maps, draw out characters, have recurring characters, inside jokes, etc.) I'm mostly interested in Slice-Of-Life, romance and Fantasy, I also dabble in adventure which I think works best with characters that are less established (for instance, if we add magic, I'd prefer if our characters started off as learners instead of masters. I can send examples of work!.)
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