MxF Family Reunion: The Giovanni (VtM, incest, occult and taboo)

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MxF Family Reunion: The Giovanni (VtM, incest, occult and taboo)


A Hot Mess
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Today 5:08 PM
Silent Hill


  • tumblr_msme19X3y21s0oxwto1_500.gif

    • Third person past/present tense.
    • I will at the very least post two paragraphs with enough juice for you to squeeze out and have good content for your next post. But I generally fall under the multi-para to novella sized postings, depending on how inspired I am and what is happening in the story currently.
    • I love and adore world and story building, as well as making compelling side characters.
    • I love emotional aspects in characters, that's where I'm the strongest in writing. Writing feelings of love, anger, anguish, loss and despair is where I shine. Which is why I need me some tasty drama to get that into focus.
    • SLOWBURN. I love slowburn - for sex, love, drama, conflicts, anything. Properly built up so it all climaxes with satisfaction, pun intended.
    • Drama. I love drama!
    • I don't mind having multiple characters for the story, but I generally prefer having one main pairing and others who serve as great filler for the story and realistic interactions
    • You have (at least half of the) similar qualities that I've mentioned in the section about me
    • You write on average multi-paragraph posts and you're generous with the detail you add to in your posts
    • You would like to do a long-term, story heavy and eventually very steamy hot smutty romance roleplay brimming with action and tension
    • Send me your writing sample!
    If you pretty much meet majority of these points, message me and tell me about yourself as a writer!

    "Brave men of steel… Favored by God for their strength and discipline… How blessed are they to die for such a righteous cause… And in death, they will reunite with Him…"

    Blood slowly began to soak into the soil.

    Outside of the kingdom's walls, a deathly silence covered the scenery like a heavy blanket.

    In the distance, bells from the cathedral slowly began to ring, the song eerily echoing underneath the dark gray skies, ravens chiming in as they flew towards the new gravesite.

    Bones, flesh, metal, fur and weak wails were all that was left behind. A weak, trembling hand, soaked in blood, reached towards the sky.

    "G…God… Forgi… Me…"

    And so the last breath was lost in the cold wind…

    "I almost envy them. For I bear the burden of both their ancestors and their children, and their children's children… Nay… I am God's chariot in this cold, rich land…"

    The bells were strong and powerful within the walls of the castle, with the maidens of the court huddling and whimpering softly as they clutched on to their terrified children. Any attempt to peacefully console the innocent little beings once the bells fell silent were in vain. They felt the fear of their mothers and gentle maidens that offered comfort and protection, and slowly the silent tension that was building in between those walls started to grow as the faint sounds of battle became louder by the minute. The church bells managed to snuff out the horrifying sounds of war, even inspiring the presence of God, yet when the chiming stopped, the brutal reality had set in once more. Perhaps God was not with them… For if he was… Would things truly be like this?

    They broke through all defenses, it seems. Which only means that the battle against those demons is slowly coming to an end, but at the cost of their own lives.

    The throne room was a colossal area, dark and cold, graced by the pillars that welcomed the visitors in row towards the lone throne that sat up on the podium. As much as it inspired power and intimidation to all who stepped inside, it also would remind one of loneliness. Once, this place was more lively. They had candles and torches illuminating the cold architecture of the northern ruler. And back in those days, what had felt like a century ago, the halls were graced by the brightest of smiles and softest of voices that made this place feel like a little warmer place. A presence that melted even a king's heart at times.

    He had cursed the day he had met her. Because if he didn't know of the life that he had, the life that he had lost, he wouldn't have known any better and living life would be easier. Because now, in the absence of the warmth that he had known, everything is cold, empty, lonely and meaningless.

    And that is why, on top of those stairs of the podium, there was a place for one to sit and reign.

    Beside the stairs of the podium stood a smaller figure, in an armor that was a little big on his form. He had the stance, he had the confidence, but his blue eyes were set on the lone and elevated figure that sat upon the throne. Benedict's eyes were slightly widened as he stared at his father, pupils slightly trembling as he listened to the king's words. Though his expression remained unreadable, the blond-haired boy's eyes spoke volumes.

    And he wasn't alone. Guards that stood still like statues in the room had heavy expressions on their faces as they would eye at each other or just simply stare at their king. Nobody said a word, but the orders were given and they had nowhere to run. There was a sense of finality even before anything had happened within those walls.

    One of the unarmed guards stood behind the pillar and in front of one of the many barrels that were assigned to each guard. His trembling eyes were closed, whispering to himself softly as he prayed. And as a man of God as he was, he was holding back tears, knowing what he was about to do if the king gave the final and definite order.

    "And I will be damned before I let those heathens and spawns of hell take our God's land. I will take them down with me if I have to."

    Hemmet's voice was low and without force, but there was powerful intent behind every word he had said. He glared at the doors of the entrance, eyes filled with determination and anger. Everyone in the throne room was afraid. Both of the enemy and, even worse, of their own king.

    The noise from the outside was louder, but it was not the sound of swords clashing or any screams that would end abruptly. As a matter of fact, a very familiar and beloved voice was heard just outside the entrance.

    "Go! Move, men! Drag the wounded inside!"

    A voice that urged men to hurry and gather around. It had offered a moment of hope to everyone upon hearing prince Nicholas' voice as the double doors were being pushed open. And the moment it gave way, the first figure to enter was of a young man with dark hair and kind eyes. He was adorned in magnificent armor that represented Winthrope and with the sigil of his homeland etched on the breastplate and the battered shield that rested on his back. The man was dirty and exhausted, perhaps even slightly wounded as he pushed his rushing men into the castle, helping out those who struggled to run, but he left no one behind. The sight of him before the guards and maidens was enough to brighten their day and give a shred of hope even in this dreadful time. Even when he was covered in grime, blood and sweat, he was the welcome sight to sore eyes.

    On this day, Nicholas was the leader. He was the future of Winthrope, one to take Hemmet's place. And he was beloved and respected by the people, perhaps more than they had loved and respected Hemmet even in his best days. Plenty said that, out of all five children, it was Nicholas who was graced with virtues from both of their parents.

    And the moment dozens of soldiers had entered the throne room, both wounded and ready to fight, the doors were barricaded behind them. Not everyone had made it into the castle, but they had the priority to protect the king, no matter the cost.

    Nicholas turned around and looked at his father who sat there, with that well-familiar look on his face. The expression that Nicholas abhorred. He immediately frowned as he confidently walked towards the podium, armor clanking with each step. But as he stood next to his younger brother Benedict, Nicholas bowed down before his father, despite the dissatisfaction and the exhaustion. Nicholas was a man of honor. He was the pride of Winthrope. He was the knight that everyone strived to be. Yet his burden was great.

  • lets_go_deep_with_these_sex_tips_10.gif

    • Switch leaning to submissive
    • Sado-masochistic tendencies, mainly masochistic
    • Con and dub-con (dub-con mainly being used in scenarios that would be considered non-con for buildup purposes)
    • Non-penetrative stimulation and orgasms achieved without penetration (clit and pussy rubbing are my favorites, fingering, grinding (with or without clothes), licking, playing with toys, grinding against objects, touching, scissoring/tribbing)
    • Teasing
    • Both intimate vanilla sex and rough, animalistic and hate fuck
    • Wetness, sloppiness (saliva, genital wetness, cum, slime and other possible liquids)
    • Thighfucking
    • Slowburn and buildup to sex
    • Begging and desperation
    • Sexual acts done in secret in public (be it that they're somewhere behind a pillar during a formal event, she has a vibrator shoved inside her while they're at work, the amorphous creature shaped itself into her panties and having its way with her while she's at dinner with her in-laws, etc)
    • MC being watched while masturbating and masturbating together
    • Pain inflicted pleasure (biting, hair pulling, choking, scratching, being shallowly cut with a knife)
    • Reflections/mirrors (looking at the reflection while doing ungodly things)
    • BDSM
    • Clothes malfunction
    • Coiling and restriction
    • Oral (giving and receiving)
    • Tongue play
    • Aphrodisiac in all forms
    • Fingers in mouth
    • Titjobs
    • Bloodplay and blood drinking
    • Playing with knives
    • Gags
    • Degradation
    • Praising
    • Aftercare
    • Spitting in mouth
    • French kissing beasts
    • Knotting and knot play
    • A heavy use of dub-con during a non-con scenario (MC is caught in a situation where one is not expected to consent. However, we work through the situation where her body betrays her despite her not wanting to give in)
    • MC occasionally dominating the situation
    • Reverse harems (I love interacting with multiple characters and have my character develop through the multiple relationships, but I don't like one-dimensional characters)
    • Anal (I genuinely can do without anal, as it's personally not a thing I enjoy, but I will definitely do it in case it's high on the list of desires for my partner. I have no issue with compromising)
    • Honestly, Most of the stuff in the MAYBE section is for any kinks that you might have, but you don't see anywhere on my list. If that's the case, ask and let me know! We'll see what we can do!
    • Rape/non-con
    • Sexual abuse and violence (upon my character in heavy detail. We can imply it happening for the sake of the plot, but not play it out)
    • Anything that belongs in the toilet
    • Characters in sexual situations that are below 18
    • Or if I voice anything else as we write, I will be straight forward, just as I expect you to be, as well.
    • DEALBREAKER: Giving me options on appearance/faceclaims of what my character should look like without me asking for you to do that. What I am cool with is both you and I picking multiple photos and giving the other option to pick which faceclaim idea we like the most. But it really bugged me that some people want to choose what my character should look like. I'm not about that, I think you should like your character more than I do personally.
    • Christian Grey/Suited CEO type male characters. I genuinely don't like this character trope. I don't care if he's a vampire or a demon or what have you, I just don't vibe with the character trope of a clean-shaven, sharply suited dominant man who commands everything in his wake. I had roleplays with this trope of a character with multiple people throughout the years and it always ends up being the same thing and I'm more than certain that it's not my thing. No shame to you if that's what you like, though!
    • Anime/manga faceclaim references. I just don't like them. I don't mind using anime/manga references for other things, but for characters, it's not really a thing for me. That's the only thing where I will tell you that I'm not interested in as your character's reference. It's too childish and cartoony for my taste.

  • The Giovanni family
    (Vampire the Masquerade, incest, reverse harem)

    Basically my character has been the black sheep of the family, as her mother had been an unfortunate distant cousin of the Giovanni family who never wanted to play a bride to one of her family members and dabbling in occultist and other extremely disturbing practices. Despite her not wanting to be a part of this, she was forced into marriage with her cousin and gave birth to MC. And before she was turned into a ghoul, MC's mother escaped and took MC away out of the country. However, after almost 20 years, the mother had died under mysterious circumstances, which left MC completely on her own and in debt as her mother was struggling to go by. MC is a goth and a student, studying arts and it seems that, despite her not knowing the truth about her family, it seems that there were some genetic effects on her. She hated her family for what they've done to her mother (she never told MC the truth) but being in debt ad unable to pay her college and after the head of the Giovanni family has been insisting that she comes back to Italy and move in with her family, promising her that they'll transfer her to better university in Rome and that she'd never worry about money again, MC bends and moves to the massive family estate, shocked to see just how incredibly large and wealthy her family really is.

    She is inspired to do extremely weird and different arts that would be amazing breakthrough and profit for the family, as she had learned a strange technique from her mother as to how create moving paintings that would capture the eyes of many wealthy people who have an eye for design. Example below.

    Kim Weber on Instagram: "I love to obsess over color, each one is a different little world. Which one is your favorite? #art #artist #abstractart #minimalism"

    This is what gets her into the spotlight of the initiated (embraced/vampires) family members, well-standing and wealthy. However, many doubt that her mother might've done something to MC to perhaps activate some strange powers which MC was completely unaware of, and for her to be capable to do something so strange is why MC becomes a juicy morsel that everyone in the family wants a bite of. While other uninitiated (humans) members of the family who are fighting for their spot and wanting to be initiated into the inner circle and are heavily competing with one another, MC knowing what she knows about the family (what her mother had presented to her without outright telling the true nature of them) wants nothing to do with anyone, unless it has to do with her keeping her place here. She wants her school to be paid for and she will be obedient only so much so she can have her peace, but with her showing her talent and use to the family, it seems that her plan to be as nice as she can be will backfire, along with her show of ambition.

    Vampires of the family want to choose worthy uninitiated members of the family so they can be reputable sires, their childer who show success and skill will elevate their status in society, be it in Camarilla or society as a while, so a couple members of the family begin to slowly cross their boundaries with MC. Either they speak a little inappropriately, their approaches don't feel all too innocent and they begin to spy on her when she thinks she is alone or with her partner (she can have a boyfriend). They see her having sex or masturbating, with her privacy being invaded, the nyphomaniac in her shows, she is hungry for lust, unable to get enough pleasure, heavily into BDSM and is in general an absolute freak during moments like this, which makes it al the more intriguing. So when her uncle, cousin, brother, father or whoever from the family begin to overstep some boundaries, we enter the dub-con area. She can't help it. She loves pleasure. She loves sex so much. And things get awfully wrong, but whoever ends up having MC, the others must not know, or it'll make quite a chaos in the family.

    This is meant to be a slowburn. The sow descent into degeneracy and MC at first seeing just how off and weird the family is and slowly bit by bit finding out just what these people are and that they're not exactly people. Would love to discuss ideas!

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