MxF Fandom requests (Open!) (Supernatural 2005)

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MxF Fandom requests (Open!) (Supernatural 2005)

Rules Check
  1. Confirmed
  1. MxF
  2. FxF
  3. Doubling
Content Warning
  1. Sensitive Topics
Preferred Genres
  1. Fandom
  2. Romance
  3. Sci-fi
  4. Medieval
  5. Horror
  6. Supernatural
  7. Modern
Local time
Today 1:35 PM
Wanted: Patient and Creative Roleplaying Partners
Hello all! Just giving this entire ad an update. Stopped with certain fandoms and stepped into new ones.

So i´m SpringTime. A 20 year old gal, she-her and i re-found a new Coconut-balls recipe that i dedicate my life too. But fun fact, i actually HATE coconut..?

I just stepped into a new fandom from a show that ended 4 years ago. It might be a longshot but i am looking for an Supernatural (2005) story!

So here it is, the shot:
What if we crafted a story where our original characters inhabit a world stripped of angels and demons, a place sealed tight by a door?

The only beings lurking in this shadowy realm are the guardians of that threshold, twisted and watchful.
Unfortunately, the guardians' daughters are two reckless girls, blissfully ignorant of the darkness they're tampering with. Their insatiable curiosity drives them to pry at the door, using gifts they barely understand—gifts that pulse with an unsettling energy.

One night, their foolishness crosses a line, and the door shatters open. They tumble into a warped reality—a sinister world that was meant to remain buried. An book series of horrors long abandoned.

Now, they're trapped among monsters, creatures that claw at them. To complicate their escape, the Winchesters are on their tail, bringing their own brand of chaos.
Fun times,

Now this, this is just a idea i wrote down. Details and such we can come up and change together. We can just turn it around completely if we want to! Or decide for a whole other plot all together.

The Story:
  • I think it would be fun to have our characters start somewhere in the earlier seasons (before season 5? even if we still could steal ideas till season 6 or sum bc why not?)
  • i would love it if our characters would be friends or family
  • i rather write the stories at the same time, rather than two different stories for each pairing.
  • no need to follow all that's canon right? I bet ya we can write it better
Character Information:
  • My main will be a female oc in FxM
  • would love it if you could write (with preference to Dean) Dean or Sam
  • ocxcc or ocxcc double-up.
  • I can write M or F for your ship! but only write MxF/FxF pairings

Semi-lit to literate to avd. Literate: I write how i see fit in that moment. I have a 2 to 3 para minimum base as i find that amount allows me to say what i want. But depending on the scene and what fits it might changes. To give an example in discord, two times over the discord limit, sometimes even more but that is rare.

In the end for me it's important that replies are engaging. Filled with things like how someone looks, acts, thinks the funny little things and such!

✕ Longterm or short? Well i prefer longterm as i feel like that way we can just take our time and explore different plotlines. But really let's just write as long as it stays fun.

✕ 19+ only.

--> All in 3rd pov
✕(slowburn) romance is an must. I simply love romance lmao. Horror, adventure, thriller, monsters/supernatural. But also the crack-wattpad themes, obsession/stalkerish.

✕ I am all good with smut. Like a 60 story to 40 smut ratio is just fine i think? It totally depends if it fits the scene of course. I don't have much on triggers here.
✕Do tell me about preferences/no no's and such as I can't read minds. (soft-romance/dark-romance ect ect) although I think I could be considered vanilla in my writing, or some of y'all are just a different kind lol. (I just dislike a lot of fetishes)
✕ I'm most comfortable writing sub/switch. No more dom.
✕ Flirting and stuff are just fine. But for some examples: 'someone hitting on a woman, she doesnt want to and pushes him away and walks away' are fine too. But we are not going to write about rape/sh in detail. It can be mentioned like 'Poor woman was raped before she was murdered' because then it has to do with a crime to solve.
✕ if your character must have a background like that, keep it to the minimum. I don't want to read about that.

✕ Gore/violence. Not much triggers on that. Blood description and such are just fine, i actually do like to make it a little spooky if it's fitted.

✕ characters can so have their up's and down, their mental stuff. But i rather avoid SH.
✕ I'm looking for partners that don't wait and agree with everything I say. I'm looking for those people that like to add their own ideas/that like to be creative with me and brainstorm. That don't counter with everything i say 'What did you have in mind?' it's just really off-putting for me. It's not that i am shy, but dry people who barely say something make me not know what to do.

More like the 'what if we..... AND imagine this!' you know that vibe.

✕ I also like to talk ooc, it just makes it all better. To yap about the story but also about whatever crosses your mind. Yes i want to hear about your day, pets and whatever. I will share my songs and Pinterest boards. I do want to gush about our characters.

✕ we don't have to talk everyday. A busy day or week is a busy day or week. I do prefer to keep some ooc contact. Needing to wait a few days for every ooc reply just isn't it for me anymore. But you know, i also understand it if you say i wont be reacting for a few days bc busy or whatever. It's not like i want to hoard all your time, i need those days too.

Like, i'm looking for an inbetween thing you know?

Okay that's it! I hope that if you read it till here you think 'yeah im going to reach out!' and not 'my god so much yap and blabla' If you have idea questions do reach out! I mostly react to people who have a fun introduction or just tell immediatly what they are into. It's easier to react to people that way!

Okay thanks bye! xx
Last edited:
Forgot to add some important details, if you have questions ask about it!
Good evening!

What you're looking for is very close to what I am; a patient partner who would like to start out getting to know one another while also understanding we can't always have frequent responses.

I also love most of what you discussed regarding your roleplay preferences. I typically prefer first-person myself, but am willing to try third-person.
good morning!

Well that all sounds good then! I do prefer thirs-person in writing yes. If you want you can send me a message and talk a little further!
Good evening!

What you're looking for is very close to what I am; a patient partner who would like to start out getting to know one another while also understanding we can't always have frequent responses.

I also love most of what you discussed regarding your roleplay preferences. I typically prefer first-person myself, but am willing to try third-person.
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