MxF Fantasy Adventure: A Knight and his Lady.

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MxF Fantasy Adventure: A Knight and his Lady.


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Hello! I'm PromiseFantasy. I was around some time ago but then life happened, so I've been away for about half a year. I finally feel ready to try this site again and hopefully find a nice long term RP or two.

About me and my RP style:
- I am exclusively a Fantasy genre RPer, it is the only genre that holds my attention and I am the most passionate about it!
- I tend to write around 3 to 4 paragraphs, but I try to match my partner as much as possible.
- I try to respond once every day or every two days. If I get a nice pocket of free time I will try to respond as often as I can, though! Sometimes I get busy so if I don't respond within a week just bop me on the head and remind me.
- I am open to OOC chatting! I would love to become friends if that is something you'd like!
- If you lose interested, your muse dies for this story, or you get busy and can't respond please let me know! I am 100% okay with you dropping the RP, and I will try my best to give the same courtesy to you! I will never be mad at you for any reason, so please don't be afraid to communicate!

Though my IRL gender is Female I am looking to play a MxF plot where I play the male. Assuming you are alright with that, let us move on to the details!

NOTE: The story I inquired about specifically below the cut has been claimed, but if you are interested in starting a different fantasy-based RP with me please feel free to shoot me a message!


I am looking for a long term RP based in a Fantasy setting that focuses just as much on story and romance as it does smut. Literate and passionate writers are highly preferred! I'm really looking for someone to share a blossoming love story with, so if romance and matters of the heart do not appeal to you this isn't the RP request for you!

The concept I am inquiring about specifically is one of a young noble lady (Princess or smaller noble house is fine) who has been denying suitors for some time. Her father and head of their noble house has grown impatient, finally taking a deal from a faraway kingdom to ship her off for an arranged marriage. It's a political move with no love, she's never even met the man she has become betrothed to and absolutely dreads the coming union. The former head of the royal family's guard holds the position of personal guard to the young noble lady, at her side almost night and day. He has seen her grow up into the woman she is now. Internally he despises the forced marriage that has fallen in her lap, one of the few things he is unable to protect her from. Time passes since the announcement until the day of her departure comes. She is escorted in a carriage surrounded by a handful of her house's guards, including her personal bodyguard. A few days into the trip across the land to the other kingdom the traveling party is jumped by bandits. Immediately tearing the young noble lady from her carriage and putting her on the back of his horse they take off into the cover of the forest as evening begins to fall.

Everything after this is up to us! I imagine they will never make it to the arranged marriage, and instead decide to stick together and end up wherever their hearts take them. I am quite fond of the idea of the noble lady taking up a sword herself down the road, trained by her knight, and they become an adventuring duo. It doesn't have to end up like this, though!

Here is the character I am looking to play, made specifically for this prompt:



Sir Wilhelm Levenheit

Race: Human.
Age: 39
Height: 6'2
General appearance: Long dark silvered hair, beard, and mustache.
Grey-green eyes. Faded scars.
Toned, muscular body.
General personality: Dutiful. Loyal. Protective. Hard on the outside, soft on the inside. Always wants to do the right thing.
Personal details: Hair had already greyed at the early age of 20. He never married but had a woman he loved in his youth. Seasoned swordsman with no ambition. Enjoys cooking and reading in his spare time. His sword belonged to his father and grandfather before him, it is named Hellsender. Would give his life to protect those of whom he holds dear.

His age is negotiable if it bothers you. I am willing to make him younger/use a younger facial reference if you ask but this is definitely my preference.

The character you would like to play can be whatever you like! I enjoy humans and elves equally, but if you want to do something outside of that I am willing to discuss it! All I ask is that your character be 18+ and mentally mature.

As for the intimate bits:

Noncon/dubcon, hyper body proportions, bathroom play, violence/gore, torture, feet, or cheating.

Rough sex, light bondage, pet names, age gap (but still above 18), height difference, threat of being discovered, creampies, and teasing.

Please don't send me a message if you are inquiring about anything outside of a Fantasy-based RP. I am looking for partners for this specific prompt but am willing to discuss other Fantasy based ideas you might have. No modern/Sci-fi/Apocolypse/ect. please!

If you have any questions please feel free to DM me! I won't respond to comments left on this post, but if you're interested in playing out this story with me I encourage you to shoot me a message!

Thank you for reading!
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