MxF Fantasy RP - Open to Discussion

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MxF Fantasy RP - Open to Discussion


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Today 10:26 AM
Basic stuff: Preferably third person, joint story telling/decision making,

- Who are you, how long have you been writing and what kind of things do you like to write?

Hello, I'm still incredibly new here and wanted to get a post out to hopefully meet some people. I've been writing in some fashion or another for a few years now, largely world building for Tabletop styled things, in both Fantasy and SciFi. I've got old worlds and characters, story arcs and ideas, all spread across a variety of sub genres and interests. Looking to do something with a heavy story focus and joint story telling, your ideas matter just as much as any I have, with a willingness to discuss any wishes or additions you may have.

Preferably third person, clean and legible without many errors, but I'm not a stickler for perfect grammar so long as it's very easy to follow along without misreading something.

- How long do your replies tend to be and what is your writing schedule like?

I like detailed replies, trying to ensure there's something for the other person to work with and get an idea of visuals or story points, but length is variable. Longer replies are preferred but not mandatory, sometimes there just isn't much to say in response to a post, or the very minor details say enough on their own. Best to feel it out and reply with however much is possible within reason.

I work a part time night schedule, so I'm asleep until around mid day typically, I am otherwise open to responding most of the time and aim to do so as regularly as possible. If replies are slower on your end, I'd just like to know what to expect so I can better work around the time you do have, let us both get the most out of the free time you wish to put into this.

- What is your tolerance level for gore? Violence?

Perfectly fine with violence, it's hard to put me off unless it's cruelty for the sake of it. Violence with a reason is great for stories, and I've never had a hard time with gore so far. Conflict in stories often includes violence and a lot of my characters or worlds lean to the darker side of fantasy, so it's not uncommon or a problem if a character is a bit more unhinged or violent, so long as it's with reason.

- Do you write sexual content? If so, what are your kinks? Limits?

Fully comfortable with sexual content, it's not the goal of what I write, but I'm more than happy to lean into it if the other person wants it to happen a bit more. That said, I have written a few characters in the past who are flirty as a way of being friendly, it's not so much an expectation as it is just who they are and it can be toned back if preferred. I'm into most things on some level, but draw the line at things often considered gross. Generally speaking I have flexible lines so if a partner wanted something, at the very least I'm open to discussion and seeing how I can make it work.

- Do you write any fandoms? (Please bear in mind that any characters under 18 and any high school settings must be aged up)

Not interested in fandom characters, I find a much bigger appreciation for original characters. Inspiration is all well and good, but rips or characters with a slightly different coat of paint aren't appealing.

- Do you have any pairing or setting ideas?

I'm very open to doing pairings or settings the others prefer, I don't have anything off the top of my head that stands out. I'm happy to pull an old character and tweak them for setting if any of them appeal, or making a whole new one just for the other person.

- Do you have any detailed plots prepared?

I'm able to pull some old campaign stories from things I've written before, but it's not too hard to come up with something interesting enough. More than open to discussion and planning something out.

- Do you have any characters you want to write? (Our character forum is here if you want a dedicated thread)

I'll add some to a thread over time, most of them make up an NPC party for players to interact with in old D&D Campaigns I homebrewed.

- Any additional notes you want to add?

I'm still looking around the site and seeing how things work, so feel free to lead in terms of setting stuff up or explaining how to stay within site rules. Happy to follow the rules as best I can, just gotta ensure a solid understanding and help in that is more than welcome.
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