Any FFXIV Anyone?

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Any FFXIV Anyone?


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Today 5:28 PM
Hi, hi. ^^

I'm hoping to find a partner or two who enjoys varying degrees of fantasy and adventure as much as I do! The game has really grown on me, y'know?

A bit about me:

--My posts are pretty big, it is something I cannot help. I do not expect them to be mirrored, no, but I do like having something to work with in return. So long as it is a juicy paragraph or two, I won't bother you about it.

--Any pairing will do, you may choose any character of any race, gender, physique, etc.

--I can write for Subs, Switches, and Doms, though I tend to portray my game character, Chinua, as more of a cross between a Sub and a Switch.

--I do not write for Canon characters. If we are doing an AU of a pre-existing story or universe, I will not be playing a Canon character and we will not be going by the exact storyline of that universe's timelines. I love the worlds they're in but I don't want to copy the main cast's every move. Partners are more than welcome to play as OC's or as canon characters as they see fit.

Points of Interest:
--Age Gaps - the bigger the better. Older mortal characters not to exceed 45 years of age. (Everyone 18+, no exceptions)

--Interracial Couplings - anything from human ethnic groups to different species. (Game races applicable)

--Size Differences - I love pairs made characters who are drastically smaller or larger than one another.

--Teasing/Banter - In or out of the bedroom, this is something my characters and I love to do.

--Combat - No matter what genre or timeframe we choose, the story must incorporate fighting. I am a sucker for it~

With that out of the way...

I'm three months into my newfound love for Final Fantasy XIV and would love to plot out a story with it. I'm not too familiar with other Final Fantasy games but have been brushing up on as much past lore and NPC backstories as possible to as to fill in gaps, but whatever we do, it doesn't have to be based off of the storyline of the game or have to have strict attachments to the lore at all! I'm not picky and I won't snap at you for deviating from any of the canon lore.

I was hoping to see if anyone might be interested in writing as either a.) our game characters, or b.) as OC's made from scratch. If you'd prefer to make up OC's, that's totally fine!

I would also be interested in pairing my character with:
-Alphinaud (18+)

For anyone curious, here is the character I would use if we were to use our in-game characters.


Let me know what you think and what you'd like to try! I'd absolutely love to make a new friend while we plot things out.

Like I said, it definitely does not have to adhere to the game's events, I'm just hoping to at least use the universe it's set in. Feel free to message me~
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