MxF A few old ideas and new ideas (open to partner ideas as well)

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MxF A few old ideas and new ideas (open to partner ideas as well)


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Today 10:04 PM
Thanks for checking out my thread, I will cut to the chase. I am looking to do a human male x monster girl rp. If you are I can post daily at about 2-3 paragraphs per post. I work two jobs so some days will be a bit more sparse than others. I don't have a preferred monster girl and the more unique, the better, if you ask me. I am very flexible with mt partners and will scratch your back if you scratch mine... among other things ;)

Here is my f list to help see if we mesh.

I can be flexible on my limits if there is something you truly one.

If you have a specific plot in mind I am all ears but I have a few suggestions if you want.
For medieval perhaps she somehow hires mc who is a treasure hunter of sorts, to recover a mythical treasure that she needs either for personal or goal reasons.

For modern, your species has been recently discovered and we are part of a social experiment to see if coexistence is possible. Not only do they have a bit of culture clash... But some xenophobic people are doing their own things to sabotage their chances...

For future we are both being held captive by an alien federation. Mc is the last human left, kept in captivity like an endangered animal they wish to breed. Yc has been forced into his enclosure because your dna is most compatable to carry on the human species. After some time in captivity they break out to try and have a life of their own.

Please send me a pm if you are interested. I do this from my phone and pm is easier for me to keep track of. Thanks again!

I came up with an idea last night based around the 5 animal kung fu styles (Snake, tiger, crane, panther, and monkey). They could be tribes of monster girls and my character is a budding martial artist looking to claim the title of Dragon by learning each style and conquering the master of each style. However it could be more on the lewd side than the kung fu. Perhaps in each victory they are eager to use the strong male as a chance to birth strong offspring and the like.for this you can play different monster girls or simply choose one to follow him after their match, out of intrigue and attraction

The 5 monster girl tribes
  1. Kakuen
  2. Crow Tengu
  3. Werecat

  4. Jinko
And these girls could act as a travelling companion and less of a rival
  1. Gyoubu Danuki
  2. Ratatoskr
  3. Hinezumi
  4. Ren Xiongmao
  5. Youko

Roommates thst start an onlyfans. The pair end up on need to make money to either maintain their college tuition, rent, or both. What starts as a way to make a lot of money, soon divulge into caught feelings and a venue to try out their wildest desires "for the sake of earning money."


I once had an idea where perhaps MC inherits some large plot of land, maybe even a large home as well. At first he finds a few companions that decide to stick around. Not only do they keep one another company, but there are things that some monstergirls might not think twice about that are commodities out in the human world.

Like neko claws to sharpen weapons, lamia shedding as a magical ingredient to potions, harpy feathers for soft bedding, holstau (cowgirl) milk as a delicacy. Things like that can make people lots of money.

As more girls stay the more goods he sells and slowly they build a town out around thst home. Becomes one of the first integrated towns for all types of races, with our characters at the center of it all.

Trying to run a town with Monster girls vying for attention.
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My schedule is finally open enough for me to reopen my search. Sorry to those I had to miss out on because of my previous work schedule. Please drop me a line if any of these I terest you. Also open to the ideas of others
I'm still interested in the Kung Fu plot ^^

Also interested in your modern plot about the social experiment
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