Challenge Submission Fool's Way

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Challenge Submission Fool's Way

Avarice West

High Priest of Shenanigans
Dungeon Master
Inner Sanctum Nobility
♔ Champion ♔
Chat Monster 250 Posts! 250 Likes! April Challenge Participant
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Today 1:24 AM
he/him, they/them
I woke with an itch, a crave, a need
To set out.
Put boots to open road,
Face to the wanton wind.

Pack the sack, knap-bag, tied up rag.
A crust of bread, dull knife, three copper coins and a work-a-day shirt.
Nothing so practical as compass or map.

Dressed in Sunday's best
Flowers of May deck my breast.
Fit for a frolic, a feast, an affair.
A proper pauper prince without care.

Destination west.

White dog at heel, omen of innocence.
Not feral, not tame.
She is mine.
She is me.
My soul at my soles.
She knows all those
Secrets I'm too blithe to see.
We've walked here before.

Fall after fall.
Itch after itch.
Wonders and wanders and worldly descent.
Magician, High Priestess, Heirophant, King.

But a fool will forget.
Skip straight to the edge.
Tumble again...
Tumble again...
Again... again... again...
And again.
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