MxF Fray my ends!

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MxF Fray my ends!

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Today 4:27 PM
Hi everyone! Welcome to my den of inequity and dark depravity! You can call me Rope and if your reading this I imagine you are looking for a possible roleplay partner/plot to pursue!

To start things off I am a adv-lit writer who produces anything from detailed multi-paragraph posts to semi-novela style writing depending on my partner and the pacing of the roleplay. I favor detail and depth to writing and will NEVER leave a dedicated partner wanting for longer posts. I write primarily MxF as my primary focus and yes I do focus on erotica (sorry no non-adult RP for me!) with a passion for playing multiple characters in a setting.

I enjoy OOC plotting and small talk with a special focus on geeking out about the history of characters within and previous too an RP.

My preferred genres are:

Fantasy: Inspired by or established settings I adore them all for the most part. High Magic, low-magic, semi-historic and everything in between. From the traditional epic to the steampunk I love it.

Sci-fi/Cyberpunk: I am a huge fan of science fiction, especially dystopian cityscapes and neo-noir settings. A special mention here would be my obsession for Rping in the Shadowrun setting. For those of you unfamiliar with it, think bladerunner with magic, fantasy races and global conspiracy.

Historical: Probably the lesser of my three pillars but one I can still enjoy on occasion. Though when I indulge it's more likely to be ancient history than anything in the last few centuries.

I am not a fan of slice of life, if your looking for someone to play a Rockstar to your groupee or your date to the prom I am not your guy. I write to escape the mundane not to immerse myself in it.

Now! Remember how above I mentioned depravity? We should probably talk about ons and offs...

The short answer is I am willing to write just about anything that does not violate site rules. For the right plot I can do just about anything else.

The slightly longer and more detailed answer is...

I LOVE most of the 'normal' stuff. Oral, Anal, Vaginal. Just about anything you can see in a porno I can get behind. I also enjoy darker themes like bloodplay, murder, watersports and general sexual mayhem.

My taste for dark might make you think that I prefer non or dub-con but you would be surprised as I actually looooove consent in even the most fucked up situations (but I will write the non and dub for my partners sake) which leads me to the main themes I enjoy which are subversion and corruption. I adore roleplays where the expectations of the standard tale are altered or changed, where the 'normal' roles and themes are altered or reversed. I love stories that corrupt and lead characters down ever darker paths until they willingly engage in the most self destructive and depraved behaviors to satisfy their own inner (or outer!) demons.

I can write but am less of a fan of traditional romance, race-play (including the fetishising specific races.), pure torture, innocent characters and a few other things. But in short I am game for writing even these things for the right plot!

I am friendly to ideas outside of this thread and want you to hit me with your best shot so go ahead and put the word 'swing' somewhere in the title of any message you send to me.

For characters I enjoy writing larger casts. My usual is normally one main male character with an assortment of minor side characters to help with plot or erotic scenes. Partners who are comfortable with that are preferred and partners who are into sharing 'npc' duties in a story are doubly desirable!

Characters that I play can run the gamut but I do have a type that I favor. I adore playing powerful, dominant men with androgynous or ambiguous features. Men who dominate with the mind and words as much as the threat and intimidation of their physicality. That's not to say I won't play a more traditional male... I just think dominant femboys are hot okay?

Characters that I like to play across from subvert the mold in some fashion... You wanna play an innocent princess sold to a warlord? Meh. I can write it but the plot better be *chef's kiss*. You wanna play a strong, confident orc amazon trying to free her people from slavery (spoilers for later) I'll propose to you and let you take half my stuff in the divorce. You wanna play a tragic, fairy girl cursed by her beauty? Well I guess we could but I've done it before. You wanna play a cute goblin cleric who just wants to make the world a better place and spread the worship of Gor the Bone-Eater to the lands of men...? I'll worship whoever you want because shortstacks are almost as cool as Amazon women. You get the idea. Subvert the role and the expectation and you'll inspire me.

I dont care too much about your gender behind the screen but I do like to know it. Call it my insatiable curiosity.

Lastly I guess I should leave you all with a plot bunny right?

Well remember that random Orc warrior I mentioned above? I got a plot for that!

The setting is grimdark fantasy in an a world not incredibly dissimilar from our own. A vaguly Roman inspired imperium is marching north into the misty, forested europe-expy and bringing civilization to the Barbarian races that call these 'dark lands' home. And by civilization they mean annihilating those who resist, enslaving some of those who don't and generally just being right bastards about looting the land and raping the way of life the people here have known for centuries. But hey those darklanders deserve it because they are the children of the dark gods and whatever imperialistic rhetoric can be thought up!

YC is one of the paltry few survivors of a recently annihilated tribe. Maybe a warrior, maybe just a woman or anything in between. And YC will rise from the ashes to take revenge for your slaughtered people... right after you figure out how to keep them alive in a forest that has been guarded by and forbidden to your tribe since the time before gods... for good reason... in the depths of the forest YC find a man waiting for them... a Human man. He says he has been waiting for her, to introduce her to someone who has been wanting to meet her for a VERY long time. (SPOILER alert its the eldritch creator God of her race, a dark and evil being that the people of the dark lands overthrew and imprisoned long ago. What will she sacrifice to access the power of this dark thing? What are the limits of her desire for revenge?)

Club Banshee, Redmond Seattle - 10:30pm

The music was loud, pounding and incessent. Some NuTronica insanity beat that set the blood on fire and made it impossible to understand anyone unless they were intimately close to you... Intimately close was a good way to describe the club in general really. Not from lack of space, the twenty-five thousand square foot building had all three floors furnished. It was the bodies. Bodies packed in at the bar. Bodies packed onto the dance floor. Bodies writhing and surging against one another like breakers against the lone lighthouse that was the DJ's booth at the center of the flashing, strobing techno-geddon.

The clubs industrial strength air conditioners were silenced by the music but even still pulsed onward, waging a vain war against the heat of the metahuman revelers. People would die in here tonight and most likely it wouldent even be malicious, just some poor SINless with the breath crushed out of their lungs by the press or some rent-girl OD'd in the toilet while her friends drink and party themselves into oblivion. But this is what these people wanted. They wanted the reality of a place like this. People came to the Banshee for this. It was why 'HE' had come to the Banshee.

It was not something he always did... Truth be told on most nights he favored places like club Skeleton or Dante's Inferno, places where the music and the crowd was more subdued and elegant. Places where those of class went to be seen as much as to party. Here at Banshee though you were just one among hundreds. You were as anonymous and alone as you wanted to be despite the metahuman press around you. It was a sensation he appreciated, at once being absolutely isolated in a sea of people and simultaneously a part of a huge writhing organ of sound and light. He was dressed well but did not particularly stand out, Banshee attracted all types. From Johnny Corporate slumming it or trying to forget the tribulations of the latest board meeting to go-gangers drinking and psyching themselves up for some score. There were even shadowrunners about if you knew how to look for them.

He was on the shorter end of the human norm, 5'5" and had a lithe body that moved well on the dance floor. His dark leather pants hugged his hips and his toned thighs, artfully accentuating a bulge that occasionally drew an eye or a passing hand on the dance floor. His skin was smooth with a Persian complexion. His short hair colored in an ombre of black and a shocking electric blue that matched with the shading of several bright LED-toos across his exposed shoulders, more soft blue light pulsed in time with his movements on the dancefloor beneath the fine-link chain shirt he wore. His arms were slender and only the deepest observer or someone with a ware scanner would be able to tell that both were artifical, even the high synskin covering the augments was high class. His bio-sculpted eyes were a richly unnatural ice-blue that stood out against the color of his skin and the dark kohl around them.

He had been dancing for hours... The perks of his particular blend of augmentation and initiation and his skin sheened with pheromone laced sweat. One girl in particular had been dancing close to him for some time and after a while she had made her move. Sliding in close and grinding down. She was a pretty tusker who clearly knew what she wanted and was not shy about it. Her apple sized breasts were capped with hard brown nipples that showed through the sheerness of her tight white sleeveless and her kilt and combat boots made her look butch as hell. There were no words on the dance floor. Just movements and intent. He liked that... So when she smiled at him he smiled right back. He liked it this way. Putting himself out there, dangling like a piece of bait on a hook. It was appropriate beacuase he had never thought of himself as a hunter... Hunters went out looking for their prey. He was a trapper working his art.

Several blocks from Club Banshee, Seattle - 2:30AM


The words were hot and breathy and accompanied the rustling and clinking of a scuffle. They had left the club a while ago and only made it this far before the ork girl had pulled him into this alley. He liked that she was bold and that was taking what she needed. He liked the way it hurt when she shoved him up against the wall beside the foul smelling dumpster and pulled his chain shirt up and over his head to be discarded on the filthy ground. He liked the way her hands were calloused and roamed over his chest, playing with the piercings in his nipples.

I like your accent." He purred back as his hand moved back between her thighs, slipping down the front of her kilt to tease at her slit, passed the panties he had pulled aside when his hand had first moved between her legs on the sidewalk. She quivvered and her nostrils flared like a bull when she shook her head, red dreadlocks flicking in the air as her mouth hung open. She growled out another pleasured groan as her mouth came to his and their tongues played. One of her hands left his chest and moved down to grip his cock through the leather of his pants. He allowed a moan to escape himself as well. She seemed to like it because she broke the kiss and sneered down at him with lust.

"Shaddup fag. I ain't for your amusment. Yer fer mine." She gripped him tighter through the leather and he let out a moan, breathy and hot.

"Yes mistress..." He cooed sarcastiaclly, his bright blue eyes locked on hers as a preassure from her grip on his other shoulder urged him down and a grunt told him he was working towards a smack in the mouth. He complied, slipping to his knees in the filthy alley. He pulled his hand from her kilt and smiled as her fingers knotted into his hair, roughly pulling him up as her other hand now shoved her kilt down to expose her fine pussy to the air. Her bush was a little unkempt but he did not mind, the smell of her sweat and arousal made it more primal. He liked it. She liked it even more when his tongue piercing found her clit a few moments later.



Their positions had changed... It had not taken long. She was a horny bitch and the drugs they had shared back at the club had only made her want it more. They affected him too... But not as much. One built up a tolerance...

She was quite athletic for a burly bitch, her left leg thrown over his shoulder, her back against the wall she had first shoved him against one hand on his arm and the other rapidly strumming her own clit like she was a speed-metal guitarist. Her eyes were locked down to where his cock moved in and out of her arse, the position made the view awkward but she apprently liked watching the way her ass would pull a little everytime he pulled back. She was tight but not a virgin... If she had been she might have actually hit him when he slipped it in her backdoor instead of her front.

For his part he had one hand on her ankle near his ear as he kissed and bit softly at her calf and the other with a thumb hooked in her cheek so he could see her tusks better and force her to slur her words in a way he had decided he liked.

For his part he had one hand on her ankle near his ear as he kissed and bit softly at her calf and the other with a thumb hooked in her cheek so he could see her tusks better and force her to slur her words in a way he had decided he liked.

"You like this tusker?" He growled back at her with a fevered grin. Enjoying the way she spit and cursed at him when he used the deragatory slang. "You love it don't you? You fucking need it." He growled back licking spit from the corner of his lips where a glob of it had landed a moment ago in response to his latest insult. His smile grew a bit deeper as he could feel his climax beginning to build. He liked it to... He needed it. He needed what was about to happen so bad.

"Fuck yeah. Lets do it... Cum for me and I'll cum for you!" She bit his thumb and the pain receptors in his high-end augment told him that if it were flesh and blood he might have lost it, still synthetic blood would be filling her mouth and she seemed to like it because he could feel her muscles contract and her body start to wiggle in a way he had already figured out was her orgasmic bliss.

His hand trailed down her leg, down across her hips and up across her chest to her neck. It wasent until he felt rather than heard the slight 'hiss' of the razor extending from his palm that he started to cum. It was over in a flash, the blade was so sharp that he knew at first she wouldent even feel it as his palm passed over her neck and slit it open. It was a solid second before her eyes opened, still in the grips of her own orgasm and met his. To her credit she tried to fight then, but the small man she had pushed around so easily before could not be moved and held her with his cock buried in her ass, a thumb in her cheek and with her body pressed so tight to the alley that she could not leverage herself free. She was still cumming as her brain warred to regear it's body to fight or flight. She tried to yell. She tried to speak. But she just wheezed, the blade had gone deep and severed her vocal chords, the blood was pouring freely now down her chest, running like a small stream between her tits as the razor disappeared back into his palm, leaving only a bloody hand to hold her head firmly by her dreads.

"Shh... It's okay baby. It's okay. It wont hurt for long. Your dying and in a few seconds you won't even care. Your still feeling good. The endorphins are still high. Your going out on a tide of pleasure." His voice was like drizzled chocolate as he gazed into her eyes, his cock still pulsing the last hot streamers of cum into her backside. She was twitching and wheezing now, harder and better than any orgasam could summon from a body and it made him gasp in delight.

"You can feel it right? You gave me such a good fucking orgasm. I love you." He bent in to kiss her deeply as the flow of blood began to slacken, he could feel it running down between her legs, running across his cock and along it to his own body surging and slacking with the slowing rythem of her heart It felt hot and sticky and good. "I fucking love you." he cooed again as he broke the kiss, a thin stream of saliva connecting his lips to the womans. He held that pose for a few moment more in that dark alley before pulling back, letting the the woman fall to the ground and his cock spring free.

He stood for a moment, panting and admiring his handywork, the way that now she had fallen the womans head had tilted back showing just how deep the razor had gone, a few inches longer and she would have been decapitated.

"Why did you keep watching?" He asked after several moments.
hey! i would really like to do this. if you did want to play a femboy dom, i'd like to play an intimidating sub! like looks pretty mean, but soft at heart. what do you say?
hey! i would really like to do this. if you did want to play a femboy dom, i'd like to play an intimidating sub! like looks pretty mean, but soft at heart. what do you say?
oh wait its mxf-
Hi there, if you're still looking for a partner I really like the plot that you laid out at the end of your post. I will say that although I do write multiple paragraphs when I RP, I might not be able to match the length that you post, at least not all the time. In the beginning for sure, but as the rp goes on it can be hard to post a lot of length every time. I will say that I am consistent and if I'm enjoying the RP a lot I will post several times a day if not more. Anyway, if you're still looking then I kind of have a character in my head already!
I... wow. That writing sample was... fuckin WOW. That intimidated the shit outta me like damn that was GORGEOUS to read! I'm dumbfounded, dude. Hella skill, I am not worthy. Wow.
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