MxM Free's MxM Request! [Craving Werewolf Poly Plots!] - Updated 7/1

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MxM Free's MxM Request! [Craving Werewolf Poly Plots!] - Updated 7/1

∞ Free ∞

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Well, hi there folks!

Thread Updated: July 1st, 2024

  • Craving some sort of werewolf poly mxm roleplay. Preferably with the omegaverse trope. :) *****
  • Looking for partner(s) to play alphas and/or betas as well as seme/seke characters. :)
  • Open to world building
  • Multi-character rp
  • Leaning towards a modern setting but definitely open to others! :D
  • My Little Bloodsucker - My Little Bloodsucker- lycan x vampire, yandere seme, drama, angst, multi-character [opt.], poly [opt.], world-building. ***
  • Random Ideas/Other
  • My Little Bloodsucker - My Little Bloodsucker- lycan x vampire, yandere seme, drama, angst, multi-character [opt.], poly [opt.], world-building. - Posted 6/22 ***
  • Random Ideas/Other
  • The Heart of the Wild - Omegaverse, poly, multi-character, modern setting, world-building, mpreg optional, ****
  • ABO/Shifter-Centered Plots
  • Island's Embrace - mafia, supernatural [opt.], drama, age difference. **
  • Interested in possibly a small 3-4 people MxM poly roleplay. Preferably something supernatural or fantasy, but would be open to slice-of-life storylines! ***
  • Looking for partners who'd play seke/switch characters.
  • Open to world-building
  • Open to multi-characters
  • Poly relationship between characters—the main characters all end up with each other. :)
  • Roleplay would take place on-site, but Discord is optional for OOC chat!


Before we delve into the nitty-gritty fun stuff like plots, pairings, and such, here is a little introduction/about me.

I have been writing for over a decade, and roleplaying for probably just under that! I've had a few "dry" periods, but I always seem to get back on the horse! I love writing with a partner! :)
I prefer playing as the uke/bottom, but not necessarily a submissive character. I love mixing up the personalities and playing a wide variety of characters, I just like most of the time that MC is on the receiving end when it comes to the bedroom. ;) I also occasionally have played seke/switch characters and wouldn't mind exploring that avenue more as well!
  • MxM pairings
  • Multiple paragraphs - I usually write between 2-6 but depending on the type of rp as well as my motivation I have gotten up 10+! I'd prefer it if my partner is around the same [2-6+].
  • Third person perspective only. First or second POV isn't my forte, so please stick with third POV! :)
  • I love starting the rp so unless you'd specifically like to I am more than willing to kick things off!
  • I'd prefer to keep the actual roleplay on-site.
  • I do have a Discord for OOC chatter so just ask if you'd prefer that!
  • I am also open to using Google Docs for keeping world-building notes. :)
  • Multiple character roleplays. Yes! 100% I ADORE multi-character rp's. They just bring the rp to life and make it feel more in-depth. I've played anywhere between 2 characters to 6 right from the start and I am very flexible with this! So if you are interested in a multi-character rp, just ask at any point!
  • Polyamorous characters
  • Omegaverse
  • Supernatural/Fantasy/Modern/Historical settings
  • OOC chat! I love conversing with my partners. Whether it's about the rp/characters or just chatting, feel free to message me about anything!
My F-List!
  • Non-romantic & non-smut roleplays. Sorry I like them too much to go without! ;)
  • Vore
  • Toilet stuff
  • Furries/Anthros
  • Main character death [unless discussed otherwise]
    I will update this list as well.
  • I am ghost friendly! Life happens, I get it! I'd love it if you'd let me know, even if it is just losing interest in the rp, I will completely understand! It happens to everyone. <3
  • I'm very flexible with characters, ideas/plots, kinks, etc. so please don't hesitate to ask if you are unsure of something! The worst I can say is no and this of course, goes the same for you!
  • Most importantly, have fun and I look forward to writing!
  • I'm always open to writing multiple stories/roleplays with the same partner so feel free to message me if you see another plot that suits your fancy! Or suggest your own, I am always open! :)


* [asterisk]Favorite storyline - the more asterisk the more I want to do this storyline. :) [1 being interested but not a lot to 5 my top favorite plots]
ABOAlpha, Beta, Omega
MCMy character
PMPrivate Message
YCYour character
WIPWork in progress


*Feel free to suggest your own pairings and/or storylines if you don't see any that suit your fancy! The worst I can say is no thanks. :) *

Roles in parentheses is the role I'd play. If it does not have parentheses I don't mind either role.
These pairings can be combined with others!

CRAVING: Stalkers x stalker** - basically MC would be stalking YC's, who little does my character know, has already been watching and obsessing over MC even more than he was over them. I'm thinking dark/angsty, "I'll let the whole world burn for you" sort of vibe from all our characters. ;)
  • Can be combined with other pairings.
  • Prefer it to be a poly/harem/multi-character rp, but it doesn't have to be!
  • Can include supernatural and/or an omegaverse setting if you'd like.
  • Can take place in any sort of time period/setting you'd like.
Body Swapped!-
  • MC has an unfortunate string of bad luck… And somehow he winds up dead! Fortunate enough for him, it appears his luck has turned around, as he is then placed into the body of another young man who died that same day and has a second chance at living as another person. Yet things get increasingly more and more complicated when YC shows. YC is hauntingly familiar, but MC can't seem to quite place it… As for YC, well, YC is an obsessive psycho who's latest fixation just happens to be on MC… Or at least, the body of the man who MC had taken over…. YC quickly begins to suspect something is off with MC as he tries to get closer to his slippery prey… He had been so close to capturing him before, why did all of his progress seem completely undone in a matter of hours? Something wasn't right… And YC was going to get to the bottom of it.
    • So I'm thinking MC and YC know each other. I like the childhood friend trope so perhaps MC was YC's first "obsession." But when MC had to move away, YC was unable to reach MC and had to move on, though he never forgot about MC.
    • This can be combined with various different pairings below too!
    • This can be supernatural or be apart of an omegaverse or just regular slice of life! I'm open to ideas!
Omegaverse [I'd be playing the omega - this can be combined with any pairing pretty much****
Polyamorous rp - multiple characters all in a romantic relationship with one another, this can be combined with any pairing!****
Master x [kemonomimi]***
Yandere Stalker x [ their obsession]**
Vampire king/lord x [Blood slave]
Pirate x [Merman]
Pirate Captain x [Stowaway prince]
God/Deity x Worshipper
Obsessed fan x [Celebrity]***
Bodyguard x [Celebrity]
Band members x [band member] - would be a poly rp.
Esper x [Guide]***
Mafia Boss x [assassin]
Werewolf alpha x [werewolf omega]
Werewolf alpha x [feline shifter omega]
Professor x student
Superhero x supervillain
Fae king x [changling/fae believe that they were human]
Kidnapper x [kidnapped]
Angel x Demon
Guardian Angel x [Ward]
Dragon shifter x rider***

  • Zombie apocalypse***
    • Would love to do something based on the manhwa "Dead Man's Switch" where YC/the seme and MC/the uke are trapped in a college overrun by zombies. Every time MC dies, it seems as if the world "resets" and YC is the only one who is conscious about the "resetting," and has lived through multiple iterations of the apocalypse, each one after the next resulting in MC's death somehow, unable to save MC. YC has grown obsessed/attached to MC at some point, even if MC never remembers him after each "reset." The world has recently experienced another fresh timeloop, and MC has once again forgotten YC, but for some reason he's been experiencing these strange dreams involving YC… YC has grown progressively more agitated and obsessed with getting MC to remember, but also protecting the clueless man at all costs. Will they finally be able to survive together, and retain the memories shared?
  • Wild west themed omegaverse- **
    • Poly rp/multiple characters.
    • MC's [the ukes/omegas] have been hiding in plain sight, as it is rather rough being an omega in a town run by alphas and betas. So they have disguised/masked their scents with beta pheromones and no one has been any wiser. Unfortunately, one of them is discovered by poachers who make money off capturing unregistered omegas and selling them to auction, and the rest of the small pack ends up being discovered as well. They are sent to the auction quickly, but before they are sold to a rich alpha, they manage to escape, killing one of the beta guards and going on the run. They escape on horseback and begin a treacherous journey out west where they heard of a secret omega safe haven previously, but have never had the nerve to explore yet. Now on the run from not just the poachers, but the law for killing a beta as well. Well, a night later, their campsite is overtaken by a small band of cowboy alphas [your characters]. MC's have still taken to disguising themselves as beta's, but the alphas seem to still take a keen interest in them. YC's suggest that they travel together for safety, and MC's, unable to really get them to leave, end up with new companions.
    • I'm thinking the YC's/alpha's know that MC's are in fact, omega's [perhaps they are fated mates and the alphas realize this right away], but not wanting to scare MC's, pretend like they believe they really are beta's for awhile.
    • They can be shifters if you'd like, or just humans with an ABO dynamic.

Random Ideas/Other:
1. Love Jinx yaoi manhwa inspired rp!

Where you play as the obsessive seme who lost touch with his obsession—MC—after high school. YC had a chance encounter with MC (saved him from a bully, or something else), when they were both were young, MC. A couple years older than YC.

YC comes from an influential background, while MC comes from quite the opposite. Our characters are complete opposites, yin and Yang, yet both of them can't deny the irresistible pull they have toward one another… And YC can't get MC off his mind, never. Not even when, after the two are caught kissing when they were a little older by YC's father… Not even when MC seemingly vanished after that, tormented by YC's father into abandoning YC without so much as a word.

Well, now years have passed. YC is all grown up, no longer a mischievous little boy, but a full-blown, undiagnosed psycho who has yet to completely let go of MC. MC on the other hand, has also had it quite rough. Moving from one terrible relationship to the next, he was never able to forget YC, no matter how much the tricky little bastard got under his skin and seemed to know him better than MC knew himself.

Not only that, but a pesky little "jinx" had been following MC's live life around. Any time MC kissed someone, something terrible always seemed to befall them, whether it was days or even months later… They were always met with some terrible fate. So MC naturally believed it had to be a jinx… A curse, for abandoning YC like he did.

Well, thankfully… or not so thankfully for MC, he has a chance to make it up to YC! As their two worlds collide once more in a passionate, chaotic embrace ensure to implode both their lives… All is fair in love and war, right?

  • This can have supernatural elements if you want or remain slice of life!
  • Perhaps YC could even be in a mafia if we wanted to add something extra that isn't supernatural (or both I don't care!) both these are completely optional!
  • We will both be plotting out more of the world and the characters backstory together as I don't want it to strictly follow the manga but still has a similar outline/feel. :)
  • Also optional—side characters/side romances! This can also be turned into a poly story, but in good with keeping it a one x one as well! Again, I'm super flexible! Just let me know what you do/don't want!

2. Center Stage! -***
I've been really craving poly rp's, where we'd play multiple characters that end up all together. I was thinking maybe of combining it with an omegaverse that focuses on a boy band/idol group consisting of our characters. They've recently skyrocketed into stardom and there have been a lot of fans obsessed with pairing them together. Little does anyone know just how true those pairings might actually be...
  • This is a very rough outline so we will be doing some plotting/building together!!!!
  • I'd be playing the omegas/bottoms and you'd be playing the alphas/tops. I also wouldn't mind including maybe even beta characters in there as well! :)
  • This can include shifters/kemonomimi if you so desire! Or just ABO human characters, I don't mind either. :)

3. A Change of Heart
A simple outline where MC is a feline daemon [neko] who was taken in by a supernatural traveling circus--or perhaps in better terms--enslaved, by a ruthless ringmaster that would force MC to perform night in and night out. Often subjected to much cruel treatment, but unable to escape the ringmaster's harsh hands, due to the magically enchanted collar that kept MC bound to his master. Well, one night, after a particularly brutal encounter with his master, after messing up during his performance, the collar appears to malfunction and MC takes the opportunity to narrowly escape into the night, into the depths of the city. This is where he stumbles across YC in his feline form, YC thinking MC is just a regular, adorable cat, takes the poor thing under his wing and to his home where he cleans him up and tucks him to bed. Bone-tired and perhaps put at ease by YC's calming presence, MC ends up accidentally shifting back into his (almost) human form [complete with cute cat ears and a matching tail]. YC wakes up to find not a sleeping kit, but an adorable young man with very familiar-looking feline appendages! Looks like the cat is really out of the bag...

  • I had a couple of various {optional} ideas for this, and please feel free to suggest your own at any point if you select this idea!
    • YC is actually a supernatural hunter in charge of locating and registering any unregistered daemons [basically a different term for shifters].
      • If we go with this idea, perhaps YC could even be a supernat himself, or a hybrid of some sort. YC can also not be a hunter and be a different type of supernatural.
    • I wouldn't mind trying a wolf daemon/shifter x MC/feline shifter, I think that would be pretty cute with the whole "opposites attract" thing.
    • I don't mind omegaverses and/or mpreg if you would like to include them. MC would be the omega and YC would be preferably an alpha. However, this is 100% optional, an omegaverse/mpreg does not need to be included in this! :)
    • I see this more in a modern time period/setting, but I would also be open to something more historical or even futuristic! Whichever my partner prefers! I'm pretty flexible. :)
    • I love world-building and creating characters so feel free to throw ideas at me whenever! :D

4. Mad Dog--* | TRIGGER WARNING: suicide, death, abuse.
MC was just a 'regular' beta, though despite not having superior strength like an alpha or scent that could bring others to their knees like an omega, MC still had made a name for himself--especially during his former high school years. He would often get into quite a few fights and was a pretty decent fighter, able to hold his own against multiple opponents. MC took it upon himself to be a defender of the weak, usually beating up school bullies and putting them in their place. Students both feared and looked up to MC. YC, being one of those students. After his secondary gender is revealed and he is marked as an Alpha, things quickly become complicated for YC.

YC has always attracted unwanted attention due to his good looks and aura, but the only person he's ever been remotely interested in was someone who didn't really know of his existence--MC. Content with watching and observing MC from afar up until that point, YC admired MC's tenacity and fervor in which he helped people... And then one day, the person who he ended up saving was YC himself.

YC experiences a sudden rut and is attacked by a fellow omega student, unable to ward them off, YC in his weakened state new to his secondary gender, cannot fight back in the moment. MC walks in to see what is happening and steps in, pulling the omega off of YC and immediately rushing YC to the nurse to get him treated. Since then, YC's 'crush' grew into a deep obsession that MC would not become aware of until much later...

High school years passed, and college quickly greeted the two. MC managed to get into a college, barely scraping enough funds together to enroll in classes. Unknown to MC, YC follows him to the same college, despite having better prospects and being accepted into Ivy League colleges, YC cannot seem to leave MC alone, even if he is oblivious to the man's near constant presence, like a faithful shadow, YC would follow MC to the ends of the earth. YC had desperately hoped that MC would present as an omega later, that perhaps that the fates would align for him and MC would simply... Fall into his lap, but either way, YC would not let the other leave his sight, even if MC was "just a beta" in others eyes.

Everything changed one fateful night, however, when MC experiences an untimely death. Struck by an oncoming vehicle while walking one night, all MC remembers is excruitating pain, yet warm, desperate arms holding him, and a strangely familiar voice begging him to stay alive before he tumbled into the oblivion of what he believed to be death... But that was not the end for MC. For on that same night, a full moon, at the stroke of midnight as the fates seemed to align themselves, another man experiences an untimely death.

Character C has had a rough life. Presenting as an omega at a young age had been terrible on both his mind and body. Often abused and mistreated by his peers, especially during his dark, high school years, Character C had known long ago that his life would be one of tragedy and pain. So, after years of suffering one night, Character C finds himself on the ledge of a tall bridge, leaning over the side as rain kisses his cheeks and mingles with his tears, Character C releases his hold on the bridge--and for what feels like the first time in his short, pathetic existence--he feels free, he feels like he's flying.

MC awakes to the unfamiliar beeping of machines, the scent of cleaner, and bright, white-washed walls. His body feels like it has been in a trainwreck and gone through a meat grinder, and his head is fuzzy. Like it was stuffed with cotton balls. He is in a hospital... And somehow, alive? When MC manages to get up from the hospital bed and stumble his way into the bathroom, he comes face to face with an unfamiliar face... His new face. MC's soul somehow had been plucked from the spirit plane and transported into the battered body of Character C! He was alive in spirit and mind... But in an entirely new body. A weaker body, one covered in bruises and old scars... Furthermore, the body of an omega.

YC on the other hand, was too late, unable to 'save' MC, all YC could do was witness as his beloved was torn from him, and then hold him in his arms as the light faded from his eyes. YC, completely devastated at the loss of his true love, a love who he never even got to admit his deep-seated feelings to, fell into a deep depression... And an even deeper rage. YC took care of MC's funeral expenses, and for a few weeks, YC simply existed, barely functioning. He returns to classes, but nothing is the same, nothing feels the same, the world bleak and dull without MC... Until YC witnesses something miraculous!

One day, witnessing an impressive fight between a couple of betas a vaguely familiar omega, what was shocking wasn't even that the omega was trying to fight the betas, but that he was actually holding his own... With an achingly familiar fighting style, a very familiar glint in the omega's eyes that YC had seen his beloved wear many times when in the heat of a particularly entertaining fight. Could it truly be... Was MC in fact... Alive, now trapped in the body of an omega of all people?
YC was more than determined to find out... He had to know. And this time, he wouldn't allow MC to slip through his fingertips, this time, he'd make his presence known.


  • I have a few other ideas for this story that can be included though not required, feel free to suggest your own!
    • I was thinking YC could probably come from a rich/wealthy background, it would probably cause some further drama later on with our character's background differences!
    • Characters C [the character who MC's spirit gets transported into later], was actually a student at the same high school that YC/MC attended. Perhaps YC even had some background with Character C? Not sure exactly what just yet but I definitely wanted to make Character C somewhat familiar!
    • This is an omegaverse story, but this doesn't include shifters or mpreg.
      • Will have rut cycles and heat cycles though.
    • I would be open to tweaking this into a simpler body-swapped story if the ABO is a no-go, but I would love to include it! :)
    • Though the characters have backstory during high school, they will be COLLEGE age throughout the core of the rp! :)
    • We will be doing some brainstorming and possible world-building if need be. :)
    • I was thinking that YC would perhaps suggest helping MC with his heat cycles, lol, trying to get closer to him. As MC has only ever known being a beta.
    • Feel free to suggest any of your ideas! :)

5. Island's Embrace--*** | Based off the manhwa '2020' by Ryuha.
MC has always been the "odd person out," never quite fitting in. He was held back multiple years in high school due to missing too much school, all because of his father's habitual gambling and getting in big with the loan sharks. MC has had to work hard to try and scrape even two pennies to rub together, thus resulting in his inclination to skip school. Now finally having barely graduated, things have only gotten worse. Forget about college, the loan sharks are still after both their asses now! Unable to "protect" his son any longer by playing him off as a minor, MC's father finally did the only good thing he's ever done in his pathetic life--send MC packing somewhere far away.

Now you must be thinking, where exactly could MC be sent that they wouldn't be able to track him? How about a remote island that only one ferry visits every other week or so? It is there that MC meets the first relatives of his father's that he's ever seen in his entire, short, miserable life. Apparently, he has an uncle that his father never deigned to mention! But that isn't the only thing that's "strange." His father had always been rather picky about MC going nowhere near the ocean, now he was shipping him off to some podunk island smack-dab in the middle of the sea? HUH. MC never claimed to know his deadbeat father very well, but it had been near-religiously hammered into him to never entire the salty water. So much so that MC has never even learned how to swim! This was going to be one hell of a staycation!

It only becomes even weirder when MC finally arrives, with meager belongings in hand, and is greeted by his supposed "uncle" who seemed to appear out of thin air. Uncle isn't alone either, flanked by two other companions, each one more handsome than the next. Was there something in the water around here or was it just MC hallucinating from sun exposure? They welcome him with open arms and quite a bit of curiosity, and MC slowly begins to settle into his new "normal" on the quaint, secluded island that is practically cut off from the rest of civilization. It was a beautiful, tropical paradise... Yet MC felt there was something not quite right there, to say the least. Something was damn fishy and it wasn't just the food either.

His new "uncle" and his companions are quick to warn him against interacting with one of the neighbors, in fact they nearly downright forbid him from seeing them. Something about the neighbors being "no good thieving bastards" or whatever. Either way, it seemed wise to steer clear, so that's what MC did... Or at least tried to do.

When evening, MC was out and about exploring the small island when Fate decided to run its course. Finding a short cliff that acted as a nice look-out over the sparkling, cerulean sea below him, MC lounged about and relaxed, believing to be by himself. Another thing his father had banned him from doing? Singing. Which was even stranger perhaps than forbidding him from going into the ocean. Not to mention MC knew that he had quite the singing voice... In fact, he'd even say it was enchanting. And so for a while up on that lonely cliff, MC sang softly to himself, his lilting voice carrying through the wind, straight to none other than YC's keen ears. The voice... It did something to YC. A man who was notorious for being cold as ice and could "dispatch" someone without even blinking, it was a part of his job as the leader of his own ragtag gang. Yet, as he found himself on his stroll that fateful night, the haunting melodious voice filling something in his soul he never thought could be touched, YC could only bask in the moment. He needed to know just who had left such a profound bright mark on his blackened heart... And ensure no other would take them from him.


  • So I left this storyline a little bit vague so we could do some plotting together! Basically, I'm thinking that MC is some sort siren/merfolk or supernatural. His father [who may or may not actually be related to him lol], knew what MC was and has tried to keep him from being discovered, thus ensuring he never goes near the ocean/doesn't sing, etc. However, because of his various debts things start to turn for the worst!.
    • I'm leaning towards the "uncle" and his companions also possibly being sirens or merfolk themselves. Maybe MC's father even stole MC or perhaps was given MC to protect him from within their society and now years later ends up back in their care.
  • YC is a leader of a small mafia currently stationed on the secluded island. I'm leaving it up to you to decide whether or not you want YC to be simply a regular human or perhaps of supernatural origin yourself.
  • More worldbuilding and plotting will definitely be needed for this rp! We can also rework it if needed if you'd prefer to perhaps remove the supernatural stuff, I'm flexible either way!
    • Can also be converted to an omegaverse as well!

6. Dead Man Walking -**
MC has been one of the many reapers existing between the earthly plane and the land of the undead for many, many years. So many that he's probably lost count. This so called "life" is boring... But he still does his job. Then one day, in barges YC. It was supposed to be a regular reaping, MC was supposed to pluck YC's soul like a ripe apple... But something just... Wouldn't let him. That 'something' was YC. His soul was one stubborn son-of-a-bitch... And for some reason, YC could see MC's true form as if YC was parting the ghostly Veil himself! One encounter with the intriguing reaper was all it took for YC to become obsessed. Hook. Line. Sinker. His life had grown boring too, it was time for something groundbreaking... Life altering. Even if that meant getting himself into various life-or-death situations, as long as he could get his little reaper to reappear and save him!

Now whose hunting who?

  • More will be plotted out! :)
  • Can take place in any time period. I was leaning more towards modern, but honestly, I think it could be changed to whenever! :)

7. My Little Bloodsucker- ***
In this world where vampires rule and lycans are seen as pets, MC is an ancient vampire who has never followed along with the High Council's beliefs on other supernaturals—especially shifters. In secret for many years, MC has been saving and freeing enslaved Lycan's, finding them safe places to live happy, content lives away from any cruel hands of most bloodsuckers. He keeps to himself, however, not letting anyone get too close to him to ensure he can protect those who he saves.

Years ago, YC, a young Lycan pup who was captured by vampire slavers, is saved by MC. Breaking into the warehouse in which YC and other poor Lycan children were kept to be sold in the dead of night, MC frees them, and finds them somewhere safe to stay. However, YC refuses to leave MC and MC lets him stick around for longer than he usually does. However, something happens which forces YC to flee the vampire's home, and they are separated.

Now years later, YC is all grown up himself, no longer the scared boy he once was and now a powerful alpha werewolf with his own pack behind him, he has been in search for MC... The beautiful vampire who had risked his life and freedom to save him and the others... For YC had discovered only later when he was old enough to understand his feelings, that MC was in fact, YC's true mate. His other half of his soul. And he'd be damned if he lost MC all over again.

But things have vastly changed not just for YC, but for MC as well. He had been discovered harboring Lycan children, protecting them from enslavement, and was captured by vampire Enforcers. For a long time MC also became acquainted with being in a cage, until he finally found an opportunity to escape and took it. Since then, MC has never been the same. Not only that, but he has not been able to feed on blood properly, every time he hunted the animal's blood tasted foul and rancid, though MC did not know why.

It wasn't until YC showed up, now all grown up, that things began to click into place... And it terrified MC all the more. They were connected now, in more ways than one, and YC wouldn't let anything come between them, even if it meant igniting a war between the lycans and vampires once and for all.


  • I have a few ideas for this storyline, and I tried to make it somewhat vague so we could do some tweaking and world-building!
  • I was thinking that perhaps MC/My character was actually a hybrid half vampire half lycan, however, he has been suppressing his lycan side and so he only presents as a vampire for the most part. That is until, YC realized he had in imprinted to MC, and that they were in fact, true mates--something that only Lycans can do with their own kind.
  • This can be an omegaverse if you want, however, it isn't necessary!
  • I am also open to this being a poly roleplay, where we both play multiple characters who end up in a relationship with each other. It would be fun to write the other members of YC's little pack, and possibly other vampires who MC has befriended along the way! Again, however, this is also NOT REQUIRED! Completely optional and up to my partner! :)


I love shifter-focused roleplays, so here are a few different plot points focused around shifters and omegaverses:


1. Under a Painted Sky [based on the mxf book by the same name]-**
The MC's/omega's have been masquerading themselves as beta's for a few years now, living on the outskirts of a town and trying to avoid being captured by the law/some sort of organization that keeps track of omega's and ensures they are immediately paired off with alpha's to continue breeding.

One day MC's are discovered by poacher's/hunters who capture rogue omega's and sell them to underground auctions. They manage to escape confinement, but end up in an even more dire situation when they accidentally kill one of the captors [maybe someone with power who is secretly apart of the auctions operations thus having more consequences and pull to their death].

The omega's end up on the run, torn from the comfortable life just living peacefully in the woods on the outskirts of town, and now have to face the impossible stretch of the untameable "wild west." It is then, at the beginning of their journey that they meet a band of alpha's and/or betas.

I was thinking that the alpha's/betas would be cowboy's or perhaps rogues or even outlaws themselves who have been living rough but know how to handle themselves out in the wildlands. They end up saving the struggling omega's and despite MC's hiding their pheromones and continuing to don their disguises as beta's to keep a low profile when traveling, I was thinking that the alpha's discover that they are in fact, omega's right away.

Perhaps they see some sort of marking/brand that the omega's received when in confinement. The alpha's however, not wanting to scare them away, pretend to fall for the omega's ruse, and treat them like beta's, while also protecting them. We could include the fated mates aspect if you'd like [not required], and the alpha's are quite smitten with the feisty, intriguing omegas, wondering why exactly the omega's are all by their lonesome, and MC's are equally enamored by the ragtag group of alpha's.


  • This will be a multi-character plot, and preferably a poly/harem rp. Where all of our characters end up with one another.
  • There will be dark themes/drama/angst. Topics include slavey/enslavement, black market auctions, etc. Please let me know right away what you are/aren't comfortable with!
  • If we decide to include mpreg [it is optional], MC's would not become pregnant until far later in the roleplay, and it will be more mentioned as apart of the lore of the world than anything else at the beginning/middle as I'd like to save it for later when we've really established their relationships with one another!
  • This does not have to be historically accurate, in fact I'd prefer to start from scratch and build our own world, theming it around the wild west and coming up with our own lore! :D

2. Wildhearts-***
It began at the lab. Bane Corporation has always been on top when it comes to the research of alpha and omega relations. They studied them incessantly, and so when decades ago, when the omega birth population began to decrease dramatically, it was no surprise when Bane Corp. became the lead in trying to tackle the issues of infertility and the rapid decline in the lycan population. There was no way around it… Lycans were going to become extinct… And beta's, basically regular, everyday humans, would become the norm.

Not wanting to give up, Bane Corp. resorted to some… Unsavory tactics. Lycan experimentation. And thus, the "Ten" were created. It took many, many terrible trials and failures to get their perfected "receipe" down, but it happened. They had their own brand of super soldier, both for alphas and omegas. Not given names, only numbers, these ten test subjects were the pride and joy of the most well-guarded, top-secret Bane Corp Lab in the entire world. They were priceless, they were going to save the world. And they were enslaved.

These ten test subjects were not only the perfect specimen of their classification among alphas and omegas, but they also each had their own unique supernatural "abilties." Powers that were an unforeseen consequence of the many horrible tests and experimentations conducted on the young progeny. Each subjects abilities ranging and differing greatly from one another.
For many long, arduous and torturous years, they were confined to the white-washed walls of the Lab. Trapped within their cells, the only comfort they had were each other. They all grew incredibly close, and as they began to develop the spark of something other, an intensifying, lingering attraction began to bloom. Yet time and time again, they were told that they were all "promised" to others, that they would be the ones to create the "new generation of lycans." The ten were to be sold to the highest bidder to whichever packs could pay for them. They could then be used as they pleased.
Terrified of being torn apart from one another, they began to plot their escape. The Ten had already tried on various occasions to escape their prison that was the Lab, but had failed each time… But now, with time gnawing at their heels to escape being split up, they were all more determined than ever. Months later, and they were finally able to act on their plan, and for once, after years of mistreatment, abuse, and terror… They had finally made it out.
But not all of them.

Torn away from his companions, his true mates, Seven [MC1], had been separated from the others. Wounded badly but still able to trudge along, he barely made it out with his life. The others, not able to locate their missing piece and having no other choice, had to move on or risk re-capture.

Years later, and Seven, the isolated subject cut off from his true pack, had been taken in by another pack. This one far harsher and crueler, and he was all by himself. He did not have his family, and for the first time in his life he was truly alone. So for the next couple of years he suffered in a new sort of prison, and not able to think about his true mates without excruciating pain, in an effort to protect his psyche, his mind simply forced a sort of amnesia on Seven. Causing him to block out all of the memories of his childhood growing up in the Lab, which included all of his mates as well. They ceased to exist in his mind.

Now in his mid-twenties, Seven managed to escape the harsh pack who had taken him in, and was now on the run from the enforcers from an organization simply known as the "Reclamation Agency." A syndicate that documented and kept track of all omegas, and ensured that they were "paired" [mated] with the appropriate partner to ensure the continuation of the Lycan species. With the nooses of his old pack and the Reclamation Agency both hot on his trail, Seven was running out of places to hide… It was then that he ran into them.
Five achingly familiar faces… Yet Seven could not put his finger on it why he felt such a strong pull to them. They were alphas, and if Seven knew anything over the past couple years of his terrible life, was that alphas could not be trusted.

Little did Seven know that the five were some of the missing pieces he had forced himself to forgot all those years ago… His true pack had finally found him again, and he had no idea.
The nine others who had managed to escape together that day had been raught with guilt and pain at not being able to find their last missing piece. Yet they had not given up hope that perhaps one day, they would find him again… And as luck would have it, they would.

Over the next couple of years, they had built a new home for themselves. Deep within a secluded woods, tucked away from most bustling cityscapes to avoid prying eyes. They had made their own little paradise, but it wasn't enough. The alpha's needed to do more, they needed to find Seven, or at least, help others like Seven… The other few remaining undocumented omega's who were being snatched up off the streets and forced into pairings sanctioned by the government. If they couldn't find Seven, then they could at least others in need.
It took awhile for them to become comfortable with their own freedom, and even longer to be comfortable in their own bodies, now not under the thumb of the Lab and their abusive staff. Their unique abilties also allowed them to be able to do things that others could not, aiding them in rescuing countless omegas and whisking them off to loving, stable packs that were deemed "unworthy" by the Agency, yet who would protect them with all of their might.

This continued for many years, until finally that fateful day where the five would run into Seven, their missing mate they had been searching for since they were ripped away. After having heard chatter of yet another runaway omega in the area, they swiftly went to retrieve them… Only to discover it was in fact, Seven.
He had come home… But, he had no idea he even was home. The devastating truth was that, Seven could not remember any of them… But that wouldn't deter the pack from trying to bring Sev back to them, no matter how long it took.


  • I was thinking for this at the beginning, one of the other omegas would follow the alphas on their mission, sneaking aboard and Seven would find him. Thinking that he was another omega running from YC's [the five alphas], Seven tries to "save" him, only to realize that they are in fact together. The other omega also realizes that MC1 [Sev] is in fact their missing packmate all those years ago and everything blows up! Yay for more future world-building!
  • For characters, I'd be playing the omegas and you'd be playing the alphas. There can be other secondary/side characters as well. :)
  • IMPORTANT NOTE! We do not have to play five characters each, I chose ten because I liked the number, haha. I was thinking anywhere between 3-5 characters EACH to start out as. So whatever is most comfortable for you.
  • For relationships, I was thinking it would be more of a polyamorous rp. Where the relationships are kind of intertwined. Like all of the alphas share all of the omegas and viceversa. I also kind of like the idea of the omegas having relationships with one another too, but whether or not you want romantic interactions between your own characters is purely up to you.
    • We can also have "set" pairings as well between alphas and omegas, where perhaps they still share each others company, but also have a "core" pairing as well. Let me know if you have any questions about this! :)
  • For the abilities I'm pretty open to anything. For example, I was thinking Seven's abilities could be some sort of supernatural strength [as strong as, if not stronger than some alphas] and maybe some sort of energy shield type thing. I was also thinking that there could be no more than maybe 2, or possibly 3 abilities as long as one power is significantly weaker than the other two, just so that nobody is too OP.
  • Feel free to suggest anything! We will more than likely be doing some heavy worldbuilding so I'm all ears! :D

3. Remembered Embers-****
I have a simple outline for a cutesy storyline. Basically, YC(your character) and MC(my character), use to be together. MC is a shifter, a wolf shifter to be exact, but years ago YC found MC on the streets in his animal form appearing as an abandoned little puppy—or at least that's what YC thought he was. It was only until the next morning when the young male shifted into his human form while he was sleeping that YC discovered he was also a human male. From there on the two were inseparable. Years passed, and the two realized they had an even stronger connection than just simply being "best friends..." They loved each other, and their romance blossomed into something more magical than they ever thought possible.

But it wouldn't last. For one night while YC was working late, someone--a supernatural hunter--had broken into YC's apartment with the intent on capturing/harming MC. MC quickly ran in the middle of the night in the pouring rain, shifting and moving as fast as he could... When true tragedy came... MC was hit by a car when running across the road, all went black... And everything changed.

The hunter left, thinking the shifter was dead, but MC wasn't dead... When he woke up, he realized he had dragged himself away off the road and into a patch of trees and then promptly passed out, only to wake up a day later... And MC couldn't remember anything. Couldn't remember how he had gotten there, why he was hurt... He couldn't even remember YC.

YC was hysterical, coming home to an empty, trashed house. There had been blood on the floor, a window smashed, things strewn about... And MC was missing... YC's once seemingly perfect life was now plunged into chaos... And it was only the beginning.

A year had passed and many things had changed. MC still remained clueless about his previous life, though a hazy face would sometimes pop up in his dreams and haunt him. Those dreams seeming almost like memories but always out of reach. MC had been hunkering down in a forest, living wild and staying away from humans. YC on the other hand, had also gone through quite the change... In order to get the answers he sought desperately, he joined up with the hunter Syndicate, pretending to want to be a recruit. YC rose in the ranks quickly only after a few months, desperate for his answers... And to find out if MC was possibly still alive... Little did YC know, he would get those answers soon enough, but in the least expected way.

For YC's first assignment was to bring in a shifter that had been sighted in a forest miles away. The moment YC laid eyes on the painfully familiar, beautiful wolf... He knew... He had finally found him.

Only for his pure joy to come crashing down around him... MC still had not recovered his memories. Will YC be able to help MC discover what he has lost? Will the pair even be able to stay together after everything? Especially now with the Syndicate back on MC's tail?

  • This can possibly include multiple characters if you'd like to play more hunters and I could play a small pack of wolves. Or we can just keep it as one pairing.
  • More world-building can/will be discussed through PM's if you decide on this story. :)

4. On Wings of Ruin-***
MC's life had never been easy, always having to look over your shoulder from a young age. In a world where being normal is required to stay free and alive, MC did not have that sort of luxury. Alpha's, beta's, and omega's. There was once a time where the Lycan population out number the regular/beta's, when they were seen as the apex predators, that the alphas were seen as gods among men, and the omega's were their calming, balancing counterparts to ground them. Now, there were maybe only a couple thousand alphas… And barely a fraction of omegas.

Alpha's, as the strongest and most powerful of them all, they were at the top of the food chain. However, to balance them, they needed their other half—an omega. You see, while alpha's were able to shift, it was not from birth like omegas could, but once an omega imprinted/bonded to an alpha was their "dormant" wolf accessible. It was seen as a way to balance their immense abilities by omegas who were the only ones who could seemingly ground an alpha. Due to this, omegas were highly sought after, cherished, until their already low numbers began to dwindle dramatically.

MC is one of the last remaining omegas in existence, but that is not all he is. He was created specially for some rich alpha heir, by a shadowy organization at a top secret location he simply called the "Lab." He was.,, Designed. He wasn't just a wolf, they had made him something other… A Pterolycus, a "winged wolf."

After spending most of his tortured childhood in captivity, MC had finally escaped one day, running to the lush, wild forests to hide from his tormentors, when one day he stumbled across YC being chased through the woods by vile beta hunters. Hellbent on capturing a rare alpha child, YC had become someone else's prey, much like MC. Unable to leave YC behind, MC steps in to save the younger child, still remaining in his wolf, MC helps YC escape the hunters grasp, and thus began their relationship.

YC did not realize until far later that MC was anything other than a rather "special" wolf, not seeing that MC was in fact, a shifter like himself, and not wanting to fully reveal himself, MC remained in his animal form whenever he visited YC. They met in secret in the woods often, nearly daily, as MC took to living out in the wild to evade capture from the Lab. YC had his own family and pack life, but managed to escape from time to time to keep the interesting wolf company.

Then one night, everything changed. YC wandered into the clearing in which they would normally meet to find it in ruin. Blood splattered everywhere, grass gouged from the earth, something terrible had happened there… And MC never returned, leaving YC heartbroken… But determined to find his best friend who saved him long ago.

Years passed, MC had narrowly escaped with his life that time in the clearing, the Lab having been notified of his presence, and he had to flee YC without so much as a goodbye. Now living hunkered down in the city to try and blend in with the regular everyday betas, MC lived rough on the streets. Sleeping in trees, on park benches, or sometimes even in his wolf form in dark alleys. Yet he never forgot YC and would think of the young, sweet child often and hope he was alright.

Then, once again, MC is discovered by the Lab and wounded nearly fatally. He barely makes his escape, dragging himself away and following a strangely familiar scent to what appears to be an abandoned home in a lonely neighborhood outside of the city. It is then, that their fate collides together once more, as YC returns to his old home from a business trip, only to find his home had been broken into… By none other than MC.

  • Omega's often will have physical animal characteristics in their human forms as well, like the ears, tail, or even both of their wolves. [MC will have the ears and wings of his winged wolf form]
  • I was thinking that perhaps YC actually voluntarily joined the hunter organization [the company is comprised of predominantly betas but have been known to [force] contracts on alphas]. YC joined to try and uncover any information about his friend/MC from all those long years ago, only when he reached his teenage years did he realize that the "wolf" was most likely in fact, an omega… HIS omega.
  • This can be a multi-character role play if you want. We could have it where it's not just YC, but a small pack of alphas who are perhaps his friends. Or just this one core pairing and possible side characters later on!
  • There will be some world-building and further plotting to this so feel free to suggest anything!

4. The Heart of the Wild- CRAVING****
Basically, what I was thinking was another plot where our characters are lycans/wolf shifters. They were ripped from their mothers and experimented on, and transformed into something... Other. The lab, a top secret facility, had uncovered ancient lycan remains and wanted to create their own kind of "super soldier." Many of their test subjects had resulted in failure, horrifically mutilated beings that would simply die days later... But finally, finally, they had succeeded at creating something spectacular. Not only that but multiple successful test subjects! YC's--designated as "alpha's--" the strongest of the test subjects. While MC's the "omega's" were the most grounded, they calmed the alpha's, tethering their wild nature.

Now that they had successful subjects, the real testing began. For years, YC's and MC's were just numbers to the staff of the lab. Poked, prodded, tested, and experimented on. They all longed to see the outside... Their wolves craved it. They craved the wilderness.

So, after years passed in captivity and under brutal treatment, their family, their little pack, finally found an opportunity to break free when they were being transported to a more secure facility.

Leaving one nightmarish world behind for something both terrifying as it was exciting. Freedom. YC's and MC's had never truly had it until then... And now they were on the run, with very little knowledge about the real world. It was only until the small pack ran into two human men and end up biting them that things shift. Now with two extra companions by their sides, they have more than any of them ever bargained for... But perhaps, maybe, just maybe, they could make this work? While the pack had very little knowledge of the world outside the white-washed walls of the lab, they knew a lot about being something other than just 'human...' About being wolf. While the two humans they accidentally changed knew quite a bit about the human world and very little about being other. Could they all perhaps, come together and find safety, security, freedom, and family within one another? All while trying to escape the clutches of those who wish to break them...

Only time will tell.


  • This will be a multi-character, poly roleplay. Meaning our characters will end up with one another.
  • I'm thinking the two humans could perhaps both be beta's? Of course, if you prefer it, your (once) human character can also be an alpha!
  • I was also thinking we'd probably at least play between 3-4 characters from the start. More can always be added later on!
  • World-building will definitely be a big part of this plot, but it will take place in a modern setting. :)
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