MxF Fun with Bruce

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MxF Fun with Bruce


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Today 12:22 PM

Who are you, how long have you been writing and what kind of things do you like to write?

Hello everyone! Bruce here! Glad to be back after taking a break away. Needed to really center myself these last few months. I am a male looking for a female partner looking to write some of the darker, nastier things in life. The things people would cringe and shame others for. But that's not all. Slice of life. Romance. Sci-fi. Fantasy. Modern. All of those and more. If you have a world and characters you wish to use, a plot you would like to write about, I am here for it, if it catches my eye that is.

How long do your replies tend to be and what is your writing schedule like?

Typically I can write about 500 words to 2000 words per post with my posts being every day, multiple times a day depending on what happens in life

What is your tolerance level for gore? Violence?

Love it, bring it on. The more the better.

Do you write sexual content? If so, what are your kinks? Limits?

Yes. Kinks and limits will be disclosed between myself and those interested with a PM

Do you write any fandoms? (Please bear in mind that any characters under 18 and any high school settings must be aged up)

No fandoms at this time

Do you have any pairing or setting ideas?

Kidnapper x Victim
Brother x Sister
Mom x Son
Father x Daughter
Uncle x Niece
Aunt x Nephew
Drug dealer x druggie
Boss x worker
Crime boss x Crime boss wife / Person from past
Best Friends
Friends sibling x Love interest
Care giver x patient
Soldiers fighting in a war
Survivors at the end of things
Royal x Servant
( MORE ) Ask and we can make a pairing together!!

Do you have any detailed plots prepared?

No. I prefer to make worlds with people as we write and plot together.

Do you have any characters you want to write? (Our character forum is here if you want a dedicated thread)

No. I prefer to make worlds with people as we write and plot together.

Any additional notes you want to add?

I am pretty open to most stories and pairings people would like to write about, don't be shy if you have a craving!
Hello, I would like to discuss some of the pairings with you, however, I don't see the option to message you. Please hit me up so we can discuss! Hope to hear from you!
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