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MxF Furry Bound Pirates (Harem)


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This is a Furry RP, with three fixed furry models for US to play!

1 Male X 3 Anthro Females.

The models are locked in in place, and I am looking for someone to play the Vixen,
and help control the two others, unless you feel you can handle all three anthros alone.

This RP has Adventure, Romance, Erotica & Bondage


Avast! It be time for our furry wenches to sail the high seas in search of booty--and I don't just mean gold 'n jewels!

Sorry for the warning there, but I felt it was right to make you aware of what I am looking for. I totally get not many, if anyone at all, would be interested in the RP here. It is very specific, but I really want to get this one a go. So if any players out there wish to take this on, you have my undying respect. For those who decide this is not for you, I totally get it. For me, I felt it was worth a chance to put out there. :)

So this RP will be about three lovely furry pirates and their perverted captain, and the adventures they have!

The girls are Scarlett the fox, Lupe the Wolf, and Alex the Lioness.

Of course you can change their names, but those three are the ones I want you to play. I can take care of everybody else. MC, their rivals, and other characters that will make this world come to life around them. I would love to brainstorm some adventures, but I have some in mind already.

I like to think that they are pirates, but they are pirates with some honor. They don't kill innocent people, or attack civilians. They steal from other pirates and corrupt officials.

I would love to brainstorm some more on this idea. Below you can see the basic set up the for the plot, how the three girls met MC and managed to mutiny against their last captain. We can either play that scenario out, or start from after the event.


So this take place in an anthro semi fantasy world. It is like all the classic pirate fantasy with exotic islands, blue sea, buried treasure, sea monsters, mermaids, and adventure just over the horizon! The sea is as always dangerous to travel, one might never know what you encounter out there. Be it a storms, monsters, or pirates.

And in these vast seas, there is a fast and beautiful ship known as the Queen's Ransom. It is said it can outrun any ship, even sail cirkles around it, if the rumors are true. What is more fantastical, the ship is rumored to be able to sail on its own, only crewed by three lovely ladies, and their captain. Now this is where your three ladies come in. Please meet the crew, of the Queen's Ransom!


From left to right, we have Navigator Lupe, First Mate Scarlett, and of course Quartermaster Alex.

Now the one on the farthest right is Captain Mercy, their current captain. Mercy is her name, but don't let the name fool you. She is anything but merciful. She is greedy and self centered. Sadly, she is also Scarlett's sister, but that does not gain her, or her two friends, any special favors. Mercy is cunning though, but she isn't what anyone would call a good captain. In fact, the only reason she is captain is because she has control over the Queen's Ransom.

It follows her every whim, and she is drunk with the power it gives her. No one knows where Mercy got the ship from, Scarlett has never been able to get her to tell her, but there is something strange about it. To Mercy, her sister and her two friends are there to serve her, and she readily punishes the girls by tying them up, and leaving them on display for her amusement.

The girls would like nothing more to give their captain a taste of her own medicine, but mutiny on this ship is impossible...

At least so they thought, because one day their luck seems change. One day when they cast off from a harbor and sailed to open sea, Alex and Scarlett finds a male who snuck onboard! He fights them, but the quick thinking of Alex and Scarlett has the stranger disarmed and brought to Mercy. Now they fully expect Mercy to be amused and cocky as usual that someone dared to sneak onto HER ship, but to their surprise, Mercy is angry, and nervous?

MC yells at her, calling her thief, but before he can yell much more, Mercy orders MC gagged, clapped in iron, and put in the brick, where NO ONE is to go see him, or remove his gag.

Of course your characters does as she asks, but they suspect Mercy knows more than she is telling. When they asks her about it she just brushes them off, and threatens to leave them bound and gagged to the mast until dawn if they do not forget it, so they let it drop, for now.

Scarlett seeing a chance here, sneaks down to the brick when Mercy is sleeping, or drunk in her cabin. She removes MC's gag and asks who he is, and how he knows Mercy! To her shock she learns the Queen's Ransom is actually HIS ship, and Mercy stole it from him when he finished building her. Apparently Mercy acquired some artefacts for him that helped him create the ship, but once it was done she tricked him and left with his ship!

Scarlett wants to know the secret to controlling the ship, but MC won't tell her. So instead they make a deal, if Scarlett and her friends free him, and help take back his ship, he will give them all the treasure there is on the ship. Since he knows how to control the ship, they actually have a chance to turn the tables on Mercy!

There is just one minor snag. Scarlett will need to do something lewd with him first...

Now of course Scarlett asks why, even though she wants to punch this pervert! However he explains the ship gains its power from lewd actions taken onboard the ship. It explains why Mercy had them put on erotic displays around the ship, as she needs her crew to submit to her. MC explains he just need Scarlett to do something lewd with him, like an erotic kiss, let him suckle her tits, or give him a handjob, something! He needs an in, as the ship already wants to have him be its captain, but he needs an in before he can begin to gain control!

Reluctantly, Scarlett does it...

The plan is set, but the next day Scarlett finds her sister has grown more paranoid! She tries take full control, and punish the girls, but this time Scarlett fights back, much to Mercy's shock! The ship comes to the defense of the captain, but just like planned, and with no little effort, MC manages to take back his position as master of the ship!

Scarlett's friends are freed, and now it is time to get rid of their former captain! A swim back to some island should do trick nicely.

Pirate_03-min.jpg Pirate_04-min.jpg

With Captain Mercy gone, and the ship back under MC's control, there seems to be nothing else to do but finish their deal. As agreed the girls can take all the treasure, and they can leave when they find a port. Buuut, MC does suggest they stay with him, as his crew.

Although it will mean the girls will need to do some do some lewd services to their new captain... On the other hand, if they leave, sure they have some treasure to spend, but they will never be able to sail on the Queen's Ransom again, there is no other ship like her. If they go, they could get a new ship, sure, but they would need a bigger crew, and so share their booty with even more! This is a chance of a lifetime, and as the ship sails to port, all three girls decide to take a chance, and agree to be MC's new crew.

The Queen's Ransom changes course towards the horizon, and onto many new adventures!

Many dangers lurk ahead, and they will need to get to know their new captain. But together, they can overcome anything!

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