MxM Gallus' General Search

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MxM Gallus' General Search


Gallus domesticus
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Today 7:08 PM
Who are you, how long have you been writing and what kind of things do you like to write?
  • I'm Gallus, 20 year old college student, he/they/she.
  • I started writing when I was 12, but stopped writing regularly when I hit 14. Ever since then, I've had an on-off relationship with roleplaying.
  • I tend to enjoy writing action, drama, and slow slow burn.

How long do your replies tend to be and what is your writing schedule like?
  • My replies depend largely on how many characters I'm writing for, how much I'm into the roleplay, and how long my partner's replies are. On average, I write 2-3 paragraphs.
  • My writing schedule is abysmal. I struggle a lot with ADHD, time management, and forgetfulness. Often times, I may have time to write, but lack the energy to write. Or I may have the energy to write, but simply no time. I wish to be transparent about my scheduling issues so that there are no false expectations on either end.
  • Responses tend to come once a week (fast) or may take several weeks (slow). Response times may vary, but rarely do I ever respond the day of.

What is your tolerance level for gore? Violence?
  • Love gore. Love violence. The more detailed and gratuitous, the better. Doesn't need to be realistic, just needs to be properly dramatic and graphic.
  • Cannibalism is fun!

Do you write sexual content? If so, what are your kinks? Limits?
  • I've never written smut before. Consider me a virgin in all aspects, really. I find smut a little awkward? Mostly because I'm not confident in my ability to write it. It's definitely not my main focus for roleplaying, but if that's something you really want to facilitate, then I'm open to discussion.
  • Sexual tension and repressed pining is great fun to me! But I'm not experienced with explicit writing involving the anatomy. Again, I'm willing to try though.
  • Discuss kinks and limits with me as they come up.

Do you write any fandoms? (Please bear in mind that any characters under 18 and any high school settings must be aged up)
  • All the nostalgic fandoms I enjoy involve teen adventures (Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Mahou Shojos, etc). Not sure if that's going to work on this site.
  • I've played a tiny bit of Baldur's Gate 3? I have a very limited knowledge of Faerun and the plot, I'm afraid.
  • Also loved Genshin Impact, but stopped playing around the end of Inazuma's arc, so....

Do you have any pairing or setting ideas?
  • I don't know why, but I'm not a huge fan of female pairings. I prefer MxM, MxNB, or NBxNB. Not opposed to female pairings if that's what you really want though.
  • I prefer opposites attract pairings, like Optimist x Pessimist, Professional x Rascal, Sun x Moon, etc etc. I'm honestly flexible though, so long as the dynamic has room for conflict.
  • I love fictional settings! I'm not well versed in a good chunk of them (some less than others), but I'd love to explore high/low fantasy, cyberpunk, steampunk, urban fantasy, fairy tales, scifi of the Cowboy Bebop variety, and superhero settings.
  • I'm not a huge fan of slice of life type plots and settings though.

Do you have any detailed plots prepared?
  • Not really? I have some ideas bouncing around but nothing is fully formed.
  • Mostly looking for short term plots!

Do you have any characters you want to write? (Our character forum is here if you want a dedicated thread)
  • I tend to play grumpy male characters, smiley jokester male characters, or naive male characters. I also play NB characters of the same types. I do not often play female characters.
  • I don't do canon characters, sorry! Not a huge fan of Canon x Canon, nor OC x Canon.

Any additional notes you want to add?
  • Ghosting and hiatus friendly. You don't even have to give me a heads up. I am low maintenance and very chill, promise. If there are any issues, I'll be sure to communicate.
  • I'm like a vampire when it comes to social interactions- I sometimes need to be expressly prompted/invited into OOC conversation, or else I'll remain largely quiet and out of the way. It's the neurodivergence doing its thing.

HEY THERE, I'm Gallus. I'd recommend reading the information in the Request Thread Template dropdown, since it has more stuff about me and my roleplaying style.

Without further ado, these are my plot bunnies:​
  1. Bounty Hunters: In a world where magical creatures and humans are common, but magical abilities are rare, Rogue Mages run rampant. As such, Mage Hunters arose to meet demands, chasing down Rogue Mages for a price. Some are freelance hunters, others are signed with companies. Person A and Person B are both Mage Hunters chasing down the same dangerous target.
  2. Coroner's Report: A small town, a string of grisly murders, and an overworked mortician. Doubling as the coroner, Person A has had to examine and prepare each and very body that finds their way to their funeral home. One day, a total Jean Doe turns up. No townsperson can identify the victim, no thanks to the extensive damage to the body. That night, Person A gets a ghostly visitor. Amnesiac, disoriented, and freshly dead, Person B's ghost must help Person A solve the mystery- before it's too late.
  3. Starships: Here for a good time, not a long time. I have little to no plot idea for this, I just really wanted to play a space cowboy character. Maybe Person A and Person B are racing starships, someone crashes, then it becomes a "and they were roommates" situation for a bit until they get help? Or maybe it's space private investigator pursuing space phantom thief (a la Penumbra Podcast). I'm mostly seeing this play out as a romance plot, ngl.
This is all I've got so far. Feel free to PM me or reply to this post if you're interested. I'm also open to new ideas and greatly appreciate collaboration.

Thank you!​
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