Character(s) ♥ Girls, Girls, Girls! ♥

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Character(s) ♥ Girls, Girls, Girls! ♥


Persuasive Little Brat
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If you are interested in any of these characters whose status reads "available" please let me know or check out my request thread for more information on a particular pairing or plot.
Charmeine or Charm


Time Period/Setting:
Present day - Somewhere in the Northern hemisphere

Race: Angel

Age: Unspecified, but probably very old

Facial Features:
- delicate nose
- soft pouty rose coloured lips
- soft pink flush at the apples of her cheeks

- able to shift between a soft, pale shade of rose and an almost liquid silver

- long, cascading white blonde hair
- certain light can make the strands seem to almost shimmer

Height/Stature: 5'5

- slim, slender waist giving way to shapely hips
- supple and round behind
- extremely good posture

Described As:
- ethereal, stunning, celestial
- sensuous, divine
- graceful
- a voice like wood chimes

- can be hesitant or timid
- can be easy to influence
- sometimes yielding
- polite, courteous
- cautious

Special Abilities: (after the loss of her wings)
- Surrounded by a soft white glow, which is invisible to humans. Instead, her features seem ethereal or angelic
- Exquisitely graceful

- Influence living things to feel a sense of peace, calm or tranquillity. If these powers are used with thoughts that have been tainted the influence seems to become similar to several glasses of wine; ridding those within range of inhibitions and heightening their confidence.
- Immortal
- Great natural physical resiliency to injury
- Ability to heal oneself
- Sense other angelic/demonic or supernatural beings

Charmiene is an angel, specifically the angel of harmony. During her life in Heaven, she tried her best to remain saintly, she was always eager to please the archangels. Although the angels were hesitant to trust her with more crucial tasks they finally entrusted her with a significant assignment. She was to go to Europe and locate one of the banished. The fallen were angels who had been cast from Heaven and the that banished were those that had left or betrayed Heaven. He had been tempting and influencing locals across the continent. Finding him wasn't the most troublesome as he did left a trails of sinful proceedings in his wake. She arrived in the forests of Ukraine at a time when the very first warm breath of spring has just started to crack away at winter's frosty grip. However, when she finally closed in on the banished he had played on her warm and forgiving heart, knowing that his fate would more than likely end with his death if she returned him to Heaven. She showed him mercy allowing him to escape towards the mountains of Russia.

She returned to Heaven and told the archangels that in the heat of fighting the banished angel she had killed him. At first, the angels believed her but that wouldn't last long. Word of a sighting of the banished angel in Russia quickly spread amongst the angels and it wasn't long before angelic beings disguised as humans began pursuing him across the country.

It was quickly decided that Charmiene did not have the strength of will to remain an angel of the Lord and she was cast down to Earth, sentenced to serve the rest of her time with humans. The fall had been horrible, with no warning she was suddenly tumbling over and over through the clouds. Abruptly the clouds misty fog gave way to just sky. She could see Earth's green mass hurtling towards her. The fall had felt like forever but finally, she had made contact with the ground. Despite losing her wings she still had the same resiliency to injuries and so she picked herself up, dusted herself off and glanced around her surroundings. She had landed in a large empty field, the ground around her landing spot looked as though a meteorite had hit. The last time she had been on Earth hunting the demon she had left feeling somehow dirtier than when she had arrived only days before, she couldn't imagine how she would start to feel after a couple months or even years spent trapped here.

She began to think over her current situation; she had been stripped of her wings and there for the powers related to being an angelic guard. She was left with her much subtler, natural powers which seemed feeble in comparison. She was now standing somewhere on a planet she wasn't terribly familiar with. A small glimmer of hope seemed to appear at the back of her mind. She knew she would have to do something drastic for the archangels to even allow her an audience with God again but maybe if she did something unbelievable enough they wouldn't be able to turn her away. She had heard of the banished returning in times of old and regaining their grace and their wings. Maybe, just maybe, if she sought out one of the banished she could reform them and redeem herself in the process. Yes, if she returned with one of the banished who was truly willing to be saved she would have earned back her angelic features. She knew there were many of the banished who now roamed the Earth but she had only come face to face with one. The thought made her shiver softly, wrapping her arms around herself against the chill. Maybe that fall had caused her to become delirious because this plan suddenly seemed like her best chance.

Now all she had to do was find him. Her eyes scanned her surroundings once again before choosing I direction and beginning to walk at a brisk pace. "How do humans get anywhere like this?" She wondered as she set off in search of her way home.
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Camilla Bennet

Storyline: The Highest Bidder

Status: OPEN

Time Period/Setting: Present day

Race: Human

Age: Early 20's

Facial Features:
- her nose is petite and dainty
- her pouty lips are a dark rosy hue

- distinct jade coloured almond-shaped eyes
- lined with thick dark lashes

- rich brown hair that reaches the small of her back

Complexion/Skin Tone:
- smooth, olive toned

Height/Stature: 5'2

Camilla Bennet was two years into her nursing program and she was sick of it. She had very little interest in her studies but she had tried to stick it out, the dutiful daughter she was. However, obligation will never replace dedication and passion and she soon found herself drowning in course material. Eventually she came to the decision that she needed a change of scenery. New experiences in new places. When she was offer the chance to teach English in Italy, it seemed too good to be true but she couldn't refuse.

She had moved into an apartment on the top floor of an older style, stone building. She shared the not so roomy apartment with a girl named Valeria. She had met her not long after getting to Italy and they had struck a friendship. Valeria wasn't originally from Italy either, she had moved from France to study art and Camilla enjoyed having another outsider to connect with. Despite their bond Valeria was really more of a party girl than Camilla. She was endlessly trying to convince her to join her at the local nightclubs.

"Oh. S'il vous plait just come with us. It will be so much fun." Valeria would simper from the doorway of Camilla's bedroom. Her long, pale blonde hair was a stark contrast to the red dress that tightly hugged her slender frame.

Camilla laughed it off most nights but somehow, on this particular Saturday night, Valeria had gotten her wish. Bright lights flashed across the dance floor of moving bodies as they danced. She enjoyed the feeling of following the beat rhythmically. The air was hot and the place was packed and soon she could feel a light sheen of sweat beginning to form on her skin.

"I'm going to step outside for some air." Camilla tried to tell Valeria as she fanned herself but it was clear the girl could barely hear her over the thumping of the music.

"Outside!" Camilla tried a last ditch effort to be heard. This time, thankfully, Valeria understood and nodded back.

Camilla had started to make her way outside but soon her footsteps had become stumbling. She found herself grabbing onto the wall of the club only feet from the door. Her legs felt weak in her heels. She just had to make it out the door, the cool breeze would help calm her.

The doors of the club burst open as Camilla finally managed to get herself into the open air. The way it chilled her skin helped to sooth her but she could tell something was wrong. There had to have been something in her liquor. There was no way she was this intoxicated, she could only remember having one drink.

Leaving with her friends earlier she had expected a night of laughter, tequila and blurry memories but after becoming separated from the rest of her party she had become easy pickings. By the time she had ordered her first drink they had marked her but it was those four and half minutes alone that were so crucial. By the time she had decided to start down the hallway that lead outside two intimidating figures were already trailing her, unnoticed.

It was then that Camilla's memory became rather hazy. What she did know is that she was now kneeling in a cold metal cage. Her hands were handcuffed behind her back and her eyes had been blindfolded with a dark, thick material. The room smelt of a cleaning agent. She listened intently, originally she had thought she was alone but she realized quickly she could hear others. Other people around her were beginning to wander out of their own drug induced hazes. As they came too around her she could hear them moving around, the hand cuffs around their wrists making sharp metallic noises. A couple feet away she could hear one young girl begin to cry hysterically.

"Please, somebody help me! Please!" She wailed. "Anybody?" Her last word became a sob that quickly trailed off. What followed the room filled it with a kind of thick silence as understanding came crashing down around them all. The were caged. Trapped.

This is how Camilla was swept into the shadows that shrouded the supernatural's very own black market. They would sell her to the highest bidder, ship her worldwide if they had to. You see creatures of the night will pay a lot for a healthy human toy to play with as they choose.
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Princess Rosaline
Storyline: A Princess' Lesson

Status: IN USE

Race: Human

Age: 20

Facial Features:
- dainty nose
- alluring light pink toned lips
- soft, subtle pink flush at the apples of her cheeks

- round shockingly indigo eyes
- long feathery eyelashes and softly rounded brows

- honey blonde hair

- fair skinned


Described As:
- delicate, dainty, doll-like
- soft, gentle

- stubborn, well mannered
- playful
- passionate, protective

The land on the outer edges of the Kingdom of Fleur is low and flat, dotted with crop fields and pastures being lazily grazed by cattle. As you near the heart of the kingdom the flat fields give way to bushes and shrubbery and soon the thickets shift to thick and sprawling forests. Townsfolk have often made light of how travellers struggle to find their way to the remote town. They say you could wander forever through the forests and never discern the whereabouts of King Charles' Castle if you don't know the way.

A large, grey stone wall and gate surrounded the place and if one was to continue through the gate you would find yourself strolling the winding streets of the humble town of Fleur. The Castle was easily the most impressive building in the entire settlement, nestled directly in the middle of every other structure, towering over them.

Princess Rosaline was the daughter of King Charles and she knew huge portions of the twists and turns below her tower. She was not supposed to know them, she was meant to be hidden away within the castle's thick, stone-block walls. The Princess had tired of reading in the grand libraries of the castle or walking its grounds during the day and always accompanied by several guards. In fact, she had tired of such tedious things and curiosity had firmly rooted itself within her. On a number of occasions, she had attempted to sneak past the guards but was very rarely successful. After so long being cooped up inside the castle the guards began to take pity on her, at first simply allowing her to move about the castle and its grounds at night unhindered. Soon enough though she had learned of a passageway within the castle for guards.

She would wait until her father had retired to his bedchambers for the night before stealing away to one of the lower floors of the castle. From here she could slip through a door and follow the dark tunnel until she reached a set of short stairs lit by two torches. Once she had reached the top of the staircase, she could surface through a trap door located in the basement of a guard's station. If she was careful and quiet enough she could softly pad past the guards who were often distracted in a conversation or else napping. On the nights when she had managed to emerged from this small outpost onto the streets of Fleur she found herself awash with relief. The freedom was enchanting.

The cool night air hit her face, the hip length strands of her naturally white blonde hair caught in the wind at the edge of her dark hood. The feeling of blending in was indescribably wonderful.

As she watched the townsfolk far below her bedroom window busily dart about, she remembered how nice it had felt not to be Princess Rosaline but simply to be. She was always being told how to dress, who to talk to and how to talk, how to act and always about her duties. Yes, the duty she had to her people and the importance of reigning over them as Queen one day. She could never be part of the world she would one day rule, only in secret, cloaked under the shadows of the night was she able to walk amongst them.
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Olivia Evelyn Green
Storyline: Status: IN USE

Time Period/Setting:
Present Day - North America

Married Name: Olivia Evelyn Englesberg

Race: Human

Age: 28

Facial Features:
- rose coloured lips
- dimples
- almond-shaped green eyes with flecks of grey


- mahogany, shoulder length hair


- bronzed skin from being in the sun
- a light sprinkle of freckles across her nose


- petite up top
- having an amply round butt and curvy hips

- organized, intelligent
- warm, kind, courteous, polite
- loyal
- playful, stubborn

Growing up in such a tight-knit community made your business everyone's business, at least they seemed to think so. Actual news was often in short supply since anything of note rarely happened in the St. Augustine. With a lack of local news and a tendency to know most members of the town, gossip more often than not travelled twice as fast as than in other cities.

Small towns insured you would almost certainly bump into someone you knew, either as a patron or an employee at either of the two grocery stores. The only movie theatre was small, slightly run down and regularly packed, not exactly an ideal first date setting. For some, this sort of life was an idyllic and neighbourly one. For other's, it instilled a fundamental need for excitement, risk or possibly just multiple shopping malls.

Olivia had lived on a street called Maple Way, in St. Augustine since she had been born at the hospital a city over. Maple Way had been lined with surprisingly similar looking houses with immaculately kept lawns. She had grown up in the same house until she was nineteen. She had gone to the same elementary school and high school that everyone else in her town had and played soccer at the local rec-centre as a child. She had done everything exactly the same as everyone else, followed in the footsteps of everyone before her in that cookie cutter town. The only thing she had ever really done differently was befriended someone when she was young. Simon had been her best friend as a child, while the other kids had made him an outsider from a young age because of his dad's career as the town's only mortician. Olivia didn't care what the other children had thought, she truly believed that Simon would always be her best friend. He had been there for her through moments no one else had. When her parents had spent nights arguing, his house had been her refuge. When she had finally gotten the news that her parents would be divorcing he was the only person she actually wanted to talk to about it. Simon understood her in ways no one else ever had.

After her parents divorced her father had moved a couple of cities away for a job opportunity and a fresh start. It had been local 'news' for a while but within a couple weeks everyone had found new gossip to share with one another during their children's soccer practices and at PTA meetings. So, as it does life moved on and the inhabitants of St. Augustine went to back to their particular idea of normalcy.

Olivia went onto to go to high school. She made the cheer team and did well in the majority of her classes. At first, she had simply had less time for Simon, it hadn't really been her fault. Social obligations pulled them in opposite directions. Soon though he began to fade into the background of her life, she should have known walking with a band of cheerleaders would certainly have kept him at a distance. He'd always voiced his disdain for their lack of original thoughts. It had only gotten worse as she became entangled in the same social circle as Ben Englesberg. An abrasive, compulsive temperamental football player. He was the interest of most of the girls at Olivia's high school and she wasn't any different. She let her idea of what her life was supposed to look like (make the cheerleading squad, date a football player, marry your school sweetheart, white picket fence, two kids, a dog, etc.) become more important than truth about the type of person she wanted to be with and worse, the type of person she wanted to be. The last straw had been a painful experience, for both Simon and Olivia. It had been a couple months into Olivia and Ben's relationship when he had picked on Simon particularly horribly. this time in front of Olivia.

She had been faced with a choice. To choose her best friend and the type of person she wanted to be or to choose Ben and what people expected of her. As people often do when they are young, Olivia crumbled under the pressure, slink away quickly. Whether she chose Simon or not, it would have been too much to sit there and watch. This was something Olivia would think about often with deep regret.

A couple of months after her nineteenth birthday she had moved away with Ben to another larger city in the hopes of finding their happily ever after. It had been nine years since she had moved away from her small hometown and since she had studied at the University, before finding a job as a registered nurse at one of the two local hospitals. Ben had proposed on their ninth anniversary, yes had said yes. They'd both made their own naive decisions in the hopes of mending their irreparable relationship. The proposal hadn't been intimate or meaningful as most proposals are, it had merely been obligatory. The entire affair had felt a bit like they were doing a routine for their friends and family. Obviously, it did not cure their relationship of its critical issues and distance only continued to grow between them Rapidly they became roommates instead of lovers, no longer feeling an interest in one another's lives or one another.

Olivia, out of obligation continued to try and preserve their outside appearance, remaining faithful while Ben found other women to spend his time with behind Olivia's back. The expectations she had had for her marriage were completely shattered and she felt neglected and trapped.
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Status: OPEN

Time Period/Setting:
British Isles - 800 AD (or CE) to 1066


Icy blue eyes

Dark ringlets




Growing up on the shores of the British Isles hadn't been an easy childhood for Marie. Her father had made his livelihood the only way he knew how. He'd followed in the footsteps of his forefathers becoming a blacksmith by trade. Her mother, who had never been well, had always been a kind and caring woman but she had been taken years earlier by a famine that had wiped out half of the townsfolk. She had been very young when they had buried her mother and she tried not to think of it often, despite the continued mentions of how similar in appearance they were. People swore the way her almost icy blue eyes created a stark contrast to the dark ringlets that framed her face reminded them of her mother.

In her village they weren't considered poor but they certainly weren't well off either. She had recently started working at the bakery up the road. When the older man who ran the bakery had insisted that only his family would work in his shop, her father had had to offer a trade of two sets of horse shoes for the position. There wasn't a farrier in the small town and the weathered blacksmith often charged extra for them but they needed the money and he refused to let his daughter become a barmaid. After striking such an offer the baker had accepted. Despite any notions that he hadn't wanted the young girl to work for them, he and his wife took kindly to both the girl and her help.
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Seraphina Devereux
Storyline: Untitled

Status: IN USE


Age: 20 - 22

Facial Features:
  • dainty nose
  • alluring light pink toned lips

  • innocent, round icy blue eyes
  • long feathery eyelashes and softly rounded brows

long dark brown hair

fair skinned

Stature/Height: 5'3
  • stubborn, well mannered
  • playful
  • passionate, protective

Seraphina Devereux is a Princess and the only child born to the King and Queen. Much of her life had been similar to that of the nobility that had come before her. She was taught literacy and numeracy and educated in the arts, dance and music. She often spent time amongst the royal court and was all too aware of her responsibilities as a Princess.
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