collides with your greeting
Well hey there hope you are finding your way around ok.. hopefully you will forgive my intrusion.
I know there's alot to filter through
So I offer you these to make it a little easier.
READ the rules. There really isn't that many to make it worth skipping them for an 60 seconds of time .As there a couple there, that differ to alot of other sites and they sometimes trip ppl up.
Have a little look through the Requests thread,. to see what ppl expect to find in a RT
Then go wild making your own. Remember its just as important to say what you , do NOT WANT , as waxing lyrical about your passions.
When searching for partner , take the time to search at least 3 pages deep on the Requests thread because the bump rate keeps things moving with a quickness.
Last of all HAVE FUN and enjoy, this is THE most important thing to remember.
Oh and maybe come and visit the bunch of miscreants that reside in chat....they are a very welcoming lot.
I look forward to seeing you out adventuring.
Disappears into the void