Closed GOT *inspired* original setting - Specific Plot Craving

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Closed GOT *inspired* original setting - Specific Plot Craving


The Wolf
Inner Sanctum Nobility
Local time
Today 6:39 PM
Pacific Time Zone

Hello and welcome to my thread! I'm KaiGreen - feel free to call me Kai!

I am a female who has been roleplaying and writing for 17 years. I am a descriptive, detailed writer who likes to collaborate with my partner to create elaborate plots and fascinating characters. I love to world-build - to an extent - with a preference for having the bare-bones of a world, its rules and framework sorted out somewhat and then flesh out the rest in the roleplay itself, adding on as the story progresses and scenes call for it. I like to write stories with depth that focus on character interaction and growth. I like action, adventure, plot twists, angst, drama and the like in my story-telling, too, but thrive on solid character scenes with emotional connectedness.

I tend to write longer posts - 700-3000 words depending on the story, my muse and what the scene is. I know that can be intimidating to some, but please know that I don't expect your post to match mine. I write in third person.

I am on PST (Pacific Standard Time) and, unless specifically stated, I can usually reply every day, often more than once in a day. I do own three large dogs, I have family, work, and life obligations, so my free time is valuable to me as are my stories. I work two jobs, but I try to get to replies after work on the days that I can. If I am going to be absent for more than two days, I will let you know. Chances are I will drop in OOC chat every day just to keep you updated and say hi.

I enjoy OOC chat! I feel it helps to strengthen the partnership of writing and provides opportunities for easy communication if something comes up, needs to be changed or an idea sparks. Familiarity breeds comfort and I like to be comfortable talking to my partners. :)


- I am looking for an active partner. I would like someone who is going to be online fairly regularly - would love someone who could post daily or at least 3-4 times a week. Life happens, I totally get that, but please know your limitations as a partner and if you can commit to a new roleplay.

- Please try to have correct spelling, grammar, capitalization, and punctuation. I don't expect perfection, but I do expect to be able to read your posts and understand them. Also, please space your paragraphs as it is hard to read a massive string of words without any break-lines.

- Please be willing to take the time to describe your character's feelings, thoughts, reactions, and observations. In-depth thoughts and reactions create three-dimensional characters that are a delight to read.

- Please try to give me at least 4-6 paragraphs. If you can't match me, that's fine, but I need something to work with.

- I am looking for someone who is comfortable playing NPCs and/or comfortable with sharing NPCs when needed.

- Please be willing to communicate if something comes up, especially in a permanent sense - you've lost interest in the roleplay, you need a break, you don't like something within the story, etc. I understand that not all stories go the distance and people drift away for various reasons. I would simply like to be made aware that things have changed on your end of things. I will give you the courtesy of doing the same.


I love storytelling and smut always has to be balanced out with story, but, that being said, I do love my smut and like to write smut-heavy stories. You may consider this your fair warning. My ratio is about 60/40 when it comes to plot/smut and I am looking for someone who is going to be fine with that.

I do not fade to black. I like descriptive without being overly raunchy. I do not like to rush through sex scenes and the foreplay is just as important as the sex itself.

I can play dominant and submissive roles when it comes to sexual scenes, but for this story, my main character is going to be a submissive and I am looking for a dominant character to compliment that.


This is my F-List if you're interested in looking at it. It's a fairly comprehensive look at what I like and dislike, and if there are any questions, please feel free to ask them. I do not mind explaining my preferences and limits and I encourage my partner to disclose theirs as well.


Please note that while I will be using Game of Thrones inspired themes, the world itself would not be Game of Thrones and could be adapted, added on to and further developed with a partner.

The Bones of the Plot:

I want to play a Prince who was lost at sea as a child (around 4 years) and raised as a slave/courtesan - he does not know he's a Prince. I would like him to be rescued by your character - YC would have been sent by the Prince's brother, the current King, to bring the Prince back home. MC and YC fall in love on the journey.

Their first meeting would be at the pleasure house MC is being kept at - I would like it to be pretty much instant attraction on both their parts (maybe with a soulmate element thrown in?) and moral gray areas are breached and muddled when they are intimate - MC is still a slave, YC paid for the time with him while on a mission to rescue him. And there is a connection between them. A bit of drama right from the get-go.

Eventually finding out he's a Prince, MC is taken back to his family (in a roundabout way with plenty happening between rescue and reunion)...only for the brother that is currently ruling to die (likely murdered) and suddenly this prince whose never ruled before is the next in line to the throne.... OR he suddenly finds himself a pawn in a very dangerous political game because he's brought a power (something believed to have become extinct or dormant) back to the Royal Family and many want to use that to their advantage.

YC would be thrown into the politics and dangers of this high-born world and could either be familiar with it or not. He would rise in station, gaining power as MC did and the two would be in love but likely not able to show it (same-sex attraction is frowned upon and maybe YC isn't of high enough birth or status to be the equal of a Prince).

The stakes would be high, the pacing of the roleplay would be somewhat fast and smut levels would be on the heavier side. General plotting, the direction of the roleplay would all be up for discussion so long as the heart of the main plot is kept to. YC would be yours to do with as you please with only 3 stipulations which I will list below.


- My character - lost Prince, 19-24ish, submissive, has a twin sister and an older brother, intelligent, wary of people, compassionate and eager to learn. Doesn't give his trust easily, but when he does, he's devoted

- Your character - Only 3 non-negotiable stipulations: must be male, not an asshole, and dominant. I would prefer he be from a noble house (even a bastard), but that is not required --- whether he's an heir to a noble house, a sword for hire, a criminal, an only child, his looks, talents, any powers, history and the like is all up to you

All right, that's it! Thank you for taking the time to read and if this plot caught your interest, please contact me! Here on the thread or PM, I will check both.

Happy Hunting!

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