MxF Graves Craves

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MxF Graves Craves


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Southern USA
I'm Grave. I'm 27. And I'm always looking for new scenes.

Post Length:
Wordy when inspired, infinitely long posts are not a requirement for my enjoyment but I'd say my focus starts at around 500 words. I want to be challenged, I want to be immersed, and I want the story to feel special for both of us. I do feel this is more likely in ten paragraphs then in two. I enjoy stories that create such a level of relation to the characters that you're right there feeling with them. Contrary to some, I enjoy mirroring and many little conversations going on at once as long as both of us are pushing the story forward and taking turns carrying the weight of it.

OOC communication:
I'm okay with minimal interaction, however appreciating the other's writing and enthusiasm is always appreciated. As a partner, I require little maintenance and believe OOC chatter is an extra. I don't want to make anyone else feel burdened or obligated and don't want to feel burdened or obligated.

Reply times:
It's hard for me to come back to stories after much longer than a month. Sometimes I might rapid-fire, sometimes I might be more infrequent, but even if I seem distant I will return in a month or two. I try to reply in order, sometimes I don't and if I don't it's due to low energy or high inspiration. Most of the time, I try to be considerate of my writing partners feelings. But, in that same regard, I don't expect you to reply out of alignment with your muse or to do anything you don't want to do.

Smut to story ratio:
I get tired of all smut quickly. But I enjoy writing about tension, craving, and longing. I'm not too big on unrequired pairings unless the character is an absolute villain. For epic fantasy, or sci-fi plots, where the emphasis is on the grander scale of the story, I don't mind if romance is very minimal. I'm a switch but I firmly believe in letting characters decide things. Emotional context is important. Some of my characters are subtle and some are crass.

Hard preferences:
1. 5+ paragraphs
2. One post every two weeks.
3. Masculine characters versus feminine characters or masculine females (With me playing a masculine character)
4. Add something new to the end of a post or push forward when it's your turn.
5. I don't want to play a scripted role. If offered an idea, I like to have input and to feel like it's truly a collaborative effort. If you have a tendency to only do what you want to do without wiggle room we are most likely not compatible. I want to create a story that we both enjoy.
6. Please be patient with me, I try not ghost. I'd rather try to talk things out or part amicably. That being said, while my feelings might be hurt temporarily or a little longer, I am ghost friendly. If the writing doesn't click, the characters don't make sense, or a myriad of other factors, I understand. And while I would appreciate being direct and talk about things or try to fix them sometimes it's just better to let the story go.
7. Be cognizant of character bleed and where the IC/OOC line is. Don't make things complicated. I'm here to write.

Craved themes (MC, YC):
Predator X Prey, modern or southern GOTHIC, Master x Slave, modern bonnie and Clyde scenario, twisted dark relationships, fluffy romance epic fantasy/grimdark world (Most of the conflict or darkness external), Horror or NC one shots, Quests (To conquer the world, to save the world, etc.) Obsessed Over x Yandere/Obsessee, summoner x summoned, one shot dark stories.

Current craving: Epic Fantasy

General themes:

Arranged marriages, nobility, taboo, whirlwind romance, manipulation, obsession, jealousy, possessiveness, innocence ruined, corruption, role reversal, wholesome, caring, hurt/comfort, "fixing", petulant dominant, crime spree, drugs, criminals, tattoos, any kind of goth, dystopian, Rome, renaissance, Greece, France, 1910-30, 1950's, 1970-85, modern, cyberpunk, campy, dark but humorous or dark with light, medium burn, NC, narcissists, rescue scenarios, capture to romance, skewed power dynamics, love/hate hot/cold relationships, angst/bickering, vampires, sire, bodyguard, maid, caste society, persecuted species, magic, witchcraft, cults, religious fanaticism, two weirdos, the outsiders, magic/witchcraft, demons, angels, beastly characters, brutes, idiots, addicts, deranged, lunatics, angst.

Liked Media
Things I'd be willing to write in.

Novels: Dresden files, Malazan Book of the Fallen, Wheel of Time, Discworld, Mistborn, Stormlight Archives, The Dark Tower, The First Law, Dune, the first two or three novels of Gor, 1984, A Court of Thorns and Roses, Black Dagger Brotherhood

Shows: Supernatural.

Anime: Dragon Ball, Bleach, Inuyuasha, Parasyte, Demon Slayer,
While I list these for general purposes, I never want to force kinks or dynamics into stories that don't make sense and am glad to take or leave all of them.

General "sir"

Primal play
Rope play
Character giving rules
Praise (Giving and receiving)
Orgasm control
Leaving the characters hanging
Bratty behavior
Plot Bunnies:
His... Or hers

Living a relatively normal life, a human starts to manifest magical powers. Someone comes after them, which inexplicably results in the pursuer's death. They feel drawn to New Orleans, ending up there in one way or another. When they are there, the demon that has granted the family they were unaware of magic for hundreds of years begins to manifest.

Mayfair witches, Anne Rice, southern Gothic.

A well meaning, rather innocent college student is sucked into a life of crime by a degenerate boyfriend. It ends in finding a like for thrill killing, a crime spree, or a combination of the above. This would also work with a brother and sister.

The tides of revolution
A well-meaning idealogue is sucked under the thrall of a manipulative narcissist who sits at the head of a revolutionary movement.

These are vague because I would prefer to worldbuild and really flesh these out with someone.

An ancient demoness is summoned by a naive sorcerer who believes he can harness her power to change the lands. (Switch dynamic.)

An ancient demon is summoned by a naive sorceress who believes she can harness his powers to change the land. (Switch dynamic)

A great plague of evil spreads across the land and a paladin meets a priestess on his way who helps him vanquish the evil.

Roving bands of barbarians terrorize the land, and a princess finds herself kidnapped and at the mercy of one of the leaders.

A young princess is forced to marry a smartass prince. Dark, but not too dark. Magical and dramatic underpinnings.
Writing samples:
Sociopath Prince

Southern Baron

Charming, sociopath prince

Her Champion
Magnus Redd. Daddy kink cocaine addled CEO. Can or can not be a demon intent on world domination. Smooth talking, full of shit.

Oliver Hunt. Boxing aficionado, ex or current criminal, can or can not be an overbearing possessive vampire. Sexy english accent. Master. Blunt and bold. Cold.

Dominic Stullymore. Alcoholic, smartass veteran, with varying levels of brokenness. Crass and guttural. Hot.

Cethin. Brainbroken Elder vampire who wants to make everyone kneel.

Medieval (Too many iterations to narrow down one)

The Prince.

The Wildman/caveman.

The painter/poet

The Innocent

The guard
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